Chapter 138: The Meeting of the Three Tonys

“No.” Nebula shook his head and asked with a puzzled face, “Tony, why did you guys come here?”

Tony in the future breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: “Nebula, you must return to the future immediately, and your consciousness is likely to be shared with you in this time and space.”

Nebula was stunned for a moment, and then realized that such a situation might indeed happen.

And once it happens, the consequences are unimaginable.

Without asking any more questions, Nebula said, “Then I’ll go back first, and I’ll leave it to you here.” After that, he directly activated the time-traveling armor to return to the future.

There was no hesitation because she knew that every time she stayed in this time and space for an extra second, she was more likely to be exposed.

“Tony, Captain, what happened?” Natasha asked.

She has too many questions now, as do Rhodes and Hawkeye on the side.

2018, New York Sanctuary.

Banner, Tony Stark, and Doctor Strange are having a heated argument.

“If Thanos’ purpose is to collect six Infinity Stones and then wipe out half of life in this universe in an unprecedented way, why don’t we destroy this one first?”

Speaking, Tony Stark pointed to the Eye of Agamotto on Doctor Strange’s chest.

“No!” Doctor Strange refused without thinking, “I swore that I would protect the Time Gem with my life.

“Forget it, I’ve vowed to quit dairy, but since ice cream named after me. Tony Stark shrugs, it goes without saying, he’s not eating less.

“Stark is nutty?” Doctor Strange said.

“Not bad,” Tony Stark asked.

Doctor Strange curled his lips and said, “Just listen to it and jam your teeth.”

“I love the sweetness of Hulk’s smile the most.” The fat mage standing beside him suddenly said quietly.

“And this thing?” Banner looked bewildered.

“Bruce, it’s been a while since you left, now Hulk” is a good brand. ‘ said Tony Stark.

Then he looked at Doctor Strange and said, “These are not the points, the point is that the situation will change, can you understand? Doctor~”.

“But our oath to guard the Time Stone will not change.” Doctor Strange insisted: “And it may be our best chance to fight Thanos.”

“Then in turn, it may be the best opportunity for him to deal with us.” Stark tit for tat.

“Yes, if we sit still, we will,” said Doctor Strange.

Tony Stark was a little dissatisfied, and said: “What the hell are you doing? Apart from opening a spark ring? Do you also use balloons to swing animals?”

“Guardian of the real world, you idiot.” Doctor Strange retorted unceremoniously.

“Okay, folks, can we just stop arguing?” Banner wanted to stop Doctor Strange and Tony Stark from arguing.

At this moment, Doctor Strange suddenly looked condensed and said:

“A living being has invaded the earth, and it is extremely powerful.”

The entire earth is under the shroud of the Kama Taj magic circle. When there is any other dimension, or any lifeform that does not belong to this earth appears on the earth, the Supreme Mage will sense it at the first time.

Thanos “?!” Banner asked subconsciously.

Doctor Strange shook his head and said, “No, it’s not Thanos, they’re here, right outside the door!”

As they spoke, Doctor Strange and the Fat Mage were ready to cast their spells at any time.

Tony Stark also pressed the reactor on his chest twice, and the Mark-50 began to dress.

Banner wanted to call Hulk out to help.

But the frightened Hulk who was picked up by Thanos couldn’t even call him dead or alive.

Lu Xiao, Tony, the future Avengers and their group appeared directly in front of No. 177-A Blick Street.

“How do we get in?”

Scott Lang asked.

In the time and space of 2012, they tried their best, but failed to enter the sanctuary.

“Leave it to me.” Lu Xiao said.

Then a spell was cast out: “Hurry up and show up!!

The New York Sanctuary appeared before the crowd.

“It’s that simple?” Scott Lang said, but thinking that Lu Xiao was using magic, he said, “Well, I know, it’s not as simple as it seems.”

Lu Xiao stepped forward and pushed open the door.

Just saw Doctor Strange and Tony Stark waiting.

Doctor Strange was a little bit better, although a little different, but soon returned to normal.

But Tony Stark is full of love.

what’s the situation?

There are actually two of you standing in front of you?

Are you a triplets?

There are two brothers who have been hiding in the dark? It’s too good for your own father and mother to hide.

Lu Xiao stepped forward, first looked at Doctor Strange, then at Tony Stark, and said with a smile: “Hello, Tony Stark on this timeline, nice to meet you.”

Tony Stark regretted it for a while before saying:

“Timeline? That is, are you Avengers from another time?”

Yes Tony, we are from the future.

At this time, the US team stood up.

He opened his mouth and said, “We failed Thanos successfully snapped that finger.”

“Fingers snap?!”

Tony Stark was stunned, at this time he didn’t know what snapped his fingers meant.

But he soon guessed something, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar Captain America in front of him, and asked, “You mean, Thanos, he killed half of the life in the universe?”

Captain America didn’t say anything, just nodded.

Tony Stark took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice:

“Who among us died?”

“T’Challa, Vision, Wanda and Parker,” the captain said.

Tony Stark shuddered and closed his eyes when he heard this, especially when he heard Parker’s name.

They failed, and it looked like they failed miserably.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and asked: “Did you come to this time to stop Thanos? However, even if you (Li Zhaohao) stopped Thanos at this time, your one Time won’t change.”

“So, we are here not only to help you stop Thanos from snapping his fingers, but also to collect six Infinity Stones and get another snap of our time and space.” Tony said in the future.

Tony Stark nodded when he heard this.

Suddenly he thought of something, looked at Tony, then looked at Tony in the future, his face became a little weird, and said: “There is another question, why there will be two me in the future? Could it be that one of you is the future me in the future? ?”

PS: In this chapter, and the next few chapters, there will be three Tonys. In order to avoid the messy reading of the next few chapters, I would like to explain here that Tony Stark, the protagonist involved in the universe, said that the future of the universe Tony Stark used ‘Future Tony’, and the latest Tony Stark was represented by Tony Stark.

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