MMORPG: The Leveling Specialist

Chapter 205: Cooperate

This is the sorrow of the battlefield team. Both the SS regiment and the spawning regiment have a retreat, because the equipment has fallen and can be picked up, but the battlefield regiment has no chance, and the equipment they drop will often fall to their enemies. In hand.

The blood shadow several people have not rushed to the front, Lin Fei, Mu Lin and Chaoying picked up several pieces of equipment on the ground, most of them picked up the equipment of the other party, because even if their own people hang up, the dropped equipment is only Some ordinary equipment, but the opponent is the seventh-ranked team of the evil alliance, and the equipment is much stronger than the players of their own team. The players in their own team hang up, and let them die to their worth! This is Lin Fei's thoughts.

Some people may ask, why not wear some garbage equipment and mix on the battlefield? For the team, the level and equipment are equally important, and it takes a lot of time to upgrade. Who wants to wear some garbage equipment to the battlefield to send the dead level? Of course, the best equipment is worn. If you encounter an opponent of comparable strength, you can gain some benefits by overwhelming your opponent with the advantage of your equipment. If you are hanged because the equipment is not as good as others, you will lose both equipment and level after being hung. Is very cost-effective.


The opponent's tall orc warriors and undead warriors rushed over with huge beast axes and bone warriors. They were all the kind of power warriors. There were more than 20 people in total. This is the difference between the regiment and the battlefield regiment. The battlefield group generally increases the proportion of power fighters, and only the SS group will have a large number of defensive fighters.

On the battlefield, it is clear at a glance which is better or worse between the strength fighters and the defensive fighters. If the strength battle and the defensive battle are mutually PK, it may be inseparable. But after getting close to professional players in the legal system, the gap between the two fighters is quite obvious. It takes only five or six seconds to get a professional player in the legal system, but for defensive battles, this time is likely to increase to ten Many seconds, on the battlefield, time is life. If you are one step faster than others, you may have killed the opponent. If you are one step slower than others, you may have been killed.

Many melee professional players such as orc warriors and undead warriors rushed to the defense line formed by a few people without inflammation, Muhan and Makino like a whirlwind. After rushing over, Xiao Ling retreated behind a few people without inflammation.

Roar! The non-inflammatory couple snorted. Slammed into these rushing power fighters.

This is a collision between force and force, in terms of impact force. The non-inflamed couples are slightly inferior, but in terms of defensive ability, the non-inflamed couples are much better than them, and they may not suffer.

"Let you see what is called the Shield Warrior's attack." Wu Yan's body suddenly moved, his spine seemed to disappear suddenly, and he turned sideways, flashing an orc warrior's attack in an extremely strange posture. The orc warrior was slightly stunned. Waving his strong shield without inflammation, he slapped heavily on the orc soldier's abdomen. Shoot the orc warrior upside down and fly out.

It was not just the orc warrior who was attacked, the other orc warriors and undead warriors raised a chill in their hearts. Is this a human action?

Professional players on both sides of the legal system launched a magical bombardment. After losing six legal system export professions, the number of legal system export professions in the team of a few madman is still much more than that of the other legal system in the other team, and a comprehensive suppression of firepower has been achieved. However, due to the fact that the opponent has more melee professional players, the number of dark witch and other healing professions is more equipped, and the team of a few mad people has not prevailed.

After all, the opponent is the seventh-ranked team in the evil alliance country. The equipment is much higher than the team of a few mad men. The gap that the skills can make up is quite limited.

"All professional players of the legal system, aim at the shield warrior and attack." Blood Shadow roared in the team chat, because it was so terrible that there was no inflammation. In this high-intensity battle, with personal skills, he was stunned. It repelled seven melee professional players. Calculate a little bit, without inflammation, a melee professional player will be repelled. It takes five or six seconds for this melee professional player to withdraw from the battle and return to the battle. Seven are multiplied by seven times. These melee professional players are in this period. It is impossible to output the land within the time. If it is converted, it is equivalent to no inflammation. The effect caused by a main melee output player is twice as high.

