MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 399: Absorption

"You don't talk about credibility too much." The little hand said coldly and loudly.

"Credit, what is that, hahaha, I can only blame this guy for being too arrogant and self-conscious." A master goblin laughed.

"Asshole, if it weren't for the master, you wouldn't be able to open this door at all." The little hand was cold and excited.

"You are a girl, what do you know? If you talk nonsense, I will kill you directly."

"This is the end of the arrogance, what the hell, we are not alive in the end."

No one sympathized with Li Yao, the indifference and ridicule of the masters, and the excitement of getting a treasure.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's open the door and go in."

"What are you doing in a daze, push the door."

As the masters ordered dozens of melee players to push the door, the four impatient masters also directed the monsters or puppets they rode to push the door.

In fact, in order to seize a favorable position, the first one to rush in and pick the best things.

"Let's work hard together."

In the tense atmosphere, everyone pushed the huge stone gate together.


With the sound of Shimen, the hearts of the people behind them all lifted up, stretching their necks to see what good things are inside.

However, Shimen only opened a small gap, and suddenly there was a scream in front of the door.

Everyone turned their heads to find that the person who was pushing the door was covered with a layer of black air.

These people screamed bitterly, as did the players.

"Save me, save me."

A goblin of a rider monster jumped off the monster frantically and ran towards the crowd.

The beast behind him let out a roar of extreme pain and crashed to the ground.

The crowd was in an uproar, and the masters fled away.

"If you want to die, don't pull us into the water."

"help me……"

The master fell to the ground, the black energy on his body became more intense, and then the screams were gone.

There was silence in front of the door, and everyone quietly watched these people being corroded by the black gas, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Everyone has lingering fears, and some masters are even more afraid, because they almost want to push the door in person, and they are stopped by their companions. Otherwise, those who disappeared will be them.

The only difference is that the black air did not completely disappear this time, but began to converge in one direction. A huge black air mass was formed.

"It's that arrogant guy, he's not dead yet."

Following a goblin's surprise, everyone looked in Li Yao's direction.

After Li Yao was enveloped in black air, they were not paying attention to this side. In their opinion, Li Yao was already a dead person, and of course they would not pay attention to a dead person.

Under the temptation of the treasure, they all turned their attention to the door, but something changed.

Only then did they discover that Li Yao, who should have disappeared, was still standing well.

Although enveloped by black air, he can still be seen in good condition.

It was then that they were stunned, because until now, Li Yao hadn't screamed like others.

It's just that the black air is too terrifying, and they only dared to watch from a distance. As for approaching, they would not dare to kill them. They still don't know the origin of these black qi.

Having said that, Li Yao didn't believe these goblins at the beginning, and if he counted on the goblin's reputation, then he would be no different from Ersha.

Li Yao’s reliance is very simple, that is, the time mark of the golden ring, even if it is enveloped by the black gas, it will not die instantly, but is corroded by the black gas. He can see clearly that the corrosion is corroded according to a certain proportion of life. It takes at least a few seconds.

In this way, there is room for maneuver. Even if they turn back, it is enough for Li Yao to save his life with time.

At that time, the female goblin ordered the players to stop the connection. Li Yao was enveloped by the black air. Li Yao observed the black air and found that it was indeed the power of the ancient gods and was about to use time to leave marks.

However, the dark touch of the arm was suddenly activated, and countless tentacles were stretched out. Instead, the black energy was drawn and absorbed, and the bead that was imprisoned by the tentacles began to absorb the power of the black energy.

Originally, Li Yao's life was only about half left, but under the effect of the touch of darkness, his life was instantly full.

Moreover, that unspeakable pain disappeared without a trace, and as the black energy disappeared, a lot of complicated information also came into Li Yao's mind.

Li Yao used his mental power to quickly absorb these fleeting information. This information is not perfusion, but just like a slide, plus it is very messy. If you can't remember it, it will disappear in the future.

Li Yao didn't want to miss this precious information. Later, some pictures that seemed to be fast-forwarded many times began to appear. Only when Li Yao mobilized all his mental power could he reluctantly remember those pictures. I am analyzing this information when I am stable.

At this time, the masters were also opening the door, which gave Li Yao time.

"Damn it, we are all companions. I finally managed to penetrate the seal and accumulate power. You two actually stole my power together. This is the second time, and I remember you."

An illusory voice sounded in Li Yao's mind, and then the dark touch effect disappeared.

"System: The Touch of Darkness absorbs the power of the ancient god's distraction, and obtains the effects of Dark Asylum, Shadow Tentacle, and Faceless Apostle."

Dark Asylum: All dark spell damage received is reduced by 90%, immune to dark element control effects, and lasts for two days.

Shadow Tentacle: Summon a huge tentacles to wrap around the target, absorb 10% of the target's vitality every second, the tentacle exists for 10 minutes, each time the tentacles are absorbed, the life is extended by one minute, 3/3, and a summon amount is added every 30 minutes. Skills exist for 10 Apostle: Summon a Faceless Apostle to fight for the master. The Faceless Apostle’s corpse is a high-level leader with the same level as the summoner. The existence time is 20 minutes and the cooling time is 6 hours. The skill exists for 10 days.

"Life deprivation is really powerful. What is the origin of the Touch of Darkness, and what effect will it have if you get all three." Li Yao was also shocked when he saw the three skills.

The Touch of Darkness can be so strong, he decided to go back and ask the queen about the traces of other parts of the Touch of Darkness.

The black energy gradually faded, but Li Yao's body was still covered with a faint black mist, especially his arms seemed to be entangled with countless tentacles, and his eyes became extremely evil.

"Sure enough, they are all good friends." Li Yao scanned the masters.

All the masters who stared at Li Yao couldn't help retreating and hid under the protection of the players.

"I want to ask you one last time, do you still want to enter this gate?"

Upon hearing Li Yao's words, the masters looked at each other.

"This, of course, was thought. It was an accident just now, and it is definitely not our intention." A master said quickly.

"That's good, I can open the door for you, but before that, I only have one request. If you don't agree, then no one will want to enter this portal." Li Yao said coldly.

"You said, you said." Now the masters have nothing to do. Seeing the black energy surrounding Li Yao's body, they dare not approach Li Yao.

"Very good." Li Yao pointed to the female goblin and said: "I saved her once, but she has harmed me again and again. If you don't kill her, everyone thinks I'm a bully. I want to fight her. Life and death duel, you should be notaries."

The female goblin was stunned immediately, and then reacted, her face full of horror...

ps: ask for monthly pass

(To be continued.)

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