MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 422: Thank you 2 brother for reminding

The players of Xiaoyao Studio saw it both annoyed and helpless. This situation made them feel very unhappy.

Looking back at the original situation now, it is no wonder that Li Yao said what corpses were to be collected. It seems that it was premeditated. In fact, he has seen the way.

Then they deliberately sought out their second elder brother, and then the second elder brother said to give up the boss body that they had been tinkering with for half an hour without any results.

Then there was this kind of vomiting blood, they really didn't understand.

They had used all kinds of percussion attacks, and they were of no use at all. How to change to Li Yao just revealed two purple outfits.

Moreover, it is also a very practical purple outfit. Special equipment has always been very in short supply. It is not a wonderful feeling to see that things that clearly belong to them fall into Li Yao's pocket.

If it wasn't for the second brother Xiaoyao who hadn't spoken, they could not wait to rush to drown Li Yao by magic, and then **** back the spoils that originally belonged to them.

It’s just that the second brother Xiaoyao always speaks what he says, and he has a good face. They also know the character of the second brother Xiaoyao, and they would rather break their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs instead of letting Li Yao read jokes. , So today this dumb loss is determined.

"Second brother, thank you so much, it's not you and I can't get such good equipment yet." Li Yao said to Brother Xiaoyao gratefully.

Brother Xiaoyao's face had changed from red to pitch black, but he barely squeezed out a smile when he heard Li Yao's words, and said, "This is the fate of brothers, which shows that these things are not for us."

"That's right. Treasures are naturally owned by virtuous people, and there is nothing wrong with poor character. This incident made me deeply understand that Sister Li told the members to avoid ethical things, such as renting out venues and robbing bosses. , Otherwise I will be retributed.” Li Yao deliberately lowered his voice and said to Sister Li, but now there was silence around him.

Everyone can hear him, and everyone in Xiaoyao Studio's complexion has become unsightly. This is your sister's, this is a typical example of getting cheap and selling well.

Sister Li finally understood why Li Yao's enemies hated him so much, this is really like a knife. Just look at the eyes of the players in Xiaoyao Studio. If the eyes can kill people, Li Yao has been cut by thousands of swords.

And Li Yao didn't seem to feel the change in the atmosphere, and still enthusiastically said, "I am also a real person who is particular about it, second brother, you see, these two things are only obtained because of you. Why don't you take one as well. Then I feel more at ease."

Brother Xiaoyao saw that even though Li Yao said to give them things, but the action was self-care equipment, he was choked again, this time he didn’t even smile, and said directly, “Forget it. Since it was obtained by the brother, it belongs to the brother naturally."

"Second brother is really nothing to say, just one word, no, two words to describe it, that is the atmosphere." After Li Yao turned around and said: "I didn't expect to drop two pieces of equipment, I think there should be more Well, is the power of the ancient gods so amazing, I will try again."

"Well, it's possible, you can try again." Although Sister Li didn't understand what was going on, she felt weird, but she still hoped that Li Yao would try it out, in case she got something good again.

Li Yao directly initiated the life deprivation of the Touch of Darkness, and the breath of life was introduced into Li Yao's body.

After a while, there was no equipment drop, Sister Li said puzzledly: "It seems it won't work."

However, Li Yao insisted to the end and said: "It's okay, anyway, there is time. I was consuming it."

Three minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and there was still no movement from the sea giant.

The players of Xiaoyao Studio are definitely not going to produce anything, and they are talking about it.

"President Liaoyuan is really amazing and persistent."

"That's not to see who they are."

"It makes sense. Only such a person can succeed. I support what you said. It is not easy to stick to it even knowing that I am wrong."

"No, it doesn't work if you don't have a thick skin. Tell you, Chairman Liaoyuan is the person I admire and respect the most. You are not allowed to laugh at him."

"President Liaoyuan is also my idol, and he is so heroic when he is stupid, hahaha."

Laughter is contagious. The players in Xiaoyao Studio burst into laughter. With the laughter, they immediately feel comfortable, and the depression just now disappears.

"Ahem, it seems that we are guessing wrong." It is embarrassing enough to be watched by so many people making such a thing.

"On the contrary, I think Brother Liaoyuan can hold on for a while, maybe a miracle will happen." The second brother Xiaoyao finally looked better, and he was not easy to provoke, and now he turned to mock Li Yao.

"Second brother is too right. I just don't have concentration, so I will stick to it." Li Yao didn't seem to hear the ridicule of Xiaoyao's second brother. Instead, he turned his head and gritted his teeth at the sea giant: "Mom. I don’t believe it anymore. If you can’t produce a weapon, I’ll spend a day. Master has time.”

The players of Xiaoyao Studio suddenly laughed loudly again, thinking that Li Yao was hard to ride a and he had to be able to hear the corpse. Originally they were going to retreat, but now they have calmed down. This is the first time I saw Liaoyuan's joke.

However, they had just laughed for less than five seconds, and then with a jingle, their smiles froze.

Many people couldn't believe their eyes and rubbed them specially. When they saw Li Yao picking up a staff, they realized that it was not an illusion at all.

The fact is that the sea giant once again dropped the equipment under everyone's eyelids, and just as Li Yao said, it was really a weapon.

"It's actually a 20th-level purple weapon I can use." Sister Li couldn't turn her eyes away when she saw the staff.

Sea Giant Staff

Quality: Purple Epic

Attack: 45-56

Intelligence: 48

Spirit: 46

Stamina: 45

Increases the skill effect of water/ice spells by 20%

The roar of the sea giant: Transform into the form of a 20-25 level young silver British sea giant, lasts 3 minutes, and has a 30-minute cooldown. (Baby sea giant skills: surging waves, love and hate rain, surging ocean tides, tidal power)

Equipment recommendation: ice caster

Equipment level: 20

Note: This is a superb staff made by craftsmen of the poison dart frog tribe, which extracts the essence of the sea giant.

As always, Li Yao shared the attributes of the equipment, and then he said, "Thank you for your second brother's reminder, otherwise I would almost give up. I didn't expect to actually drop a weapon."

Li Yao handed the weapon to Sister Li as he said.

Ah puff...

The players in Xiaoyao Studio almost vomited blood, and Brother Xiaoyao's eyes were red, which was really annoying.

No longer suppressed the anger of disobedience, became murderous, and formed a strong contrast with the elegance of the moment...

(To be continued.)

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