娴?銉?澧?閿?瀛?en Suo First Cycle绾?閼?浠?銆庨崚 鈺?瀣?閸?浼?鎸?閸?妞?绱?鐎?婵?顑?閵?

En Suo 閻?妲?濞?妲?濞?妲?濞?妲?濞?妲?濞?鍨?閽?搴?绾?娴?鏍?鍨?閽?搴?绾?娴?鏍?鍫?澹?闂?鍫?澹?闂?鍫?澹?闂?鍫?澹?闂?鍫?澹?闂?鍫?澹?闂?鍫?澹?闂?澧?閼?澧?閼?鎳?閸?鎸?閸?妞?绱?鐎?婵?顑?閿?灞?鏃?鎸?閸?娆?娼?鏃?鎸?閸?娆?娼?鎰?顦?閺?鎰?顦?閺?鎰?顦?閺?鎰?顦?閺?鎰?顦?閺侀弶 銉?绨?Tweet Keys 鍖?ai Ji 顬?/p>

The key is Su Su, and the report is linked to ammonia and fear.

婵?鍌?鐏?浣?鎮?閹?鎰?绔?閺?浣?鎮?閹?鎰?绔?閺?妲?闃?銉?閿?灞?閿?灞?鏆?鏆?鏆?鐟?鐟?5 鐏?閺?閺?妲?闃?銉?妲?闃?銉?閿?灞?鍨?妲?闃?銉?閿?灞?鍨?妲?闃?銉?妲?闃?銉?妲?闃?銉avorite 鈥淪u Su Tao Tao Academy鈥濈叀 闃?鎼?ime that will never come

Please tell me brother Dong Chengling Fifth Cycle

You Jian 妲?闃?銉?闀?妲?闃?銉?缁?顓?鐫?闀?蹇?顦?娑?瀚?鏋?閿?瀛?Su Su tweezers

Link 2: Ren Suo

妲?閻?鈧?妞?鈧?妲?閻?His treasure 缁?缁?umbrella

閵?灞?缍?閵?宄?缂?閹?鈧偓 閼?瑙?妯?顨?閸?KEY

The world is dead and closed

Ren Suo froze.

婵?鍌?鐏?娴?鏍?Diseases and Health 鍙?鏉?鍙?鏉?閲?閲?閲?閲?2 5 閲?鈧?鈧?1 顬?妲?閵?濠?鎳?鏉?鎰?绠?顬?妲?閵?濠?鎳?鏉?鎰?绠?瀣?瀣?瀣?鈧?鈧?鈧?鈧?鈧?顤卌hain 鎵?orld 閵?瀣?/p>



Ren Suo’s Umbrella

How to get started with Ren Suo Simplified

閸?璺?鐤?鏉?娆?绡?閹?娈?閿?灞?鐦?缁?顏?娈?閿?灞?鐦?缁?娈?閿?灞?鐦?缁?妲?闃?銉?妲?闃?銉?闀?鍕?顤?婢?鏍?鍤?閻?闀?鍕?顤?婢?鏍?鍤?閻?闀?鍕?顤?婢?鏍?鍤?閻?鎻?閸?鎻?閸?閿?灞?绔?楠?閿?灞?绔?楠?閿?灞?绔?楠?澧?闂?顎?缁?顓?鐫?娴?f顎?缁?顓?鐫?娴?coax fan How to use Ren Suo鍟€ 濞?銆屽簽 濠娿€?绗?chain here

閵?宀€ 顨?閸?e 濯?KEY 鍛?褰?tao顮?/p>

閵?灞?鎵?闃?璁?5 1 border flaws across the quilt umbrella.

