the reason is simple.

That is the historical record of the LPL division, which really broke the hearts of all LPL fans!

I thought that after the S3 runner-up, the S4 runner-up, and the 2015 MSI champion, LPL would usher in their own spring.

But what about the result?

The best record in S5, the quarterfinals!

2016 MSI record? Final Four!

S6 World Championship record?

Except for QG, the two former LPL champions all stopped in the group stage and locked in the top 16!

Even if QG remains as the only seedling of LPL, so what?

Last year’s LGD was also a new champion, and this year’s QG is also a new champion. Except for a change in the team name, nothing else seems to have changed!

The game that should be lost, will still be lost, the World Championship that should be disappointed, will still be disappointed…

Although the draw ceremony has not yet started, even though the quarter-finals have not yet started, many LPL viewers already have no hope for QG, who just won the group stage and advanced yesterday.

What’s more, they think that if they can reach the quarter-finals and double-kill SKT, it will be the best record of the LPL in this year’s World Championships!

Sitting in front of the TV, Zhang Mingrui, who was waiting with the team members for the start of the lottery results, was quite aware of the current situation of QG.

The situation they are encountering now is quite bad. It can be described as an ambush from all sides!

In addition to the fact that seven teams were eyeing them in the quarter-finals, the audience in the domestic and foreign divisions were all waiting to see their jokes.

After all, everyone is “looking forward” to the No. 1 seed in the LPL division once again falling to the quarter-final stage.

The only suspense is, wait a moment, which team will appear as the existence that eliminates QG!

No one really believes in QG, except QG himself!

Zhang Mingrui frowned, not in a particularly good mood.

Because this sentence is not to belittle oneself and scare oneself, but it is the truth!

Everyone, whether they are LPL fans, fans of the QG team, or LPL commentators, their trust in the QG team at this time is all based on their achievements!

If QG really loses the game, how much of this kind of trust can be left is a question mark.

So, no matter what, no matter whether others believe in QG or not, QG must believe in themselves, believe that they can win one game after another, until finally they win the final championship!

“Manager Zhang, drink water.”

Just as Zhang Mingrui’s thoughts were racing, a bottle of water was handed to him. Looking up, he saw that it was Xiao Ming’s assistant.


Zhang Mingrui took the mineral water and took a sip tactically. After suppressing his emotions, he looked at the five team members sitting beside him.

After seeing their relaxed and calm expressions, my mood became more relaxed.

Let’s not talk about whether they will perform better when they face the LCK team again.

At least eliminated in the quarterfinalsIn the competition stage, no matter which opponent you encounter, you will definitely defeat them easily. At the same time, you will conduct actual B05 exercises to accumulate experience for the subsequent semi-finals and finals!

“Flash Wolves, AHQ, and G2, who do you want to fight more?”

The preparation process for the lottery ceremony was really too slow. Taking this opportunity, Zhang Mingrui asked everyone with a smile.

“EDG… No, Lightning Wolves, they are the ones who sent EDG home. I want to avenge EDG!”

Scout was the first to speak, with a displeased expression on his face. Although he was already a member of QG, it was the EDG team that brought him from the LCK to the LPL, and he was grateful to him for his knowledge.

“Then I will definitely choose G2. RNG was eliminated by them.”

Uzi also gritted his teeth following Scout’s train of thought. After all, his relationship with the royal family is quite deep.

“I chose AHQ. I feel they are the weakest. After all, AHQ is only the second seed in the LMS division.”

Sofm chuckled, he really likes the feeling of abusing food, just like yesterday abusing SKT, marking a child, it’s so cool!

Only Brother Holy Gun and Xiao Ming were left. Xiao Ming seemed to be really thinking about this question seriously, so he asked Brother Holy Gun first.

“Anyone is fine. Anyway, we are not afraid of anyone.”

“However, Manager Zhang, in the quarter-finals, can I not choose Bobby, and you also let me play a damage-type top laner, or simply let me use the prepared hole cards to practice my hand, just like Scout’s Ryze Same.”

