MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 438: Mark of the Beast God

Although he successfully calculated the old wolf, the old wolf king is the old wolf king after all, and he gave the young challenger a claw when it was impossible.

It's just that the wound was not very deep due to the reason of being too hasty, and the counterattack was insignificant compared with the blow it suffered.

Even the sensitivity of the young challenger can't be affected. Li Yao controls the young demon wolf leader, starting a pounce, then a claw attack, and then a fierce bite.

The series of attacks were almost flowing, and the old wolf king suffered heavy injuries in just one fight, and his stomach and neck were already bloody.

Blood was gushing out, and the old wolf king was thrown down by the young demon wolf controlled by Li Yao, still struggling to get up, Li Yao was present to activate his skills.

The claw shadows flickered one after another, and the old wolf king was seriously injured again in a staggered assembly like a sword aura.

Then Li Yao jumped far away, avoiding the old wolf king's injury.

At this moment, the two wolves are covered with blood, but the blood of the old wolf king is his own, and the blood of the young demon wolf leader is also the blood of the old wolf king.

The two wolves once again returned to what they had started, waiting for an opportunity at a distance.

But the wolves once again issued a howl of joy, and the world of wild beasts respected.

They are more willing to obey the will of the strong, and under the leadership and protection of the strong can their tribes be safer and able to reproduce well.

So seeing the young demon wolf hit the old wolf king hard from the very beginning, naturally rejoiced. As for the old wolf king, there is no sympathy, and there is no sympathy in the world of beasts.

It is their nature to compete with natural selection and survive the fittest.

Naturally, the old wolf king wouldn't be so easy to admit failure. He had been in this grassland for many years, and he was naturally not easy to provoke, and Li Yao did not care.

Li Yao deliberately attacked his leg just now, and now the sensitivity of the old wolf has been limited.

Li Yao will not smash him, but use the move back tactics to continuously expand his advantage.

With the battle between you and me, the old wolf king has no complete fur on his body, especially his legs, which is scarred, and he starts to wobble and roar when he walks.

Although the young demon wolf leader also has a lot of wounds on his body, they are all fat areas and do not particularly affect his actions.

The old wolf king has already begun to despair, he even began to exchange injuries for injuries, wanting to die with Li Yao.

But Li Yao still played steadily, just as he methodically eliminated the grass man.

Always catch the opponent's inflexibility to add new wounds to the opponent and then jump away, and then continue to look for flaws.

The old wolf king's blood volume is getting less and less, his movements are getting slower and slower, and he always wants to find a young leader to die, but Li Yao does not give him this opportunity.

In the end, in this tug-of-war, the old wolf king fell to the ground, and Li Yao's blood volume was still more than 80%.

With the fall of the old wolf king, the entire wolf pack screamed, and all the magic wolves were cheering, their heads pressed to the ground to show respect to the new wolf king.

A golden flash flashed, and Li Yao was teleported to Irene outside the arena.

"System: Congratulations to Liaoyuan for completing the first phase of the trial. The Beast God feels great about your bravery and strength. Your evaluation is excellent, with a score of 9.5. Please be prepared to receive the Beast God's blessing."

"Sure enough, there is no full score." Li Yao sighed to himself.

Irene said helplessly: "You are still not satisfied at 9.5. Although there is no persecution of the scoring mechanism, this kind of high score is simply a rare experience in a century. You are content, I'm sure, among your recruits this year No one can get this kind of evaluation."

"What is the reward?" Li Yao pretended to be curious, but actually changed the subject.

"The first stage is to test whether you can do two things with one mind. If you are not at the leader level, it will not be so difficult. It is very rare that you can complete the trial for the first time, so you don't have to be humble. You should be rewarded with an epic skill, the call of the wild." Irene said.

"I see." Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and the rules were the same as in the previous life.

"This skill is to summon a random beast to help you fight for 15 seconds, and the cooldown time is half a minute. Excellent quality skill books can summon an elite randomly, and excellent quality can summon Yinying, and you can complete the boss level with such a high score. It is estimated that there are some differences. You can tell me after you are blessed by the beast god." Irene explained.

At this time, a vague phantom appeared in the sky above the arena. The phantom looked at Li Yao with sharp eyes, then bent a bow and set an arrow, and an illusory arrow flew towards Li Yao.

Li Yao did not resist or evade, or that he could not evade now, the purple arrow suddenly fell into Li Yao's eyebrows.

Irene's eyes were full of envy, and she asked quickly: "What effect?"

Li Yao said: "My wild call has two choices. You can summon a random leader-level beast, or you can call a beast in my pet pen to help and that is, the beast to be called. They will carry an aura skill to enhance the combat effectiveness of other pets."

"It's really good to have a high score. Even if you pass the leader-level trial, the effect is different. My skill effect is not the latter." Irene took a deep breath and said, "But the biggest benefit is not this. ."

Li Yao was taken aback, and said, "What are the benefits?"

"Did you not see the mark of the beast **** on the center of your eyebrows? This is the blessing of the beast **** for the first time you complete the trial and get a high score. You have this mark, and ordinary beasts will not actively attack you in the future. , And your chances of catching pets will greatly increase your success rate because of the blessing of the Beast God. The last time he got this mark was many years ago, and his name is Rexxar. He is a powerful Beastmaster Hunter." It is envy and gratification.

Li Yao didn't expect this kind of surprise. Although he is a mechanical hunter, it does not hinder the capture of powerful beast pets.

And the beast will not actively attack him, although this feature seems useless, in fact it can play an unexpected role at critical times.

"Now that you have completed the first stage of the trial, you will have a 15-minute break. If you have a good rest, you can tell me at any time and we will start the next stage of the trial."

Li Yao shook his head and said, "I can start the next stage at any time."

"Well, it seems that your mental power is very strong, but I want to remind you that in the next trial, you need to control two boss-level pets at the same time in addition to shooting a moving target. The difficulty increases too much. Generally, very few hunters of the second tier can pass this boss-level trial, so don’t have any psychological burdens and do your best.” Irene reminded...

(To be continued.)


(Enlightenment Book Net)

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