Where did such a perverted shield warrior come from! In addition, the opponents’ players are not low-handed, and Blood Shadow even feels ashamed to say that their team is even worse than the opponent’s team. If they are not relying on the advantages of equipment, they can’t suppress their opponents. But there is no reputation within the entire Angel League? A team like this, even if it's just a regiment, will be mixed up, and there is no need to go to the battlefield. Blood Shadow has information about all the well-known teams in the Angel League, but it is puzzling to only have this team.

Hearing the blood shadow's order, all the professional players of the blood shadow team aimed at the attack target without inflammation, ready to kill without inflammation.

Eight magics shot towards Wuyan soaring, Wuyan looked at the situation badly, these magics seemed to come to him. It took only about a second or so to let No-Inflammation react, and No-Inflammation immediately took the corresponding action, strengthened it with a defensive shield, and lifted the shield to his chest.

Defensive stance!

This alone, or can’t stand the attack of so many attacking magic, the sky mad also noticed, reached out and threw a holy light shield to Wuyan, the blood bath changed to bear form, throwed Wuyan a rejuvenation, and then changed He returned to bear form and retreated backward.

Muhan took a step forward, stuck in front of a magic, and blocked an attack magic for Wuyan.

Bang Bang Bang, a series of magic attacks on the body without inflammation, even with a white light, this is the treatment of rain. Tiankuang also threw a treatment to Wuyan immediately.

Rain of tranquility!

The blood retreat to the rear opened the tranquility.

After being attacked by seven attacking magics without inflammation, he still had less than a thousand of blood, and he survived.

Blood Shadow was stunned. At the moment when seven magics attacked the Shield Warrior, all the actions of the opposing team fell into Blood Shadow's eyes. Shield Warrior's defense shield strengthening, defensive posture, Druid's rejuvenation, tranquility, priest's healing, light shield, and another shield warrior's gear, the whole team seemed to move suddenly, the other party's captain did not even do Any instructions, the tacit cooperation between the players easily broke up this sudden attack. The entire attack time is less than two seconds! This is the operation! This is cooperation! At this moment, Blood Shadow felt extremely shocked. If one day, his team can achieve that kind of cooperation, it can definitely be undefeated. But how the other party trained, blood shadow is also at a loss. From that moment, Xueying's psychological defense line collapsed, is it really going to fail here? Even if it fails, there is nothing to say.

However, a few mad people seem to have nothing to happen in general, calm face, continue to do their own work.

"It's mass attack magic, everyone be careful and interrupt him quickly." An orc warrior screamed, but his reminder was too late.


A black flame rose from the ground, covering all the opponent's melee professional players.

The blood shadow was startled, what is group attack magic, where is the person who cast the magic? Why didn't I see it? Xueying's eyes swept across the audience, only to find Xiao Ling behind Makino.

Xiao Ling and Makino smiled at each other and cooperated happily. Makino used the huge body of his barbarian mad warrior to block the opponent's field of vision, stunned Xiao Ling to cast the group attack magic.

"Strengthen the output, and the mad ravening shouted, throwing a group curse at those players directly, and the magic of the players behind fell overwhelmingly.

"" Blood Shadow shouted violently. The players of the Blood Shadow team immediately evacuated backwards, but many people were left behind and hung on the ground.

The blood shadow team withdrew a hundred yards away, and the madman did not let it chase out. Although the other party suffered serious damage, but left the geographical advantage of this place, its own melee professional players are still at a great disadvantage.

The fire of **** gradually extinguished, and a pile of corpses lay on the ground, six people were hung on the other side, and two were hung on the other side. Five of the six people hung up by the other party were unable to evacuate the attacking magic of the professional players after Xiao Ling released the fire of hell. Xiao Ling can be said to have made a great contribution. Bloody used the resurrection technique to resurrect Tian Ao, and Tian Ao resurrected the Paladin, which is equivalent to no damage to the team.

Lin Fei, Mu Lin and Chaoying put away the things that fell on the ground. Lin Fei smiled slightly, and said, "We have recovered the books, even if they are all hung up."

After listening to Lin Fei's words, Tiankuang knew that the team had gained a lot this time. In this case, Tiankuang's heart had been put down. He was afraid that if he failed in the first battle, it would hit the team members hard. Now that you have acquired enough equipment, there is no loss, and it will be fine. Even if you hang up, lose your level, and spend some time to rise, it will not affect the morale of the team members. Listening to Lin Fei's words, the confidence of the team members soared and morale rose.

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