The QG players naturally knew what the commentators knew.

Although according to the current situation, the initiative of the game is still in QG’s own hands, but if he can’t play an advantage in the time he is good at and is forced to be dragged to the later stage by the SKT team, then this game is quite It’s difficult.

It’s not that everyone in QG is not confident in the operation, but in the lineup, SKT’s lineup is really scary!

Rambo’s ultimate move can definitely destroy the world in the later stage.

The strength of Mother Wheel is self-evident in the later stage!

At the same time, the level of protection Fanzi Mama can give to Wheel Mama in the later stage is definitely not something that everyone in QG can easily kill someone on the other side!

Therefore, if you want to win this game, you must resolve the battle before 30 minutes, otherwise the situation will be unimaginable in the later stage!

“Uzi Xiaoming, I’m going to catch a wave in the bottom lane.”

After 5 minutes of game time, Sofm began to let his blind monk fight the second group of three wolves and toad, and said down the road at the same time.

No matter whether this wave of gank is successful or not, Sofm will go home and update his equipment after a while.

“Okay, there are no eyes in the grass behind us, you walk over the line.”

Uzi responded immediately, and at the same time pinned in the grass behind him.

“I’ll go to the river to make eyes, Mr. Dog, be careful.”

Glancing at the pawn line, it was stuck on the horizontal line of the blue side of the river and couldn’t push it in temporarily, but Bang didn’t push it out either, so it was considered safe.

So Xiao Ming left the line for the time being, and was going to take a stroll around the river.

And at times like this, the abilities of the SKT players can be quite clearly reflected.

As soon as Xiao Ming’s bull head reached the grass in the river, seeing Uzi’s policewoman preparing to make up the knife, Wolf’s fan mother directly bypassed the line of soldiers and threw an RQ to Uzi.

Even with the blessing of her E skill shield, she activated the policewoman instead.

In this case, Uzi can only suffer from being dumb. He retreats first and then counter-A. After all, the bull head is no longer around. If he can’t help walking A, he will definitely be consumed by the wheel mother not far away. !

Fortunately, Xiao Ming quickly returned to the line after inserting an eye in the river grass, otherwise the policewoman’s blood volume would drop even more, which would not be conducive to the later battle.

“Okay, let you be arrogant for a while, wait until I don’t kill you!”

Uzi, who had regained the initiative, was very unwilling. Looking back, he saw that the blind monk had already burrowed in without the SKT duo having no vision of the grass, and then tiptoed around the grass and approached the next bush.

On the other hand, Wolf’s fan mother, when they didn’t notice the blind monk approaching quietly, even got into their own grass, and also wanted to consume the QG duo through the blind spot of the grass!

The entire match scene suddenly became tense.

Everyone can see that Wolf’s position is quite aggressive, and everyone can also see that Sofm’s blind monk is not far from him!

If you do it now, Mother Fan’s life will be in danger!

“QG’s chance!”

Seeing this scene, Doll Miller suddenly became excited.

But also a little nervous.

“But can the three of QG really kill Fanzima?”

“The three of them, including the blind monk, are all at level 4. Although Karma is also at level 4, he has weakness, flash, shield, and W recovery…”

“Look at how the QG players are operating. If they operate well at 600, they should be able to kill!”

In the commentary seat, Miller slammed loudly, clenched his fists even more, and his palms were sweaty.

If this wave of ganks can be successful, then QG’s bot lane and wild areas will officially have their advantages!

“I’m going up!”

In Summoner’s Canyon, even though the three of QG did not have the vision of SKT, Xiao Ming immediately identified Wolf’s position when he saw Fan Mom’s Q skill flying out.

The next moment, he strode forward, crossing the line of soldiers and walking towards the dark grass!

It has to be said that SKT’s players are top-notch in the world after all. Xiao Ming just took a step forward, and Wolf immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Although Sofm’s blind monk was still squatting in the grass without showing his head, Wolf immediately retreated, preparing to retreat towards the defense tower.

But how can everyone in QG, who are already determined to kill, be willing to let Fan Zima go?

Q skill, smash the earth!

The next moment, Xiao Ming directly pressed the Q skill on the spot. It seemed that he wanted to WQ Erlian, but he made a mistake and turned into Lao Niu’s New Year’s greetings.

But in fact, following a blatant surrender of a flash, Xiao Ming completed the first Q flash of his signature hero in the World Championships!

