MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 202: Difficult challenge

Dispelling Magic: Dispel a buff from the enemy or dispel a debuff from the allies, instant, the cooling time is 30 seconds.

"I'm going, my rare skill book." The guardian angel's eyes lit up suddenly. He hasn't typed this skill book yet. There is an auction, but it's expensive.

"Fuck, you are dead, you are all that staff, I am only a broken wrist, this is mine, so it is even." Da Vinci angered the guardian angel.

"Aren't you a luthier, shouldn't you learn music and melody?" The guardian angel was shocked.

"You know Mao, the predecessor of the luthier is the pastor. I can learn the skill book of the pastor, transform it into rhythm, enhance and change, and it is much more useful than you." know.

"Okay, yours, yours." The guardian angel was depressed: "I don't have an elite career to bully me, right? Wait, I will concentrate on the task after playing this dungeon."

"Da Vinci's." Li Yao saw that they had discussed and distributed the skill book to Da Vinci.

Then in everyone's eyes, he put a gem bag and two gold coins into the backpack.

"Uncle, open the bag and take a look. The gold coins shouldn't be divided equally, I'm so poor." Da Vinci learned the skills, and he was very poor.

"Split equally, okay, you can be the commander, you can give everyone an even share if you command.

"Cut, I will still be with you if I want to meet?" Da Vinci gave Li Yao a disgusted look.

Li Yao pretended not to see it, and was too lazy to fight with the little girl.

"I said, go ahead, I haven't got a thing yet and haven't said anything, hurry up the next one." Qin Fengyi urged, she was not as calm as Li Yao.

Although two bosses passed, who knows what will happen to the third boss.

"Okay, the equipment is divided. Shadow Dancer is crazy, go find the way." Li Yao said.

"Okay." Ying Wu Kuang looked for traps carefully while paying attention to whether there were any monsters around.

"We also set off."

Li Yao and his party also followed in after the shadow dance madness disappeared.

"Boss, it's a bit troublesome this time." Ying Wu Kuang said.

"Talk about specific." Li Yao frowned.

"I saw a small camp where nearly thirty different kinds of demons gathered, as well as patrolling outposts." Ying Wu Kuang said and sent out the monster's information.

Demon Wizard (12)

Rank position: Level 11 Yinying

Life: 80,000

Armor: 185

Resistance: primary flame resistance, primary frost resistance

Skills: Fireball, Fire Strength, Flame Rain, Pyroblast

The blood of the demon wizard is not high, but everyone's faces are green when seeing the skills of the demon wizard.

Blade Demon (15)

Rank position: Level 11 Yinying

Life: 150,000

Armor: 289

Resistance: primary flame resistance

Skills: Charge, Cleave, Demon Transform, Demon Burn

"Made, you can transform. I hate the monsters most. After transforming, the blood volume will be full again." The guardian angel exploded.

Demon leader (1)

Rank: Level 12 Yinying

Life: 130,000

Armor: 200

Resistance: primary flame resistance, primary arcane resistance

Skills: blessing of strength, blessing of intelligence, fierce battle hymn, resurrection of warriors, corpse explosion, group rapid

Everyone is going to curse the street, there are so many silver and silver gatherings. There is no side room here for them to avoid.

Moreover, the distance from here to the lobby of the second boss is not short. The boss will be fast, and Yinying was already fast because of their speed. Let alone them, even Li Yao would not be able to pull it through.

In particular, they have close combat, long range, and so many group attack spells at long range. In addition to the disgusting spells of the demon leader, the result of being besieged is basically a dead end whether or not they hide in the side room.

"Elite mode does not have such a camp, and it is relatively scattered, at most five or six together, they are still elites. Together, these dozens of silver and Ying are really abnormal." Haikuotian said the situation of the elite mode.

"Yingwu, try to pull one to see." Li Yao said.

However, everyone saw that Shadow Dancer's blood bar was instantly cleared.

"No, as long as I show up and be seen by them, all the monsters who see me will rush over. The flames are too terrifying, just hit me."

Everyone is silent, this situation is a bit painful.

"It seems that this is another difficulty of the master level." Sister Li meditated: "The key is how to break it now, is it possible to do this, command not to show up, and eject the nearest monster, will it attract the monster."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Da Vinci said, "This is a good way, uncle hurry up, it's up to you."

Qin Fengyi shook his head and said, "This is too difficult. You should be able to see the camp after passing this corner. It is impossible to use the ejection to cross the corner, but if you eject here, you need the arrow to pass the corner. It’s too difficult to eject many times from the uneven rock wall."

Everyone immediately understood that there was no demon in sight here, how to eject it, and the stone wall was not smooth. They believed that Li Yao could control it once, but for many times, the error would be It is too difficult to do this.

"We must be fast, there is already a team to the last boss." Haikuotian reminded.

His words made everyone feel tight, and they were trapped here.

"It's difficult, but I can try it." Li Yao thought for a while and said. He really can't remember how players in the previous life passed through this channel, but it was definitely not a hard resistance. This is no longer a problem of equipment.

However, Li Yao didn't struggle. There was not only one solution. There were many wonderful things in the ancient gods that seemed useless or had no connection.

But players who can always be brain-opened discover the mystery and usage.

Li Yao turned on the passiveness of the Dark Ranger, and his body gradually became transparent. Because they were teammates, they could vaguely see Li Yao's vague figure.

"Meow, this action and this step, don't be a thief or a thief, a perverted thing." Haikuotian vomited.

"Hunters can still sneak, I feel that the future is not bright." Ying Wu said frantically, and they ate by sneaking.

Li Yao ignored their complaints. He sneaked across the corner and found that there was a relatively spacious passage tens of yards away.

There was a bonfire there, and there was some kind of creature's thigh on top, the roasted golden tick of this grease.

A demon leader is sitting by the campfire, a few demon wizards guard him, and the blade demon is slightly scattered, patrolling around.

Li Yao quietly looked at the camp for at least five minutes, and then carefully observed the walls on both sides of the cave, remembering every detail in his mind.

He retreated to the side of the players, then sat on the ground and closed his eyes. This time it was really a challenge for him...

ps: The second chapter is sent, continue to ask for subscription, monthly pass.

(To be continued.)


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