Brother Holy Gun didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The two times he faced SKT, he used Bobby. It was really miserable to be hammered by Duke.

“Don’t even think about showing your hole cards when you’re eight to four. The earliest and earliest, you can only get it in the semifinals!”

Zhang Mingrui said with a smile, he prepared that hole card for Brother Holy Gun, and if he still can’t win after taking it out, it’s really unreasonable.

“Where’s Xiao Ming? Have you thought about which team you want to fight with?”

He turned his head to look at Xiao Ming again.

“Think it over, Lightning Wolf or AHQ.”

“Didn’t you say that the 8-to-4 BO5 is our last BO5 actual combat training opportunity before facing the LCK team.”

“Although the playing style of Flash Wolves and AHQ is still somewhat different from that of the LCK, the gap between G2 and the LCK is even greater. Therefore, if you want to train troops, it is better to find a slightly similar team to play.”

Xiao Ming said seriously, Zhang Mingrui nodded in agreement.

Although each division has its own style, but because the LCK division has dominated the League of Legends for four years, the teams in each division are actually learning and studying the LCK’s style of play intentionally or unintentionally, in an attempt to learn from foreigners. Skills are used to control barbarians.

But the effect is actually not very good!

Not only did I not learn the essence of the LCK, but I even forgot my own style…

That’s right, it’s the LPL itself!

It was just a whole summer split, when the QG team played against RNGEDG in a style completely different from LCK, they still didn’t notice anything, and they didn’t make a timely change in tactical thinking.

This led to a disastrous loss when they met the LCK team again in the World Championship!

“As for Lightning Wolves and AHQ, I prefer AHQ, because Lightning Wolves’ style is also slightly biased towards fighting.”

“However, it depends on the result of the draw.”

After Zhang Mingrui said his thoughts with a smile, he locked his eyes on the TV screen, because at this time, the draw ceremony for the top eight finally started!

The draw ceremony for the quarter-finals was actually similar to the grouping ceremony for the group stage, but there were two new changes.

First, the principle of avoidance in the same competition area will no longer be followed. That is to say, civil wars may start from the knockout stage.

Of course, this only affects the LCK and LMS. After all, the other three divisions are all single-mover teams.

Second, follow the same group avoidance principle, which means that the first and second places in the same group must be assigned to different halfs. If they are lucky enough to meet again, it will be the final!

After clarifying these two rules, the draw ceremony for the quarterfinals officially began.

First of all, the top four teams, ROX, QG, SSG, and TSM, will be divided into four areas: upper left, lower left, lower right, upper right, and lower, waiting for their opponents to be drawn.

The only thing to watch is that you can know in advance which two groups are the first, and it is possible to play in the semifinals of the same half!

The team in the upper left area was quickly drawn out…


Then the second group is first…


It’s just that, just as the entire LPL audience was dumbfounded, thinking that ROX was going to the lower left and would lock in the semifinals in the left half ahead of time.

The ROX team’s benchmark appeared directly in the upper right area!

? ? ?

Immediately, all LPL viewers were dumbfounded. They never expected that the civil war between ROX and SSG would be so staggered by accident!

But in the next second, what made them feel extremely dignified was that with the two teams placed behind the upper left and upper right, the next QG team, whether it was the third or the fourth drawn, meant that they I’m going to play semi-finals with one of the LCK teams!

If you can break through to the quarter-finals and reach the semi-finals…

“Wow, no, no, no, my heart can’t take it anymoreIt’s over. ”

“If TSM and QG are in the same half, then the three LCK teams will all be divided into the same half.”

“Then QG may have a chance to make it all the way to the finals in this semi-region without an LCK team, and then get a runner-up! Tie the best result of S4!”

“But now…it’s over, it’s over! Even if QG breaks through to the semi-finals and enters the semi-finals, I’m afraid it will end up in the semi-finals!”

“ROX and SSG, which one can QG beat?!”

The LPL audience wailed one after another, feeling extremely dignified.