Wolf’s fan mother, take off in place!


Immediately afterwards, Sofm and Uzi followed immediately, but because the Q flash was far away, they couldn’t give the skill temporarily.

But it doesn’t matter, the bull’s head hammered by the fan mother is directly aimed at Wolf walked behind.


At the same time, Bang hastily handed over his healing to Wolf, raising his blood volume and hoping to speed it up.

But it was of no use. Before Wolf could react, Niutou’s W skill savagely struck, and he slammed hard at Fan Mom’s lower back!


Immediately afterwards, Mother Fan flew not far from the policewoman and the blind monk!

W skill clip!

Uzi first put down the clamp under Fan Mama’s feet, and then started to level A.

Q skill Sky Sound Wave!

At the same time, Sofm gave a Q skill close to his face, and then the E skill thunderbolt slammed the floor!

Just now because of that mouthful of treatment, Fan’s mother, whose blood volume was almost full, lost her blood volume in an instant.

But Wolf’s reaction was really not slow. When he was finally able to act, a weakness hung directly on the policewoman’s body. At the same time, he gave himself the E skill, which suddenly gave him a thick shield!


head shot!

So much so that even if Mommy Fan was caught in the policewoman’s trap, and she was beaten to a draw and passive, her blood volume would only drop a little bit.


On Xiao Ming’s side, he knew that the damage of the three of them might not be enough, so he directly applied Weakness to slow them down.

As long as the fan mother can’t get away, they can beat her to death!


And as expected, the next moment, Wolf handed over his flash and appeared directly behind Xiaoming Niutou.

Seeing that he was about to run away, there was a sneer on Uzi’s face.

“You finally made it.”

“I’ve been waiting for this flash for a long time!”

The next moment, Uzi shouted angrily, and the E skill rope net directly hit Fanzi’s mother from a distance, making his immobile legs even more crippled.

ambassador of peace!

head shot!

Immediately afterwards, a precise QA shot hit Fan Mama. Although the distance was too far, Uzi could not make up the second clip, but he still managed to hit Fan Mama’s blood volume below one third!

Echo strike!

It wasn’t until this time that the blind monk, whose Q skill time was about to expire, finally activated his second-stage Q, and kicked Fan Mama.

But at this time, Fan Mama’s blood volume was not low enough to be killed by Sofm’s kick, and at this moment, Wolf, who had finally survived the weak state, turned around and gave the blind monk a RW, and his blood volume immediately increased again. Taller!

Although the recovery ability of Level 1 W is quite limited, the increase in blood volume visible to the naked eye has made all the LPL audience feel a bit chilled!

Is this wave of ganks going to fail? !

Everyone’s heart seemed to have stopped suddenly, and their breathing also disappeared. They watched everything that happened on the screen with bated breath.

But for the QG players, none of the heads they fancy is lost!

Ping A! Ping A! Ping A!

Even though Sofm has no skills, and even though the blind monk has been being madly beaten by the wheel mother, he still chases after the fan mother and beats him up.

Ping A! Ping A! Ping A!

Behind him, Uzi also took advantage of the length of his hands to chase after Fan Mama, not wanting to let him go at all.


At this moment, the sound of a bullet being loaded suddenly resounded, making everyone’s eyes brighten!

This headshot should kill Mommy Fan!

But at this moment, it was suddenly discovered that the policewoman’s attack distance seemed to be insufficient, and Uzi seemed to be unable to come out…


Although the blood volume of the three of QG is quite healthy.

But at this moment, Uzi resolutely pressed the treatment in his hand, giving the policewoman an acceleration effect.

I, love chasing and killing!


The next moment, following a headshot bullet, it flew across the sky and hit the back of the fan’s head.

Wolf, who had been running for his life for a long time, finally fell to the ground unwillingly, and his body was instantly cold.

QG.Uzi killed SKT.Wolf!


The game time was 5 minutes and 37 seconds, and the first blood was born.

Uzi’s head!


As the bloody blind monk W returned to the bull’s head and evacuated safely, the audience finally burst into cheers that had been suppressed for a long time after being silent for more than five minutes!

The SKT team is indeed very strong. In this wave just now, if it was the support of H2K yesterday, it would have died twice or even three times.

But so what?

No matter how strong the SKT players are, they are still doomed to die in front of the brave QG players!

