MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 488: Variation Master

The Peerless Demon Ji said: "Differentiation is the same as before. It should be possible to use some props. Since it is the warfare, if other players understand this principle, they will definitely try various things. We can get a crossbow. Others may not be able to get it, but it’s definitely not as easy as ours. Just borrow it if you say it."


Li Yao nodded and said: "Yes, the dungeon is for people to fight. There must be more than one method, including props, tactics, terrain and other factors. Because different people can design different ways of playing and tactics, I just think we There is a possibility of hard shock. This is faster, and I don’t want to think of other ways."


   Everyone smiled bitterly, and only Li Yao was so arrogant, leading the twenty-fifth person directly to the three thousand centaur Ma Yinying.


  If it were other guilds, they would definitely leave the guard post, and then think of other ways.




   After all, the scene just now was too scary. The dense arrow rain would definitely be destroyed if it was hit.


   But Li Yao actually thought of using useless skills, coupled with the wizard's ice barrier to block the opponent's arrow rain. In such a short time, it is not just a personal skill to come up with this strategy.


   Let alone an ordinary team, it is a top-notch team. It is almost impossible to live this story.


"This is also related to the accumulation of equipment. Under normal circumstances, even the top teams start in hard mode, then accumulate equipment, and then become familiar with the dungeon and understand the boss's play. But from the last ten-level dungeon, there is no The guild is willing to waste time in the difficult mode.


  Insufficient equipment accumulation, directly challenge the highest difficulty, naturally it will be difficult.


   Li Yao said: "It's not necessarily, there is a relatively simpler method."


   "What, is there another way?" The guardian angel couldn't help but said, "You are too abnormal, right? How many ways have you come up with?"


Li Yao said: "This method looks simple, but it is not easy to do it. It is to let two or three people find a way to keep these three thousand centaurs, and then the rest will go straight to Huanglong to kill the boss. ."


   "Fuck me, is this okay?" Everyone didn't understand, you know, they cleaned up six outposts just to clean up.


   Li Yao said with a smile: "The situation is different. We cleaned the sentry for the magic circle. Now that the magic circle is activated, it won't be a problem to make a detour."


   Everyone suddenly realized, and it was the same when I thought, since the magic circle has been activated, if you really do this, there is no problem.


   After the battle line stabilized, it was relatively stable. In the end, the three thousand centaur was also damaged here. After cleaning and playing the battlefield, everyone finally let out a sigh of relief.


   "Let's go, we will see the boss, and rest when we study the game and tactics." After clearing the battlefield, Li Yao did not let him rest, but brought people together towards the middle of the magic circle.


   Along the way, the team hardly encountered any enemies until they saw the figure of the boss, and everyone did not see more than one team of centaur.


   At this moment, Chief Wan is in the center of a magic circle, and the six-pointed star magic circle in the sky forms a beam of light covering him.


   "This guy is also undergoing mutation, completely different from the video." Sister Li frowned.


   Everyone nodded, this guy has at least doubled his size in the video. There were many cracks in his body, and black gas kept coming out.


The antlers on   's head became pitch black as ink, and the evil runes on the mountain flowed, looking very terrifying and evil.


  Mutated Centaur Wan Captain


   Rank: Level 20 one-star boss


  Life: 850,000


   Skills: Fel Confrontation, Death Stomp, Shadow of War, Dark Mark, Death Slash, Battle Spirit, Indestructible Body.


   "Sure enough, although the blood volume is not much, it is obviously more difficult to mess with." Shen Yin said.


   The others nodded. She was telling the truth. You know, ordinary wild bosses have 400,000 HP.


   The leader of this team instance is only 850,000, which is not much.


"I know everyone is very tired, but can’t rest for the time being. We have to try it. It’s obviously impossible to try this boss at once. So, this time we have to try and figure out the skill mechanism of the boss as much as possible. We get The video of is no longer available, and we still need to explore the details on our own." Li Yao said in the team channel.


Sister Li also said: "The president is easy to talk, that is to be considerate of everyone, but I said the ugly thing ahead. Although it is an attempt, no one can give me a paddling. I found out that I also said that yours is not. The outside substitute must really want to come in, so you can figure it out."


"We understand." Everyone's spirits suddenly lifted. They were a little slack when they heard that it was an attempt. But after hearing Sister Li's words, they immediately became energetic. They finally got into the core group, and maybe they could get it. The first kill, now being brushed down, would be too hard.


   Peerless Demon Ji quietly gave her a thumbs up to Sister Li. Sister Li was in the guild, rewarding and punishing her clearly, and she had long established prestige, and many members respected and feared her.


   It’s been too long. Although Li Yao has an impression, he has forgotten how to play. He really needs to look at the boss mechanism.


   After all, this is a copy of twenty-five The more people there are, the more difficult it is to coordinate. It is simply impossible to do it all at once like the ten-person book last time.


   "Prepare the fruit, just hit it hard," Li Yao said.


   The guardian angel said: "Why not let the spider tank be the master T, this guy is much better than us."


Li Yao explained: "The spider tank reminder is too big and not flexible enough. Originally, the war dungeon is equivalent to half a field. Sometimes this leader may not be restricted by the hatred mechanism. Otherwise, if something happens to the spider tank, the hatred will be even greater. The confusion."


   "You are a lot of nonsense, just listen to what the president said, as if you know it." The fruit knight gave the guardian angel a blank look.


   The guardian angel whispered: "I don't have to ask you to understand, when the land reclamation is over, this perverted person will probably disappear again, Sister Li is also busy, it is not the two of us leading the group to continue."


"Okay, let's get the fruit." Li Yao saw that bu was added and immediately said that he started the group: "After the war for a while, according to the team, all the positions are scattered to see. The specific positions will be discussed after this attempt. ."


   "Stupid mortals, it is you who disturbed God's sleep, and now you are destroying my power to receive God's gift. You are ready to die, God will definitely like you as a sacrifice today."


   With the fruit knight's hammer of sanctions, the captain finally woke up, and then rushed towards the fruit knight with Zhang Ge...


   (To be continued.)

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