閵?灞?鏅?閺?婊?缁?閸?鎴?濮?閽?宸?ncarnation 鍜?绾?閻?顏?妫?閹?銏狀槻 鈧偓 鍜?绾?閻?顏?妫?閹?銏狀槻 鈧偓 澶?Chain 澶?澶?閿?閿?mon mon mon 顫?閼?顫?閼?顫?閼?顫?閼?鏁?閵?浣?婀?閻?鐨?鏁?閵?浣?婀?閻?鐨?acred sword 閵?浣稿醇 婢?顎?淇?閻?渚€ 绮?闀?鍥?娼?閿?宀€ layer 渚€ 绮?闀?鍥?娼?閿?宀€ 渚€ 绮?闀?鍥?娼?閿?宀€ 渚€ 绮?闀?鍥?娼?閿?宀€ 顫?閿?灞?鍠?閸?顫?閿?灞?鍠?閸?妞?闂?妞?闂?妞?闂?顫?閿?灞?鍠?閸?顫?閿?灞?鍠?閸?顫?閿?灞?鍠?閸?鐨?闀?hide umbrella

閵?灞?顦?濞?顭?缁?鈥濇ɑ 濡?鎾?宸?閿?鎾?宸?閿?锛?閿?宀?鍓?闊?顠僥deration 鎱?ngel 閿?瀛?bove the Heavens and Under the Earth 閿?瀛?nly I Am Supreme鈥?娆?鈧?鏂?鈧?鏃?umbrella 顬?濡?閼?Effectiveness of Utilization


The Umbrella of the World

閵?灞?鎵?闃?璁?缁?5 閺?鐔?姝?閸?鍑?绾?閸?宀?姹?浣?鐪?閿?姘?妫?閵?浣?鐪?閿?姘?妫?閵?umbrella

Detailed information on how to do this is necessary.宥?骞?妗?妗?妗?妗?濮?鏂?濮?瀵?濮?鏂?濮?瀵?濮?鏂?濮?瀵?濮?鏂?濮?瀵?濮?鏂?濮?瀵?濮?鏂?濮?瀵?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?娆?浣?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?娆?鐡?韫?妯?顐?閹?妯?顐?閹?娆?鐡?韫?娆?鐡?韫?娆?鐡?韫?娆?鐡?韫?娆?鐡?韫?娆?鐡?韫?娆?鐡?韫?娆?鐡?韫?鏂?鍙?鏂?鍙?鎾?鎾?鎾?鎾?鎾?鎾?鎾?100 10 25% 鎾舵瘹 閸?鑽?宸?+ 1% 閵?Umbrella

For more information, please visit our website. Front umbrella

Detailed information

Ren Suo’s Desserts

Not bad.

How to do this绗?娴?鍛?鍏?绗?娴?鍛?鍏?婊€ 婊€ 婊€ 婊€ 婊€ 婊€ 婵?鎳?閹?婵?鎳?閹?婵?鎳?閹?閼?閼?閼?閼?閼?閼?閼?閼?閼?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?绾?绾?绾?绾?灞?绗?鏉?妯?鍏?灞?绗?鏉?妯?鍏?mon mon 娴?娑?娴?娑?娴?娑?娴?娑?闃?闃冩杹 閻?鐛?鈧?娴?鏂?閻?鐛?anger Land 閸?宥?娼?闀?鍕?绻€ 婢?鍥?顨?閹?鈧?閵?/p>

閵?宀€ 鈹?閿?鐣?娈?閸?鈧?鍛?绠? 浼? 浼? 浼? 宥?娲?閺?顓? 绾?閹?鏍? 绾?閹?鏍? 妲?閸?澶?骞?缁? 妲?閸?澶?骞?缁? 濡?閼? 濡?閼? 婀? 宥?鐤?閻?銊?娈?閿?宀僓mbrella Ren Suo 缁?顏?绔?/p>

Key to the world

Ren Suo 閹?绠€ 绠€ 瀣?绾?瀹?鈧?鈧?鈧?瀣?绾?瀹?瀣?绾?瀹?瀣?绾?瀹?瀣?绾?瀹?瀣?绾?瀹?瀣?绾?瀹?鐣?婵?鐣?婵?鐣?婵?鐣?婵?鐣?婵?宀€ 鈹?閿?宀€ 鈹?閿?宀€ 鈹?閿?宀€ 鈹?閿?宀€ 鈹?閿?宀€ 鈹?閿?宀€ 鈹?閿?娈?閸?娈?閸?娈?閸?鍛?绠?鍛?绠?鍛?绠?鍛?绠?鍛?绠?鍛?绠?鍛?绠?浼?宀?娈?閻?銊?宀?娈?閻?銊?鏃?鏃?鏃?鏃?鏃?缂?娆?婀?缂?娆?婀?缂?娆?婀?Master Master

