Xing Yuanzhi runs fast in the tunnel.

She didn't use transportation, because the nearby ground network channel had been damaged, and some Puppet Ghost had intruded into it. Noisy vehicles tend to attract more Puppet Ghost from the outside world.

Of course, the proximity to Cheng Jinyang is also the main reason.

Use Mass Effect to turn on the as lithe as a swallow mode, and the whole person seems to be in an ultra-low gravity environment. Although the downward acceleration of gravity does not change, it can jump out with a slight kick. The long distance allows A'Zhi to run at an amazing high speed.

If you drag your arms behind you when you are running and do a dive like an eagle spreading its wings, it will feel like a ninja running.

It's just that Cheng Jinyang didn't see Xing Yuanzhi rushing towards oneself. He sat in the dark tunnel with his head drooping down and fell into a dying coma.

"Jinyang!" I found him with the help of a head-mounted flashlight. Xing Yuanzhi shouted in horror and rushed over to hug him.

A lot of blood... already cold, slimy blood...

However, A'Zhi has no time to commit a cleanliness, she anxiously supports Cheng Jinyang, A quick check of his injuries.

The trauma is mainly concentrated on the back, but there are obvious internal bleeding marks, and the limbs are also abnormally twisted. It should be a large-scale fracture. The heartbeat and pulse are both weak and need to be rescued immediately.

Hurry up and return to the previous secret stronghold, where there are medical tools and medicine!

"Jinyang, hold on." Xing Yuanzhi lightened his weight, then turned around and hugged him cautiously.

The thick blood-reeking qi lingers in the nose, and the hands, neck and chest are also sticky. Xing Yuanzhi forces oneself not to think about things related to "dirty" and "dirty". Words, hold Cheng Jinyang and walk towards the stronghold.

Her speed is not fast, because the bumps will aggravate Cheng Jinyang's bleeding and internal injuries; but she did not dare to slow down, because his condition at this time is very bad, and a second rescue will add a point of danger.

A feeling of extreme nausea surged from his throat again, Xing Yuanzhi bit his tongue hard and swallowed a mouthful of rust-smelling saliva.

Calm, calm, calm.

Blood...not a dirty thing, it's a part of my body...

Jinyang, it's not...

However, tears still fall away. Down.

She didn't know why she was crying, because she was so dirty all over, but she had to keep holding Jinyang and walk through the dark underground tunnel? Or was it because Jinyang was dying to save the woman, so he wanted to save him by oneself instead?


I was probably afraid that he would die.

"Jinyang, listen to me..." With a barely suppressed cry, Xing Yuanzhi said with sorrow, "You stay awake, hold on, there is my stronghold not far ahead, go there You are safe..."

"A'Zhi..." A slight voice sounded from his arms, weak as if the candlelight in the wind would extinguish at any time.

"It's me, I'm A'Zhi." Xing Yuanzhi lowered his eyes and whimpered, "You can call as many times as you want..."

"No, no more Called." Cheng Jinyang whispered, his lips pursed, his voice as soft as a dream.

Relying on unstable physical activation to maintain his life, he has not much energy to make a sound.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

"Sorry, Yuanzhi..." He said hard, in a trance, "I...In the beginning, I always called like that You..."

"Well, I'm listening." Xing Yuanzhi trembled slightly, "Don't close your eyes and stay awake, okay?"

"...It's because , I hate you for retiring..."

"I know, it's my fault, it doesn't matter if you hate me..."

"...I'm a... villain... "

"The villain will give me a long life!" Xing Yuanzhi cried again and lost his voice, "It's okay, I don't blame you, but you have to live...If you die here, I will hate you forever!"

"Have you heard? I will hate you forever!!!"

However, there is no sound in my arms anymore.

"Jinyang, Jinyang..." she murmured, and kept walking forward, as if she had lost her soul.

She didn't dare to stop, because she was afraid to stop and check, only to find that he had already lost his breath, and his whole body was as cold as stone.

Just imagining such a scene makes Xing Yuanzhi feel extremely empty, as if his heart is completely hollowed out, and no more blood or tears can be shed.

The state of connection is still intermittent. She feels that her consciousness is sometimes in the own body, and sometimes in Jinyang's body held by oneself.

As long as she was in Jinyang's body, she hurriedly activated physical activation to help repair the injuries in his body, even if only a few tenths of a second remained.

Other girls are also acting like this, no one speaks. Everyone knows that this unstable state of Demonization may be interrupted at any time because his injury deteriorates again, and he can only grasp the time remaining every time and continue his life as much as possible.

Suddenly there was a hoarse roar in front, and the light from the head-mounted searchlight attracted the attention of several Puppet Ghosts.

The ground network channel has been invaded by Puppet Ghost...

Xing Yuanzhi looked at them in a trance, the tears, sweat and blood on her face were mixed, but she could not feel it anymore Any emotions anymore.

Puppet Ghost began to dash here, and under the light of the searchlight, you could see about a dozen or so.

The spread of a large-scale quicksand field precisely covers the passage in front of it exactly, avoiding the supporting structure of the tunnel.

Under nearly a thousand times the gravity, these Puppet Ghosts were crushed into a pool of bloody mud, even the bones were nearly broken.

Xing Yuanzhi continued to move forward with a numb expression, his shoes stepped in the mud, and they were quickly dyed into a bleak scarlet.

Don’t hide, I’m in a hurry.

More screams sounded from a distance, and the Puppet Ghosts heard the roar of their previous companions, so they rushed hungrily towards this side.

Xing Yuanzhi looked at them blankly without stopping.

Mass Effect. Quicksand Field.

Efficient killing.

Soon, there was rotten meat everywhere, and there was no more intact place to stand on. Xing Yuanzhi held Cheng Jinyang in silence and walked in this hideous blood and blood hell, without the slightest speed. slow.

The shoes have been soaked in blood, and the nose does not seem to smell any odor. Her body seems to have completely adapted to this environment.

Holding Cheng Jinyang stiffly, he kept calculating and stimulating the quicksand field, crushing all the Puppet Ghosts blocking the road into rotten flesh.

Then from this sea of ​​corpses and blood, I stepped over without hesitation.


I don't know how long it took, Cheng Jinyang slowly woke up from a coma.

The Demonization connection state is over, he opened his eyes, and the strange ceiling came into view.

The body is aching everywhere. He tried to sit up, only to realize that his body had been washed clean, medicine was applied, and layer after layer of bandages were applied, wrapped like zongzi.

Xing Yuanzhi sits on the chair next to the bed, with his head down as if sleeping, looking exhausted.

Her hair is in a mess. Under the soaking of blood, tears and sweat, it is tangled in clusters. The body and clothes are full of dirty dust and blood stains, and the exposed skin is also filthy. Unbearable.

In Cheng Jinyang's eyes, her appearance is still pure and beautiful.

As if I first saw you yesterday.

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