MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 742: Transaction 1

After the explosion, the surviving players around the explosion cursed.

This rocket bomb not only destroyed the Holy Fire Knights, but also destroyed many surrounding teams.

The players in the distance were horrified, and led the team away from the center.

This shell is really terrifying. It's not that they have never seen a rocket, but it is the first time they have seen such a powerful one.

This is when the players are evasive and not very crowded. Players of several teams are directly killed in seconds, and the ones that are farther away are lifted off. Many of the crisp skins are in residual blood.

"Nima is too arrogant, I am not convinced."

"I'm not convinced, I don't believe it, a mere Spark Guild dared to kill us all."

"Yes, Xinghuo is nothing more than a small trash guild. I really think that having an airship is invincible."

"Everyone, unite, we have so many teams, and there are many colonels."

"Well said, we united and seized their airship."

"At that time we will be invincible."

But the thunderous roar has drowned their voices, especially those big corrections who want to fly up and rush towards the airship. The proposal to seize the airship is really tempting.

At that time they will be truly invincible, but they saw countless fires as soon as they took off.

Hundreds of artillery roared together, the sound was too loud, and the players without the colonel's medal suddenly felt sick.

They saw a scene of extreme shock following the trajectory of hundreds of shells.

A round of shells hit the huge plant as the center, although the players attacked the central area.

However, there are still a large number of demons centered on the giant tree. Players still have to waste a lot of hands and feet to capture this place. As for the final boss, it is estimated that it will take a long time to fight, and I don't know how many players can kill to solve it.

It was just one shell, but now there are hundreds of them. All players felt the ground tremble violently. As well as the powerful shock wave, the blockbuster team players climbed to the ground to avoid the powerful shock wave.

And their planning and the sound of cursing the street came to an abrupt end. After a while, the players stood up and looked in the direction of the explosion.

What appeared in front of them was the scorched land and the corpses of demons all over the floor, and the giant tree in the center was also scorched, standing alone in the distance.

All the players were silent, but Starfire was not silent, the airship slowly turned around, and the main gun roared for the first time.

A white beam of light rushed to the sky and disappeared into the sky, and then the milky white beam of light fell above the giant tree.

The white beam of light is like a galaxy formed by milk, scouring down from top to bottom, without dazzling mushroom clouds, and without sky-shaking explosions.

There is only endless vitality, everyone feels a moment of peace, the milky white light spreads, all the scorched earth is like spring back to the earth, endless vegetation grows.

The messy ground that had been bombarded by hundreds of artillery was full of vitality in a moment, but the giant magic tree that was originally a monster of a Warcraft boss seemed to be non-existent at all, disappearing without a trace, and even the wreckage was not left behind.

"What the **** is this."

A wave of cold air emerged from the hearts of all players, and the colonel who took off landed to the ground in a hurry, and no one dared to say that they wanted to occupy the airship.

Everyone dare not act rashly, this scene is really incredible.

Hundreds of artillery kills a large number of demons, but in the end, what is it? It is a powerful magic tree that can make demons. It is a powerful monster-level boss, but the waves did not come out, and there was no screaming. There is no bones left after coming out, which is really frightening. At this moment, they forget that this is just a game, and there is no danger even if they hang up.

"Now the stronghold belongs to Xinghuo, no one has any opinions." Li Yao said lightly.

Damn, yes, of course there are opinions, but your sister, who dares to say now, one shot killed several teams, and the second time he fired hundreds of artillery and destroyed the unknown number of demons. Three times more weird, the boss is gone, no one knows what happened, this is still playing with your sister.

"It seems that everyone is very wise." Li Yao nodded with satisfaction: "This is easy. Now I auction this stronghold for the last time. The reserve price is 5 silver medals. This is a medium-sized stronghold that can produce arms combat. I believe you all. Tomorrow the benefits of fighting with arms."

The people who were scared just now heard that this stronghold could make some kind of creatures to fight with them, and they were suddenly excited.

And it's very clear that it's easy for Xinghuo to destroy them. Since playing the auction shows that they don't mean to waste their chance to resurrect.

Suddenly, many guilds became alive, let alone some military exploits produced by the strongholds, it is a great temptation to have special units to fight in the proving There are too many smart people here, I want There are too many guilds that have obtained this stronghold, and after many days, which team has no inventory, so they bid.

In the end, a medium-sized guild team won the auction with 59 silver medals, and this guild has also laid down its blood. For a team of average strength, these silver medals are equivalent to most of their inventory. Of course, the strength mentioned is generally only relative to the team in the trial field, and they are also masters for the overall players.

Subsequently, nearly thirty fighters cleared the battlefield on the battlefield, looking for medals, and to protect the guild smoothly and put the guild flag in the middle.

If there is no protection from Spark, the guild will plant a flag and the waiting process will be wiped out.

"Now that the stronghold belongs to you, you can rest assured. We respect the transaction. Since it is sold to you, no one can **** it from you." Sister Li put away the medals brought back by the fighter, and told the other party leader Said.

"Happy cooperation this time, I hope that there will be opportunities for cooperation next time." The regimental commander was full of excitement. He already knew that the units that could be made in this stronghold were goblin throwers, very violent units, and they made a lot of money.

"This is easy to say, as long as you have enough medals." Sister Li flew directly onto the airship after she finished speaking.

Sister Li and the leader of the other party added friends to each other. This was the first guild that Xinghuo met. Although it was only an exchange of interests, it was also a good start.

The airship set sail again, the target is a large stronghold in the distance.

"Big brother, this stronghold can produce throwers, why don't we sell them if we don't keep them." The cute pupil asked curiously.

The guardian angel also said: "I also feel a pity. Our stronghold has not reached the upper limit. It is a pity to sell."

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