MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 395: Clown show

"Master, you can count it, if you didn't meet the little hands, I thought you had an accident?" Guangminghua said anxiously.

There was no news for more than five hours, making them anxious. They were still there. If something happened to Li Yao, then their hard work this day would be wasted.

The level hasn't risen much, and if he gets severely punished when he goes back, it would be too much for him.

However, they couldn't help it. Going back to Li Yao would definitely not work.

After entering these passages, the mechanical monsters here will be absorbed after they are killed, and new monsters will continue to be refreshed from the pipes. It has taken too much time for them to kill them, and now it is dark when they kill them back.

When the monster is violent and has no place to stay, then it is really wanting to cry.

"Hey, your level." Zhan Tianya grouped the two into the team and saw their level.

The little hand is cold and I don’t know how to say it. After a flash in the pan, he sighed and said: “This time is a life of nine deaths. We are trapped by difficult monsters. Fortunately, the master arrived and relieved us. Those monsters are Yinying and have little hands It’s not difficult to kill the puppets, and I didn’t pay attention at the time. When we came out, we discovered that our level had soared to 17. Now our level should be ranked in the top two."

Epiphany pretended not to understand anything.

The three of them were full of envy, knowing that the monster they killed for a long time is only level 15 now, and in the same time, they have already surpassed them by two levels.

Seeing that the two are still at a loss, their eyes are red. Why can't they touch this kind of good thing? Nine deaths are nothing, now they are all at level 17. How much time will it save?

If they hadn't seen the rewards of this task to the extreme, they would not sacrifice the upgrade time to do this **** task.

"You guys think too much, and your upgrade speed is against the sky. If you can definitely be in the top three of the ranking list before today, but now it's not good, Liaoyuan doesn't know where to upgrade again, and suddenly reached level 19, those who chase him The lunatics are also at level 17." Shuzhitianxia vomited.

"But you are already very good in the top 50. Alas, how come I can't come across such a good thing." Guangminghua's tone was full of regret and envy. It would be nice if you followed them at first, but now it's too late to say anything. Up.

"Ahem, are you still where you upgraded?" Zhan Tianya asked with a light cough, he was still a bit unwilling now.

There was a flash in the pan, and he didn't expect Zhan Tianya's face to be so thick, but he still said: "I am here, but I need to return to this channel, and then enter another channel. If there is no master, it will take more than a day to hurry."

After hearing this, Shu Zhi Tian Xia turned his eyes and ran to the front of Li Yao and said: "Eh, eh, Master, I don't think the front is where the level is."

Li Yao glanced at him and said, "Oh?"

Zhan Tianya also understood the meaning of Shuzhitianxia, ​​and said, "Master, we have already reached the front of the passage and haven't found the level, so we returned."

From Zhan Tianya's point of view, the passages here extend in all directions, and it doesn't matter if you abandon the levels inside, just find another one at that time. Anyway, I can't get anything, so it's better to upgrade.

Li Yao couldn't laugh or cry. These two people are really, you know, Li Yao said that the electronic map is not complete because they lied to divide their troops. Now these two guys are still using this trick, which is really funny.

"Oh? Then you think that path is the right one."

Guangminghua originally wanted to say something, but she caught a glimpse of the idiot-like eyes in a flash, and she was startled, and said, "I think we haven't probed carefully enough, so let's go this way."

"Obviously, I have already explored it, but I think that Xiaoshou's path is correct. After all, there are so many Yinying guards. I think we should go to that path first, or find the level earlier." Zhan Tianya Seeing Li Yao's smile, thinking that his opinion was adopted, he quickly continued: "Master, I will trouble you."

Li Yao continued to walk in the direction of the level, sweeping away the machinery that was blocking the road, and said: "I think you made a mistake."

"What? Master, please correct me." Shu Zhi Tianxia said.

"You are here to protect me, not me to protect you. Don’t think that I don’t know your plan. If you forget, I’ll remind you. Here I am in charge, not to mention that the front is a hurdle, but the front is a dead end. I If you say to go this way, you have to leave me. If you don’t want to go, just get out of here."

Li Yao glanced at the two of them and said, "You should be careful about it, so put it away. I want to lie to me, the ruins find that you two have no share, and the two of you share the other three on average. Pay attention to the three as well. The extra gains are not for nothing. If the two of them have another moth, kick them out immediately. What kind of battle, give your captain to Epiphany."

"Master, I really think about you..." Zhan Tianya said unwillingly.

Guangminghua said: "Just forget Who is the master, you are actually playing such a small trick, let alone, give the captain to Tanhua."

Zhan Tianya and Shu Zhi Tianxia looked ugly. They didn't expect Guangming Hua to be on the other side, and because of the trophy issue, the three of them would inevitably follow Li Yao's steps closely.

The two of them are even more out of touch now, and they can naturally give up the task in a fit of anger, but the punishment is too serious for them to dare.

"I think people can be shrewd, but don't be too shrewd and treat others as fools." Xiaoshou said coldly and earnestly, and then followed the steps of several people.

Zhan Tianya and Shuzhi Tianxia wanted to vomit blood, but they didn't dare to attack at all. Even if they complete the task, they need Li Yao to comment on them, which is also related to how generous they are rewarded.

"This is the dead end you said." Li Yao and several people stood in front of the checkpoint and said: "It really is a dead end, after all, it is blocked by the Titan Portal."

The two of them stopped talking.

However, the atmosphere here is a bit weird. Two dozen goblins and gnomes gathered together, but no battle broke out, and the players also gathered together to chat.

"Yeah, a new partner is here again." A goblin said in surprise.

"Yeah, this brother is very heroic at first glance, and he will definitely be able to unlock this mystery." A dwarf also said, and the dwarfs shook their heads when they looked at each other, indicating that they didn't know this tribe.

"Well, that's true, there is a master demeanor at a glance."

Li Yao watched astonishedly as a group of masters greeted him with a spring breeze of compliments, but he became more vigilant in his heart. This was obviously not right.

Li Yao smelled a conspiracy...

ps: I woke up at noon again... I haven't had lunch yet, I'll go to dinner and come back to the codeword.

Also ask for a monthly pass...

(To be continued.)

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