Qiao Muyi 閺?鐥?nly one鐐?self battle strength

Key 灞?绗?婵?Si 缂?閻?缂?閻?Countermeasure Bureau cultivator 灞?濯?鈧?灞?濯?KEY 鍛?鍘?閻?顓?鈧?宥?Umbrella crepe 宥?銇?楠?鍛?顤?瀵?attle strength 闀?鍕?鍘?閻?顔€ 绾?閸?鈮?iao Muyi Gallium绗?閼?mustard

閸?璺?鐤?蹇?蹇?灞?濯?灞?濯?灞?濯?灞?濯?灞?濯?灞?濯?灞?濯?灞?濯?宥?宥?宥?宥堥幐 娓?婢?缍?閻?顭?绾?娓?瀚?顩?閿?鐔?鐏?銉?宸?鐡?缍?閻?顭?绾?娓?瀚?顩?閿?鐔?/p>

You Jian 閸?瀛?iao Muyi 娑?瀣?妫?閿?瀛?en Suo

Qiao Muyi Qiao Muyi 闀?鍕?绨?閿?宀?鍤?閻?闀?鍕?绨?閿?宀?鍤?閻?顩?閺€ 顩?閺€ 鍙?娑?瀚?鎮?鏉?鍙?娑?瀚?鎮?鏉?鍙?娑?瀚?鎮?鏉?鍙?娑?瀚?鎮?鏉㏒uen Suo 閻?鏉?婀?瀵?鈧?缁?缁?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?顩?閻?顒?娈?閿?灞?鍙?鐎?鐐?妲?鏉?娑?绔?濮?銉?鏉?娑?绔?濮?銉?鏉?娑?绔?濮?銉?閸?鏍?鍞?閸?鏍?鍞?child 娴?顏?娈?battle strength 閵?/p>

Ren Suo paused 閿?瀹?ooked towards 閸?鍛?顑?娣?婵?鐡?鎼?婵?鐡?鎼?鍣?闀?鍕?褰?婢?鏍?绔?閺?姘?妫?闂?顬?褰?閸?澶?娈?闃?銉?瀹?閵?/p>

He is hesitating.

Firstt first 灞?鍘?娑?瀣?鎸?閸?娆?鈧?灞?鍘?娑?瀣?鎸?閸?娆?鈧?宀?鏁?閸?銊?娲?chain 澶?娓?澶?娓?澶?娓?鈧?娆?鈧?浣?娈?闀?璺?鈧?鏂?绶?婵?/p>

En Suo 闀?鐔?顫?閿?宀€ 骞?閸?銊?ammonia 闀?鐔?顫?閿?宀€ 骞?閸?銊?鈧?浣?娈?闀?璺?/p>

瀚?顨?閿?鍗?銇?鈧?瀚?顨?閿?鍗?銇?Econd Level 甯?閿?宀?姣?鎼?锔?绡?婢?锔?鐝?閿?瀛?Effective Level 鐏?涓?Su Su 閿?銊?鏁?閵?灞?绔?濞?澶?绁?閸?宥?鈧?閿?銊?鏁?閵?灞?绔?濞?澶?绁?閸?宥僒hird pass

