Just when everyone was amazed by the alchemy choice of the QG team, the third player of the QG team finally officially revealed.

Tam, the Lord of the River!

Seeing this choice, WE gasped again.

Originally, they chose the combination of Spider and Shen because they wanted to grab top lane before level six and bottom lane after level six.

But now, QG is playing so decisively. They chose a hard-to-grab Alchemy in the top lane, and Tamm who has a very strong protection ability in the bottom lane!

This is not giving Kanti a chance to do anything!

“My God.”

“Although the selection has not ended and the competition has not yet started, I already feel that WE is a bit hopeless in this round.”

When Wawa spoke again, Su Xiaoyan’s face was very gloomy.

“Uzi chose Ashe. Although there is no displacement, it seems to be a very risky choice, but now with Tam’s protection, if Kandi wants to catch Uzi in the early stage, he really needs to weigh whether they can hold QG. tower.”

“After all, Xiao Ming’s Tun plus his own white shield, plus a weakness, can protect Uzi for a long, long time! Even if the spiderFlying into the sky, Zero, who is less than level 6, who resisted the tower for him, will definitely be crippled quickly! ”

“Tam’s choice in this hand is to force Kangdi to rely on the road!”

Wa Wa exclaimed in amazement, knowing that Manager Zhang’s BP can often win a very large advantage, but in the third BP of the deciding game, only the third hand was selected, and it directly penetrated WE’s offensive intention…

Such a BP is too powerful!


When she heard that the baby seemed to be unable to remain neutral and the analysis was biased towards QG, Su Xiaoyan immediately showed a dissatisfied expression on her face.

“Tahm’s choice in this hand is indeed quite essential, but it doesn’t mean that WE can’t play.”

“After all, WE hasn’t produced a duo yet. If a good combination can be selected, Kanti still has a chance to achieve level 6 forward tower jump.”

Su Xiaoyan said solemnly.

There is nothing wrong with these words. After all, the BP stage is the offensive and defensive stage of the coaches of both sides in choosing heroes.

WE makes a move first, QG then moves to break it, and then the next step, it’s WE’s turn to make a move to break QG’s break move!

Sure enough, after QG’s two-player lane was selected, WE’s side almost locked in two duo heroes that they had definitely thought about long ago!

Rock sparrow Taliyah!

Braum, Heart of the Freljord!


At the competition site, it was finally WE’s turn to burst into warm cheers!

In the first two rounds, even until the last moment, QG fans cheered because of their picks, and WE has always suffered from losses in BP.

And now, WE fans can finally shout for once because of their selection!

“Beautiful! WE’s two choices are quite good!”

Su Xiaoyan, the head of WE fans in the commentary booth, was especially excited, because WE’s two choices were quite subtle!

First of all, the rock sparrow.

This hero is the hidden big move of the WE team, which can be used by Xi Ye and Kang Di at the same time!

In the third game against EDG in the semi-finals, WE563 won the third game only after taking out a rock sparrow swing position to knock EDG out.

This time, it was the familiar 0-2 backwardness again, and it was the familiar third game again!

Although the rock sparrow no longer wavered and took it out to lock on the mid unit, it also means that in this round, WE will officially blow the horn of counterattack!

As for Bron, he is a first-level group god!

If the first-level team can get the kill, it can help WE’s lineup take off completely. Even if it doesn’t work, they can also ace each other with Tahm on the laning end to play their respective control effects.

But Braum has a huge advantage against Tamm!

Tam’s passivity can only be licked by Tam himself.

But Bron’s passivity can be helped by team members!


“The BP of this round, I would like to call it the most exciting round of this season, it is indeed the finals!”

“Both sides have used their own big moves one after another, and both want to win this round. It would be even better if both sides have bigger big moves.”

Doll doesn’t take too much trouble when watching the excitement.

“However, I’m a little confused. Why didn’t WE take the rock sparrow first, and then the spider? Could it be that Sofm would steal this round?”

But Miller couldn’t answer this question. After all, it was a psychological game between the two coaches. Before the hero was selected, no one knew what hero the opponent would take.

“WE actually left the last counter place to my brother-in-law.”

“Is he really worthy of this counter?”

In the QG competition table, Uzi was very disdainful when he saw that the top four heroes of WE were selected.

