MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 561: Apply for territory

Hearing what Li Yao said, the members were all very excited. Sister Li arranged for them to take turns off the assembly line to take a rest, and they could start work after 6 hours.

Li Yao used Hearthstone directly, he had to hurry up, after all, a lot of time was wasted to go to the sandbank by boat.

Li Yao did not return to the guild's residence, but went directly to the Royal Administrative District.

This is a huge office area, and the regional affairs radiated by the Undead City will first gather here.

If there are huge affairs or war-related matters will be reported to the royal quarter, let the queen make a decision.

The general little things, naturally, there is no need to find the queen. Otherwise, the Queen estimates that she won't have to do anything day by day, and she won't be able to finish the matter.

As for the guild, this is the official point of view.

Players nowadays are a group of children in the eyes of NPC, and the so-called guild organization is even more of a family character.

The guild's resident can be in the main city, but there are too many restrictions, at most it can be a small office location.

The development and growth of the guild must have a site, so the problem is coming.

These big guys think it's very simple, don't the recruits want a site? Okay, no problem.

There are too many undeveloped or contested territories in the world of ancient gods, so let's go there to play.

It is impossible to establish a guild in a controlled territory in a stable manner. On the one hand, it is an attitude of trying.

Exploiting the territory is equivalent to entrusting a lord, and the main city also has more taxes and land. Naturally, everyone is willing to do such a good thing.

On the other hand, the bigwigs on both sides want the dispute to be unionized, which means that now is the period of camp cooperation, and both camps are now a bit weak.

Let the guilds compete and test each other, it would be great. After all, recruits are all children's business, even if the trouble is big, they can stop the car.

Li Yao went all the way to the guild office and went directly to the office of Baron Mu Ge.

Li Yao is now the queen’s celebrity. Even the most confidential council chamber and laboratories that many undead ministers can’t go to can enter and leave freely. This is no secret. Naturally, wherever he goes, the undead guard sees Li Yao. It will inevitably salute, and then treat it as if it didn't see it, and it didn't mean to block it.

Baron Mu Ge naturally knew Li Yao, and hurriedly said hello: "Your Excellency is busy with the guild's residence, why are you free to come to me again."

Li Yao nodded and sat aside directly following Mu Ge's lead, and said, "I don't dare to disturb Lord Baron's office. I'm here for official business."

Baron Mu Ge does not mean that he is now a baron, but that he was a little baron among the high elves during his lifetime.

It is also a name. Due to the sparse population of the high elves, the baron doesn't even have a real estate, and it's wealthy to own a larger manor.

In addition, the strength is not strong, but the management and administration is a good hand. The queen deliberately put such a shrewd person in this position, not exile.

In fact, the queen, like other high-ranking camps, is not optimistic about the so-called recruit guild.

But after Li Yao's analysis and explanation, the queen took it seriously. The natural undead city's heart for the guild, many guilds in the dark camp have come here to take root.

It is in sharp contrast to the coldness of the undead in the previous life, and the main city of the undead has become the largest gathering place for players of the dark camp, and its prosperity even exceeds the main city of the dark camp.

With more players, there will naturally be more taxes. I don't know how much. Realizing the benefits, the queen understands that Li Yao is not alarmist. Therefore, more and more attention was paid to the guild, and only then did I dispatch my own power to take care of this matter in the future.

"Official business, what's going on here, all day long is just a trivial matter for recruits, alas." Mu Ge seemed to think that Li Yao was also a so-called recruit, and quickly explained: "I didn't say you, you got the Queen's inheritance, in the near future It must occupy a place here, and naturally it is not comparable to those of them."

Li Yao waved his hand to show that he didn't care. After all, Mu Ge said that the player's current rank is too low and the strength is too weak, how can he enter the NPCs' eyes.

"Master Baron, do you think the queen will play useless chess?" Li Yao said lightly.

Mu Ge froze. The queen was known to be domineering and never explained to her men what she did. But think about it carefully, every time there is a reason, I did not make a mistake, with the queen's character, if I hate myself, I will be exiled directly, why use this method.

Then, the only possibility is that the queen attaches great importance to the guild, so she allows herself to control the overall situation.

Mu Ge stood up, saluted Li Yao deeply, and said: "Your Excellency really wakes up the dreamer with a single word. I have pity that I have been with the Queen for so many years, but I can't see through this. No wonder you are so valued by the Queen. It will be reported in the future."

Li Yao waved his hand and said, "My Lord Baron is serious, I really want to do something when I came here today."

"Your Excellency, please." Mu Ge was open-minded, and the gloom of this period of time was wiped I'm here to apply for territory. "Li Yao said.

Mu Ge was surprised, and asked uncertainly: "The material ship seems to have just passed by today. Why apply for territory today? Is it too soon?"

The so-called application for territory has two meanings. On the one hand, it is to declare that this territory will be under the jurisdiction of the Undead City from now on. On the other hand, the Undead City authorized the guild to manage this territory.

The most important thing is that after applying for territory, the surrounding monsters will launch a siege.

The so-called monster siege is also territorial awareness.

The distribution area of ​​monsters is not static, and it is not uncommon for monsters to fight with each other.

Switching to another race, they will naturally not let go of this territory, that is, after becoming a territory, monsters will swarm in and launch the most violent offensive.

The level and scale of the monster depends on where it is.

Natural selection of the location of the station has also become a science, which is meaningless on a map with too low a level.

If the level is too high, it will be miserable. If a station is established, it is estimated that the monster will be slaughtered.

So now the selected resident areas are all areas with higher levels and no monsters around.

Naturally, finding a good location is a great knowledge.

Now even some thieves specialize in each map exploration, just to find a good terrain, and then sell them to some guilds that don't have much strength but want to create a resident.

"With all due respect, according to my information, your Excellency was calculated and lost the first resource allocation right in the sandbar. There are many guilds around. Why don't you wait for them to build the guild and apply for territory, even if there are no monsters near the Spark Guild, Wouldn't it be nice to have no monsters to attack the city?" The baron kindly reminded Li Yao...

(To be continued.)

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