After tossing the coin, Zhang Mingrui returned to the competition seat.

“Manager Zhang, is the red side or the blue side?”

Immediately, the team members asked curiously, even if the final result would not affect them in any way.

“The blue side, in the first round, we should be able to catch them off guard.”

Zhang Mingrui laughed and said, what he likes to do the most is to let their opponents lose the game when they are unprepared!

“Don’t worry! Before the game, they said they would easily beat us 3-0. Let’s see if we don’t beat them 3-0 today!”

Uzi is full of confidence. In his career, it is the third time in his career that he will play BO5 against an LCK team on the stage of the World Championship. Although the previous two losses are always vivid in his mind, this time, Uzi believes that he will definitely win!

“Come on, as long as you win the first round, then the next two rounds shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled slightly.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, the ten players from the QG team and the ROX team finally made all the preparations before the game. After the communication between the referee and the personnel of the two sides, the first contest of B05 in the semi-final, Officially begin!

“Okay! We have seen that the game has entered the BP screen. The strong confrontation between QG and ROX, the No. 1 seeds in each division, begins now!”

“In the first game, the QG team is on the blue side, so they can be banned first, and the ROX team is on the red side, and they have a fifth-floor counter.”

“And the director also told us just now that the ROX team took the initiative to choose the red side. It seems that in this round, they should take out some powerful heroes on the fifth floor to use as counterpoints!”

With the start of BP, the three commentators on the commentary stage were all excited. After all, the next few hours will be related to whether the QG team can win ROX and enter the finals!

First-hand ban, Zhang Mingrui gave the dark head of state Syndra.

This hero can be said to be Kuro’s signature hero. Throughout the group stage and quarter-final stage, he has never lost a match!

What is more dreadful is that Kuro Syndra’s proficiency is extremely high, and he can often play several famous scenes where the goddess scattered flowers and pushed several times, so it must be targeted.

The ROX team’s first-hand ban was also not to be outdone, and pressed Scout’s Dragon King to prevent the QG team from playing the bot lane four-pack two tactical system early, making their own duo fight too uncomfortable.

And this hand-banned person looks ordinary on the surface, but Zhang Mingrui has keenly grasped a key information point.

That is, the player Peanut may still not choose the hero Spider on the stage of the semi-finals.

There are only four strong heroes in the current version, blind monk, Olaf, leopard girl, and spider. Among them, the best choice for a hero with no displacement in the middle is naturally a controlled spider.

But the ROX team chose to ban the Dragon King, so the jungler they are about to take out must be the uncontrollable Olaf blind monk Leopard Girl.

Of course, there is another key point of information that comes from before the game, that is, Peanut rarely uses spiders to fight in the wild!

“Ban Ryze.”

Zhang Mingrui’s second-hand ban chose to press the Ryze that Scout had brought out.

When Peanut will definitely play an uncontrolled jungler, Kuro will most likely play a controlled mid laner, otherwise the mid laner will become extremely uncomfortable.

And Ryze’s w skill Rune Imprisonment can provide control effects. Once Scout is controlled, there will be no life but death!

Immediately afterwards, ROX’s second-hand ban was given to Cassiopeia, the Embrace of the Demon Snake!

Although Scout didn’t use this hero at all in the group stage and the quarterfinals, because Scout recently took this hero in the rank, and ROX obviously captured this information, so he put it in the ban position.

“Four hand bans, four mid laners!”

“It seems that Team QG and Team ROX had very clear ideas in the first game. They both wanted to gain an advantage in the middle, and then radiate the advantage in the middle to the side!”

“It seems that in this round, the game between the two sides in the middle lane will be very exciting!”

“However, for the two mid laners, this is the test of the hero pool. All the strong mid laners in the version have been banned. Next, we can only use some T2 mid laners. I don’t know what effect they can play.”

On the commentary stage, Wawa was quite surprised. She never expected that the two teams would face each other in the first game. If it wasn’t for the fact that there were only three ban positions, both sides might be able to ban all the mid laners!

When it was the turn of the QG team’s third-hand ban, Zhang Mingrui fell into long-term thinking for a while.

First of all, the first four bans surprised Zhang Mingrui. The ROX team actually put Scout in the first pick that needs to be targeted most, completely ignoring the strength of Uzi and Xiaoming in the bottom lane. This shows that the ROX duo team, You must have the confidence to play the advantage.

