MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 483: Advance sentry post

Everyone was busy rearranging the traps, and even formed a small war barrier with the centaur's corpse.

"Big brother, it can be like this. With such a corpse, you don't have to worry about them charging." The cute and adorable Tongtong didn't do anything, and couldn't realize the feelings of other members at all.

Especially female members, they are also carrying corpses. The real touch makes many people pale.

"This is the magical reality, and it's becoming more and more real." Sister Li was also pale. The blood and wounds were blurred, but now the reality is much clearer.

Li Yao nodded and said: "This is the purpose of me asking you to move the corpses. Looking at the development momentum of the game, it will be more and more real in the future. If you can't adapt, it will be difficult to adapt to future battles. So everyone persists and bears it. Forbearance, you get used to it slowly."

Li Yao thought of the blood flowing in a river and the short limbs all over the ground in his previous life. If you let them see now, let alone beat them, they would be shocked if they saw it.

At that time, even the smell was completely simulated, and the strong **** smell on the battlefield was even more choking.

"We understand." Newcomer Muzi said.

"That's good, don't scold me in your heart, just say I abuse you." Li Yao smiled.

Everyone laughed suddenly.

"Your members are all good." A daze flashed across Peerless Demon Ji's face.

Sister Li added: "It's our member."

The Peerless Demon Girl nodded and said, "Yes, it is our member."

After experiencing the battle last night, the cohesion of the Spark Guild was unprecedented. Spark is already their home.

"When the land reclamation is over, let's accept new people. The time is ripe." Sister Li said: "The guild is already Level 3, and it won't be good to drag it down."

Li Yao nodded and said, "Well, income and guild location. I'll start doing it after this time is over. I'm ready to charge."

The fire eagle set fire at the sentry post again, this time the sound of the horseshoe was even more intense, like a thousand horses.

Obviously, after preparation, the Centaur has not been scattered last time.

But Xinghuo's team is not just the beginning of the team. After the last big battle, their arrangement proved very useful.

Adding Li Yao's pet and a hundred Yinying bones, they naturally became more confident. With the bones in the lead, they didn't even need to guard against the impact of the centaur.

"Visually, the opponent has about 1,000 people." Ying Wu Kuang estimated the opponent's number.

"It's still the last plan, reporting the distance, preparing for the trebuchet and crossbow." Li Yao's voice was firm, and he was also not afraid of the thousand people.

The result was as expected, a thousand and a centaur, also unable to break the line of defense of Xinghuo. Instead, he was consumed by sparks.

The harvest this time is three purple outfits, which were rolled away by those who needed them.

"Big brother, do you want to cite it anymore," said Tongtong Dumb.

Li Yao shook his head and said, "We took a break. We have been fighting for three or four hours, and we are all tired. Regain our spirits, and this time we will take off the guard."

Yinying Centaur's blood volume is very high. Killing so many centaurs takes a lot of time. That is to say, it can constantly replenish skeletons. Even Li Yao's powerful pets can't hold it.

The Peerless Demon Ji said: "With your pervert, we can play like this. I can't think of any other guilds in my town to test 20 people to clear a sentry post."

"Yeah, apart from this perversion, how do others get past this sentry?" The guardian angel said while gnawing on Li Yao's ground dragon meat. With this kind of food, their attributes can also increase a lot.

Sister Li frowned and said: "Is your judgment wrong? After all, the difficulty of this sentry post is too high. It might be difficult for other teams to clean the sentry post."

Li Yao shook his head and said: "We wiped out half of the opponent's crew, but none of them sent anyone. It shows that the sentry post must be very important. This confirms my judgment even more. Moreover, there is no other way to break the sentry post. "

Peerless Demon Fairy was taken aback, and said, "Do you have other ways, in such a short time?"

"Naturally, do you see the woods behind us?" Li Yao pointed to the woods behind him.

"I see, what's the matter." The cute pupil was puzzled.

Li Yao explained: “Don’t you think it’s weird? You have to know that the centaur’s architectural style is very similar to the ancient nomads. They are a race on the grassland and their leader is called Khan. But you Look, the evil hoof tribe lives in the woods in the valley. You must know that the woods restrict them very much."

Peerless Demon Ji suddenly said, "So, this Evil Hoof tribe is really strange. You are right. If you lure a part of the centaur into the woods and slowly eat away, it is not impossible."

"Yes, but this method is too slow. I don't want to consume such a long time." Li Yao thought of his previous life.

Because of the special mechanism of the, they were busy for several days, and then found out that they were wrong, so they started to open up wasteland again. In order to solve the people in the sentry, they used the terrain and added traps. This first level.

At the beginning, the people in the various guilds were really the Eight Immortals who crossed the sea to show their magical powers, and various methods and props were really endless. It was at that time that players began to use various scrolls and props.

When the mainline dungeon passed, someone summarized an ultimate strategy for passing this sentry post, which were all good props explored by various guilds.

Li Yao still has an impression of this post. He deleted the thief and studied it again when he played Hunter again.

However, he has a lot of methods in this life, so he doesn't stick to that kind of strategy at all. According to his own characteristics, his own methods are more efficient. Otherwise, it would take several days to clear the guard post alone.

Qin Fengyi said: "I just got the information, the top guilds are all pioneering the first boss, and a small number of guilds have already defeated the first boss and marched towards the second boss."

"These people are not bad. They got the video. Even if the Devil League deliberately misled, it was much easier to want this boss." Sister Li said.

Li Yao smiled and didn't care, and said, "Everyone, stay calm, and I promise they won't get the first kill. Okay, we have enough rest, we have to reorganize the formation, and we will enter the guard post."

"Well, no matter what, I have to knock down the first post." Peerless Demon Ji also felt that Li Yao's judgment was okay. After all, these six posts were too weird.

This time, hundreds of centaur Yinying surrounded the Xinghuo team, and then the spider tank began to march toward the guard post.

There are still 1,500 centaur in the sentry at the moment...

(To be continued.)

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