MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 386: Dead end

The difficulty of this lock is that the last test is unchanged, but the tests of the first four nodes are changing. The door set by the mechanical gnome is okay, and what they know is also limited.

But if it is the Titan setting, it will be even more terrifying. It is a huge problem to crack the first four nodes.

What's more, it's the last node. Even if some people are very powerful, it's okay for them to defeat powerful monsters, but it's another matter for them to defeat themselves.

As the saying goes, there is a good saying that it is hard to kill oneself, that is the reason.

This is especially true for those who are not good at fighting. For example, a Tier 2 person who is not good at fighting has a Tier 2 body but can't exert real combat effectiveness.

The Titan’s simulation of its own strength, although formulaic, but the fighting skills and consciousness are top-notch, a person who is not good at fighting and his own mirrored battle, there is only a dead end.

It is for this reason that the reincarnation lock is called the door of despair. Unless you know the correct procedure to open the door, if you follow the path of decryption, you can only drink hate here.

"Hehe, time is coming." A master goblin sneered, and at the same time he relaxed.

"It seems that the person whom the leader values ​​is not very good. This person knows that the origin is unknown at a glance. I really don't know why the leader even lent him the golden puppet." As a master master, of course he knows the importance of the golden puppet. Among the entire dwarf race, there are no more than 30 puppets with golden quality.

Not to mention gold, but purple puppets are rare, they are not racial-level bss or they are basically impossible to obtain.

The things that they can't see but are now being ridden by others, it is fake to say that they are not jealous. You can get any good things, and the origin is still unknown.

Others were obviously relieved, which shows that they still have a chance to get the message left by the Titans, which is what they most hope for.

"Tsk tsk, how can the Titan's lock be so easy to open... Uh, the time is up?" The talking goblin saw that Li Yao had left the console.

"Well, brother must be tired too, you should rest first, it's mine." The goblin who was still giving blood to the monster said happily.

Li Yao stepped back and said, "I'm afraid you don't have a chance to start. Go find the next door."

"What do you mean, do you want to occupy it?" The masters suddenly became unhappy.

Li Yao shook his head and said, "How can a person as pure as I have the nasty thoughts that you only have. Look for yourself."

Following Li Yao's words, the bright starry sky above the gate shone with six points of light, and then the six points of light were linked into a circle of light. All the light from the gate disappeared and turned into a simple and unpretentious stone gate.

"The reincarnation lock, you actually unlocked the reincarnation lock, this is impossible."

"The lock of reincarnation was unlocked in half an hour, what kind of monster are you?"

"Impossible, impossible, this kind of thing has never happened before, this is impossible."

Players don't know what reincarnation lock is, but seeing the faces of several masters seeing the undead, they know that the door lock must be incredible, otherwise they can't be so gaffe.

The players suddenly felt disappointed. Their task was to open three levels. Now they have not completed one. Instead, the five people who followed Li Yao are very happy. They have completed two levels, although they followed Li Yao said it was a protection, but in fact he could only deal with other things.

"An illusion, it must be an illusion. Ordinary fascination locks cannot be unlocked in half an hour, not to mention a reincarnation lock that has no hope of opening. I must have been hit by a psychedelic spell." A goblin commander monster is on his head. There was a bucket of cold water on the upper road, however, he looked at the door again and saw that the six-point light circle submerged in Li Yao's eyebrows.

Everyone knew what it meant, and Li Yao got the information contained in this door.

Li Yao was also very pleasantly surprised. Originally, he had no hope for this information. After all, he had learned a lot of such information in his previous life, but he did not expect that the information in this field would allow him to learn new engineering skills. This technique and craft are Titan craftsmanship, and there are certainly very few masters.

This value is too great, even if there are no other blueprints to gain, just this technique has already made a lot of money.

"It deserves to be the reincarnation lock known as the door of despair, and the information it contains is extraordinary." Li Yao returned to his mind and saw that several masters seemed to be demons.

"Please come back, everyone, as agreed, this is already mine," Li Yao said loudly.

It was only after hearing Li Yao's words that several masters fully recovered. It can be seen how the unlocking of the reincarnation lock had a great impact on their hearts.

"Hold on." The goblin master riding the monster stopped several masters who were about to divorce.

"Let’s go, find the next door, what are you doing here if you’re not as skilled as people." A dwarf master said regretfully, but he didn’t feel much lost. After all, they knew it was a reincarnation lock. No one has the ability to open the lock of reincarnation.

The goblin riding the monster sneered and said: "Don't you forget, we just promised him to unlock, when did we say that things will belong to him after opening the door."

The other goblin also had a sudden insight, and said: "Yes, the information and technical gains you have obtained from the Titans are already so huge, and the contents inside can't be robbed with us. After all, we have also worked hard, right?"

"So, do you want to go back?" Li Yao showed a sneer.

"How can this be regarded as We are of the same race anyway, shouldn't it be right for the same race to help each other."

"Yes, there must be a lot of things in it. You can't bring it all by yourself. We should share some of it with you."

The goblin even said: "Yes, your people have said so, maybe there is still danger in it, we go in and clear the obstacles for you, you must have no opinion."

"Can I have an opinion?" Li Yao lowered his head and asked lightly.

"No." The five masters were already in their own cars, standing side by side, opposing Li Yao.

"It's really deceiving, Master, fight with them." Let alone Li Yao, the people in Zhan Tianya are angry, although they can't get the big head, but Li Yao can give them a bit of what they get. Now they want Destruction is simply unbearable.

"Okay, let's go in together." Ignoring Zhan Tianya, he seemed to be frightened by the momentum of a few people.

Several people were even more proud of seeing Li Yaofu soft, and some masters said, "Wrong, we went in first. After all, you got Titan's technology, so naturally you can't be the first."

"Okay, what you said counts." Li Yao's face was unwilling.

"Let's go." Several masters stood side by side, and the players behind them also took a triumphant glance at a few people and then opened the door and walked in.

The people in Zhan Tianya were not reconciled, but saw that Li Yao did not enter the door but adjusted out of the console.

"Portal System: Are you sure to close the door again?"

Li Yao no longer had a depressed smile on his face, and said faintly: "I'm sure."

As the gate closed, the sound of monsters fighting with everyone seemed to be heard inside the gate.

"It's you who walked on your way to death, but no wonder I."...

ps: The second chapter is sent, continue to ask for monthly pass, and ask for help.

(To be continued.)



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