MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 479: Unusual event

This time the Spark Guild can be said to be a big victory. In order to block the small valley, the Devil Alliance directly came over 10,000 people to block the valley.

The actual strength comparison, of course, is that there are many guild alliances, after all, there are many guilds participating.

But in the end the two sides did not fight, instead they settled the dispute through gambling.

As a result, Li Yao helped the Guild Alliance win the gambling battle, and the Devil Alliance was the one who didn't want to let the spark go.

The guild alliance watched the believers who watched the show. In this case, it directly caused Xinghuo to face more than 10,000 Devil League players with one thousand.

In the end they defeated them. Although Xinghuo almost lost all of it, he also won.

If you hang up, drop the equipment directly. The Spark Guild collected more than 10,000 pieces of equipment.

Although not all of them are top quality, most of them are purple outfits, which account for tens of thousands of pieces.

These people are the elites of the Devil League, and they have very few blue outfits.

Moreover, the purple outfits on their bodies are all fifteenth or seventeenth-level mainstream purple outfits, especially in the wasteland dungeon, this kind of equipment must be sought after.

Soon, the people of Spark Guild re-equiped the equipment they had dropped.

Sister Li said: "This time I have gained too much. In addition to the guild points, everyone who participated in this battle also had a purple outfit. The veterans and I have already classified the preparations, but we put them in the guild warehouse. The director has already opened the permissions for you. You can pick up a purple outfit at will. In addition, if you want to open up a wasteland, you can also choose the equipment. The equipment has been classified. I will give you half an hour. Then we Set out to open up wasteland."

Sister Li walked into a large tent after she finished speaking. Inside, a group of people had gathered.

"Okay, all the people who are going to take the first kill are here. Let's allocate some equipment." Li Yao said and began to allocate equipment to the team members: "The first piece of these equipment is a reward for participating in this battle, and it can be exchanged for it. If the points of the two pieces of equipment are exceeded, you will prepare to return them to the guild after the wasteland is opened."

"Boss, we understand." Happiness is a disease said.

"Originally, I will talk about the dungeon after I get to the dungeon, but now when I send out the equipment, I will first explain the dungeon this time." Li Yao scanned for a week and said, "This mainline dungeon and the dungeon we saw before. It's different, so the style of play is different. If many guilds cannot adapt, they may suffer. The Devil Alliance, it is really not easy to open up the first boss in such a short time, and there may be some hole cards."

The cute pupil said: "Big brother, you have said so much, but haven't said what is special about this copy."

Li Yao nodded and said, "This is a war book."

"The war?" Sister Li was puzzled.

Li Yao said: "Yes, the war book, I might as well tell you that we are bound to win the first kill of this dungeon. The queen gave me a task, and I must get the first kill to trigger. She once said that although this tribe It is small, but very special. Its names are also many shadow tribes, cursed tribes, and evil hoof tribes. None of the names is not groundless. Therefore, the three camps negotiated and used this copy as a trial for recruits, which is a trial for us. "

"President, don't explain so much. If you command us to fight, we can fight as we go. Now other guilds have started." The newcomer Mu Zi said anxiously.

"Okay, then we will start." Li Yao said, "I'll talk about it when the time comes."

Qin Fengyi said: "Wait, I don't know who it is, I posted the Devil Alliance wasteland reclamation video strategy."

"What, how could this kind of thing spread." Sister Li was surprised.

Li Yao said in surprise: "How is this possible."

Qin Fengyi said: "I also think it's impossible, but now many guilds have obtained this video, and I also bought it from an acquaintance."

Li Yao fell into silence and said: "Generally, video recording is restricted, but the video is still circulating, and it is being sold, which is really a bit unusual."

"I always think there is a conspiracy." Sister Li said.

"But there is definitely nothing wrong with the video, there are videos of playing bosses, and key points of passage." Qin Fengyi said.

"It's just a conspiracy. If there is no conspiracy, let's walk and watch." Li Yao didn't think of any calculations for the Devil Alliance for a while.

It's just that, as a rebirth, he has forgotten many things, but the mainline copy is still deeply impressed. There are many mysteries in this copy.

Therefore, Li Yao didn't worry at all. They were ahead for more than a day. It was impossible to get the first kill.

Along the way, Qin Fengyi played the video, fast-forwarding in some unimportant places, and stopped only at the key points. After finishing the pre-tasks and entering the copy, they watched the video.

"How about Did everyone find something wrong?" Sister Li asked in the copy.

Li Yao didn't see any clues, but he always felt that something was wrong, and they were caught in a cycle of wasteland reclamation, which is not surprising to Li Yao.

The Peerless Demon Ji who has been silent said: "This video clip has too many traces. I think it must be to mislead us, but it also makes no sense. Even if it misleads us, there is too much information in the single."

Hitomi said: "I think your thinking is so complicated. Whether it is misleading or not, we learned about the situation of the copy through the video, and then we can fight our own. Anyway, the big brother is so powerful, and the strategy he came up with must be affected by them. Much better."

The fruit knight nodded and said, "Hitomi is right. We just look at the situation in the dungeon, the specific play and strategy. It is enough to have the president. No matter what they have conspiracy, or what they want to mislead, they will treat us. There is no impact."

"Yes, that is, if there is a president, who still uses their strategy." The newcomer Mu Zi also said.

Others also agreed, they have blind trust in Li Yao.

Peerless Demon Ji said: "It seems that your prestige is quite high, and your pressure is not small."

Li Yao knew that this was not the time to be modest, and said: "You are willing to open up wasteland this time, isn't it just to see my abilities? I still have this confidence. Don't talk nonsense, just look forward to it."

"Okay, let me take a good look. If you can still take the first kill with Spark in this situation, then I will concentrate on working for you and manage the club well. There is no difference." Peerless Demon Ji said.

"Then it's settled, everyone, the buff walks, we start."

Following Li Yao's words, the members of the Spark Guild began to brush the buff...

(To be continued.)

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