MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 780: breakthrough

"I see how you kill." Hoth sneered.

Li Yao also smiled, his wings shook, and Li Yao actually flew up to everyone's stunned eyes.

At this moment, Li Yao was like a bloodthirsty monster. He was a beautiful young man just now. He is now completely unrecognizable. The violent blood and blue veins, plus the strange runes on his body, are strange and evil.

Li Yao's speed was not fast, but he still slowly brought Hoth to fly.

Hoth finally understood Li Yao's plan, but it was too late. Although his skill was overbearing, it couldn't be relieved. Under this situation, a trace of panic finally flashed in his eyes.

Li Yao has flown to a height of hundreds of yards: "You have three seconds left in this state."

Hoth was completely ashamed. Originally, he expected that Li Yao didn't know the time of his transformation, but Li Yao clearly stated the time of his transformation, which completely disappointed him.

After all, if he makes a wrong calculation, then he can get out of trouble. Even in the sky, he has the confidence to hold Li Yao to fight. It's hard to say winning or losing, but at least he can give it a go.

But now that Li Yao knew his d time, he lost this opportunity.

Sure enough, Li Yao immediately let go of his hands after saying this, and he threw directly below.

He is now in the form of a lizard, originally heavier than before, and coupled with the condensed earth crystals, heavier and heavier, the power and speed of this weight falling is also very terrifying.

Coupled with Li Yao's strong throw, the huge crystal fell like a meteor.

When he was about to land, his state was over, but there was no other reaction at all.

Hoth has never been willing to give up. He was not completely desperate at first, because their position was already on the edge of the ring.

There are spectators around. In his plan, if there is enough time, he will dissolve the crystal form of the earth, then transform into the form of a lizardman, and then launch a charge, so that he can be immune to falling damage, so he has a chance to struggle. , Looking for opportunities.

But he never expected that Li Yao had calculated so accurately that his crystallization of the earth would end when he was about to land.


Hoth hit the ground fiercely, a large number of slabs shattered, and the body of a huge lizard was embedded in the slabs.

In everyone's eyes, Hoth's blood bar, which had been fully restored, was instantly emptied.

The lizard people fell into silence, and the human player was silent first, and then burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Because among humans, entering the enchantment can complete a rewarding task, and breaking through the enchantment can complete more tasks.

They watched enthusiastically at Li Yao who was slowly descending. It was this person who did not know his specific identity. He put an end to the myth of Hoth and took a sigh of relief for mankind. They convinced them that the top mankind is not weaker than the aliens. People are even stronger.

The originally low morale suddenly skyrocketed, and they once again had confidence and determination to continue fighting.


Li Yao lightly landed on the ground and looked at the shaman.

"You are very strong." The shaman said while resurrecting Hoth.

Li Yao shook his head and said, "I know my own situation better than you, so I don't need to compliment you. What I care about is whether your lizard people speak for themselves."

"I don't have such authority." The shaman shook his head.

Li Yao's expression changed: "Why, you guys are nothing, or do you want me to fight with you?"

The shaman smiled: "I am fighting with you, the outcome is unknown, and I am not a fighting madman, and I don't want to fight with you. As I said, Hoth is the person in charge here."

"That's it." Li Yao nodded.

The two were apparently silent, and then Hoth was resurrected.

"I lost." A look of pain flashed in Hoth's eyes, but it quickly faded: "Who are you, tell me, I will challenge you when my strength grows."

Li Yao shook his head: "I'm not interested in fighting with scum like you. I wasted my time. Do you think I am a free sparring practice?

"You're too crazy..." The anger that Hoth had suppressed was rushed because of Li Yao's words.

"If you like to deceive yourself and others, then you think you can be my opponent." Li Yao shrugged indifferently.

Huh, Huh...

Hoth was breathing heavily, and the two erect pupils that looked like snakes stared at Li Yao, as if they were about to explode at any time.

"I only care about one thing right now, whether your lizard people are talking at all." Li Yao completely ignored the other party's anger, that is, he used his unfamiliar vampires to spend a lot of time, so as not to expose them. Who you are, avoid trouble.

If they want to rush forward, they will change into hunters, then kill them, and think of other ways to get closer to the barrier.

What Li Yao had was a solution, but he didn't expect this situation at first, and he was not prepared.

"Our lizard saints spit one nail at a time. Since the agreement is made, it will definitely be implemented." Hoth gritted his teeth and said, "Close the enchantment and let them all go in."

"It's still a bit like." Li Yao put on the blood cloak directly, he was ready to go on his way, he was not interested in playing with them like this.

"But you need to know that you can enter the barrier, but our lizard saints did not say that they will not continue to hunt you." Hoth's eyes were blood-red at Li Yao, obviously he wanted to hunt after Li Yao entered the barrier. Li Come though. "Li Yao turned into a blood shadow and quickly rushed inside, disappearing into everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

The human players only reacted after Li Yao disappeared, and they haven't asked who this earl is.

But now there is still Li Yao's shadow, many players are full of regret, but it is useless to say anything.

"Let them go," Hoth said loudly, "You are not allowed to chase them for thirty minutes."

Hoth watched the player rush in like a tide, with a sneer on his face: "These stupid humans really think that we open such a big barrier to intercept their waste."

"This time the price of the enchantment is too high, but fortunately, I can hide some things, hey, the undead city..." The shaman said that he turned into a ghost wolf and disappeared after several jumps.

"Sister, did you see that, who is this master?" A female player next to Flame Red Lips finally couldn't help asking.

The flaming red-lipped rider's horse was shocked when he heard this question, and then said: "I don't know, after all, I have transformed."

"I don't even know the eldest sister, how is it possible."

Flames red lips smiled: "This is too normal, you know, in addition to professional players, there are stronger groups of people, although they rarely show up."

All the sister-in-law Liang was shocked immediately, and then looked happy.

"Don't be happy, I just said that it is possible, and there is a powerful character among the active people, but there is no such person in all the rankings, and it may be him."

Everyone was curious to ask who it was, but the flame red lips just laughed without saying anything...

ps: I have cleaned up the house and found out that there is no code. Then I coded a chapter and found out that I didn't eat dinner. I was already starving...

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