Missy, She Always Doesn't Seek to Make Progress.

Chapter 416 If you can cure it, try your best

Qin Liuxi wanted her daughter's date of birth, Deng Fucai glanced at Lao Luo first, and then whispered when he saw the other nod.

Qin Liuxi pinched his knuckles and calculated carefully, and he came to the result in a short while, saying: "It's Chang Liu Shui Ming."

"Is this fate not good?" Deng Fucai was a little anxious.

Qin Liuxi shook his head: "There must be Yu Qing in a family of good deeds. To be reborn in such a family is because of the karma of good deeds in the previous life. It will not be a bad fate. This fate can't be called Quaker, but in terms of character, fortitude Mingmin, great virtue, and the appearance of a prosperous husband, it's just that in the prime of life, the relationship between husband and wife may have twists and turns, but if she has the ability to do good and accumulate virtue, and her temper is a little softer, it may not be impossible to resolve it. How is the girl's name?"

"It's called Shui Lan."

"The name is also good, just to make up for the lack of water."

Deng Fucai heard that everything was good, and he was a little puzzled: "Then the fact that my girl fell asleep, does it mean that it has nothing to do with her fate?"

Qin Liuxi smiled: "It has nothing to do with the horoscope, but she is so lethargic, it has something to do with external things. You can think about what happened to her before she was in a bad mood, or what brought her to sleep. What kind of dirty things are going home? Because even you have some evil spirits on your body, I'm afraid it's caused by foreign objects."

"This..." Deng Fucai frowned, and said, "Because our family lives in our own Zhuangzi, even though our family is a little rich, we didn't hold back this girl, she also ran all over the Zhuangzi, taking something back, I really don't know."

When he said this, he said: "Master, our family is all laymen. I wonder if you can come and help us? We will give you whatever reward you need."

Zaozizhuang is not far away, nor is it close, and it takes more than half a day to travel by horse-drawn carriage.

Qin Liuxi did not refuse, and said: "Then I will go there the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow?" Deng Fucai said, "Can't it be tomorrow?"

Qin Liuxi took out an amulet from his sleeve and handed it over: "Go back and put this amulet on the child, and I will keep her safe."

Deng Fucai took it with suspicion.

When Lao Luo saw this, he said, "Don't you thank the Taoist priest? Since she said that, she is sure that there will be no major problems with your daughter. You can just wait with peace of mind."

Deng Fucai had no choice but to thank him.

Qin Liuxi stopped talking, took the prosthesis and left with Dongyanghou.

Seeing her walking away, Deng Fufu said to Lao Luo, "No, Brother Luo, is this really possible?"

"How old do you think Xiaodao is?"

"Your younger than the third child in my family." Only a dozen or so.

"You didn't say a word, and people can tell at a glance that something is wrong with your daughter. Does the priestess and Taoist nun you invite have this ability? They also said that you are the Deng family's family of good deeds, are you wrong?"

"Uh..." Deng Fucai touched his nose, he must be wrong.

Lao Luo squinted at him, and said, "I didn't reveal a single word to her. She is showing her face with the truth, so you can rest assured."

Only then did Deng Fucai put his heart in his stomach, put the safety talisman into his bosom, and said: "That's fine, then I'll go back and put this talisman on Nannie's body, and wait at ease, I'll go first."

Lao Luo waved his hand.

On the other side, Dongyang Hou said to Qin Liuxi in the carriage: "What's the matter with that man, did something happen to his girl?"

Qin Liuxi nodded and said: "I'm afraid he recruited some dirty thing to go back and be haunted, even he has a bit of evil spirit haunting him."

"But I see that his face is still flushed, and he looks very rich, and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him."

"Because he has merit and virtue to protect his body." Qin Liuxi said with a smile: "He should be a good person from his ancestors. As long as there is some evil spirit, as long as it does not continue to deepen, nothing will happen."

"What if it's deep?"

"The evil spirit is entangled. Once you can't break free, your luck will decline, you will be unlucky, and if it is serious, you will lose your life."

Dongyang Hou: "It seems that doing good deeds is a good thing."

"As the saying goes, evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good. It's not that the time has not yet come. Cause and effect have always existed."

Dongyang Hou snorted and said, "At such a young age, he looks mature, comparable to my old-fashioned grandson."

Qin Liuxi said: "I am a monk, so I must lead people to do good instead of evil."

Dongyang Hou opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, looked at the prosthetic beside her and said, "You are good at medicine, and you made this prosthetic for someone else. If a person is paralyzed, can you cure it well?"

Qin Liuxi didn't answer, but just looked at him meaningfully.

Her eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, and Dongyang Hou's cold face couldn't hold back any longer, and he sighed: "You know how to meet each other. You also said long ago that I was hurt by the loss of my children and grandchildren. In fact, it was all right. Yes. I have a grandson, twenty-three this year. In a water battle with pirates at the Dragon Boat Festival last year, he was unfortunately caught in an ambush. Although he narrowly won, he suffered serious internal injuries, resulting in paralysis of the lower body and loss of consciousness. with a wheelchair."

"If it's just an internal injury, it won't paralyze the lower body. He was injured internally due to an external injury, and then paralyzed? Let me guess, is he injured in the spine?"

Dongyang Hou was a little excited, and said: "Exactly, isn't there a similar case?"

"If the lower body is paralyzed, it is mostly due to spinal nerve damage or spinal cord injury caused by trauma, such as trampling, impact, or heavy blow."

"Can it be cured?"

"It's hard to say." Qin Liuxi said: "If the nerve is damaged, it can be treated with acupuncture and moxibustion medicine. The process is not short, and it will take at least half a year or more to see better. , it is even more difficult, paralyzed for life, with the existing medical skills, I can't do anything about it. So when I didn't meet people, I didn't see, hear and ask, so I can't make a conclusion. After all, no matter how good my medical skills are, I'm just a mortal, not god."

Dongyang Hou's eyes darkened, and he said, "I will talk to him."

Qin Liuxi nodded: "If it can be cured, I will do my best. The common people need a patron saint like you. Saving one person is like saving thousands of people."

Dongyanghou's brows were loosened, and there was a bit of warmth in his eyes.

Qin Liuxi saw out the window, picked up the prosthetic limb, and said, "I'll get off here and walk back. The old general doesn't need to send it off. You can come over to do the needle in the morning."

The old servant hurriedly knocked on the wall of the car, and the car barely stopped, Qin Liuxi opened the door and jumped down, leaving without looking back.

"Old Hou Ye, don't be discouraged, the young master also said that the nerve damage can be cured, maybe the young master is like this." The old servant comforted.

Dongyang Hou pursed his lips, with a determined look on his face: "No matter what, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we have to give it a try. We can't sit still. If my foot is healed, you don't have to wait for the spring. Once the year is over, you can come with him."

The old servant complied, thinking secretly that he had to go to Qingping Temple to donate more sesame oil and ask the patriarch to bless him.

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