The situation seemed to suddenly become difficult!

Although the team battles of the EDG team are very powerful in the middle and late stages, the problem is that the Tsar of the QG team is also a big core in the late stage!

And when the game time was less than three minutes, the czar directly took a head, which is tantamount to greatly speeding up the formation of the czar’s equipment!

At that time, the Tsar will pretend to be a god, and the mouse has not developed yet. Wouldn’t it be possible for a soldier to poke him to death directly? !

Just as the EDG fans were wailing and worrying that Scout was developing too well, the director did not show the czar, but locked the angle of view on the bull head who was rushing towards the road and preparing to join uzi.

It was only at this time that Baby Miller realized something.

“The biggest hero of the first blood just now is actually Xiao Ming’s bull head!”

“Does it mean that he didn’t go home with uzi just now, and he was going to walk directly to the road?”

“I didn’t notice it at all! When will the director give a playback shot?”

Wawa was shocked and said, after all, the two middle laners were fighting wits and courage in the middle lane, and QG suddenly came to help. It was still so early, isn’t this not about martial arts? !

On the director’s side, the playback footage was immediately shown, starting with uzi’s return to the city.

At that time, when Uzi was returning to the city, the director directly showed the camera to the middle road. Only then did he realize that Xiao Ming’s bull head read the article for only a second, and then he stopped returning to the city and walked towards the river.

And when the line of soldiers disappeared and the river channel had no wards, no one on EDG knew about it!

What made everyone even more dumbfounded was that because Niu Tou was walking along the river, it just happened to stagger with the big tree walking down the road in the wild area, and even stopped at the small round grass in the river.

Although the situation at that time was that the Tsar was exchanging blood with Ryze, but in the God’s perspective of the replay, everyone saw that the excavator of the factory director squatted outside the F4 wall for a while, and it got stuck in the field of vision after seeing the Tsar Queen retreat. To the blue zone!

If the bull’s head had moved earlier at that time, the factory manager would have definitely discovered it…but he didn’t move!

It wasn’t until after the second wave of mid laners changed blood that they slowly took a step forward, and then completed this very spiritual level 2 gank!

“This Xiao Ming is a bit powerful…”

After watching the replay, the doll Miller looked at each other and was amazed.

The whole process of the second-level catch didn’t look fancy, at most it was a beautiful WQ flash at the end.

But the psychological game in the whole process, aboutThe timing is amazing!

“I feel that the element of luck is greater.”

But Wawa was not very convinced, and excused the EDG fans.

“Uzi can produce equipment just now when he returns home. Xiao Ming can’t do anything when he returns home. Why not go online on foot and see where everyone in EDG is.”

“As for the success of this gank, it’s not that Scout performed well at all. It’s entirely because he made a mistake that caused this kill!”

Wawa analyzed seriously, but wondered if he would feel a pain in the face if he heard the team’s voice.

“Whether it’s luck or not, in short, this wave of gank is very exciting.”

“This is good news for QG, but not so good for EDG. Let’s see if they can find a chance to fight back.”

Miller did not blindly affirm the doll’s analysis, and said in a moderate way.

After the first blood was born, the Summoner’s Canyon returned to calm again.

Because uzi commanded, returned to the city, and went online in a very timely manner, Lucian, who came to the road, just happened to drop the cannon soldier!

Deft immediately returned to the city, but when he looked down the lane, the two top laners had already started to line up in the bottom lane. If he forced his way to the bottom lane at this moment, Mouse would have to pay TP to go to the top lane, and he would lose a teleportation.

So, on balance, Deft had to let his mouse go up the road again.

So far, the EDG team’s opening tactics have officially failed. Although the up and down lanes are switched, in fact, it is a normal laning situation!

Xiao Ming naturally kept in mind Manager Zhang’s tactical arrangement for him to cooperate with Sofm’s wild assistant, but during the time when the mouse returned home, EDG took the lead in starting the wild assistant linkage!

The factory manager’s excavator and Meiko’s Bron sneaked around outside QG’s F4 wall at some point. Although they didn’t squat to Sofm’s wine barrel, they managed to wait for the czar who had just come online after returning home.

It’s just that Scout reacted quite quickly and decisively. The moment he saw the two big men appearing, he directly handed over his own flash, and didn’t give the other party a chance to touch him at all!

A minute later, the factory director came again, but still failed, so he had to give up temporarily.

“Have you noticed, the QG team is very stable!”

The game suddenly fell into a calm, which made the two commentators a little uncomfortable. After all, the first game just now was exciting and exciting, with undercurrents surging.

On the contrary, in the second game, because the QG people were too “wretched”, the game looked a bit dull.

“They can’t be stable. Sofm is very difficult to gank. Once the gank fails and the factory manager squats back, QG’s wild area will explode in an instant!”

Miller muttered, but in fact, it wasn’t QG who wanted to be safe.

Uzi wanted to beat up Deft directly, but the problem was that he had to give himself a chance!

Therefore, the pawn line control can only be developed in front of the tower.

Deft saw the pawn line, and didn’t dare to continue to make up the sword, so he went back to the city.

“I’m leaving.”

And seeing this scene, Xiao Ming’s mind became active again!

(I’m begging for flowers, asking for evaluation tickets, woo woo woo, I won’t even give me a single ticket, woo woo woo, it’s too miserable).

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