MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 485: Activate the altar

"God, have you abandoned your people? Why do these outsiders blaspheme your temple and you haven't sent miracles to punish them." The leader of the sentry watched the number of soldiers dwindling, and said suddenly in grief and indignation.


   The steel monsters in front of the door are really abnormal. Their arrows can only bring up sparks, and they are constantly bounced off.


   The light of the runes was constantly flickering, making the strange black hairs even more strange.


   The melee centaur attacked the opponent, and those black tentacles-like strange hairs wrapped around their weapons like tentacles, and then absorbed their blood.


   While the centaur's blood volume is losing, the spider tank's blood volume is constantly increasing.


   plus another steel goblin summoned by a purple outfit, it is also extremely powerful.


   The movement ability of the iron and stone demon is clumsy, but in the same way, positional warfare is also invincible, and the rebound damage makes the Centaur equally painful.


   And Li Yao's turrets, arrow towers, and Hitomi's totems are all very suitable for positional warfare. In this kind of defensive warfare, they can exert extraordinary combat effectiveness.


   Plus, the Spark members are not easy to provoke. The violent output, the centaur rushed to a batch, that was a dead batch.


   Li Yao didn't care about their small talk, but wanted to continue to trigger the quest clues, and continued: "This is the end of belief in the evil god."


   "No, God is great, how could he be a Cthulhu." The leader roared, and at the same time waved his weapon again, another team of centaur launched a charge at the door again.


"Great, ridiculous, your tribe has worshipped this evil **** for generations, but what have you got. Your ancestors were the heirs of the great natural half-body, and in your blood, the natural half-god and the mother of the earth flow Blood, but looking at you now. Even the body has been corrupted by the power of darkness."


   Li Yao saw that the leader's complexion changed wildly, and continued: "You have abandoned your blood, but you don't know that the evil gods you worship are fancying that you have the blood to confuse you. It's sad."


"You don't need to talk nonsense, you are just a mortal. How can you talk about God? This is disrespectful. Behind you is the altar of God, which contains the will of God. If you talk so wildly, you will be punished by God." After speaking, I ignored Li Yao, but started to mobilize the centaur, hoping to regain control of this place.


   At the same time, system prompts began to appear in everyone's ears.


"System: You learned a few words about the evil hoof tribe's worship of the evil **** from the mouth of the centaur sentinel. There seems to be some secret hidden in this hall, but the altar is unremarkable, without any power fluctuations. You don't give up and start random testing. , Will the key to open the altar be on this postmaster's body."


   "System: Trigger temporary missions, activate the sentry altar, and explore the secrets hidden by the evil god."


   Activate Sentry Altar


   Mission description: The evil hoof tribe built six guards as if there were secrets hidden, what they were deploying, and what the evil gods they worshipped, all of which are a mystery, that is, the other tribes who are also centaur also don't know.


   Task requirements: activate six altars


   Quest Reward: Every time an altar is activated, the damage, healing, and HP of everyone in the dungeon will increase by 2%. If you complete the task on the master level, you will get the subtitle and the altar will be opened.


   "Wow, big brother, you are so amazing, you actually inspired the task." Adorable pupils admired with all their faces.


   The others were also speechless. They were chatting, but Li Yao and a dungeon monster had been inked for a long time.


   They were weird at first. What can they say about the monsters in the dungeon? Now that they understand it, many members are convinced.


   "It seems that our direction is really right." Peerless Demon Ji said.


   Dumb and cute pupils nodded constantly, and said, "Yes, it is equal to 10% increase in all of us attributes."


   Sister Li shook her head and said, "Although the attributes are important, it also illustrates a problem. Looking at the mission description, it is clear that the Evil Hoof tribe has something to do with this evil god."


   Qin Fengyi also agreed and said: "Inevitably, maybe the ultimate leader of this dungeon is the evil god, since we are on the right path, then other guilds..."


   Sister Li sighed and said, "Don't say it now, after all, they walked around and killed the first boss, didn't they?"


   "It's hard to say, since we are correct, then they cannot complete the first kill." Peerless Demon Ji said.


   Several people discussed and discussed, but there was no final result. When I asked Li Yao, Li Yao just said that the road is right.


   When the centaur's melee combat was exhausted, Li Yao took the initiative to attack, and it took several hours to finally clean up the sentry.


When the dumb and cute Tongtong got a black crystal from the body of the head, Peerless Demon Ji said: "The fel crystal is marked as the key to open the altar. Now I am even more sure that other guilds have gone away... …"


   The others are speechless. There must be only one way for the mainline dungeon. If they go right, then other guilds want to take the first kill, it must be difficult.


   The key is that they didn't realize that they were taking the wrong path. Even if they found out later, and wanted to look back, they don't know what happened a few days later.


   Even if I take a step back, even the current guilds have made correct judgments like Xinghuo, but it is not so easy to get a sentry like Xinghuo.


   Even with Li Yao, it took them nearly a day to take down the guard post. Other guilds don’t know how many days it will take.


   Li Yao sorted out the equipment and walked into the hall, and the people from Xinghuo followed.


   In the hall, the fel crystal floats directly to the center of the altar.


   A beam of light mixed with green and yellow soaring into the sky, the black crystal was instantly purified into crisp green.


   then floated back into Li Yao's hands, and the name became a natural crystal.


   "System: You released the bloodline power of the Centaur tribe extracted by Cthulhu, and obtained the gift of nature."


   Following the system prompt, the people of Xinghuo found that they had an extra bu.


  Blessings of nature and the earth: HP, attack and healing increased by 2%.


   "Sure enough..."


   Everyone walked out of the hall and saw that the beam of light hadn't disappeared, as if it had been through the sky.


   However, this beam of light is not straight, but points obliquely in one direction.


   "The one looking at the map should be in the direction of the first leader. Activate another altar, and it should be able to activate a magic circle." Qin Fengyi said.


   "Then the next post." Sister Li said.


   After confirming the judgment, the people of Spark Guild were also very enthusiastic.


   Li Yao shook his head and said: "Don't worry, everyone will go offline and rest. In half an hour, we will continue, and we will hurry up."...


   (To be continued.)

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