閼?By 顤?瀵?attle strength


Ren Suo 瀚?鐣?閸?瀚?鐣?閸?閿?瀹?閿?瀹?閿?瀹?ooked towards 闂? kettle 2 閺?鐔?鐤?缁?鎲?绱?/p>

娴?濠?銇?鏉?鎰?鐨?鏉?娆?绠?婵?cater in a spurt of energy

鍘?娑?瀣?鎸?閸?娆?鈧?妞?拢 鍘?娑?瀣?鎸?閸?娆?His treasure 缁?缁?umbrella


鐘?褰?娴?銉?绮?娴?銉?绗?3 宥?宥?澶?瀚?鈧?鈧?鈧?鈧?鈧?鈧?鈧?宥?绻?宥?绻?宥?绻?灞?宥?绻?灞?閵?鎰?顨?缁?蹇?閵?鎰?顨?缁?蹇嬧偓 鎰?self

Ren Suo Zhong Sibao閺?顓?娼?Tweet

3 宥?缁?缁?鎰?鎰?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?閺?鍫?鎴?娓?鐎?鎴?娓?鐎?閿?灞?顦?閸?濠?妲?閿?鐘?閿?灞?顦?閸?濠?妲?閿?鐘?閿?灞?顦?閸?濠?妲?閿?鐘?闃?鎻?鍙?闀?鍕?闃?鎻?鍙?闀?鍕?闃?鎻?鍙?闀?鍕?闃?鎻?鍙?闀?鍕?/p>


閸?顓?瀚?閵?鎰?妫?瀹?engages in Suo 閻?瀣?绗?婢?顬?鍝?閿?灞?鏆?闀?蹇?鈧?婵?绾?/p>

Su 宥?婊€ 閸?銈?绨?閸?銈?绨?婵?婵?婵?婵?婵?婵?婵?婵?婵?婵?鍤?瀹?鍤?瀹?鍤?瀹?鍤?瀹?鍤?瀹?鍤?瀹?鍤?瀹?顥?婢?鍥?灞?鐪?灞?鐪?灞?鐪?锔碱潡 鎼?锔?娼?閻?锔碱潡 鎼?锔?娼?閻?閵?閵?閵嗘劖 妫?鎼?鎼?鎴?鎴?鎴?鎴?鎴?鎴?鎴?锔?鐦?閿?锔?鐦?閿?锔?鐦?閿?锔?鐦?閿?锔?鐦?閿汚lum

The world is en Suo 閼?鎴?灞?灞?灞?閸?閸?閸?閸?閸?閸?閸?閸?閸?閸?鍤?顬?鎮?宥?宥?閿?鐐?鎼?閵?宥冨苯 顧?鈧?锔?鈧?锔?鈧?灞?顧乧hain

To play



閵?灞?鎵?闃?璁?缁?6 閺?鐔?姝?閸?鍑?绾?閸?宀?姹?浣?鐪?閿?姘?妫?閵?浣?鐪?閿?姘?妫?閵?umbrella

閵?灞?鏅?閺?婊?閻?鈺侇儵 閸?顓?閻?鈺侇儵 閸?顓?鐔?濮?閻?鐔?鎮?娑?瀣?婧?娓?锔?鐓?娴?閻?鈺侇儵 閸?顓?閻?鈺侇儵 閸?顓?鍓?閸?鍓?閸?鍓?閸?閿?宀€ 娲?闀?鍥?婀?闀?閿?宀€ 娲?闀?鍥?婀?闀?鍐?Frozen 3 顬?娴?娴?璁?顬?娴?娴?璁?1婢?鍕?绨?閻?鐔?鎮?娑?瀣?妫?Gallium 閸?銊?缍?闂?顫?缁?2 閻?鈺侇儵 閻?Storage 甯?閹?鏍?妫?閹?銉?鐡?閸?銊?娲?閺?婊€ 绠?閸?3 缁備紴 鈧?Umbrella

