After Uzi got Gorilla’s head, Sofm, who was nearby, also came to the bottom lane, trying to drive Pray away, and at the same time, ROX took down the bottom lane defense tower in one go.

However, Peanut’s reaction speed is also very fast. After seeing Sofm appearing in the bottom lane, he immediately rushed to it, so that the three of QG were forced to retreat after only hitting about 10% of the defensive tower’s blood line. Home.

“We’re back. Be careful.”

Uzi said to Sofm while reading the return trip, after all, the route he left the bottom lane and returned to the second half of the jungle was clearly seen by Peanut.

“Okay, don’t worry.”

Somf nodded with a smile, and immediately rushed towards the blue zone. At the same time, the blue buff just happened to be refreshed.

Just after Sofm hit the blue buff twice, as expected, Peanut’s Olaf, after going around a big circle in their own wild area, came directly outside the blue buff wall, and went in first to see the situation inside , and tried to use the Q skill to snatch this blue BUFF!

“You dare to snatch my wild monsters? I really think too much!”

Sofm snorted coldly, and then pulled the blue BUFF into the grass. At the same time, Scout also came to support from the middle. The blue BUFF is in the bag.

“This little Peanut seems to be in a hurry. It’s impossible for him to grab this blue BUFF.”

On the commentary stage, when she saw that Little Peanut failed to grab blue and was forced to stand in the grass and go back to the city, Wawa said with a light smile.

After all, for QG, as long as the opponent is more anxious, their chances of winning will be higher!

At this time, after returning home, Uzi directly put an E skill in the grass where Peanut was, but after being photographed, Peanut didn’t stop immediately and go back to the city to move, thinking that everyone in QG Don’t care about him.

But how could Sofm let Little Peanut go back to the city so easily, and took two steps directly towards the blue BUFF wall.

Although he didn’t release the Q skill Tianyinbo, this action still had to make Little Peanut stop returning to the city and take another step.

“Little Peanut has a mentality problem.”

Seeing this scene, he said with a smile.

Although this operation of returning to the city seems to have little effect, it is very important for the jungler who is racing against time. Returning to the city one second late will delay the rhythm of the jungle by one second.

One second may still have little effect, but what about two one-seconds and three one-seconds?

If the accumulation of a small amount becomes a large amount, it will definitely cause an irreversible impact!

On the other hand, Sofm’s blind monk, after forcing Peanut back, immediately went back to brush his own toad, three wolves, F4, and stone man. After finishing all of them, he read the article and went home. At the same time, he came out to the green warrior jungle knife.

And Peanut’s Olaf is also very interesting. After returning home, he ran to his three wolves and F4 first, but did not touch his stone man. Instead, he ran to Sofm’s blue zone again in an attempt to counter-wild.

However, with the wolf spirit figureThe appearance of Xiao Peanut and the whereabouts of Little Peanut are once again exposed to the vision of everyone in QG!

“What kind of wild route is this little peanut?”

Not to mention the audience, at this time, even Sofm, who is very casual, can’t quite understand Peanut’s wilderness route. Not a wild monster, but a catcher!

But the problem is that after Uzi and Xiao Ming found out that Peanut was in the second half of the jungle, they immediately retreated again. As for Scout in the middle, they hid far away and never gave Peanut any chance to gank himself!

“Little Peanut is shopping now. I wonder if Sofm can take advantage of this time to do something.”

On the commentary stage, Miller said with great anticipation.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, if Little Peanut’s condition is not good, then once QG finds out, it will definitely make a fuss about it!

Sure enough, the next moment, Uzi’s new order sounded in the QG team.

“Little Peanut should be going to the top road, Sofm, can you come to the bottom road to catch a wave?”

Uzi asked, at this time, the flash of the ROX duo has been improved, and it is absolutely impossible to hit the opponent again just by relying on their own big moves.

But if Sofm comes to support, they can add a double insurance to their actions!


Sofm immediately responded that the newly refreshed toad didn’t care, and went straight down the road.

Magic Crystal Arrow!

At the same time, Uzi shot an arrow at Gorilla’s Zyra without warning.


Although he didn’t know why Uzi would beat himself at this time, Gorilla, who had already died once, subconsciously thought that this was another attack by QG, ​​and just hurriedly dodged to dodge the big move, temporarily avoiding disaster.

“Zyra didn’t flash.”

Uzi chuckled, who said that Ashe’s ultimate move must be used to start a group? It’s also pretty good for cheating!

As for Sofm, he groped into the triangular grass and walked towards the direction of the stone man. He groped directly to the back of the duo, trying to kick them back.

But this time, Gorilla reacted very quickly. A predictive E skill directly entangled the blind monk, and cooperated with Pray to directly hit Sofm. His roundabout kick was forced to fail, so he had to help the duo to continue. Demolish the tower.

And at this moment, Peanut, who saw Sofm appearing in the bottom lane, appeared on the top lane as expected by QG, ​​and directly chased down Holy Gun, forcing Holy Gun to give up the line. And handed over the flash to the autistic grass, only to recover a life, and then returned to the city.

“Brother Holy Gun, Scout, did you see that eye position? You two, please.”!” ”

At this moment, when Uzi saw the ROX duo turning back to guard the tower again, he immediately pinned the ward that Sofm had just inserted, and gave an order at the same time.