Secondly, the fact that Scout has been banned by so many heroes also shows that in this round, Peanut will definitely catch him crazily, helping Kuro to continuously build up his advantages.

SuchUnder the circumstances, no matter Little Peanut chooses Olaf or the blind monk, Scout’s living environment is quite dangerous.

If in order to protect Scout’s development, let Sofm stay in the middle all the time?

It’s not impossible, but in this way, it will definitely fall into ROX’s trap!

Because so far, most of the early advantages of the QG team have been driven by Sofm. Once ROX presses Sofm to death in the middle, then Sofm’s advantage will be greatly reduced immediately.

So, in the next ban and the final selection, Sofm must not be allowed to fall into this situation!

“Ban the blind monk.”! ”

So, when the countdown was about to end, Zhang Mingrui finally made a decision to directly ban this hero who might use his big move to gain an advantage at level six.

In this way, when he gives Sofm the first to grab Leopard Girl, Little Peanut can only choose between Olaf and Spider.

And no matter what he chooses, the threat to Scout will plummet!

“This blind monk’s ban is very good.”

On the commentary stage, after seeing Manager Zhang’s ban, he smiled and immediately praised.

“Little Peanut currently uses the most frequently used hero is the blind monk. The remaining three heroes, Olaf Leopard and Spider, are not used very often.”

“Although this does not mean that Peanut will not be able to play these three heroes, but after losing the blind monk, I think ROX’s mid-field coordination will be affected to a certain extent.”

“This move to ban the blind monk basically relieved a lot of the pressure provided by ROX’s two ban mid laners.”

Smiling and laughing softly, of course, I have learned how powerful Manager Zhang is in the video before, but this time at the scene, I found that the reputation is well-deserved!

After all the third-handed bans of the QG team were over, ROX’s last-handed ban also fell into long-term thinking, and finally decided to ban Poppy from Holy Gun.

With this hand ban, even players who don’t have the ability to understand BP can instantly understand that in this round, Semb should want to kill Brother Holy Gun directly during the laning match!

“Huo, do you just underestimate me like this?”

Seeing that his “signature” hero Bobby was banned, Brother Saint Gun was very dissatisfied, and he couldn’t laugh or cry, because in this round, he didn’t want to use Bobby to resist the pressure at all, but was going to use his personal strength to fight against the pressure. Semb comes to a contest between real men!

“It’s not bad, it can be regarded as cheating a ban.”

Zhang Mingrui laughed, and while pinching Saint Gun’s shoulders, he asked him to choose the leopard girl jungler for Sofm on the first floor.

Nidalee, the Wild Huntress!

Being wild will make them fearful!

On the first floor, the leopard girl jungler who directly targeted Sofm immediately caused the audience to exclaim.

Because the last time QG played against SKT, Sofm’s Leopard Level 2 directly grabbed Benji’s red BUFF as if it happened yesterday, and now, in this crucial BO5, the bandit jungler Sofm once again directly locked Take his bandit jungle hero!

“Leopard Girl is here!”

On the commentary stage, Miller also laughed wildly.

“Peanut is already the third LCK jungler that Sofm is about to face. After Blank and Benji have been defeated by Sofm one after another, I don’t know if Peanut can withstand Sofm’s bandit-style jungler route.”

Just as Miller was laughing wildly, the camera shot of the director just happened to cut to the ROX team. Although Peanut’s expression was not so dark, it was also a little uncomfortable, as if he was feeling mixed feelings.

There is nothing to say about Leopard Girl’s jungler. The purpose of choosing him is to let Sofm disrupt ROX’s mid-jungle linkage plan through rapid early jungle clearing and invasion, just like what they did to SKT.

As long as ROX can’t link up with the middle and wild, Scout can develop with peace of mind. At the same time, Sofm can also find opportunities for gank to go up and down in the process of constantly invading the anti-jungle, taking the opportunity to expand its advantages.

“This tactic is already the usual tactic of the QG team. Although it is known in many battles, it is still difficult to break through. I don’t know how ROX will deal with the first round of BO5.”

Wawa laughed, and immediately looked at ROX’s options on the first and second floors.

Berserker Olaf!

ROX’s first-hand choice, as expected by Zhang Mingrui, chose Olaf between the spider and Olaf.