閵?宀?顤?婢?鏍?鏅?閺?婧?Front, Ning Pick 顥?婢?鍥?鎮?閿?灞?鍙?閻?澧?澧?/p>

浼?鐘?鐝?閸?銊?藟 鐘?鐝?閸?銊?藟 濠?婀?妞?搴?娅?閿?宀€ 婀?妞?搴?娅?闀?鍕?濠?婀?妞?搴?娅?閿?宀€ 婀?妞?搴?娅?闀?鍕?濠?婀?妞?搴?娅?閿?宀€ 婀?妞?搴?娅?闀?鍕?濠?婀?妞?搴?娅?閿?宀€ 婀?妞?搴?娅?闀?鍕?濠?婀?妞?搴?娅?閿?宀€ 婀?妞?搴?娅?闀?鍕?濠?婀?妞?搴?娅?閿?宀€ 婀?妞?搴?娅?闀?鍕?濠?婀?妞?搴?娅?閿?宀€ 婀?妞?搴?娅?闀?鍕?浼?(浼?umbrella)

Ren Suo 妞?顏?绗?闃?澶?瀚?閸?椋?骞?閿?灞?妫?閸?鍏?绔?閻?鍥?鐨?鐏?蹇?娈?闃?蹇?妲?閽?鍕?澧?閸?銊?绮?闂?銏?澧?閽€ or 绗?閵?/p>

閽?鍕?澧?缁?Crossing, 閺?锛? 閺?锛? 鐎?鎰?绾?閸?顓? 鐎?鎰?绾?閸?顓? 鐎?鎰?绾?閸?顓? 鐎?鎰?绾?閸?顓? 鐎?鎰?绾?閸?顓? 閹? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鏇?绗?閵?鍌?鏉?閻? 鍣? 鍣峰﹤ 骞?闀?鍒?濠?骞?闀?鍒?濠?骞?闀?鍒?濠?骞?闀?鍒?閻?娼?閿?娼?閿?娼?閿?娼?閿?shoulder 娼?閿?娼?閿?顟?閿?宀€ 婀?鐠?顟?閿?宀€ 婀?鐠?顟?閿?宀€ 婀?鐠?娼?楠?娼?楠?闀?鐘?顨?閿?灞?绲?婵?鍌?鐏?闂€Shoulders

Su 宥?鍩?鏉?娆?妲?宥?鍩?鏉?娆?妲?娴?娴?娴?娴?娴?閸?閸?閸?閸?閸?Phoenix 閸?閸?绾?Su Su 閻?鈯?Qi Qi Qi 濞?璇?鎮?閿?灞?绮?闀?鍕?顫?濞?璇?鎮?閿?灞?绮?闀?鍕?顫?搴?搴?搴?閻?璺?顦?閸戠 閻?鍥?绔?閻?鈧?/p>

楠?鏈?绗?閺?顓?绮?闀?鍕?婧?闀?娑?顫?鍝?鎴?鎴?绠€ 閿?宀?閿?宀?Ren Suo rojection

Su 瀣?鍓?en Suo 閼?鎴?灞?灞?灞?灞?灞?灞?灞?灞?锔?娲?闀?鍥?锔?娲?闀?鍥?/p>

If you want to cope with the world, try to make sure you do n鈥檛 know how to do it. Ren Suo

缁?鐣?閺?閺?闀?闀?闀?绾?閻?鍕?娴?閸?绾?閻?鍕?娴?閸?绾?閻?鍕?娴?閸?绾?閻?鍕?娴?閸?顐?宕?顐?宕?0 顐?宕?闀?闀?12 闀?顐?宕?闀?Su Su Su Su Su Su Su 閸?顓?閸?顓?閸?顓?婵?婵?婵?婵 e mustard

閹?鎴?婀?閻?濯?ather 浣?顩?浣?顩?澶?澶?澶?銈?婵?澶?銈?婵?/p>

Ren Suo Gallium and Gallium

How to solve this problem婊€ 绗?娑?鐗?鍩?宀?宀?宀?闃?闃?闃?闃?闃?闃?/p>

Ren Suo’s report on this issue will be detailed below.

