MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 118: Strengthen elite skills

   Li Yao was treated like a hero when he returned to Sebochel. After all, he regained the sentry occupied by thousands of jackals without expending a single soldier of the undead clan. This should indeed be described as brilliant results.

   Ordinary undead and pharmacists have no idea that the upper layer of undead has been surging, and the most respected object in their hearts is naturally still the queen.

   This is the reason why in the last life, the upper layers of the Dreadlord and the Apothecary Association took advantage of the queen's leadership to occupy the Undercity but eventually fell apart.

  Because most of the Forsaken put the Queen’s glory above all else, in their hearts, the Queen is their leader.

   As for the chief of the great pharmacist, he is only the queen's subordinate. Even though he has created many terrible plagues that even the undead can hardly resist, and terrible war dead puppets, he still cannot escape the fate of failure.

   It was with this complicated mood that Li Yao followed a banshee to the royal district again. This time the queen met Li Yao directly, and it was in a side hall.

   At this moment, the queen was looking at a sheepskin scroll seriously, and Li Yao's arrival did not make her look up. The banshee floated out of the side hall gently, and closed the door carefully.

   Li Yao silently saluted, then sat down without speaking, took out a bottle of fine wine, and drank it silently.

   The hall quieted down, leaving only the slight sound of the Queen turning the sheepskin scroll and Li Yao drinking.

   After a while, the queen put away the sheepskin scroll and said: "It seems you know how to enjoy."

   "Our race, everyone knows how to enjoy." Li Yao said neither humble nor humble.

   "Unfortunately, it is because too much time was spent on unnecessary enjoyment and luxury that the High Elf Kingdom has its evil results today." When the queen spoke, her eyes were staring at Li Yao.

   "Queen's opinion." Li Yao didn't argue, put the wine glass away, and then sat down, looking like he was listening.

"Cunning little guy." The queen's mouth showed a curve, and then said: "I read the report three times. You are very good. Although the difficulty of the task is beyond my imagination, the task is the task. It is impossible to do anything. Knowing all the information, it is impossible to be completely prepared. Life is full of accidents and variables. You have shown me a smart mind, which is more useful than your qualifications and skills."

   Li Yao nodded. If the technique is not good, you can practice, but if you don’t respond well, you can’t adapt to the circumstances, you will definitely not be a master.

   is Li Yao from the previous life, and his qualifications are not bad, but the threshold for hunters is too high, and he wasted more than two years in the profession of thieves.

   Those players who have enshrined the gods, which ones are not proficient in playing their own professions for ten years. In his last life, Li Yao almost succeeded in being a **** in less than eight years. I have to say it was a miracle.

   Hunters need to have good archery skills first, and then various skills. Compared with other professions, it is indeed more difficult. Of course, other occupations are not simple, but easy to master. Can save a lot of time.

   "Little guy, don't be arrogant. Taking a sentry post is not an earth-shattering event." The queen tapped.

   "I am confident." Li Yao added.

   The queen can't comment, but there is no disgust in her eyes, and she has not yet condemned.

  Because she is a naturally arrogant person, becoming the king of the banshee and the king of the dark ranger has changed her a lot, but the pride in her bones has not changed.

   So the more she looked at Li Yao, the more satisfied she became. With such a little guy as the inheritor, she might get a surprise one day in the future.

"What you did this time is very beautiful, and you have made a lot of merit, but after all, it is a trial task. I can only grant you the rank of corporal and reward you with 300 points. You will not be dissatisfied. You can become a warrant officer with your military merits," the queen said lightly.

   Li Yao respectfully accepted the commendation book, and the commendation book is automatically integrated into the personal honor, saying: "I am just to complete the queen's mission. These are just surprises. I value your inheritance strength more."

   said so, but Li Yao was still very excited. As a result, he had already activated the military merit system. The rank of corporal can mobilize five NPC guards of no more than his own. They are the guards of the entire dark camp, not the undead clan.

   Military merit points can be exchanged for military merit items, such as equipment supplies, which is very useful.

   "Well, this is the stone of inheritance that I personally poured. It can only be used by you alone. After you pass the third trial, you will come to me again." The queen threw a black misty stone to Li Yao.

   Li Yao grabbed it and was extremely happy: "Thank you, Queen."

   "You can retreat." The queen said lightly.

   Li Yao was not verbose, he saluted directly, and then slowly withdrew from the side hall.

   In a remote corner, Li Yao used the inheritance stone.

   "System: The player uses part of the inheritance infused by the queen herself to obtain part of the Dark Ranger professional features."

   "System: As the world leader personally inherits, the inheritance effect is improved by a level."

"System: Obtain passive characteristics: Night Ranger, obtain active skills: Black Arrow of Night Ranger: Hidden in the darkness and shadows, making the enemy hard to detect, covering all breaths and smells, increasing power by 10%, Agility increased by 15%.

   Black Arrow of Death: The black arrow of death marks a target for 1 minute, during which killing the target can summon an elite death servant.

   Dark Night Ranger enhances strength and agility, very useful attributes, and hiding in the darkness and shadows requires a special environment. Players rarely fight at night, which looks very tasteless, but when used well, it is a magical skill.

   Li Yao took out the advanced skill runes and used them directly.

   Advanced runes can change their attributes. For example, you can select the flame attribute, and the night ranger becomes a fireman, attacking with fire attribute damage.

   Thunder attribute is with a certain paralysis effect.

   If it is applied to the Black Arrow of Death, the flame mage skeleton can be summoned after death after the fire attribute is marked, and the poisonous skeleton can be summoned with the poison attribute.

   Li Yao did not hesitate too much, and directly selected the dark attribute. The dark ranger skills had to be strengthened with runes and became the following attributes.

   Night Ranger (switchable): The entire body is shrouded in darkness and shadows, even in the sun, there are shadows, covering all smells and breaths. Strength increased by 15%, agility increased by 20%, and movement speed increased by 10%.

  In other words, Li Yao turned on this effect, although it was not as sneaky as a thief, but it was not far off, and after the effect was turned on, some of the attacks turned into dark attacks. Attributes can also be improved a lot, 10% movement speed is also a precious attribute.

It makes Li Yao look forward to the enhanced effect of the Black Arrow of Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at Mobile users please To read.

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