After eating the grapes that Cui Xiaoniang has peeled, the pile of work is almost finished.

Cheng Jinyang rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little tired.

The problems that lie in front of you now are the refugees who are about to fight from Jiangbei, and the Demon who glare like a tiger watching his prey from the north. These two threaten the entire Human World, but the level of involvement is too high, which cannot be solved by a bunch of Seventh Grade Ability Users on oneself.

In fact, the attitude of human society towards Demon is basically a "three nos" attitude:

I can't beat it, I can't control it, I can't agree.

The upper class bureaucrats of Tai City, know that the current Dajin Empire is not an opponent of Demon at all, so they can only focus on maintaining the order of the bleak Empire and doing the daily work of the paper paster .

The low-grade Aristocratic families in the wild, such as the Fifth Grade Aristocratic Family like Divine Capital Cheng Clan, are basically not eligible to participate in Empire politics, so they don’t bother to care about the situation in the north and concentrate on oneself’s existing piece. of land.

As for civilians from all walks of life who are not from the Aristocratic Family, when they talk about Demon, they are fighting on the Internet. The teenagers clamored to expedite the Central Plains, calm the Demon, and regain the great rivers and mountains; the rebels are eccentric mocking, what are self-willed, rats, people, Aristocratic family running dogs...The two sides are arguing, but in essence, they are not meant to solve the problem. , Just to pass the time to be addicted.

In other words, the biggest problem facing Human World lies there, but everyone is at a loss, so everyone tacitly put it aside and pretends that this problem does not exist. Even Cheng Jinyang is oneself, but for the time being, he can only drift with the flow.

Divine Capital Cheng Clan, with the reconstruction of Heavenly Net's department, the financial aspect has almost recovered to health.

Looking at the income flow data report, the most dangerous period was after the death of Cheng Benhe Old Master. The whole clan was forced to relocate to Qixia District and lost a lot of family property and Heavenly Net manpower. All the way down, getting worse and worse... It wasn't until the steel giant Divine Weapon came out to end the war that the data began to slowly rise.

Cheng Jinyang can confidently say that Divine Capital Cheng Clan was able to turn losses into profits and had a beautiful turnaround. Sorry, I personally directed it.

Because of this, his prestige in the family has risen to the top, even far beyond the uncle’s reign, and is approaching the Cheng Benhe Old Master of the year.

Many middle- and lower-level managers of family affairs have also begun to change their methods to bypass Cheng Yuexian and Cheng Huaiyan, and submit various requests to him, trying to show their allegiance to him. .

For these speculators, Cheng Jinyang has always maintained a clever approach, neither completely blocking this road nor allowing them to jump off too much. If you have any doubts, ask Young Lady Wang, and the other person will sneer and ridicule a few words, and then know that they can speak endlessly and help him to govern these people in a submissive manner.

After replying to the last email, Cheng Jinyang turned off the computer and stood up, and saw the girls giggle and laugh in his office, each playing around:

Cui Jinqi and Yang Wangshu is playing games on the projection screen; Chu Qingqing and Li Qingwan ask about fighting knowledge and make a few gestures from time to time; Xing Yuanzhi and Wang Wanrou are sitting on the sofa, whispering something in whispers, probably asking about what happened this afternoon Thing.

Speaking of this, Cheng Jinyang thought of something worse: Except for a 14-year-old brat, the other five girls will basically be adults this year or next year.

For Aristocratic Family, the average age of women getting married is around 20 years old. Calculated by 1 year in advance of the scheduled date, you will be engaged with someone by the age of 19.

In other words, the time for them to wander around outside is actually running out.

Take Xing Yuanzhi as an example, Hejian Xing Clan Fifth Grade Aristocratic Family, according to the current upgrade rate, in three months, Xing Yuanzhi can be upgraded to Sixth Grade, when the time comes she is in the family The status is second only to Patriarch, and whoever wants to marry can get married, and it is okay to be single for a few years without getting married.

However, for Chu Qingqing and Yang Wangshu, Sixth Grade many as dogs in the Fourth Grade family, if you want to be free, you have to upgrade to Fifth Grade at least, and one million horses will take at least 3 years at the current rate. . Putting Wang Shu aside, the Chu family estimates that it is unlikely that Qingqing will be single until 21.

As for Wang Wanrou, Cui Jinqi and Li Qingwan, the situation of these three Five Clans Daughters is even more dangerous. Young Lady Wang's business today is not over yet, even if she did not marry Xie Qiu Du in the end, Taiyuan Wang Clan will definitely find out what Li Qiu Du and Cui Qiu Du to let her choose.

And this kind of thing is expected to happen soon to Cui Xiaoniang and Old Li's body......when the time comes Who is forced to marry by the family, is it going to be oneself to beat the blind date in the past? Where is oneself that many time!

No, I have to step up to level up! ! !

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang immediately felt the urgency and fear of not waiting for time.

It’s weird to say, if you think "Demon is about to fight over", and the leveling drive for him is 10 times horsepower, then you realize that "the girls will get married if they don't change." , The increased power generated is 1000 times horsepower...

Think about it carefully, even if Demon really hits, naturally the lords of the upper Empire will worry about it, and the sky will have to be high. It's against it!

But if oneself is too weak and let the girls marry someone he doesn't like, then he will probably regret it for a lifetime.

"cough cough!" He coughed vigorously a few times, knocked on the table incidentally, and forcibly focused everyone's attention.

So the girls stopped what they were doing, turning their eyes to look at him with different expressions.

"This." Cheng Jinyang's thoughts suddenly got stuck, and he subconsciously said with a smile, "The Spring Festival is short, why don't we go to bed early tonight?"

............ …………

In the dream, Songjiang Ruins.

Ye Ru sits on the roof of an office building, looking at the densely packed Puppet Ghost group on the street below.

Suddenly she lifts the head and calculates the corresponding time in reality.

Well, he should have brought people in.

Ye Ru leaped down from the top of the building, and in an instant she landed steadily on the ground, attracting the attention of the wandering Puppet Ghost group.

The next second, these Puppet Ghosts turned their heads sluggishly again, as if they hadn't seen anything.

Extend the hand arm, driven by the demon force, portraying a few runes in the air, and finally she made a handprint and spit out a note of unknown meaning.

So those runes jumped a few times, and they gradually lit up.

A few minutes later, Cheng Jinyang, shortly after entering Entering Dream, suddenly heard Ye Ru’s voice:

"Cheng Jinyang, I found you."

"Are you... Ye Ru?" Cheng Jinyang hurriedly fell behind a few steps. Seeing that the girls in front didn't notice, he asked in a low voice cautiously.

"It's me." Ye Ru said, "I have something to tell you, and I suggest you keep it in your heart after listening, and don't talk to the girls around you."

"How can I trust you?" Cheng Jinyang asked vigilantly.

"No need, believing or not by you." Ye Ru lightly said, "What I want to tell you is about the battlefield of Songjiang Ruins and Su Lili."

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