Chapter 209

Outside a secret base on Xuanyue Island, all the senior officials of the Donquixote Pirate Group gathered here to serve as guards.

On the outskirts of Xuanyue Island, Wilgo took the Marine fleet to patrol here.

In a room inside the base, Doflamingo was lying on the operating table, undergoing William Jieyi’s ageless operation.

William Jieyi’s face was calm. From the moment he ate Op-Op Fruit, he knew that this day would come.

However, he did not reject this matter, but rather looked forward to it. Thanks to the brainwashing education of the slave trade base, he feels proud of Doflamingo’s life.

He was very fortunate that he had the opportunity to obtain this glorious mission because of his good medical talent.

The ageless operation began, and William Jieyi began to work meticulously. During the operation, he could clearly feel the loss of his life.

To carry out an ageless operation, the user needs to sacrifice his life!

Doflamingo closed his eyes, accepting William Jieyi’s transformation of his body. He can feel the subtle changes in his body, and the cells in his body are constantly transforming.

I don’t know how long it took, and the movements of William Jieyi’s hands stopped. He stepped back slowly, then sat down on the ground, and gradually lost his breath.

Not old surgery, complete!


Doflamingo opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

Pure gold can almost stagnate the passing of vitality and is a treasure that can make people immortal. At this time, Doflamingo wears a pure gold ring on his hand. He has experienced the effects of pure gold.

He originally thought that the effect of the old-fashioned operation is the same as that of pure gold, and that it locks the vitality of people.

However, after finishing the ageless operation, he realized that he had guessed wrong, and the way that ageless surgery makes people immortal is different from pure gold.

Pure gold can make the vitality stagnate and pass away, while the permanent operation can make the vitality endless!

Whether it is the life span that time takes away, or the life span he consumes to get in touch with the devil’s body, it can be replenished from himself.

[The body has not become stronger, its potential has not increased, and its vitality has not increased. The ageless operation just remembers my vitality at this time, and then replenishes it when it is consumed? 】

Doflamingo checked his physical changes, thoughtfully.

After pondering for a while, Doflamingo suddenly connected with the demon body far away in the Red Line. Relying on the connection between the two sides, he began to burn his life to drive each other.

In a secret room of Red Line, the body of the demon who had lost its vitality suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrible aura filled his body.

The guard guarding near the devil’s body was taken aback, and took two steps back with a look of horror, and the cold sweat couldn’t stop falling.

This kind of power is too terrifying!

Just as the guard was about to call someone, the movement of the devil’s body suddenly stopped, and then returned to its original state.

The guard wiped his cold sweat, glanced at the devil’s body with a look of fear, and ran out quickly.

In the secret room of Xuanyue Island, Doflamingo’s head appeared a few white hairs, and it was gradually turning black at this time.

[Sure enough! The ageless operation made a container for my vitality, and the capacity is the lifespan that I had when I had the ageless operation.

The power of immortality surgery is pouring vitality into this container all the time. However, the capacity of the container is limited.

When the injected vitality exceeds the capacity of the container, the excess vitality will overflow and waste, and will not be used by me.

Moreover, the speed and flow of this vitality are also limited. Once I consume my life too fast and too much, I will still become old.

As for whether you will die…]

Doflamingo thought for a while, feeling a little pity.

If you have endless vitality to consume, then leveling the world is not a matter of minutes?

In front of the devil’s body, the three Ancient Weapons were defeated!

“never mind!”

Doflamingo sighed slightly, with a wicked smile on his face, “If it is so easy to end, wouldn’t it be so sorry for my efforts for so many years? The methods I prepared have not been used yet!

Even if I don’t use the devil’s body, I can still control the world. That’s good, it’s good! ”

Doflamingo stood up and came to William Jieyi. Staring at him twice, Doflamingo shook his head, “It failed!”

Experiments have proved that even if you wear pure gold, you will still be dead if you use the age-old surgery.

Taking the pure gold ring from William Jieyi, Doflamingo stepped out.

He is about to become the king of Dressrosa.

Public opinion has been settled. Ninety percent of Dressrosa residents support him to become the new king. He has completely wiped out the dominance of the Liku clan over Dressrosa.

As for the World government… they will definitely agree!

Seeing Doflamingo safely emerge from the secret base, the officers of the Donquixote Pirate Group were relieved.

Later, they asked a little eagerly: “How is it, did the operation succeed?”

A smile appeared on Doflamingo’s face: “Success, I have gained eternal life!”

Smiles appeared on everyone’s faces, and they were very satisfied with the result.

They held a grand banquet to celebrate the success of the Surgery.

After the banquet, Doflamingo called Celestial Dragons.

Mariejois, Saint Gulemek, who had received the report from the Guardian of the Devil Body, frowned slightly and connected to Doflamingo’s call.

“Doflamingo, are you still alive?”

“Of course, I’m alive and well!”

“Really? It seems that the operation for the old age was successful, it is a miracle! You know this kind of operation, but there is a lot of risk!”

“I am a man chosen by fate, and I won’t fall so easily.”

“Huh! You were once Celestial Dragons, the offspring of twenty kings. To say that you were selected by fate, but it’s nothing wrong!”

“Haha! You can really put gold on the face of Celestial Dragons, Guliemoke Saint!”

“What are you calling me to do, to demonstrate? Don’t be too proud, that power is not as strong as you think!”

“Uncle Gulemek is very calm! But this is normal, after all, you know it better than me. But don’t be too careful, I have the ability to bloodbath Mariejois.”

“The price is your own death?”

“Yes! So let’s talk about it. It’s not wonderful to be together.”

“Do you want to restore the identity of Celestial Dragons? It is not impossible to consider this matter. As long as you can give enough credit to the World government and the Celestial Dragons family, we can restore your identity as Celestial Dragons.”


Doflamingo’s voice increased by a few decibels, with excitement that is hard to hide.

However, in his eyes, there was sarcasm and disdain, which was difficult for Saint Guillemok to see.


A triumphant smile appeared on Saint Guillemok’s face, and his tone became much more kind.

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