MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 492: The rhythm of the battle

Because the two people have been remembered, many people's hearts are directly suspended. Many people are beginning to be serious and dare not be a little sloppy.

In this way, the team is much more orderly. Let alone the honor, the temptation of the equipment dropped by the twentieth-level mainline copy boss is huge.

A few days ago, there was a battle at the entrance of the dungeon, and everyone saw it. They had already seen the power of the new quilt.

Those people can fight top professional players with their equipment, and even lose more and lose less, showing the horror of equipment.

Together with the two or three pieces of new equipment seized, everyone was drooling. Now the punishment for making mistakes can't roll equipment, they can't take care of it.

"Attention everyone, immediately reorganize the team, the boss's collision skills are already good, and they may be released at any time."

Following Li Yao's command, the members of the guild gradually adapted to the rhythm of the battle. They found that as long as they followed Li Yao's command, they would not be killed if they paid a little attention.

The boss's blood volume is constantly declining, but the gray marks on the ground are increasing, and the space for them to move is getting smaller and smaller.

"It's really scary. He has mastered the boss's rhythm in such a short time. Now the boss's blood volume has reached about 30%, but we have only lost five players. We must know that it is the second time to fight." The veteran channel said in a low voice.

The cute pupil said in a puzzled way: "What's wrong with this, you know we passed it the last time. Besides, haven't you seen the big brother's pet so powerful? What's weird? It's just the big brother and The output of his pets is very scary, and there is no problem with a few fewer outputs."

Peerless Demon Ji said: "I didn't mean this. His pets are naturally powerful. This is undoubtedly. I mean that his mastery of the boss rhythm is too powerful and terrifying. Haven't you noticed that he can actually know the boss connection in advance? What to do next, so as to make arrangements in advance, otherwise, we will never be so relaxed."

The guardian angel said: "Anyway, I am used to it, but I also have a deep understanding of what you said. Don’t you know. It’s very easy for him to take us through the dungeon or kill the boss. There is no pressure and difficulty at all, but he does not kill once. After that, it was I who led the team, and it turned out that there was a detailed strategy and play style, and it was also a copy, but the result was still unavoidable from the death of the fire, which made me depressed."

Peerless Demon Ji said: "This is the grasp of the rhythm. It is the function of mental power, but it is not always true. In short, with his command, we will save the time for not knowing how much running-in. It turns out that I am still confused. The team, as well as the temporarily recruited members, how did you get the first kill of the tenth-level mainline dungeon? Now I understand that as long as he commands, there is basically no running-in problem. This kind of mastery of rhythm is too terrifying."

When they were talking, Li Yao commanded them to disperse or gather together, avoiding the boss's skills every time.

Just like Peerless Demon Fairy and the others, they can still chat like this, which shows that the battle is easy.

When the boss's blood volume dropped to about 25%, the marquee's sword was inserted into the ground so far, and the ground trembled.

"Mortals, feel the power of God."


When everyone was looking at the boss and observing the effects of the new skills, a lot of mist spewed out from the death marks on the ground.

Suddenly, there was no stepping on the death mark, but the blood volume of players near the death mark began to drop crazily.

The treatments simply couldn't be added, and members continued to fall.

At almost the same time, a large number of crispy skin fell to the ground, and there was no chance of saving people.

The output of the Starfire Guild was reduced by more than half, leaving the entire team with less than six people.

"Don't worry about the dead, all continue to export, and strive to force his last skill out." Li Yao's business is still stable, without a trace of fluctuation.

The rest of the Starfire Guild is still killing the boss under the command of Li Yao, until 10% of the blood volume, the frequency of boss skills release is getting faster and faster, and the output basically hangs, only Li Yao, Sister Li and Peerless Monster Ji, the tank is left with the Fruit Knights, who were resurrected by the war, and only two remain for the treatment.

"Destroy it, let's next time." Li Yao didn't hide his skills after speaking, and was killed by the boss directly.

Several other people didn't say anything, they were killed directly by the boss without evading skills.

"President, the boss's blood volume is less than 10%, you should be able to win with your output, why do you want to give up." The newcomer Muzi said.

In fact, many members have noticed that there are not many people left, but all of them are masters, and they have hardly made any mistakes. In their opinion, they can quickly destroy such a small amount of blood.

Before Li Yao spoke, Sister Li said: "Why, of course it is because of you. President, this is to cultivate a real team early, not a personal I haven’t seen the president and has been suppressing strength. Well, his pets don't have much output. Do you really think that the spider tank is not used because of its large size?"

Li Yao waved his hand and said, "What do you say about this."

Peerless Demon Ji said: "I don't think there is any need to hide from the big guy. It's better to make it clear. You have seen it just now, because of the chairman's command, we have been very relaxed. But this is not the purpose of the chairman, he thought What is needed is a core team that can attack tough ones. It will fight us once in command, and the rest will depend on us. With your current performance, do you think you can pass this boss?"

Li Yao interrupted the Peerless Demon Girl and said: "It is not so exaggerated, I just think we should grow together. Everyone take a break and we continue, but one thing, you must remember that when the boss's blood volume is below 30%, You have to be extra careful when you move, and pay attention to stay away from the dark marks, and give the fruit and the bedside table a chance to unleash the combo skills."

"Yes." The members were also a little ashamed, and they absolutely couldn't keep up with Li Yao's rhythm. You said that Zhanqi cannot be avoided, but why are so many people still not hanging up?

Subsequently, the Spark team reorganized again and started playing the boss again, this time more smoothly than last time, and the Spark Guild did not lose a member until the boss released the battle spirit again.

Even Zhan Qi was only losing three crispy skins this time.

Captain Wan’s blood volume has fallen steadily, reaching about 5%. No matter how violent and fast-paced the skills, Captain Wan is still mastered by Li Yao, and after being killed twice, Li Yao ordered them to Fast and effective execution.

The people of Xinghuo were all excited, ready to welcome the moment the boss fell...

(To be continued.)

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