鈥淚t 鈥檚 dead, it 鈥檚 dead, it 鈥檚 dead.闃?鍗?鏆?閿?鐔?/p>

Ren Suo 閸?Shoulder 鐟?闀?鍡?娼?閿?鐟?闀?鍡?娼?閿?鐟?闀?鍡?娼?閿?浣?顩?閿?宀?浣?顩?閿?宀?浣?顩?閿?宀?浣?顬?鐠?鐔?鍨?閸?銊?绔?鐠?浣?顬?鐠?鐔?鍨?閸?銊?绔?鐠?鏅?閵?鍌?鏅?閵?鍌?/p>

脗 鈧?sisteryounger sister 澶?鎸?none of your business 閿?鐔?鍨?none of your business 濠?鐦?鐙?绾?鐙?绾?鐙?绾?鐘?鍩?鐘?鍩?鐘?鍩?鐘?鍩?鐘?鍩?妲?妲?妲?妲?妲?搴?顩?闃?鎲?绾?閹?鎴?搴?顩?闃?鎲?绾?閹?鎴?搴?顩?闃?鎲?绾?閹?鎴?顫?閽?顫?閽?o younger sister 顓?銈?闀?#8221;Effectiveness” is not a problem, but it is not a problem. 顫?鐞?娼?娴?妤?顐?娼?瀵?鐘?褰?闀?鍕?妫?鐎?鎰?绾?濮?蹇?銇?鐏?娼?娴兼殻 婢?鈺冣敍 闀?鈧?闀?陇. 闀?鍕?curtain balance

Ren Suo is mad.

宀?鐓?宀?鐓?浣?顩?浣?顩?浣?顩?浣?顩?浣?顩?浣?顩?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?閹?蹇?鐠?鐠?绾?绾?顑?绾?顑?顑?Su Ren Suo 闀?鐔?顫?澶?鍋?闀?鐔?鍊?锔?锔?

The key points are as follows:

娴?鑽?閲?濞?澶?鎮?閻?鍥?鍩?閿?姘?鈧? 鍨?娴? 鍨?娴? 鍨?娴? 娴? 鍨?娴? 宥? 娴?鏍? 娴?鏍? 娴?鏍?/p>


鈥淕allium-based technology鈥?sister 浣?顦縮orry 閿?宀€ 顑?閹?鎴?smooth 浣?绡?閸?顮?鎮?閺?鐔?浣?绡?閸?顮?鎮?閺?鐔?浣?绡?閸?顮?鎮?閺?鐔?浣?鈧?浣?鈧?鏂?/p>

Key details are detailed below.

Ren Suo 閿?姘?婊€ 缍?/p>

鈥濰en the time comes 鐘?鎷?閺?鐔?缂?鍕?鍨?鐏?蹇?顑?鎼?顑?绾?缂?鍕?鍨?鐏?蹇?顑?鎼?顑?绾?缂?鍕?鍨?鐏?蹇?顑?鎼?顑?绾?缂?鍕?鍨?鐏?蹇?顑?鎼?顑?绾?鐘?鐘?鐘?鐘?闁?闁?闁?闁?妲?婢?鏍?妲?婢?鏍?妲?婢?鏍?妲?婢?鏍?妲?婢?鏍?鍌?鍌?婵?nor nor娈?娴?瀣?鍨?娴?顏?绡?楠?Check 顣?宕?閿?灞?绲?閺?鐔?閿?灞?绲?閺?鐔?閿?灞?绲?閺?鐔?閿?灞?绲?閺?鐔?閹?鎴?绶?閺€ 閹?鎴?绶?閺€ 閹?鎴?绶?閺€ 閹?鎴?绶?閺€ 閿?灞?鍨?閻?閿?灞?鍨?閻?閿?灞?鍨?閻?婵?婵?婵?婵?褰?娴?褰?娴?绔?绔?绔?绔?锔?瀚?缁?瀣?鍤?锔?瀚?缁?瀣?鍤?锔?瀚?缁?瀣?鍤淲orm

“what about me?”

The key details are as follows:

Ren Suo said, “Yes, what do you eat at noon?”

Mom said in a very natural tone: “seabed for takeaway.”

Ren Suo: “… why?”

The mother showed an expression of “I’m afraid this child is not stupid”: “Because it’s delicious, and you mother, I suddenly wanted to eat seabed at noon today and didn’t want to go in line.”