“The wheels are gone. It’s obvious that my brother-in-law is going to create an ADC that can hit you or fight with the team.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled softly, and was a little thankful that WE had raised his brother-in-law’s tactical focus to the highest level.

Because if the brother-in-law goes out first, the heroes of Scout and Sofm will not be able to come out.

“It’s the last round. It would be a pity if I didn’t play with the hole cards I’ve practiced for so long.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled softly, and immediately walked behind the two of them.

“Choose, choose first, but don’t lock it, lock it at the last second, give them a little psychological pressure.”

“Hey hey hey hey hey hey.”

Immediately afterwards, the entire QG team was laughed one after another. The referees behind them trembled and began to mourn for WE on the spot.

In the commentary seat, Miller, who was waiting for QG’s final two-handed pick, began to analyze WE’s lineup.

“This lineup of WE seems to have a lot of control skills, and the output doesn’t seem to be low.”

“Shen’s taunt, spider’s cocoon, chaffinch’s ledge, Braum’s passive and ultimate move.”

“As long as any hero on QG’s side gets two control skills, he can be killed instantly by focusing fire.”

“And the body is not too fragile. After all, Shen and Bron are both in the front row, and the spider and chaffinch must also use their golden bodies to avoid damage.”

Analyzing and analyzing, Miller suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, feeling that WE’s lineup for this round was really terribly prepared.

Although alchemy is indeed a shit-stirring stick in team battles, if it is hit by a control skill, it won’t be able to stir it up at all!

Can’t control it?

One skill can’t be controlled, two skills can’t be controlled, three or four can’t be controlled, right?”It depends on how Manager Zhang chooses the last two heroes!”

But he still chose to believe in Manager Zhang, thinking that he would definitely be able to fight his way out of such a dangerous situation!

The next moment, the fourth hero of the QG team lit up.

Void Prophet Malzahar!


Although it was not locked, Miller immediately applauded.

“After the WE team selects the rock sparrow, it is going to push the line for support.”

“If you are facing a normal mid-lane hero, Rock Sparrow’s Q skill pushes the line, passively slides on the skateboard to rush, and even the ultimate move can rush and block the road. It can definitely cooperate with Spider or Shen to complete the frequent roaming support on and off the road.”

“But now, the King of Pushing Lines among the line pushing heroes has appeared, and he is Malzaha!”

Miller said ecstatically that besides pushing the line fast, Malzaha is actually a heads-up king.

As long as you reach the sixth level, you will almost stare at everyone!

Once Xiye is placed in the middle, or even a solo kill is completed, this Xiye will be useless!

What if Kanti wants to catch Scout?

His passive skill shield can also block a key control skill once!

Although WE will not be so stupid as not to break the shield with flat A or other skills, but as long as it sees the shield of the grasshopper, it will be more or less heart-warming.

“Now, it depends on how Sofm chooses.”

But what Miller didn’t expect was that the next person to answer the conversation was not Doll, but Su Xiaoyan.

“QG’s four-handed hero selection is indeed quite good, but the problem is also quite obvious, that is, basically there is no way to cooperate with the jungler.”

“Needless to go on the road to alchemy, although Kangdi’s intention of arresting him is somewhat lost, Sofm will definitely not patronize on the road.”

“The grasshopper in the middle doesn’t have a big move before level six, and it’s not easy to control Xiye.”

“If you push the lane on the bottom lane, Tamm is not a very good hero to keep people.”

“It depends on what Sofm chooses, and whether it can revitalize the three lines of QG.”

Su Xiaoyan analyzed lightly, but she could hear Miller frowning frequently, and didn’t quite agree with her opinion, especially the sentence that Tam is not easy to keep people. What is the W skill of Ice for?

But Miller will not refute at all, and has no time to refute, because at this moment, the fifth floor of QG once again selected a hero who is astonishing as heaven!

Lord of Shadow Stream, Jie!


The audience exploded again, and it is no exaggeration that this time was definitely the most explosive one, because fans from both sides blew it up together.

No one expected that the hero Jie would appear on such an important stage in the finals!

And you have to know that throughout the summer season, with the frequent strengthening of mid-lane AP heroes, Yasuo Jie, an ad-type assassin mid-laner, has almost no possibility of playing!