But there are still some LPL viewers who are willing to find some hope in such a desperate situation, for example…

“If you have to choose one of ROX and SSG, then naturally SSG is better. After all, they are only the No. 3 seed in the LCK, and ROX is the No. 1!”

“Although BO1 and BO5 are not the same game, QG double-killed the second seed SKT after all. Against SSG, there is more or less a chance of winning!”

“However, if we meet ROX, I think our LPL will really be GG this year.”

The hearts of the LPL audience were pounding, because while they were analyzing, the guests who drew the lottery had already opened the No. 3 ball and took out the label in it.


I don’t know how many people are praying frantically at this moment.

And as expected, as they expected, when the note was slowly unfolded, the letters of that number appeared before their eyes!


It’s not QG, it’s TSM!

Bottom right, bottom right, bottom right, bottom right, bottom right, bottom right…

They hurriedly prayed again.

But it’s no use.

The most worrying thing still happened. TSM’s name appeared in the left half, becoming the opponent of the SSG team before the semifinals!

Although the lottery guests began to pretend to draw the fourth ball, the director did not cooperate very well. Before the ball was opened, QG’s name appeared in the lower right area, and the ranking of the first place in the four groups was officially completed!


Seeing this result, the QG team fell silent, and Zhang Mingrui curled his lips, muttering these three letters.

“It’s still here!”

Immediately, he let out a long sigh.

If you want to win the championship, you must defeat all your opponents. This sentence is still here!

This means that the joke I told Brother Holy Gun just now, and the top card prepared for him, will really be drawn out in the semi-finals!

Although it is possible that the hole card will be studied and invalidated before entering the final, but in order to advance to the final, when facing ROX, the No. 1 seed of the LCK, all the hole cards must be drawn out!

“Why ROX, what a bad luck.”

“SSG is fine too. After all, they are only the third seed in the LCK.”

The members of the QG team had the same thoughts. They all felt a little worried about the title of “No. 1 seed” and completely forgot that they were also the No. 1 seed of the LPL.

But Zhang Mingrui’s mood is actually not that nervous, because from the perspective of someone who has experienced it, the strongest team this year is actually SKT, and this powerful SKT has already been double-killed by them!

Of course, this also has something to do with SKT’s relatively slow start in major tournaments every year. Once they reach the finals and find their peak state, it will be even more difficult to beat them again at that time.

“I hope SSG will play a role and directly push SKT into the semifinals, and then we QG will play your SSG in the final.”

Zhang Mingrui chuckled in his heart, although if such thoughts were heard by the black fans, they would definitely be scolded for delivery, or something like “the champion who has not defeated SKT has no gold content”.

But Zhang Mingrui doesn’t care about those things. As the manager and coach of the QG team, he has only one goal, and that is to be the champion!

The lottery process for the second place in the group is actually irrelevant to everyone in QG. Although it is best to play against AHQ, it doesn’t matter who is randomly selected.

The only thing to watch is, under the principle of being in the same group, will SKT fight SSG first or TSM first.

If it was to fight SSG first, it would be great for Zhang Mingrui!

The first is that SSG really has a chance to eliminate SKT before their status is improved.

The second is that even if SKT can be eliminated, this BO5 will also expose quite a lot of tactical cards, which can allow Zhang Mingrui to study and prepare in advance.

After all, although Zhang Mingrui remembers all the content of the S6 World Championship in his previous life, what he can remember is only what they showed. After becoming a coach, Zhang Mingrui can be sure that what each coach prepares is definitely better than what he showed. Much, much more!

But it’s a pity that the first ball in the group was drawn to g2, which directly cut off Zhang Mingrui’s desire to let ssg play skt, which made him very helpless.

The second ball in the group was successfully drawn to SKT, but because it couldn’t be in the half area where QG was, it went to the bottom left to play against TSM.

The third ball was the AHQ team, which became the opponent of ROX. Zhang Mingrui’s two wishes were all shattered, and at the same time, it was finally determined that the QG team’s victory in the eight-to-four knockout roundThe opponent is the FW Lightning Wolves team!

