Chapter 287

Straw Hat Crew defeated the members of the Baroque studio, and finally joined Vivi to stop the war. But under the secret destruction of the members of the Baroque studio, the rebel army and the king’s army finally went to war.

Vivi even learned from Crocodile that there is a huge bomb here to kill everyone.

With their constant efforts, they finally found the bomb and prevented the launch of the shell.

But at this moment, Vivi discovered that the bomb turned out to be a time bomb. Even if it prevented his launch, it couldn’t stop its explosion.

Originally at this time, Birdman Bell should be on the scene and take the bomb into the air to explode, but Doflamingo has made arrangements in advance.

“Birdman Bell, go to hell!”

A few kilometers away, Karens shot the birdman Bell.

“need any help?”

Just when Vivi was crying helplessly, Robin appeared in front of Vivi with an ignorant girl.

Vivi quickly became vigilant: “I have seen you, you are Doflamingo’s subordinate.”

Robin smiled and said, “Yes, Young Master asked me to come. He said that as long as you nod your head, he will save the country.”

Vivi glanced at the timer, there was no time. She closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

Robin smiled slightly and said to the ignorant girl beside him: “Erase it!”

Robin pointed to the bomb, and the ignorant girl stretched out a small hand, touched the bomb, and then the bomb disappeared.

“Regressive fruit, really amazing!”

Robin watched this scene with a surprised expression on his face.

Robin fired a special cannonball, and there was a loud noise in the sky. Everyone in the chaos of the war was shocked, and the fighting stopped for a while.

Robin and others took the opportunity to appear and called on them to suspend the war.

They have been helping the citizens of Alabasta over the years. Many people in the King’s Army or the Rebel Army have received their help.

Therefore, when they played, both sides were willing to give them a face, and the war was suspended for fifteen minutes.

Then a guy with excellent eloquence stood on a high place and moved them with reason and affection, saying that the war could not solve any problems.

And they don’t have to worry, the great Doflamingo-sama decided to help here. As long as they wait in peace, relief supplies will arrive here soon to help them tide over the difficulties.

The crowd cheered, and none of them wanted to fight. The king’s army had to fight, but the rebel army had no way to survive.

At this time, they could live without fighting, and they immediately lost their belief in fighting. This is also the result of Doflamingo helping them over the years, and no one believes this at all.

Vivi stood somewhere, looking at the cheering crowd with complicated expressions.

At this time, Doflamingo brought Crocodile over from a distance.


Seeing Crocodile, Vivi’s eyes showed hatred, and he ran over like crazy and asked, “Where is my father?”

Doflamingo shook his head regretfully, “Sorry, Vivi, I’m late!”

Vivi’s face turned pale, and he looked terrified and said, “Could it be my father?”

Doflamingo sighed slightly, and said complainingly, “Vivi, why do you ask for help from that kind of pirate?”

Vivi was taken aback, and said, “You mean Luffy?”

Doflamingo nodded and said, “Yes, it’s him! He and the crocodile fought in the underground palace and knocked down the entire underground palace. Your father is just an ordinary person and was crushed by falling rocks.”

Vivi shook her body and nearly fell, and Doflamingo hugged her quickly.

Vivi asked again, “How about Luffy? Is he dead?”

Doflamingo said: “He didn’t die, but was poisoned by the crocodile. But don’t worry, I have let the crocodile detoxify him, he can’t die!”

Vivi turned his head to look at Crocodile, with hatred in his eyes, and said, “He must atone for his mistakes. Give him to Marine!”

Doflamingo sneered, “Vivi, you’re really naive! Give him to Marine, will Marine deal with him? Don’t be stupid, let him stay with me to make atonement!”

He changed the subject and said, “Get ready! Vivi, the king’s army still needs you to comfort you. Although your father is no longer there, don’t you still have me? I will take care of you. From now on, you will be the queen of this country!”

Vivi looked at Doflamingo in disbelief, and asked in surprise, “Don’t you take this opportunity to take this country?”

Doflamingo smiled and said, “How is it possible? This is your country!”

It is a little troublesome for him to rule this country, it is much easier if he takes Vivi as a puppet.

Although Vivi doesn’t trust Doflamingo, he can only be at his mercy at this time.

Straw Hat Crew had just finished fighting with Baroque Studio, and facing Doflamingo’s men had no resistance at all.

But Doflamingo didn’t kill them either, he loaded them on the boat and threw them out.

“How can it be repaired! That Doflamingo and the crocodile are in the same group, I want to go back and fly them!”

On the Meili, Luffy growled angrily, and was pulled by Nami and Usopp.

“Luffy, please calm me down. You are not Doflamingo’s opponent. What’s more, the war has been stopped and Vivi will become the queen. Wouldn’t it be a good result?”

“But, the uncle king is dead!”

Boom boom boom!

When they were arguing, several shells hit the sea around them. In the distance, several Marine warships approached and kept firing at them.

With Doflamingo’s current energy, it is too easy to mobilize Marine.

“It’s Marine, run!”

“No, I’m going back to beat those two bastards!”

“Stupid Luffy! If we let Marine know that Vivi has something to do with us, it will hurt him!”

“How can it be repaired, let them go first!”

Marine chased, Luffy and others set sail helplessly and began to escape.

Several Marine warships were docked in the harbor near Alabasta, and several prisoners were held on board.

Because of Doflamingo’s influence, members of the Baroque studio were arrested here. They are chained on their bodies and are being guarded by Marine at this time.

Smoker is talking to Naval Headquarters, Smoker said angrily: “Crocodile clearly wants to take this country, although he failed, but this is not the reason he is forgiven!”

On the side, the heroic female Marine Hina frowned and reminded: “Smoker, calm down!”

The voice on the phone said: “A mere Alabasta is not as stable as the world. The three giants of Four Emperors, Naval Headquarters, and Shichibukai cannot be moved lightly, otherwise they will have the power to shake the world!”

“Well said, really good!”

There was a low laugh, and Doflamingo didn’t know when he appeared next to him, and was looking at them with a smile.

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