Missy, She Always Doesn't Seek to Make Progress.

Chapter 1142 Intended to cause her great consequences

Qin Liuxi held a dojo for a day at the main altar of Tiansheng Sect, mainly to save the surrounding dead souls, chant sutras and preach. And attracting believers, after all, faith is not a thing that seems awesome, so how can everyone believe in you with all their heart?

Of course, she didn't show off her fancy skills. After all, the more unpredictable Taoist priests and eminent monks are, they all have to have a certain style. The more unpredictable you are, the more powerful you are.

Qin Liuxi also used the dojo to hold a ceremony to ward off disasters and pray for blessings. It was obviously a cloudy day, and the sky was gloomy as if there was rain. But after she prayed, the dark clouds dispersed, the sky was clear, and colorful lights appeared in the sky.

This move was called an immortal skill by those present, and they marveled at it. They looked at the immortal-like person with awe.

In addition, she did another day of free clinic and set the end time of the free clinic early. At the end of the day, after picking up the last patient, she told those still waiting in line that a couple would come to see her. If you want to get what you want, you start from here and walk to Qingpingguan. Every five miles, the couple stops and kowtows to the east three times, then hangs a red cloth on the side of the road and scatters copper coins all the way to the foot of Qingpingguan. , you will recover without getting sick.

After saying this, she ignored everyone's attempts to stay, stood up and walked forward, and then disappeared into the void in full view of everyone.

Although Qin Liuxi prayed for blessings and misfortunes the day before and they all saw the miraculous phenomenon, now she disappeared out of thin air after taking a few steps, which shocked everyone and called her the magic of an immortal.

After a while, a couple in their late 40s came together and asked everyone if Qin Liuxi was here for a free clinic. They came to seek medical treatment.

Everyone was silent.

The couple looked at each other, were they on the wrong track?

It wasn't until they asked again that they were told what Qin Liuxi had said. The two of them were a little stunned. They looked at each other and told the servants following them to buy red cloth and go to the bank to exchange for strings of copper coins.

Some people looked at their behavior and curiously asked them what kind of disease they had and what they wanted.

The man looked bitter and said: "We, the couple, actually came here to ask for a child. Ten years ago, there was a flood in Lingcheng. When we went to seek refuge with relatives and friends, we encountered bandits and lost a child. We have been looking for it to no avail. After so many years, the child has not been found, and there is no movement in my wife's belly. We heard that there is a doctor here with powerful magic and excellent medical skills. We came here to ask about the whereabouts of the child, and secondly, we also wanted to see a doctor. .”

I see.

"Aren't you the sitter hired by the spectator to cooperate in the show?" someone asked.

The man suddenly looked angry: "I, Zhang Ziyin, have never changed my name or surname. I am from Lingcheng, Lin'an Prefecture, Ningzhou. For the sake of our children, my wife and I have traveled all over the country in recent years. We worship at every temple, ask for help at every sight, and do good deeds. The whole Lin'an Mansion knows about it, and if you don't believe it, you can go check it out. What kind of care is it? I, Zhang Ziyin, don't have to worry about food and clothing, I won't be a caretaker for money, and I won't make fun of my children. "

Seeing that he was furious, the man couldn't help but sneered and said, "The Heavenly Saint Sect also says it protects the world. Who knows if this person is another liar?"

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't ask for help, the temple master is a semi-immortal. He is not comparable to those people with sly eyebrows and sly eyes."

"That's right, that's right, you have such a bad mouth, be careful of your bad words."

Everyone murmured, and the man hurriedly got into the crowd and left for fear of causing public outrage.

Zhang Ziyin bowed his hands to everyone and walked along the way. Among the crowd, there was also a foot trader who also traveled all over the world. He didn't know whether it was out of curiosity or for other reasons, so he followed him. He wanted to take a look. Do couples really do this? And we don’t ask whether the temple owner is really so efficacious. Anyway, we are going to the Taoist temple. If it is really spiritual, there is no harm in worshiping.

Everyone slowly dispersed while talking about the strange thing just now. From then on, the name of Qingping Temple Buqi Temple Master, who is a true half-immortal, spread from here.

Qin Liuxi, who was hidden in the void, looked at this scene, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "That vendor is a smart man and must be able to do something good."

Feng Xiu rolled his eyes at her and said, "I don't care whether you have done anything or not. I think you are getting better and better at pretending to be a ghost. Did you learn from the Tiansheng Sect? Nowadays, it is difficult for Qingping to be famous even if he is not famous."

Qin Liuxi said: "There is Jinhua Temple in Shengjing, the famous Qinglan Temple in Qingzhou next door, and our Qingping Temple in Ningzhou. There is nothing wrong with it. As for you saying that I am pretending to be a ghost, the Taicheng real person in Jinhua Temple only sees three in a day If you are destined to do it like this, you will still be known as an expert, so I have to learn from it."

Feng Xiu: "You have changed. You have begun to pursue fame and fortune."

"Wrong, I did this for the power of faith." Qin Liuxi shook his finger.

Feng Xiu said: "Belief is important, but cultivation is more important. Your presence in the world is enough. In cultivation, we must go further. You have also seen that Si Luo is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and trapping you is only one step. There is one more important.”


Feng Xiu pursed his lips and said: "You may not like to hear this, but I have to say it. Natural and man-made disasters are actually destiny. People who will die in disasters will be saved because of your intervention. Fate, this is actually changing one's destiny against the will of heaven. Since the way of heaven exists, those who change one's destiny against the will of heaven will inevitably suffer the backlash of cause and effect. And cause and effect will eventually be repaid, and if you don't repay it now, then when you fight, That would probably be a disaster."

Qin Liuxi's eyes half-squinted: "You mean, he wants me to be responsible for all these causes and effects?"

"It's possible!" Feng Xiu said worriedly: "The heavier the cause and effect you bear, the greater the backlash you will suffer. When the time comes, what fighting power will you still have?"

Qin Liuxi was silent for a long time, and said: "The Great Dao is fifty, the Heavenly Evolution is forty-nine, then there should be natural disasters for this glimmer of hope. If Heaven puts great karma on me because of this, then it is really a dog of Heaven!"

Just talking about it makes me angry, and I even want to rebel against it!

Tiandao: I am fair!

Feng Xiu said angrily: "You are changing the concept secretly, and you are talking nonsense."

Qin Liuxi said: "What I said is true, but what you said is indeed possible, but he asked me to bear the karma and backlash. If he caused these natural and man-made disasters, wouldn't he have to bear the karma? He injured a thousand enemies. , He has suffered eight hundred losses, and he is actually a pervert if he plays it so big!"

"No matter what, no matter how many plots he plots, he will still be vulnerable in the face of strength. Therefore, it is the last word to be strong. You can't lose big because of small things. The biggest threat is behind you." Feng Xiu sighed: " To put it bluntly, in the face of natural disasters, if we rely on Xuanmen Taoists like you to save us, what use is there for the court?"

"I understand what you mean, I won't put the cart before the horse." Qin Liuxi smiled lightly, looking ahead with a pair of eyes, and said: "It's just a part of the game. It's about exploring the opponent during the game. I found his weakness. I You can win."

Feng Xiu stopped talking. If she could really ignore life, how could she reach this state? He reminded her from the side, but it was just a side point, for fear that she would miss it. (End of chapter)

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