MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 369: Master teach me

The benefits of Eagle Eye are obvious, and Eagle Eye is a unique skill. Hunter's investigation is indispensable for general trade union battles.

Of course, there are many benefits when fighting monsters, and monsters can be spotted in advance.

As for the attributes that only become purple after flashing, you can find traces of sneak thieves, which has a great effect on field security.

Everyone knows that it is not monsters that need to be careful in the wild, but thieves.

This is especially true for maps in battles. Although sneaking cannot be found directly, it is already very important to be able to find traces and flaws.

If you have such eyes, the thieves shouldn't even get close to Li Yao.

As for finding the treasure chest, there are hints when you scan the hidden treasure chest. This feature is the favorite of players.

"Master, I want to flash, you can't miss it." The player painfully handed the blueprint of the mechanical goggles to Li Yao.

Let alone someone else, even Li Yao decided to make one for himself.

Li Yao started production, and the process was also very simple.

After all, Li Yao didn't do it for gold coins, so he didn't rush or slow down. In this case, time passed and passed.

Unknowingly, it was noon. Due to the different length of the foundry, I also earned a dozen gold coins, which made many players jealous.

However, many players who were not in the queue begged Li Yao to come back in the afternoon. Li Yao just wanted to go to the ruins anyway, he wanted to go to the ruins after finishing the drawings.

Earning this amount of money was a waste of precious time, but Li Yao was still very satisfied. In addition to the drawings of goggles and muskets, Li Yao also learned a lot of good engineering drawings.

These drawings were something that Li Yao couldn't collect in the dark camp, and he was only proficient in dwarf engineering, which made Li Yao a lot of money.

After returning home, he can make many tools that are only available on the dwarf side. Of course, Li Yao has not been found flaws and the most important reason is that the methods he uses are all dwarf engineering techniques and operating procedures.

Although both goblins and dwarves are proficient in engineering, their techniques and crafts, as well as the steps of technical methods are different. Li Yao was born again, and he mastered both methods in the late game. If it is other players, definitely Will be dismantled by the engineering master.

"Master, teacher, please go up and have lunch." A senior engineer respectfully saluted Li Yao.

Although he is one of the managers of this town, even regardless of his rights, his engineering grade and personal strength are all over Li Yao.

But after watching Li Yao making things for a long time, even though it was only an intermediate engineering thing, he still felt that he had learned a lot.

From the inattention at the beginning, to the teacher's reminder, and then to serious study, his attitude towards Li Yao also turned a hundred and eighty degrees.

Seeing Li Yao coming up, the old man stood up and personally led Li Yao to the seat.

"Sir, please sit down." The old man said: "My dear Miller, I don't know what your husband is called"

Li Yao sat down and clinked glasses with Miller and said, "My dear Meka."

"Mr. Please enjoy it as you please. You are welcome." Miller enthusiastically served Li Yao and was stunned to see the disciples standing nearby. They had never seen their teacher serve others like this: "See Mr.'s technique today. , Simply, I don’t know what technique this is, can you tell me something"

Li Yao knew the purpose of this old guy as soon as he heard it, but he didn't care, but he said with a serious look on his face: "I just call it multi-tasking, rough techniques, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning. "

Miller's mouth twitched. This was one of the most advanced techniques. She couldn't ask for it, but the other party really said that it was not worth mentioning. She sighed in her heart. She deserves to be a master. The realm of this life is different.

At the time, the leader, the master craftsman, also said that this is just a small technique, not worth mentioning. Thinking of this, the smile on his face became more cordial.

"You drink, you drink, this is the fifty-year-old fine wine I brought in from the old guy in Thunder." Miller poured wine to Li Yao and said: "I have been stuck at this threshold for many years and have been unable to do anything. I know, I don’t know if the master can give me some advice."

Miller's face was full of eagerness.

From his own introduction, Li Yao has confirmed that this Miller is the master of this town. The dwarf has always been like this, based on the strength of engineering, not the rank.

You know, this is also a ss, and it can be regarded as a figure with a face among the gnomes. After all, it is definitely not a simple figure to command a party.

Such a person put down his body to flatter himself, Li Yao still felt dark and cool.

"Cough cough." Li Yao said with a light cough, "Is this."

"You all go out, I'll entertain the master myself." Miller thought she understood what Li Yao meant, and immediately scolded the disciples to go out. When everyone was gone, she looked at Li Yao eagerly, where is there someone who manages a town? style.

"This way." Li Yao would say, this is the master's strong mental power, coupled with the extraordinary talent to learn. Random thoughts moved and thought of a way to deal with it.

Then dipped two serious fingers with wine, and said on the ground with one hand and the other hand to draw a circle, and said: "Look, this is the simplest one-minded two-use. If you do, you can draw some complex shapes."

Miller’s face showed ecstasy on his Myself, although it was drawn out, it was crooked and shapeless, but his face was still ecstatic: "Master, you are so generous, I don’t know how Thank you."

"Polite, polite." Li Yao picked up a piece of roasted rare poultry egg and said while peeling it: "You must remember that it is very difficult to learn this, and you can't be impetuous because you can't see the effect in a short time, waiting for you. When you are taller, you can write different characters with two hands at the same time, and then you can do three things with one mind when you can chat with people."

"I understand, I understand, this kind of magical skill wants to be practiced naturally, it is not a matter of overnight." Miller was delighted for a long time and practiced with drinks, but after a while came to remember that Li Yao was still there. Suddenly he said with embarrassment, "Master, it is too tacky to give you ordinary things, and I can't get it."

"It's a trivial, trivial, what's the reward." Li Yao thought in his heart, I am not too cheesy. If you cut out a little, I will make a lot of money, but I can't say that, I still maintain the demeanor of a master.

"Master, I don't know, have you heard that we have discovered a new ruin underground" Miller asked seriously.

Li Yao's heart was shocked. He came for the ruins, how could he not know, but he still doesn't know what the other party thinks, just said: "I heard a little bit, a little bit."

Miller stared at Li Yao's eyes and said, "Master, this is one of the underground sites where the ancient Titans sealed us. Although they were not cursed by flesh and blood, they were mostly destroyed, but there is something hidden in this underground. I don’t know, the master is not interested at all"

ps: The sunburn is almost healed, changing the skin, and the whole body is like a needle stick. This chapter was only written after sitting in front of the computer for more than four hours



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