Although Qin Liangyu and Lan Fang were psychologically prepared, when the rebels suddenly came out from the right wing, their hearts tightened and they urgently ordered the Baigan Army defending the right wing to prepare.

The role of an ambush is not only to catch the enemy off guard, but the most important thing is to demoralize the enemy, boost your own morale, and defeat the enemy in one go.

Now is the time to test the willpower of the coalition forces. If the soldiers cannot hold on and collapse psychologically, the entire army will be defeated. This is why Qin Liangyu, Lan Fang and all the officers are worried.

Hey, it's a scam.

Qin Liangyu held up a monocular to observe, and could clearly see the densely packed rebel troops waving various weapons in their hands, roaring and charging, and the expressions on their faces could be clearly seen.

The morale of the rebels is high, but there are very few young people. I can't see a few. Almost all of them are old people in their fifties and sixties and children in their 12 or 13 years old. There are even some wearing coarse cloth and skirts without any weapons in their hands. woman.

Is this psychological warfare played by Liu Wenxiu?

But knowing that Liu Wenxiu was deceiving, she did not dare to be careless and ordered the white-armed soldiers on the right wing to prepare for battle. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, she even ordered the muzzles to fire on part of the artillery on the right wing.

There is a saying in the art of war. Sometimes, the reality becomes virtual and the virtual becomes real. Once the psychology of the white pole army collapses, the feint attack may turn into an actual attack.

Round after round of explosive bombs fell on the densely charging rebel group, exploding into clouds of fire and billowing smoke, accompanied by broken limbs and broken pieces of mud flying everywhere.

Almost at the same time, two more trumpets sounded from the top of the city, and another rebel army came out of the forest on the left wing of the coalition forces. They were densely packed in a large area and the momentum was extremely scary.

Order the Lu Yiming Battalion to prepare for battle.

Lan Fang looked through the monocular and saw that the rebels coming out from the left wing were just like the rebels coming out from the right wing. They were basically old, weak, sick, disabled, and women, with few young and strong, and she couldn't help but frown.

He felt the same as Qin Liangyu, that Liu Wenxiu was deceiving, but it was true and false. No one could guarantee that the elite of the rebel army would be hidden among the old, weak, sick and disabled, and the sudden killing of the coalition forces would be caught off guard.

He ordered the Guangxi Wolf Barracks in charge of the left wing to prepare for battle, and also ordered the rear camp to be in charge. The Royal Second Regiment, which had not yet discovered the rebel ambush, had stepped up its vigilance. He also ordered the Lu Yiming Battalion, which was at the forefront of the rear camp, to be on guard. Get ready for battle.

Lu Yiming's second battalion has the most combat effectiveness among the second royal regiment. He is optimistic about Lu Yiming, so he puts his battalion at the forefront to shoulder the heavy responsibility of defense.

The muzzles of the cannon were fired at the artillery units on both wings. The shells exploded into clouds of fire and billowing smoke among the densely charging rebel group. They killed and injured many rebels, but they still could not stop the rebels. Crazy attack.

Brothers in the first row, raise your gun and shoot me.

The first battle started on the right wing. The White Army officer in charge of commanding 600 musketeers shouted loudly and gave the order to fire.

The dense gunfire sounded like firecrackers. The rebels at the front screamed and fell down, while those behind continued to charge wildly.

Although the 600 musketeers of the Baigan Army had a training manual given by Zhu Youjie, which detailed the training methods and steps, due to the late formation of the army, there was not enough training time, and their movements were a bit slow and nervous. They only had time to fire four rounds of musketry, which was crazy. The charging rebels had already reached the front of the formation.

The two rows of soldiers with white poles at the front of the square fought bravely with long spears, covering the brothers behind and shooting at the enemy. Coupled with the continuous artillery bombardment, they were able to suppress the crazy attack of the rebels.

The battle on the left wing was much easier. The well-trained Guangxi wolf soldiers, under the command of the officers, methodically used a continuous volley of guns to kill the madly charging rebels in front of the formation.

The grass was covered with corpses and wounded soldiers struggling and howling, and the rebel offensive, whose morale was greatly affected, slowed down.

Three more trumpets were fired from the top of the city, and a dense mass of rebel troops rushed out from directly behind, like a flood with missing embankments, pounced fiercely on the coalition's rear camp.

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