MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 367: Magical

Chapter 367 Superb Skills (250 monthly pass plus more)

Seeing Li Yao, he had to learn drawings. The little hand said coldly and nervously: "Uncle, you said you are almost a senior engineering master, right?"

Li Yao nodded and said: "That's for sure. Look at your drawings, how much study is needed, I am not proficient enough to learn."

"Yes, then you are so old, you must have done a lot of engineering things, you must be able to flash this gun earlier, I don't have a lot of materials, can't make a few?" Xiaoshou asked very nervously.

"Don’t worry, little girl, my craftsmanship is absolutely nothing to say. So, you have three sets of materials. If more than three sets are not flashed, I will pay for the remaining production costs. I will definitely help you make a flashing weapon. Don't worry about it."

Li Yao could see Xiao Gu Liang's mind at a glance, but he also understood very well that the current hunter's situation is not particularly good.

Team formation is difficult, and hunters are naturally much harder to survive than other occupations. This little girl is so introverted. If she hadn't had a group of relatives and friends, she would have had difficulties herself.

It is not a very simple thing to get a few sets of materials for this level 15 musket. It is estimated that it was drawn out by bankruptcy.

"Uncle, I didn't mean that." Xiaoshou Bingliang was blushing when Li Yao said: "I have ten sets of materials. My friend helped me to collect them. You can make ten sets."

"Then your friend is really good to you." Li Yao sighed, knowing that you need iron ingots to make this musket. Now it is a very expensive and rare thing. It is difficult for Li Yao to collect, let alone an ordinary player. . Her classmates are willing to give her a hunter to collect ten sets, so the Guliang staff is not so good.

"Yeah, they treat me very well." Aunt Liang nodded a little shyly.

"Look, look, there's a lot of fun, and someone is looking for an NPC for foundry." The words of the two were heard and someone shouted out.

"Tsk tsk, this time there is a good show, but the foundry flash is going to ruin the house, I don't know who is going to be unlucky this time."

"That's right, it's too hard to flash. I don't know how many people have been crying to death in the past few days."

"Yes, there were a lot of OEMs in the beginning, but now who dares to ask for OEMs? This little girl can't think about it. She has the financial resources to make a flash, so it's better to just buy one."

"You're not nonsense, you have to buy it. The musket is so popular and the output is small. As long as the auction house appears, it will be killed."

"Then why don't you challenge the Salon King in the Arena, isn't that one who can be a Ziwu?"

"You are too two, that is the standard Ziwu, how can it be compared with this kind of Ziwu made."

"You're only two, you can't do it, it's not useful."

Players who were busy with each other had gathered together and watched the excitement beside the engineering platform where Li Yao was.

"Aunt Liang, just look at it, don't be nervous." Li Yao teased the nervous little Aunt Liang who started to sweat while sorting out the materials.

The little hand was cold and red, and he lowered his head and said, "No, I'm not nervous."

Everyone burst into laughter when they saw her like this, and no one had cursed the failure, and they all offered comfort.

"Then I will start."

Li Yao took a deep breath, the two arms turned into afterimages and began to constantly operate the surrounding tools and production machinery.

Everyone was stunned, because at this time Li Yao did not produce like ordinary people, but controlled several tools and machinery at the same time, and produced various parts.

Everyone could only see the afterimage of his arms, and could only hear the clanging or smelting sound in his ears.

"Fuck it, **** man."

"Is this little girl really lucky to meet an engineering master?"

"Nonsense, look at the operation, this level of proficiency, even senior engineers can't do it."

"Record it, record it quickly."

Don't talk about these players, even some of the surrounding NPCs have all climbed to the top and watched Li Yao making muskets intoxicated.

"Master, I actually received a master." The female dwarf who was in charge of receiving Li Yao was full of regret: "Why should I rush home to see the children? If I stay and help the master, then I will definitely be able to break through. I’m a senior engineer, so I don’t need to continue to work."

Although very regretful, she also watched Li Yao skillfully while operating various tools like other NPCs.

The same gray-bearded old dwarf sighed and said, "Multi-tasking, it's amazing. I didn't expect that besides a few great craftsmen and a few great masters, there are people who can do multi-tasking. Why have I not heard It doesn’t make sense to have passed Meka."

The old dwarf was surrounded by several senior engineers who heard the old man talking to himself, and he was shocked. He was a little inattentive and became intently watching Li Yao's performance.

Li Yao became extremely focused and serious after entering the working state. His multitasking was actually achieved because of his strong mental power. It took him a long time to master this skill thoroughly.

Making a musket with drawings is much easier than making mechanical puppets. For Li Yao, it is really easy.

The normal process takes more than an hour to produce a musket, and Li Yao only took ten minutes to produce it.

When everyone saw Li Yao holding the sandpaper carefully for the final polishing, they didn't know who called it out.






A dozen people at the beginning, and then hundreds of people who watched the whole process all followed.

Although the process is ten minutes long, it gives them a fleeting feeling, as if they are watching a pleasing performance, and after the end, there is still a feeling of unfulfilled meaning.

In their opinion, if such a manufacturing process is not shining, it is simply intolerable.

When seeing Li Yao last wipe, everyone held their breath, waiting for the arrival of the fate moment.

When Li Yao's hand stopped and raised the musket, the musket that was originally shining blue light suddenly changed, a purple light flickered, and the blue quality musket flashed into a purple weapon.

"Really flashed." The old dwarf muttered to himself: "A miracle, a miracle."

"A flash, although I prayed so much, I didn't expect it to appear." Everyone couldn't believe it.

The little hands were cold and flushed, covering his mouth with excitement, eyes full of surprises.

Li Yao handed the gun to her and said, "Guliang, how about it? You didn't waste your materials."

"Well, um, thank you uncle, thank you uncle." Xiaoshou was extremely happy with coldness.

" I also want to OEM."

"Master, do it for me first."

"Master, do mine first, do mine first."

"Master, I have the drawings, but I will still pay for the foundry, so please do it for me first."

"Leave all of them, all of them, my teacher wants to see Master Mecca. I have to wait a while for the foundry." A senior engineer said apart from the crowd.

At this time, Li Yao discovered that a few senior engineers were approaching with an elderly master.

Although I don't know who he is, but looking at the outfit, he is at least a master-level figure. Before Li Yao could react, the master respectfully saluted Li Yao.

Li Yao really scared one...

ps: Aunt the starting point, two chapters are released regularly, but I am replacing a repeating chapter, and will not waste everyone's money, please rest assured, instead, let me work overtime until one o'clock in the morning to write another chapter.

(To be continued.)

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