MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 559: 1 step

The audience obviously also found the expressions of those masters. If it were normal operation, they would certainly not be so surprised. What made them look like a ghost?

Especially the water friends in the live broadcast room have already exploded, and they have asked what is going on, asking the master to help them.

Li Yao took a deep breath and said, "Didn't you find out that Liaoyuan always dodges in one step?"

After being reminded by the civet cat, everyone found that the land around Li Yao had become scorched, but it was just the land around him. Other places are intact.

The ground bombarded by arcane magic is generally full of purple elemental traces. This is very obvious. The arcane elemental traces are always around Li Yao, and it does seem to be the so-called one step.

One step is easy to understand, that is, with Li Yao as the center, no matter which direction you take one step in, you can step out of this range, that is, one step is calculated with Li Yao as the center.

The opponent is an arcane mage, not a physics profession, physics profession, Li Yao uses archery to make people unable to get close at all, so he can't move.

In the beginning, they had already seen this kind of scene. Later, Li Yao even walked directly towards the other party. As a result, the other party always kept a stone's throw from this seemingly not far, but in fact, far away distance, and finally broke out. Wanting to yin Li Yao, he was still killed by an arrow.

But now the opponent is a mage. Because of the existence of the magic shield, Li Yao can’t even break the move. The magic shield can effectively defend against knocking down and stun and other abnormal states. Otherwise, if a melee close to the mage directly sweeps the legal profession One fell down.

This mechanism caused it. When the opponent had a magic shield, it was difficult to even knock back and interrupt the opponent's execution. What's more, Li Yao faced arcane wizards whose spells were mostly instantaneous.

In addition, it is impossible for Li Yao to use arrows and the opponent's magic to cancel each other out.

The only skill that Li Yao can use to collide with the opponent is arcane shooting, but this skill cost blue, plus CD time, Li Yao is facing four machine guns and arcane wizards can not handle it.

Then the problem is coming. Since the opponent's magic cannot be blocked, there is only one way, and that is dodge.

The difficulty of the game with high degrees of freedom is here. It is a great knowledge for legal professions to hit the target, and it is also a knowledge to get close to the opponent in close combat and achieve a high degree of skill completion.

In this case, the position is especially important when facing the player or the opponent.

Facing the bombardment of four bombers, and still cooperating with such a tacit bomber, it is very difficult to dodge the attack of the other side.

Tanuki’s reminder made everyone suddenly realize that Tanuki finally said: “You know, in this situation, it’s very difficult to survive, let alone unharmed. What’s more surprising is that his evasion is just a step forward. It’s just one step. It’s really scary to avoid this bombardment in this square inch. If you pay attention to the comparison of their blood volume, you will find that she was beaten by Liaoyuan and was unable to fight back because she missed the first arrow. , The arrow behind the Liaoyuan has never failed. If this continues, this top master who has hidden his identity will undoubtedly lose."


In order to lose a mage in seconds, Li Yao has started rapid shooting, because the opponent's magic shield has been going on, only the moment after breaking the shield can he have a chance.

Without the blessing of equipment attributes, Li Yao's sensitivity was greatly affected.

The direct consequence is that his evasion and shooting speed are greatly reduced, and for Li Yao, his agility is much more effective than attacking.

Naturally, without the blessing of equipment, and the use of a long bow, the shooting speed is not much faster. In addition, the whiteboard weapon can only use the first-level charged arrow, even with the arcane shooting. Barely breaking the shield, and the skill of Tyrant is useless in this kind of battle.

One mage fell, and the other three mages were still attacking Li Yao. Obviously, the mage Li Yao killed was just a mirror image of the other.

But with the fall of a mage, Li Yao's pressure was obviously lessened, and his original serious expression disappeared.

"It's just moving between square inches. Everyone said that the prairie prairie went to the sky. When I saw it today, it was so." Three voices came from different directions, leaving Li Yao unable to judge which one is true.

Li Yao smiled bitterly and said: "Forget it, whatever you think."

"Fighting against me, your dodge has never been more than one step, obviously you look down on my opponent, isn't it?" The little princess' voice was filled with irritation.

Can't blame her, after all, she is also a top expert, when was she underestimated.

"Then I will ask, after you use the mirror, will the remote professional still have the power to fight back against your bombardment?" Li Yao asked lightly.

The little princess' complexion changed, and she understood in an instant.

"It's you." Li Yao's eyes flashed and quickly shot three arrows.

"Despicable." She didn't react until an arrow fell on her body. She flashed quickly, but she flashed that just came out to usher in Li Yao's second arrow. She rolled in embarrassment, and when she stood up, an arrow pierced her face. Throat.

With the fall of this mage, the other two mages lost their mana support and dissipated directly.

Everything happened so quickly that the audience didn't react. There was a lively battle just now, and it ended so dramatic, which is really unexpected.

And most of the audience are inexplicable and don't know what's going on.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and the barrage was crazy.

"Seek to explain."

"what happened."

"Yes, why does the little princess say that Liaoyuan is mean."

"Fuzzy, he's meow, he must work hard to improve his technique."

"Yes, the technology is not good, I can't even understand what's going on."

"Say the kitten, what the **** is going on."


Li Yao waved his hand, and the cute little pupil ran over to revive the little princess.

Li Yao patted Tongtong's head and said, "Go, return this weapon to the big sister. We can't just ask for what others dropped."

"Big brother is right." Hitomi took the staff directly and ran over and passed the staff to the little princess, saying: "Big sister, give you the staff, the eldest brother said that others can't ask for it. "

The little princess took the staff silently, and the look in Li Yao's eyes was not right.

The audience at the scene also raised their middle fingers, your sister, why can't you ask for other people's equipment.

Why don’t you return the top-quality purple costumes that you dropped in the first two games, you obviously just don’t like the white costumes...

(To be continued.)

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