But now, in the third and possibly final game of the finals, Jie actually made his debut!

“Wait, wait, wait!”

But at this moment, Su Xiaoyan suddenly said.

“This Jie, is it a mid laner or a jungler?”

“Is this Malzaha a jungler or a mid laner?”

Immediately afterwards, her words made the audience instantly quiet down!

That’s right, for QG’s last two picks, who is the jungler and who is the mid laner?


“Miller, you are the most professional commentator among us.”

“I just have one question now, is Malzaha the jungler or Zed the jungler?”

Looking at the last two heroes of QG, the corner of Wawa’s mouth twitched.

He really wanted to see the two teams make their best moves in the finals.

But in this round, isn’t QG’s big move too much and too scary?

Except for Ashe and Tahm who are regulars, the three heroes in the upper middle and the wild are all big moves!

“Don’t ask me, I don’t know.”

This time, Miller didn’t continue to analyze based on his “experience”, because he didn’t have any experience with these two heroes in the jungle!

The commentary was a little confused, the fans were a little silly, and the WE player booth was quite flustered.

For the third game, they had already prepared the three big moves of spider, chaffinch, and big mouth.

However, QG’s last two-handed hero selection made them unable to understand what they wanted to do!

Still the same question, who is the jungler? !

If it’s Jie’s jungler, it seems to be very powerful. With the shadow as a displacement condition, it seems that he can keep himself safe when he frantically invades the Kangde wild area.

If there is a red BUFF to gank online, it seems that the deceleration effect can also be used to keep people.

Of course, whether Zed’s jungle efficiency is high or not is another question.

If it is a grasshopper jungler, can the grasshopper jungler be able to gank before the sixth level, even if it reaches the sixth level, can it catch people?

“What should I do, should I choose or not?”

The brother-in-law’s face was pale. For this round, he seriously prepared the big move of Big Mouth. After all, in the later stage, once the ultra-long-range W is activated, coupled with the percentage of HP damage, it can definitely hit explosive output !

But now, the choice of Grasshopper and Jie made him stunned, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.

Subconsciously, she went to look for Mother Wheel, only to find that she had already been banned.


After thinking for a long time, Coach WE made a decision.

“We still have a lot of control skills. Whether we go first or they go first, as long as the control skills are given, we can kill people.”

“If they attack you,And Zero can also give you some protection! ”

Coach WE said solemnly.

Then, the counter position on the fifth floor of WE was finally confirmed.

Kog’Maw, the giant mouth of the abyss!

At this point, the BP phase is officially over!

But none of the commentators was in a hurry to speak. Instead, they continued to lock their eyes on the BP interface, staring at the two heroes, Grasshopper and Jie, wanting to see where their final positions were.

After a few seconds, the location was finally finalized.


Hit wild grasshoppers!


Everyone just felt that their brains were buzzing.

It’s understandable for Jie mid laners to use Jie’s super high burst damage to get a single kill online.

As for the grasshopper playing wild…

“This Sofm is simply amazing!”

“The first round of the summer split, let us see a new wild route.”

“In the last game of the summer split, do you want us to meet a new jungle hero?”

Miller exclaimed repeatedly, his whole body excited.

“It doesn’t have to be the last game. This kind of hero that I haven’t seen before looks fancy, but the effect may not be good.”

Su Xiaoyan immediately refuted, with a very displeased expression.

“I’m sorry, sorry, I’m excited, but Malzaha’s jungle is too shocking.”

“Thinking about it, it seems to be really good. After all, his little bugs bite people very quickly!”

Miller hastily admitted his mistake, but he didn’t fully admit it, and his expression was still very excited.

“It’s meaningless for the two of you to argue here. Whether Malzaha can play jungle or not, you have to go to the game to see.”

“However, I found a problem. The lineup of the WE team still requires teamwork.”

“But in this round, it seems that QG is not going to play as a team, but as an individual!”

The neutral commentator Doll hurriedly mediated, and immediately changed the subject.

“Top order alchemy, play your own game.”

“Jie in the middle, play on your own, the grasshopper can’t cooperate with him.”

“Playing wild grasshoppers, before the sixth level, we played on our own, and we don’t know how to play Sofm after reaching the sixth level.”