The benefits of choosing Olaf are also obvious. First, the speed of clearing the jungle is not much slower than that of Leopard. Second, if Sofm still dares to invade Olaf’s wild area like before, then once it is slowed down by Olaf’s axe, The person who died was Leopard Girl!

Xingzilla of Thorns!

Immediately afterwards, Team ROX’s second pick directly locked on the support Zyra!

This support hero has been frequently used by the support players of each team in the second round of the group stage and the quarterfinals.

In the last round of BO5 against Flash Wolves, Xiao Ming also used Zyra for a round.

I have to say that this auxiliary hero is really strong on the laning end. Once the seeds of the passive thorn garden grow into flowers, they can start pushing the laning.

If it hits someone, whether it’s the thorn sprayer generated by Q skill or the vine whipper generated by E skill, it will cause a considerable amount of blood consumption to the enemy hero!

Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that these long words, it is not something that can be solved by leveling A twice at all, so that if you want to clear the flowers, the blood volume will definitely be lost!

Zhang Mingrui naturally has a way to deal with Zyra’s support, but he doesn’t plan to use it in the first game of BO5.

Besides, even if the hole card hero is not used, Uzi and Xiao Ming may not really be able to defeat Zyra’s support.

If you can beat it, then the hero with the hole card in your hand can be used in the finals.

Olaf and Zyra, after the ROX team locked up, the selection rights were handed over to the QG team again.

With Zyra’s support already drawn out, in this round, QG’s bot lane will inevitably need to resist pressure for a while, so Zhang Mingrui didn’t think much about it, and directly asked Sofm and Scout to choose a basic response plan to deal with Zyra’s support one.

Jin, the theater master!

Apocalypse Karma!

Jhin is a hero, because of the existence of the Q skill dancing grenade in the early stage, his line pushing ability is actually not too weak.

As for the fan mother, the RQ skill can not only consume, but also push the line. At the same time, you can use the E skill to shield Jhin to prevent the blood from being hit by flowers. At the same time, it can also speed up Jhin to avoid Zyra’s E skill. The control effect of Entangling Roots.

“Manager Zhang directly asked Uzi and Xiao Ming to win the lane combination.”

“Jin and fan mother… it’s not bad. After all, Zyra’s support has faintly tasted of supporting the first sister. It is almost impossible to beat Zyra’s support in the lane.”

“Besides, if the fan mom is selected by Scout, there is actually a possibility that the mid-hand assistant can swing. We saw Faker choose a mid-lane fan mom before, and the effect is quite good.”

“In addition, this hero is relatively simple, so basically all mid laners can practice it casually, and they can take it out and use it.”

Miller said softly. Of course, he is also clear that although the heroes are the same, the effects will be different because of the different users.

“I think Fanzi’s mother will most likely go for support, but whether they can fool ROX or not depends on their next choice.”

Immediately afterwards, he added another sentence.

But how can ROX not think of things that Miller can think of?

Besides, even if he didn’t expect it, it wouldn’t have much impact, because Kuro directly revealed Victor’s mid laner for himself in the ensuing drafting stage.

Although the ability to push the line in the early stage is not strong, as long as the E skill is evolved, let alone Karma, it is impossible for all mid laners to push themselves!

The selection for the fourth floor of ROX was also chosen by Pray, and the ice shooter Ashe was finally determined.

And with ROX’s first four-handed lineup locked, their tactical thinking in the first game of BO5 already has the meaning of seeing the picture!

Top lane and bottom lane to fight and suppress, middle and wild, jungle and auxiliary linkage!

In the case that the counter position on the fifth floor of ROX must be given to Semb, wait for a while on the third and fourth floors of QG, no matter what the Holy Gun chooses, Semb will definitely be able to play a suppressive effect and gain the advantage of going up the road.

On the bottom lane, Ashga Jiela has a very strong ability to push the line. If there is no accident, he can definitely push Jhin and Fanma to a state where they dare not leave the tower.

As for the Leopard Girl gank, I’m actually not very afraid. First, if Uzi and Xiao Ming want to pursue, they have to cross a large number of soldiers.

Second, Leopard Girl, Jhin, and Fan Mom don’t have a stable control skill at all, not even Zyra’s E. If Sofm really comes to gank, then Gorilla is likely to use an E to entangle Leopard Girl, and then Safe retreat.

