MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 196: Blood Raven

Online game god-level mechanical hunter 196, Chapter 196 Blood Crow (subscription request, monthly pass)-567 Chinese After passing through a twisty cave, they finally saw the second boss, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. …,

If it weren't for the positioning of the shining fruit, it would be impossible to deal with the ghost. That kind of weird bat is also weird, flying silently.

If there is no flashing fruit to illuminate the cave, the output and healing are likely to be killed by the bat. If you can see clearly, you can pull the hatred in time to prevent this accident from happening.

Generally speaking, the second part of the journey was a surprise, and when Li Yao consumed the enemy's thirty-six shining fruits, everyone came to the hall where the second boss was.

"Brother Liaoyuan, this time you really want to make money." Haikuotian said with envy.

Li Yao, who was looking at the boss information, was taken aback, and said, "What?"

"Why?" Haikuotian smiled bitterly: "You don't know, during our time, the value of the shining fruit has doubled, from a group of 3 silvers that nobody wants to a group of scarce resources of 20 silvers, but the problem is The medicine farmer’s hands are also out of stock. According to them, even one day of harvesting will not produce many shining fruits."

Li Yao smiled: "And now the players who have studied herbal medicine are all going crazy, let's turn around the map, it must be that there are more wolves and less meat."

"The point is, if there is a normal output, although it cannot be used by the guild normally, it can be temporarily alleviated, but the problem is that this news has been spread crazy in a short time, the value of the flash fruit has skyrocketed, and the flash fruit is produced. The refreshing point of herbal medicines, there are a bunch of people guarding every place where it can be refreshed." The sky and the sky looked at Li Yao strangely.

Although everyone hadn't seen this kind of scene, just thinking about it could know the situation of fighting for a single herb, and the chance of shining fruit after collecting it is not high.

Li Yao smiled, very few of the ancient gods’ wild minerals and herbs refreshed were fixed, only a few could be sure to refresh, and the others were random. If you want to collect herbs, you need to be careful and careful.

Mining and collecting medicine in the wild is the hardest thing. Maybe a certain herbal medicine is in the grass under your feet, and maybe it will refresh on the rock wall you can't climb. It is indeed a torment.

"Brother, you must give priority to selling a batch of shining fruits to our Glory Guild."

After talking for a long time, this is the real purpose of the sea and sky. When everyone is looking for something, the degree of difficulty in obtaining it increases exponentially.

"This is easy to say, but wait until you are past the master class and the first one is looking for me."

Li Yao said with a smile, the old master, but it is not so easy to live.

I have a crystal spider, and it's extremely difficult to live, I dare not say 100% of the past, let alone other teams.

Your own method is almost impossible to replicate. Nowadays, hunters rarely find an elite to be a pet, not to mention Yinying. It must be a crystal spider that spins more tough.

Besides, only a set of twenty silver coins, this is what it is, they haven't really realized the importance of shining fruit. After some teams have suffered a lot, they will know that it will not work if there is no shining fruit. Then is the time when shining fruit really appreciates.

Now, with less than ten times the profit, Li Yao will never make a move.

"The profiteer." Broad sea raised his middle finger.

"Thank you for your praise." Li Yao said with a smile: "I said Shadow Dance, haven't you identified the attributes of the boss, hurry up."

"Quickly, quickly, don't press the boss, the identification has been failing, and I can't help it." Ying Wu Kuang's forehead was sweating, and the boss information was too difficult to identify.

"Forget it, let me send the information. When you identify it, the third boss is killed." Li Yao directly posted the information of the second boss in the team chat.

"I'm rubbing class, boss, you have identified it and let me do it." The grievance in Ying Wu Kuang's heart.

"If I did everything myself, why should I ask you to do it?" Li Yao still said confidently.

Everyone laughed, only Ying Wu raised her **** madly.

Blood Raven

Rank: 12th-level junior boss

Life: 150,000

Armor: 289

Resistance: primary flame resistance, primary dark resistance

Skills: Zombies, Skeleton Warriors, Fallen Wizards, Fallen Mercenaries, Fire Arrows, Fire Arrows

"Hey, the attributes of this boss are so weak." Da Vinci exclaimed.

"Weak?" Li Yao shook his head and said: "Let's put it this way, being able to be the boss of the second level, at least in terms of strength, must exceed anger."

"It's not necessarily. If you find a way to kill, it might be easier than the first one," said Tongtong Dumb.

"Yes, but first you have to find a way. Hitomi knows how to fight this boss?" Li Yao asked rhetorically.

"How do I know, isn't there a big brother for you?" The cute pupil stuck out his tongue.

"I am not omnipotent either." Li Yao shrugged.

"Friends of the water said that looking at the elite mode, this boss is very disgusting, and will summon a wave of elites after a while, which is difficult to deal with." Qin Fengyi said.

"Well, depending on her skills, she can only summon streams. Try it first. For a while, the fruit will still be responsible for the boss, and the big stone will be responsible for pulling the summoned mobs. The mobs have the priority to drop the mobs." Li Yao shot He clapped his hands and said: "That's it, the buff starts."

A ray of light flashes All the buffs that can be added are also added.

The fruit knight quickly approached the boss.

"It's a hateful adventurer again, I'm weak in killing you already."

The blood crow was enveloped in a faint blood-colored mist, but she could vaguely see her holding a large crossbow that was burning with flames, dressed in blood-colored leather armor and a very charming face.


A flame arrow shot out suddenly, and the fruit knight raised the shield subconsciously.


"Fuck it, it's a matter of seconds." The guardian angel and Leonardo quickly added blood.

"The damage is too terrifying. This is an ordinary damage without a crit. If it is a crit, the fruit will definitely be second." Haikuotian said with lingering fear.

A faint shadow suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts. Fruit's defense, damage reduction, and resistance were all top-notch. This is actually the case. If you change to any of them, you can't stand the arrow.

However, the Fruit Knight passed by with a hammer of sanction, and just made two regular attacks in the past. The Blood Crow opened the distance with a shadow wheel, and then continued to attack the Fruit Knight with arrows.

"Don't be stunned, just attack."

Then I saw a few melee Pidian Pidian chasing the Blood Crow, but the number of attacks on the Blood Crow was too limited.

And long-range this is the constant casting, the blood crow's flexibility is too high, except for Li Yao, it is the first time that everyone has encountered this kind of boss battle with small targets, flexible and erratic actions.

Spell hits have become a big problem, however, before everyone can adapt, five zombie silvers have emerged from the ground.

Big Stone's face turned green when he saw this situation...

ps: Sure enough, no one will vote if you don't ask for a monthly pass at the end of the chapter, sad, then it is still the part of asking for monthly pass, subscription and recommendation tickets that everyone likes to hear. Thank you.

(To be continued.)

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