MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 473: Endgame

Although they can't see the situation in the fog, the audience can already think of the cruelty of fighting in the fog.

Although no specific battle can be seen, the audience is still looking forward to it.

This battle is really very suspenseful. In the eyes of the audience, there is no suspense at all in this battle. After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great.

However, the fact is that Spark immediately broke the opponent's line of defense at the beginning of the battle, caught the Devil Alliance by surprise, and then smashed the opponent's line all the way through.

Just when everyone thought that Xinghuo was about to enter the dungeon, when the war ended, Xinghuo actually killed another carbine, and the battle started again.

This is the real war of attrition. After all, the Devil Alliance has a large number of people and has begun to mobilize its staff.

Although Xinghuo still has a very strong momentum, with the passage of time, the manpower is constantly decreasing.

"Victory is right in front of me, continue to surround me." Romeo shouted to boost morale.

In fact, the current situation of the Devil Alliance is not so optimistic. The main force of the Starfire Guild is still not lost. The firepower is already fierce, and they can't stop the Starfire Guild.

It seems as if anyone who stands in the front of the Starfire Guild is paper, and in order to direct the battle, he must be in the front position. He has been hanging three or four times. If it is not just 20th level now, even if he is hanging It didn't hurt to lose, he didn't dare to play like this at all.

He saw very clearly, a huge spider tank, this big guy is terrifying to the extreme, in his opinion, in the army, this steel monster is more terrifying than the Hydra.

Although the Hydra is powerful and can kill many of them, it can also kill the Hydra under their concentrated fire, but this monster's blood volume has not fallen below half of its blood.

You know, this spider tank has always been at the forefront, and it is also the most violent firepower.

Then there are Li Yao’s other pets. He can guess that there is a much better Fire Eagle than before, and another Reaper 4000 who stands by Li Yao.

He spotted Li Yao several times, and then mobilized manpower to focus on Li Yao, but was blocked by that guy, and this machine was also not to be underestimated. It could fire cannonballs continuously, although the attacking gift was not high, but You can always launch, and in comparison, the output is equally violent.

Let's talk about the main team of Spark, to the right of the spider tank, he clearly saw that the other party was clearly a priest, but holding a shield. This layer of golden light shrouded his body, just like a golden bell, it was also indestructible.

There is a female knight on the left of the spider tank, but the methods are weird, as if she can use the sacred lightning spell, and it is also strong.

Under their block, the main output of Xinghuo followed closely, forming an indestructible arrow.

Driven by them, the line of defense he organized could not be blocked at all. I would like to ask, no matter how strong the line of defense you block, if you can't block the opponent, if you are broken through by the opponent, slaughter output and heal crispy skin, the robbery is very bad.

Of course, Romeo would naturally not say all of this. He can only fight on now and use the advantage of the number of the Devil Alliance to kill the opponent.

Although the face of the Devil Alliance is ashamed, if the people of the Starfire Guild cannot be wiped out once, the Devil Alliance will not only lose face, but will become a joke.

They think that while the Spark Guild is powerful, they will also devalue the Devil League. If it reaches this point, it will be really embarrassing.

The battle is still going on frantically, and the larger the members of the Devil Alliance, the more chilling they are.

Until the fog disappeared, the situation of the front lines of both sides appeared in front of everyone.

Although Li Yao was directing the battle, the time of the fog was calculated very clearly. He put away the spider tank and only let the **** of death and the fire eagle guard him.

The situation that appeared in front of the audience caused everyone to grow their mouths. The entire valley had become tattered, and the ground was full of traces of spell burns, and then the corpses all fell to the ground.

The fighting between the two sides has also stopped briefly.

"Although I have imagined the cruelty of the war, I didn't expect it to be so cruel." Serena sighed.

Ozawa also said: "Xinghuo is already very strong. They face ten times as many opponents, and it is a miracle that they can achieve this."

Serena nodded and said: "Indeed, Xinghuo is proud enough. The system has already counted the numbers. Let's take a look."

Ozawa nodded and said, "Dear viewers, the system has counted the numbers, and now the comparison between the two sides has come out. The Devil League still has 1,325 people, while the Spark Guild has 189 people left with less than 200 people."

The audience suddenly exclaimed that the dead bodies on the ground were innumerable. Naturally, they belonged to the Devil Alliance. Xinghuo also suffered heavy losses, from nearly 1,000 to less than 200.

Everyone understands that this is the brilliant record of the Starfire Guild, and it has not destroyed the group until now, it is already a battle against the sky.

Romeo had no sorrow or joy on his face, and said calmly: "Liaoyuan, now you have less than two hundred people, are you going to fight?"

Li Yao also said indifferently: "I have always done things from beginning to end."

"Then you are sure to The final victory must belong to our Devil League. Don’t think that you will win by killing so many of us by opportunism. Don’t be afraid to tell you that the remaining 1,000 people are all of us. The elite of the elite of the alliance, now the fog has disappeared, of course, even if there is more fog, we are not afraid.” Romeo said.

"We can replace thousands of you with a few hundred people, and now we can use this few people to kill all of you. If you are not elite or elite, we seem to be inferior to you." Li Yao lifted the Blue Moon Bow, slowly Slowly said: "Stop talking nonsense, do you want to wait for reinforcements? I'm not afraid to tell you. I didn't attack much just now, and now I won't be polite. I'm going to see what you said about the elite talents. How powerful is it."

"I don't know how to promote, let's fight." Romeo's desire for a truce fell through again, and suddenly became a little angry. He was not afraid of death, but afraid that if he lost, then the Devil League would lose a lot.

More than 10,000 people died, and there were corpses all over the ground, but the same ground was covered with equipment. Many people said that the new equipment of the new dungeon was also lost. This kind of chaotic situation is too late to find.

If there is a case in which you really lose, then you really lost your wife and broke down.

Following the words of the two leaders, the close combat between the two sides immediately collided, and this collision was thought to be a guild war.

"War, see if your tank can eat me an arrow." Li Yao directly launched the fourth-level charged arrow.


The dark golden light directly sank into the front of the throat holding the counterattack shield. He was busy fighting the fruit knight, and he didn't have any defense arrows at all.

After all, after the battle begins, spells and skills will inevitably cover him, with healing and counter-attack shields, and they eat damage in close combat.

Otherwise, the so-called melee line of defense would be impossible to talk about...

(To be continued.)

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