No matter how bad it is, you can also hand in the dodge skill, anyway, there is no strong control on QG’s side!

And as long as the top lane and the middle lane play an advantage, and if Peanut frequently harass Scout in the middle lane, it will be even more impossible for Sofm to support the side lane.

In this way, a situation will be formed where each of the three lanes on the middle line will play their own way, and then the ROX team will be able to rely on their personal strength better than the QG team, and never easily win the first round of the game!

After clarifying the tactical intentions of the ROX team, Zhang Mingrui showed a sneer again and again.

The personal strength of the ROX team members is stronger than that of QG?

Who said this? Is it what you think? !

Except for the top laner Holy Gun who has some disadvantages in terms of personal strength, which of the other four is weaker?

What’s more, this BO5 is what Zhang Mingrui used to let Brother Holy Gun justify himself!

“¨. Uzi, choose Gnar first for Brother Holy Gun. In the first round, let’s see how strong this Semb is!”

The next moment, Zhang Mingrui sneered.

Afterwards, Gnar, the Lost Tooth, locked on!


Seeing Brother Holy Gun take out this hero, Doll’s eyes lit up!

“I originally thought that in this round, when ROX has reserved the counter position for Semb, Manager Zhang will select some other pressure-resistant top laners for Saint Gun. After all, Bobby is gone.”

“I didn’t expect that Saint Gunner would be so tough in this round. Gnar was directly selected in the first round. He is really ready to fight Semb’s personal strength and operation recklessly, to smash those rumors outside the field!”

Wawa was very pleasantly surprised, although Holy Gun used to take out offensive top laners such as Kenan and Daomei, but overall, Holy Gun still plays a blue-collar role in the team and often fights in line. pressure.

But now, when Brother Saint Gun chooses a person who is not likely to be couchednter, and Gnar, who is not very good at countering, is enough to prove that the QG team and the ROX team’s duel, the QG team wants to use head-to-head to solve it!

“Gnar’s hero selection is also quite good. He is not very afraid of being counted. He can beat anyone. And the most important thing is that after being selected, Holy Gun has at least some momentum. .”

“If you continue to choose anti-stress heroes, you will lose a bit in terms of momentum, and you will feel like you are inferior to others everywhere.”

“However, if this is the case, there will be a small problem for the QG team, that is, it is not very fleshy and there is no front row.”

“But the lineup of the ROX team is actually the same, so this game will be pretty good.”

“The QG team almost told the ROX team directly, I don’t want to fight you 50/50 in this game, if it’s not me blowing up, then you will blow up!”

Smiling slightly, his gaze was the same as that of all LPL audiences, focusing on the QG team’s fifth choice.

Because this game is actually quite difficult for Scout.

When all four T1 mid laners are banned, the only hero that can be selected by Scout seems to be a vampire!

But once a vampire is selected, Kuro Victor’s force field is quite a restriction for him. Even if he handed over the blood pool, he might not be able to escape!

“Could it be the fan mother in the middle? At least in the early stage, you can push Victor’s line, and you can run very fast, so you won’t be afraid of Olaf’s axe.”

“But in this case, what kind of support will Xiao Ming choose? Hard support is definitely not an option, and Nami is not Zyra’s opponent…”

Everyone was thinking about it, with doubts on their faces, and they couldn’t figure it out. They felt that Manager Zhang’s Zhang’s BP might really lose this time!

But the next moment, when an old man with a white beard lit up on the fifth floor of QG, all the audience watching the game, whether it was LPL or LCK, whether it was commentators or players, all exclaimed loudly!

“It turned out to be him?”

“This hero can also play mid laner?”

“It seems that you can also play support, but if you play support, it is impossible to keep Uzi before level six!”

“That’s right, once caught, Uzi is dead, so he can only play mid laner.”

“But the question is, can this hero really play mid laner?”

“I don’t know, but what I do know is that this is another new hero that Scout pulled out!”

“In this World Championship, the third new hero other than regular heroes!”

(Thank you “Tian Tian” for your 100-point reward and monthly ticket support!!!)

(Thanks to “Xia Yu Qing Feng” for the support of reminder tickets and monthly tickets!!!)

(Thanks to “zreo2” boss for his monthly support!!!).

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