Chapter 214 Exploring the Calm Belt

“In Dressrosa, there is such a group of people:

They worked so hard to earn a little hard-earned money, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Because of the existence of the fairies, their efforts were all in vain.

Young parents have accumulated a little savings and want to buy a toy for their child. But the fairies stole their savings, and they could only smile and watch their children cry because of the loss.

The old man needed money to treat his illness, he finally raised enough money, but was cruelly taken away by the goblin. Because he had no money to treat the disease, he could only die in pain.

The young couple was stolen the token of love by the fairy, and a beautiful love was broken; the hardworking youth was stolen from their wages, and all their dreams were turned into nothing…”

Robin recounted emotionally, reaching out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes, and he was moved by the ghost stories he made up!

Even she is like this, let alone the Dongdada tribe who tends to trust others. After listening to Robin’s story, they all had tears in their eyes and weeping bitterly.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I really did not expect that stealing things would cause such a big trouble to others!”

“God! I hurt so many people without knowing it?”

“Ahhhh! I am guilty, I am guilty!”

“I once stolen an old man’s wallet, it’s really wrong!”

“I stole the jewelry of a couple!”

The villains are constantly blaming themselves, but Gan Qiao came to Robin and solemnly said: “Robin messenger, I apologize to Dresro on behalf of the Todada tribe! If possible, please let us atone for our sins! ”

Robin said, “Soon, Lord Doflamingo will announce your existence to the whole country. Then you will be able to live freely in Dressrosa or Grimbit like normal people.”

Gan Qiao said with a surprised look: “Really? Thank you so much!”

Robin continued: “At that time, Lord Doflamingo will recruit you to do things, and he will pay you money.”

Gan Qiao said awe-inspiringly: “How can this be done? We work for him for free, so it’s a retribution and atonement.”

Robin smiled and said, “The wages still have to be paid. If you don’t want to, just a little less!”

Gan Qiao said indifferently: “Let’s do it with you!”

That’s right, Doflamingo didn’t intend to let the Todada tribe as slaves. As an alternative new-age youth who has received nine years of compulsory education, he deeply knows how backward slavery is.

Historical experience has taught him that the capitalist system is the best system of exploitation. Not only is it efficient, but it can also stimulate the subjective initiative of the exploited. After the operation is done, it can also reap the gratitude of the exploited… It’s cool!

Doflamingo fell in love with this method of exploitation all at once.

The Dongtata tribe has unparalleled plant cultivation technology and is an important participant in the production of man-made Devil Fruit.

But now Guy Sa has not rebelled against the World government, and the production technology of man-made Devil Fruit has not been obtained.

Therefore, the current little human races can only take advantage of their natural powers to participate in manual labor at Dressrosa’s underground dock.

“Hey yo! Hey yo! Hey yo!”

A group of small human races chanted chants and moved supplies in the underground dock. They are only the size of a fist, but they can easily hold up large boxes.

“Everyone, work hard and finish these tasks today! If they can be finished today, Lord Doflamingo will reward us with a bonus!”

A small humanoid who looked like a foreman stood by the road and shouted loudly.


The little humans cheered and looked forward to Doflamingo’s reward.

Calm Belt, an island.

Since Doflamingo successfully domesticated the first sea snake, the Donquixote Pirate Group began to hunt sea snakes aggressively and domesticate them as the main driving force for driving the Calm Belt.

With the sea snake pulling boat, the Donquixote Pirate Group began to explore the Calm Belt on a large scale and develop the islands in the Calm Belt.

There are a large number of islands in the Calm Belt, but lack of development due to inconvenient transportation.

There are two main difficulties in developing the Calm Belt. The first is the power problem.

The ships in Pirate World are mainly sailboats, using wind as their main power. There is no wind in the Calm Belt!

The second problem is safety. Calm Belt is the nest of large Sea Kings. Ships traveling here will be attacked by large Sea Kings.

There are two types of ships that can overcome these two difficulties and sail smoothly in the Calm Belt: one is a ship with a seastone embedded in the bottom and an outer ship is used as the power; the other is a ship that is powered by a sea snake to pull the ship.

Doflamingo chose the second one, domesticating a large number of sea snakes for his own use. With two sea snakes and a pirate ship, he set up a sea snake fleet to explore and develop the Calm Belt island.

This fleet is led by Diamanti from North Blue, with three naval masters, Karens, Catalina, and Gladius as the main combatants.

“Diamanti, another island was found ahead!”

Standing on the top of the ship, Karens discovered an island through a telescope and immediately notified everyone below.

Their fleet has been sailing in the Calm Belt for a long time. If they can no longer find the island, they will leave the Calm Belt to replenish their supplies.

After figuring out the location of the island, the Sea Snake fleet sailed at full speed. Soon, they arrived at the island that Karens had just discovered.

After getting on the island, Karens stood there and closed his eyes. Observation Haki opened, sensing the situation on the island.

After a while, Karens opened his eyes and said: “There are a lot of powerful auras on this island, but I don’t know if they are humans or beasts.”

Diamanti said: “Tell them where they are and send someone to see.”

Soon, a group of scouts led away.

In addition to a few elite scouts to check the source of those powerful auras, there are many ordinary people who check the topography of the island, looking for food and fresh water.

“There are many virgin forests on this island, as well as two hostile savage tribes. Among these two savage groups, there are quite a few of them who are not weak.

In addition, there are several very ferocious beasts here, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Old rules! We first occupy the port and call Pica to come over. How to deal with these savages, wait until Pika arrives. ”

Diamanti discussed with several people and quickly finalized an action plan. This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing, and they have rich experience.

Dressrosa, Pika, after receiving Diamanti’s call, reported with Doflamingo, and immediately set off to where Diamanti and others were.

This is not the first time, Pika is familiar with the road. He didn’t go there by boat, but went there from the air.

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