“Wonderful, really wonderful!”

“I can only say that this wave of bot lane battles is definitely the most exciting wave of the World Championship so far!”

On the LPL commentary stage, Baby Miller was already in ecstasy.

“If Wolf’s operation is wrong, or if a certain skill is not handed over, then it is impossible for him to persist in this wave for such a long time.”

“If any of the three members of QG made a mistake, or retreated without killing Wolf after flashing, then it is impossible for Uzi to get this first blood!”

“The saying that you don’t kill flash has indeed existed in League of Legends games all year round, but it is obvious that the QG team doesn’t care whether you pay flash or not. Even if you don’t pay flash, I will pay flash to kill you. !”

Miller was very excited, because although the first blood of more than five minutes came later than usual, but it is already certain that the familiar QG rhythm has returned!

“Just now I was worried that the pace of the game was too slow. I didn’t expect Uzi to get the kill just a minute after he finished speaking.”

“As we all know, once the heroine, the policewoman, has an advantage and the rhythm of tower pushing starts, then his opponent will be under a lot of pressure. At least the three outer towers will definitely not be able to defend!”

“Of course, I also know that I can’t talk too much. After all, QG’s opponent this time is the mighty SKT!”

“However, I believe that after gaining the advantage, QG will continue to look for opportunities to expand the advantage!”

“It may not be easy for the top lane to have an advantage, but if the middle lane also has an advantage, then this round should be a sure win!”

The doll also spoke loudly, and all the previous worries were swept away, replaced by full confidence!

Team QG’s current advantage is indeed not small.

After returning home, Uzi’s policewoman directly took out the Storm Sword, a pair of straw sandals, an attack speed dagger and a real eye.

Xiao Ming also directly made eye stones to ensure that they have more vision.

Sofm’s blind monk not only made a green jungle knife, but also directly touched two long swords. Economically, he was a little ahead of Blank’s Olaf.

But for QG, although the current advantage is not small, it is not big enough… They need a bigger advantage!

In 6 minutes, when Sofm’s blind monk walked out of the spring again, Blank seized the opportunity to reverse the field again, reversed Sofm’s F4, and planted a ward in the grass of F4.

It seems that he has specially learned Sofm’s jungle route, so he wants to deliberately disgust Sofm.

On Scout’s side, after parting ways with Sofm in the highlands, he went to the Stone Man, while he walked into the grass of F4 to help Sofm take a look at the situation of F4.

“F4 was stolen, it should have just disappeared.”

After confirming that F4 disappeared, Scout immediately reported back, then continued to walk in the direction of the river, and made an eye at the pass.

But who would have thought that just as the eye position fell, Olaf threw an ax from the grass and hit himself.

“Blank is here!”

Scout hurriedly reported, but he didn’t panic at all. He used the acceleration effect of his W skill to retreat quickly, and at the same time threw his Q skill Galaxy Surge. open opportunity.

“I see.”

After Sofm finished speaking, he immediately pressed TAB to take a look at Olaf’s equipment.

CD shoes, red crystal, hunter’s skin care, a layer of reusable potion, immediately brighten your eyes!

Although I can’t tell whether his accessories are useful or not, what is certain is that there is only one eye position on Olaf just now!

“If Olaf inserts the ward, it should be the F4 grass, and of course it may be the red BUFF grass.”

“I’ll go over there, try to fight Faker, and I’ll see if there are any eyes here.”

Sofm said to Scout while hitting the stone man.

At 6 minutes and 30 seconds, the two mid laners were ahead of the audience and upgraded to level 6. If they played against each other, Faker would definitely have a chance to solo kill Scout!

But as long as Faker is ready to kill, then it’s time for him to dig his own grave!

At 6 minutes and 42 seconds, Sofm finally circled the target grass.

“try it.”

At the same time, he reminded Scout again.

“The line of soldiers is pushing towards me, you are ready to go.”

Scout nodded.

Now the line of soldiers is rather ambiguous. There are eight blue soldiers and five red soldiers, and three of them are bloody soldiers who can be killed with a single W.

And at this time, no matter how he chooses, it is normal, so Faker will never see his temptation!

The next moment, Scout stepped forward forcefully in order to make up for the three soldiers.

Sure enough, in order to prevent Scout from making up the knife, Faker’s snake girl also directly pressed up!