After the lottery ceremony, the schedule will be released directly.

It is still played in the order of ACBD, that is to say, the match between the QG team and the Flash Wolves team was scheduled for October 17th, the last day of the eight-for-four knockout round.

In terms of time, it is also unfavorable for QG.

Although on the surface, it seems that there are three full days more time to prepare for the Lightning Wolves, but since Zhang Mingrui defaulted that QG will definitely defeat the Lightning Wolves and meet ROX in the semi-finals, there is only one day less time to study ROX.

Conversely, ROX had an extra day to study QG.

Although the time of a day sounds like nothing, it is actually quite important.

Maybe some tactics came up on a whim during this day, or maybe a certain hero has successfully mastered all his combo skills after practicing for an extra day?

“Of course, if the Lightning Wolves hear this sentence, they will definitely yell at me, right?”

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui was a little dumbfounded, but he didn’t continue to get too entangled in the schedule. After all, there would always be two teams competing on the last day, and it was not something he could not understand and accept when it fell on him.

“Okay, the lottery is over, there is no need for training today.”

“Have a good night’s rest. Tomorrow morning, we will leave for Chicago!”

Zhang Mingrui got up slowly and waved to the team members.

However, I didn’t take a break right away. Instead, I found other staff members to confirm the upcoming schedule and various team announcements. I was busy until late at night before I finally had time to go to sleep.

Every year, the world competition, group stage, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals will be held in four different cities.

Although it made the team run around, it promoted the popularity of the League of Legends and the income of the competition. Therefore, each team must arrange the schedule according to the competition schedule.

After the end of the group stage on October 10, all eight teams arrived in Chicago the next day to start preparations for the match, as well as related official video shooting and so on.

Because the first round of the quarter-finals will start on October 14th, the schedule is actually not particularly favorable for SSG and G2 in Group A. Among them, there are some commercial tasks other than training, and the time for training Even less.

But no matter what the teams and players think, they must follow the schedule.

So on October 14th, the first round of B05 of the quarterfinals officially started!

On the first day, the SSG team played against the G2 team.

Although G2, who has Perkz, the king of the whole game, was very arrogant before the game, clamoring that they would defeat SSG, and then regain the championship trophy that EU had lost for 5 years.

But the ending was horrible. With a score of 3-0, the SSG team bloodbathed the G2 team cleanly and sent them home.

On the second day, the TSM team played against the SKT team.

Although TMS, as the light of North America, enjoyed the sound of “TSM” cheering from the audience, the ending was not much better than their European brothers, and they were also beaten 3-0!

On the third day, Team ROX played against Team AHQ.

I thought this game was also a situation where the AHQ team was swept away, but I never expected that AHQ would lose with a score of 1 to 3 after forcibly gnawing off a piece of meat from ROX, the big tiger. Quarterfinals.

So far, there is only the final confrontation between the QG team and the FW team…

“AHQ actually won a small round against ROX, which shows that LMS is really good this year!”

“AHQ is only the second seed of LMS, and the first seed Lightning Wolves must be stronger! In addition, QG is definitely not as strong as ROX, so in tomorrow’s game, I predict that QG will lose 2 to 3 against Lightning Wolves!”

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, I originally thought that our LPL would never be able to beat the Wanwan competition area, but tomorrow, QG will tell us with bloody facts that LPL is really not as good as LMS!”

Even though tomorrow hasn’t come yet, even though the game hasn’t started yet, countless LPL viewers on the Internet have started their pre-match watching session again.

But these remarks can’t affect the QG team at all!

One is that QG players never go on social networking sites during games.

Second, even if Zhang Mingrui saw the news, he wouldn’t care about it, and would even feel that these black fans had something wrong with their minds.

Because in his own opinion, the strength gap between the two teams is huge, and there can be no difference!

It is even no exaggeration to say that in tomorrow’s BO5, if QG can’t win the game 3-0, it will be considered a loss to the Flash Wolves!

(Thanks to “zjyqte” for the support of the monthly ticket!!!).

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