MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 506: ambition

"I'll go, don't we, we still have to think about plans?" The newcomer Muzi's face suddenly became bitter.

The same is true for most of the members, and when they hear it, they still have to think about the strategy.

"If you want to get it, let's just forget it, if we have the ability, it won't be too early." The guardian angel also shook his head with a headache.

Li Yao smiled and said, "This is the reason why I want you to make a strategy. I am not a panacea. When I have missed out, maybe my idea is wrong. Will I lead you to a detour?"

"Don't make a fuss, what did you miss, President, you are not able to catch the wave." Happiness is a kind of illness muttered.

"This is the rule of all guilds, and our Xinghuo cannot be an exception. What's more, if it's that simple, then I can just find a few people to copy the copy, why are you still taking you." Li Yao said solemnly: "I What is needed is a team, a team with soul, cohesion and creativity. Good technology is only one aspect. The leisure guild is still so, but are we for leisure? We are to build our guild into a world-class strong Guild. If you still have this attitude, either I will change another group of people, or I will simply not kill first. I will not participate in land reclamation. The guild team will become self-reliant. Anyway, many guild leaders are involved in management and do not participate in land reclamation. "

"Don't, don't." The guardian angel also became serious: "What you said makes sense, how do you say, when you are away, you still need me to command the team, if you don't have the ability, how can you convince the crowd, well, I am sure Will make a strategy seriously."

Others also expressed their correct attitude. What are you kidding about? If Li Yao doesn't participate in land reclamation, then it is almost impossible for their newly formed team to fight against the top guilds.

As for changing a group of people, stop making trouble, they finally become the Spark core group, and there is no reason why they are willing to withdraw.

It's just that they have been integrated into Xinghuo for a long time, and they have regarded Xinghuo as their home in the game, just to be realistic.

Starfire Guild’s wasteland reclamation progress is now the most advanced. Now when the top guilds are still fighting with the sentry, they have already opened up wasteland to the second wave.

This is the first kill in the world. The difficulty of this team is not known by many people. Those ordinary guilds and players are very sad.

The gold content of the first kill this time is much higher than that of the tenth level. Not to mention what equipment can be allocated, it is the light curtain with the name of the first kill, which makes them excited.

In reality, everyone is an ordinary person. Don’t you play games for the sake of making a name for yourself? Such a good opportunity, if you give up, it would be really stupid.

Moreover, the people in the Spark Guild who had not entered the core group wailed and wanted to squeeze them out of the core group.

"In this case, it's settled, you all have to make a strategy with your heart, except Tongtong." Li Yao said.

"Don't, big brother, you look down on me, waiting for me to get the best strategy, maybe you have to rely on my strategy to get past the second wave." Tongtong was originally a bitter face. , But when I heard that Li Yao didn't let her do the Raiders, I became unhappy, and suddenly forgot. Just now I was worried about how to avoid doing Raiders II.

Sister Li said: "Presumably you also understand the meaning of the chairman. What Xinghuo wants is an excellent team, not a mess of nothing without the chairman, but without the chairman, we must do our best. Strong, this is our goal. Therefore, we can't deal with things sloppily. If I find out, I am sorry, I will be tolerant and generous, regardless of you, but I will not be polite. Our core team should not be a fool. "

"I got it." The others immediately regained their spirits. The executive vice president was too deterrent. He remembered his merits and demerits clearly, rewards and punishments were distinct, and everyone knew that Li Yao really gave her the guild to take care of. , I don’t ask about these things at all.

After that, the members went offline one after another. The old rules are still there. They have eight hours of rest.

Li Yao gave Sister Li a grateful look. This black-faced character is not very good. The glorious image has always been his own, and the black face has always been Sister Li.

"There are some things that someone has to say to do, and this is what I should do. You should think about how to live this wave, and you don't have to worry about other chores." Sister Li said.

"Okay, that's troublesome." Li Yao nodded and went offline.

"Thank you, elder sister, if it weren't for you, this guild wouldn't have the current prosperity, and his character is not suitable for managing these tedious things." Qin Fengyi said with a smile.

"This is one of my wishes. I would also like to thank the chairman for giving me this opportunity. Without him, Spark would not have existed, let alone prosperity." Sister Li shook her head and said, "What's more, this is our common 'S guild, isn't it?"

Qin Fengyi nodded and said, "Yes, our common guild, at least we have many partners."

"Well, take a good rest, you still say me, you fight harder than me." Sister Li waved her hand, and took Tongtong off the assembly line.

Qin Fengyi stayed alone for a long time before going offline silently.

Seven hours later, Li Yao went online and found that all but himself had arrived, and he was discussing enthusiastically how to fight SS.

Li Yao smiled, what he wanted was this kind of effect.

"The president is here, boss, tell me, I think we can arrange the formation like this, but the two things, happiness, don't understand anything. I have to say that the formation I arranged is not good." The newcomer Muzi said.

Happiness is a kind of illness and said: "It was originally. You don’t have to worry about destroying the group if you arrange the formation like But how can the treatment input be lost in seconds. If we can’t kill him first, let’s say goodbye. There is no objection to the output of ancient trees or wave ss."

Li Yao also sat down and joined the discussion, halfway saying: "Listening to what you said, I know that you are all attentive, and many of them are constructive. The so-called one person counts the shortcomings and three people counts the length. This is the truth. Remember to play, let me talk about the specific style of play."

The members have focused a lot, and whenever they hear what Li Yao has said, they have to show off to others.

"Scumbags, no matter how many times you come, you can only become a sacrifice." The centaur high priest appeared under the tree as always.

Then there was the sound of galloping horses, Li Yao took out a roll and used it, and then those centaur scenes disappeared.

"Let's go, everyone cheers up and fights for one pass." Li Yao encouraged.

The people of Xinghuo went to the altar again amidst the high priest’s babbling, and the high priest’s spell has been completed. The four ancient trees behind him have been completely corroded and controlled by his spell...

(To be continued.)

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