“No eyes!”

Immediately, Sofm and Scout’s eyes lit up.


Immediately afterwards, Sofm walked directly towards the grass alone in the river, but Faker still had no intention of retreating, which meant that he didn’t know his position at all!

“it is good!”

At the same time, when Scout successfully moved to avoid a Q from Snake Girl, he chose to turn his head the next second.

The sky skyrocketed!

Seemingly being pushed into a hurry, Scout directly activated the Dragon King’s W skill, and went back to chase the Snake Girl.

Faker is not a vegetarian either. He also chose to retreat first, but suddenly turned around and threw the W skill hinterland at the Dragon King’s feet, and immediately retaliated!

Just before landing in the hinterland, Scout threw out the Q skill Galaxy Surge in advance, and successfully knocked the snake girl out on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, when he was about to turn back to tie A, he suddenly turned back again!

The next moment, Snake Girl’s ultimate move, Petrified Gaze, was thrown out…

But it didn’t hit the Dragon King’s eyes at all, but threw it on the Dragon King’s back!

Faker’s proud hero, Snake Girl, even missed her ult!

You must know that if Snake Girl’s big move hits the enemy’s front, it can cause a 2-second stun effect, which is enough time for Faker to kill Scout in seconds with a combo.

But if onlyIf it hits the back of the enemy, it can only cause a 40% deceleration.

Slowing down, not dizziness, the Dragon King can fight back!

The stars are rising and falling!

In the next moment, a loud and clear dragon chant sounded, and then, the Dragon King Casting Star directly spewed out all the anger in his heart from his mouth!

While tons of damage was being poured on Snake Girl, it also gave her a 40% deceleration!

Unwilling to admit defeat, Faker originally wanted to fight back.

But suddenly, Sofm’s blind monk rushed out from the direction of the upper river!

After confirming that he could not kill the Dragon King before the blind monk arrived, Faker hurriedly started to sprint and retreat.

But the head that QG likes, how could he let him go? !



Sofm reached into the pile of soldiers in seconds. Although the minions were surrounded, but with the E skill suddenly snapped, the space between the blind monk and the snake girl was free of any interference from the minions!


Immediately afterwards, in order to prevent Faker from using the flash to avoid his own Q skill, Sofm directly handed over the flash, and instantly shifted to Snake.

And just when Somf was about to kill the killer, Faker directly pressed the flash and pulled it away, trying to avoid the blind monk’s face-to-face Q.

But in fact, Sofm can’t flash to answer the Q at all!

He just wanted to fool Faker’s flash first!

Tian Yinbo!

It wasn’t until this time that Sofm’s Q made a bold move. Even though Snake moved very fast, she still hit it accurately!

But it’s the same as the problem I encountered just now. Even if Sofm kicks over, the damage is still not enough. On the contrary, it may be because of Snake Girl’s high speed that he escaped!

Hurry up!


In order to be 100% sure that the death of Snake Girl is inevitable, Scout resolutely handed over his DF Erlian and followed immediately!

Boom boom boom.

Stars surrounded the Dragon King and hit the Snake Girl continuously, rapidly reducing his blood volume.


Immediately afterwards, the blind monk’s second-stage Q with beheading effect was activated, kicked out, and directly took Faker’s life!

QG.Sofm killed SKT.Faker!

At 6 minutes and 57 seconds of game time, QG took SKT’s second head!

Faker’s head!


At the competition site, there was another burst of exclamation!

Everyone couldn’t believe that Faker, the world’s number one mid laner, was actually killed by a real QG!

If Wolf was killed just now because of his lack of strength, it was Faker who was killed in this wave!

“Faker is already very good! If it weren’t for the blind monk, the Dragon King would definitely die!”

“This blind monk is so powerful! He was there for the bottom lane just now and this wave!”

“The blind monk is very powerful, but this wave was definitely seduced by the Dragon King, and he also avoided the big move of the Snake Girl! If he didn’t dodge, Faker would definitely kill him, and he might escape with a trace of blood!”

“So who is this Scout? The reaction was so fast…or in other words, the timing of Faker’s ult was predicted!”

“His name is Scout, and he was once a mid laner in SKT’s youth training.”

“But now, he is a top player in the LPL, the world’s top mid laner who can beat Faker!”

(Thanks to “l91xxxx564” for the monthly ticket support!!!).

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