Ren Suo: “Don’t you love to take out food before?”

Mom: “Because I was poor before, I saved money by cooking myself. If not for life, who wants to cook?”

Ren Suo: “Cheng Ling likes to cook, and it’s better than you.”

My mother was stunned: “Do n鈥檛 go, do n鈥檛 tan, know that you have a rich girlfriend, a culinary girlfriend, a girlfriend with a background, a girlfriend with power, you You are so powerful, you are the king of soft rice in Lianjiang. “

“Anyway, Sing Mei is willing to support you. The dowry money we used to prepare for you will not be useful, so we are now planning to spend some money to improve our daily life. It is not comparable to traveling around the world. I do n鈥檛 know Ren Suo Eldest Young Master What do you think? “

Ren Suo shook his lips: “No problem, but didn’t you just say you don’t want me to be raised by my sister?”

“The ideal is sexy, and the reality is skinny.” Mom faintly said: “People always bow their heads to life, I have made the worst plan.”

Ren Suo is also used to being ridiculed by his mother, said with a smile: “Xing Xing Xing. Then you can spend your money while your bones are still moving. My sister and I will support you. I’m fine, I’ll hang up first.” “

The mother was silent for a moment and said, “Take care of others. If they sue me, I will stand by them unconditionally.”

“I won’t let them suffer other grievances,” Ren Suo said seriously, “I promise.”

“Don’t feel wronged,” said Mom softly.

Ren Suo’s heart softened, and then she heard her mother continue to say, “I can’t eat soft rice at worst and come back to my old man. Although we will mind, we won’t let you care.”

Ren Suo shook his lips: “Can’t I be self-reliant?”

Mom looked towards Ren Dad: “Do you have anything to say?”

Ren Dad thought about it, took the phone and said, “Son, what I want to say, your mother has said it, then I will ask a question.”

“You’re traveling around the world. Apart from Xiao Yan, is Lin Xianyu also with you?”

Ren Suo was slightly surprised: “Yeah, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Ren Dad hung up and gently exhales one breath saying.

Renma asked, “Why do you ask that?”

Ren Da replied, “I think I still have a chance to come back.”



By looking at his hometown, Ren Suo basically knows how to use the Eye of Truth.

Condition 1 is simple. Condition 2 means that where Ren Suo wants to watch, he must have been there or his relatives and friends have been there. Condition 3 means that a unique and unmatched mark is required.

If you are looking for someone, you can just use “where xxx is”, but if you are looking for a certain place, you need to add articles, such as “xx have been to”, “x city x district x road”.

Overall, quite practical. In addition, it does not occupy the position of the prop bar after the present, Ren Suo can be wrapped around the wrist as an accessory.

Ren Suo’s heart moved, and sleeping Ren Xingmei and Gu Yueyan appeared in his vision.

The room was dark, but every detail in the Eye of Truth was delicate hair was completely shown.

Ren Suo can clearly see that Gu Yueyan is sleeping in a quilt, Ren Xingmei likes to sleep sideways, his hair is scattered but not messy, and his face is quiet and agile. It is a beautiful picture of a beautiful girl sleeping.

I just don’t know why, they put a few pillows in the middle and divided the big bed into 2 areas, which are irrelevant.

Ren Suo was a bit surprised, because they did n鈥檛 have money, so they chose a double bed room, but everyone did n鈥檛 care to sleep together that’s all.

Is Xingmei and Yueyan at first so resistant to sleeping in the same bed? Then why didn’t you choose a twin room?

Ren Suo was a little confused, shifted his target, and observed Lin Xianyu and Xiao’s room.

These two are much more normal: Lin Xianyu slapped on Xiao’s face, Xiao Xiao’s two little feet were framed on Lin Xianyu, and the two slept in a drool.

If it were not for taking pictures, Ren Suo really wanted to send a circle of friends.

After admiring this sleeping scene like Godzilla vs. Ultraman, Ren Suo moved his target again and observed Dong Chengling and Qiao Muyi’s room.

Then Ren Suo’s expression freezes.


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