MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 454: Shrewd calculation

Robin Hood is a tauren, but his armor shape is very wild. The big shield in his hand is shining with gold and purple light, and there are strange runes flashing on the big shield, which is obviously not ordinary.

"I, Robin Hood, would like to learn about the methods of top masters. Who will show your face?" Robin Hood walked to the middle of the field, pointing his two-handed sword at Li Yao's side: "Oh, yes, I heard that King Hunter Very powerful, I don’t know if I’m willing to go out and give me some advice."

Li Yao said faintly: "Holding a tower shield in one hand and a two-handed weapon in the other. It turned out to be Lishen, and it really is a bit of a doorway."

Lishen is an elite derivative of the anti-war branch. It is powerful and can use a two-handed weapon or two-handed heavy weapon while holding a shield.

"Sure enough to be the Hunter King, I recognized my elite profession at a glance." Robin Hood put away the arrogance on his face and said, "The Hunter King dare to end the battle?"

The vice president of the Glory Guild said; "Who do you think you are, whoever wants to fight with you must fight with you. It seems that the rule is to arrange their own personnel."

"That is, you are an anti-war, but also an anti-war that can already wear plate armor. I am ashamed to invite a hunter to fight, your face." Naiheqiao said.

They seem to be helping Li Yao to speak, but in fact they don't want Li Yao to appear.

You know, now live broadcast is different from the influence of a certain anchor, and the influence is not comparable to that of a certain anchor.

Although there was no publicity about this incident, it was an emergency, but this time it was too much trouble.

During the day, various channels around the world were discussing this matter. After all, this was the first war since the operation of the ancient gods. The attention is naturally very high.

The official news of the live broadcast, all e-sports TV and Internet radio stations are beginning to want to obtain the right to broadcast.

Some players who have not entered the game are also very interested in the war. They want to see the battle situation in the ancient gods. I don't know how many people are watching this live broadcast at night.

It is precisely because of this high degree of attention that people who have enemies with Li Yao naturally don't want to see Li Yao show his face at this time.

There is actually another nature of this gambling fight, that is, they want to make various guilds famous, and the masters also want to take this opportunity to show their faces.

It's just tacit, if there was no live broadcast, they would have killed it long ago. Who would fight with you in boring gambling?

Edward also said: "It's a joke that you, a small character like you, want to challenge the Hunter King. The Hunter King is our mainstay. If you want to challenge the Hunter King, let's pass our level first."

"That's it, you want to defeat the Hunter King and don't act like your own dog." The vice president of the Brilliant Guild said: "Edward as our leader, let's be the first to send someone."

Others also agreed, saying that Edward would send a player to play.

"A group of slut, it's nice to say, it's not that you don't want your big brother to play." Dumb Tongtong muttered.

Sister Li nodded and said: "This is normal, otherwise the president will take action. There is no chance for them. Now it is live broadcast. They naturally want to show their faces, so they picked up the president. Actually, hehe."

Li Yao also said in the veteran channel: "They want to show it, but they don't want to think, if the other party is not sure, will they bet against them?"

The guardian angel was taken aback, and said, "Is there any inside story?"

"It's not an inside story. The level 20 equipment has been improved too much, especially the equipment of the main line dungeon. They opened up wasteland with master-level, master-level epic equipment, and the effect is no need to think about it. You see, this warrior is all in one body. The centaur-style plate armor of the United States is obviously a duplicate. In comparison, let alone them, the equipment of the fruit is far worse than them." Li Yao explained.

A few veterans suddenly realized that the opponent is not without top masters, even if it is not as good as here, but in this case, the advantage of equipment is a strong performance.

"Hey, since they don't want us to play, then we can watch the fun." The guardian angel sneered.

The commentary is also lively commentary. First, Robin Hood's information. Robin Hood is also a well-known master in the European administrative region. It is only because of his bad character and cruel nature. He likes to kill trumpets so much that people dislike him.

White said: "Although Robin Hood is known as a perverted killer who specializes in killing trumpets, there is no doubt about his strength. In the last world competition, single-professional competition, the existence of the top ten, if it weren't for the other members of their team, he would definitely get Better grades."

Serena continued: "Look, Edward has also sent someone. Hey, it's just the main soldier of the second team, the big monster. It seems that Edward looks down on Robin Hood."

"That is, after all, it is the top three guilds in the world. Even the second team is a top expert elsewhere." White also glanced at Ozawa when he said this, obviously still cherishing what happened just now. .

"I think this is Edward's shrewd If it fails, anyway, it is the second team, not ashamed, won, naturally looks even more powerful, worthy of President Edward." Ozawa said.

"Hehe, it seems that Ozawa, you are optimistic about Robin Hood, how about we gamble?" White said.

Ozawa smiled and said: "I don't know them. I suffer too much from this kind of bet, so I might as well bet on Hunter King for a while."

"You Huaxia are now only Liaoyuan." White said.

"You don't even have one on your side with the Hunter King." Ozawa was also polite.

Serena said helplessly: "The battle is about to begin. Why not, if the Hunter King has a chance to play, I should be a notary at my level."

"Okay, it's a deal." Ozawa said.

"Huh, let's talk about it when he has the chance to play." In White's view, with all the masters gathered, the roots won't be able to win the game without Li Yao's turn.

The big monster is carrying a warrior with a big sword on his back. He is also a fierce battle. He stepped forward, standing at a distance of 25 yards between the two sides, and said: "I don't know where you are confident. Players, you really have eaten the gall of a leopard. Today, I will let you know what is so great."

Robin Hood sneered: "You top guilds are proud of themselves. As everyone knows, our guilds are much stronger than you. Our forces span three camps. Each camp has a main group to open up wasteland. All strategies are shared. , The progress is not what you can imagine. This first kill must be something in our bag, as for you, but a scum of the second team, I am the main tank of the Devil League, the main dark group, let me teach you today Be a man."

"Then fight." The big sea monster sneered, as the battle flag between the two flew up, and the countdown ended. The two launched a charge at the same time...

(To be continued.)

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