“Upper, middle and wild are all playing their own game, and the bottom lane can only play their own game.”

Wawa said with a wry smile, which also made Miller and Su Xiaoyan’s eyes widen. It seems that this is indeed the case!

“Let’s see how Team WE responds.”

Miller nodded.

“QG is indeed playing by itself, but all four lines can put considerable pressure on the opponent.”

“Don’t be too careful, don’t even think about moving if Alchemy cuts off your troops.”

“Xiye’s rock sparrow may not be able to push through the push line, and may be killed alone.”

“If Kangti keeps supporting and is advanced to six by Sofm, his teammates will be out of luck, so he has to guard the wild.”

“But once WE falls into this rhythm…”

Miller stretched his voice and began to think, but was suddenly interrupted by Su Xiaoyan.

“It’s not impossible!”

“It has been developed until the later stage. Big Mouth is much stronger than Ashe, and his hands are much longer!”

“At the same time, in front of Dazui in the later stage, there is no meat tank at all, let alone the QG lineup is too fragile!”

“That is to say, no matter how QG fights, WE can fight!”

A smile finally appeared on Su Xiaoyan’s face, she was very happy, and suddenly felt that the victory in this round was great.

As long as they can successfully win this round and improve their morale, it will not be a dream to accomplish the miracle of letting the second chase the third again!

“This… I don’t know too well, it depends on the players’ operations.”

Miller pouted and shook his head.

In this round, Manager Zhang’s BP is quite exciting, but WE’s BP is also not bad, so it’s really hard to say who will win this round!

On the stage, as the coaches of the two sides shook hands, the third game of the finals was about to officially begin.

The QG team on the blue side, Alchemy in the top lane, Grasshopper in the wild, Jie in the mid lane, Ashe in the bottom lane, and Tamm in support.

The red WE team has Shen in the top lane, Spider in the wild, Rock Sparrow in the mid lane, Dazui in the bottom lane, and Bron as an assistant.

The next moment, ten contestants from both sides entered Summoner’s Canyon amidst the cheers and expectations of the fans!

“Let’s take a look at the summoner skills of the players on both sides.”

As soon as she entered the competition, the baby opened her mouth and said.

Before, both sides chose regular heroes, so the carrying of summoner skills was also regular.

However, in this round, with both sides using their ultimate moves, the carrying of the Summoner’s skills is also worth mentioning.

But in fact, the main thing to look at is the two heroes.

Holy Gun’s Alchemy has sprint and teleportation, and Sofm’s Malzaha has punishment and flash, but no sprint.

“Uzi didn’t bring purification here, but he did bring healing. It seems that he is quite confident in his position.”

The baby said enviously.

“But it’s true. Although there are many control skills on WE’s side, they are all non-directional skills. If Uzi moves well, it is still very possible to avoid all the skills.”

“Of course, in that case, Uzi alone may be able to break the mentality of everyone in WE.”

“Let’s take a look at the first-level designs of both sides.”

While speaking, all ten team members from both sides walked out of the high ground and walked towards the river.

I thought that WE would choose to invade the wild area when they had Bron, but they didn’t expect that they chose the five-star Lianzhu station like QGbit mode.

The six members of the upper middle field are all in the upper river, and the duo is in the lower river. It seems that WE has voluntarily given up the first-level team to minimize the risk. After all, they don’t know the strength of the first-level team in QG’s lineup.

So the director decided to show Sofm’s grasshopper as the camera, wanting to see how he uses the grasshopper to fight wild, and what kind of effect he can achieve!

“It should be the toad brushing downwards.”

Seeing the positions of Holy Gun and Sofm, Wawa confirmed.

But just when the wild monsters were about to respawn, the director’s camera suddenly cut away!

Just when everyone sighed with regret and wanted to scold the director for not being able to see, they suddenly discovered that the WE duo didn’t play as usual in the second half of the field.

Instead, they went directly into QG’s blue zone, planning to steal Uzi and Xiao Ming who were beating the stone man!

“Who said WE didn’t have a first-level regiment design?”

“The first-level regiment of WE will only fight with my brother-in-law and Zero!”

The next moment, Su Xiaoyan was ecstatic in her heart, as if she had seen the fat situation of Dazui’s opening double kill! .

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