The next moment, a red whirlwind formed, and Pray and Goriila immediately realized that the situation was not good, and hurriedly wanted to retreat.

Tian Yinbo!

Immediately afterwards, Pray was kicked by Sofm with an extremely tricky kick!

Arcane Leap!

Echo strike!

Pray and Gorilla panicked, because they had experienced this scene a few minutes ago. If they were killed by Holy Gun’s TP again, they would be blown through the bottom lane!

It’s just that Pray’s E skill turned in too quickly, so that when the blind monk kicked him, Gorilla’s position instantly became quite awkward, and he was surrounded by everyone in QG!

At this moment, when a red whirlwind fell on the two of QG’s upper middle, Pray was even more desperate, and hurriedly handed over the healing flash to pull away!

The luck was quite good. At this time, there happened to be a wave of blue soldiers coming up, and QG’s upper middle field couldn’t attack him immediately.

But Gorilla’s Zyra suffered a disaster.

Under the siege of five big men, Jiela died on the spot again!

They didn’t even hand in the weakness, because Gorilla knew very well that after being forced out of the flash by Uzi before, they are bound to win this wave of ganks from QG!

QG.Flandre killed ROX.Gorilla!

QG. Flandre has already done a great job!

Originally, Brother Holy Gun wanted to kill people, but after he got out of the small mask, his Rambo damage had become quite terrifying, and he accidentally got the auxiliary head.

But after getting Zyra’s head, everyone in QG didn’t just leave. Instead, they took advantage of the trend and pulled out ROX’s second bot tower before retreating collectively.

On the ROX side, although Semb has teleportation, he TPs the bottom lane alone, so he can only teleport first and then send. So he and Peanut demolished the top tower of Holy Gun.

At the same time, Kuro in the middle lane flashed with a sprint and had no TP at all, so he could only vent his unwillingness to the first tower in the middle lane of QG.

But due to time constraints, he hadn’t been able to dismantle the middle tower yet, so he could only watch Scout hurry back.

However, ROX is not good at it. After Peanut rushed from the top lane to the middle lane and forced Scout to the second tower again, the first tower in the middle lane of QG was still hit by Kuro.

“The tactics of the QG team have been upgraded.Yet? From the initial four packs of two, it directly became five packs of two? ”

“This is too ruthless. In this round, a female gun support was selected to fight Jiela, but QG seemed to feel that it was not enough, and even called everyone to kill Jiela together!”

“Gorilla has already died three times. If I was playing rank, I’m afraid my mentality would explode and I would just hang up!”

On the commentary stage, when everyone in QG took another head and expanded the head ratio to 5:1, he said happily.

“However, in this wave, ROX is not particularly at a loss.”

“Although they lost a head and two defensive towers in the bottom lane, QG also lost a tower in the middle lane at the same time, making up for a lot of losses.”

“Besides, everyone must know how important the tactical significance of the first tower in the middle is. If you think about it this way, I think QG’s wave is not very profitable, but rather a bit lossy.”

“After all, for this wave, Brother Holy Gun and Scout all handed in TP.”

Miller pouted, not very satisfied.

“Miller is right, but in fact, QG did this to liberate the bottom lane.”

Smiling and immediately explained.

“Look, Uzi’s equipment is now the blue sword and the three-speed shoes, and Xiao Ming also has the eye stone. The offensive ability and vision ability of the two have been greatly enhanced!”

“Although it seems that after pushing down the bot lane defense tower, QG’s line-changing tactics are not different from the previous game, but the difference is actually quite big!”

“In the last game, the heroes used by the duo were Jhin and Fanma, but in this round, it’s Ashgar, who has the ability to start a team!”

“Although the first tower in the middle lane of ROX is still there, who would dare to defend it against Ashgar?”

“Really, this combination stares at everyone to death, unless Uzi’s big move misses!”

Smiling very solemnly, although the wave just now, from a short-term perspective, did lose a little bit, but from a long-term perspective, it was quite profitable!

And just as Xiao Xiao said, when Uzi and Xiao Ming came to the middle lane, immediately, everyone in ROX didn’t dare to stand alone in the middle. They could only hope that Kuro, who had returned to the city, would go online soon.

However, what everyone in ROX never expected was that when Gorilla walked to the grass outside the red BUFF wall and was about to wait for Kuro to go online before going to the middle, he was pushed to the bottom lane just now, and a ward left by Scout was clear when he passed by. See!

Magic Crystal Arrow!

In the middle, Uzi continued to push the line as if he didn’t see anything, but Xiao Ming’s female gun had moved backwards, and the moment the soldier’s vision disappeared, he went straight to the river!

When Xiao Ming’s female gun was finally in place, Uzi’s arrow shot straight at Silly Baitian in the grass!


Zyra, who has no flashes, can only retreat, but the problem is, this wild area is a straight line, how can she walk away?

So, when Zyra was hit by Ashe’s ult again, Xiao Ming’s female gun also received his deadly ult!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

With the end of the laughter, Gorilla returned to the spring for the fourth time.

QG.Ming killed ROX.Gorilla!

This time, the female gun really killed Jiela, and also allowed Xiao Ming to get the first head of the entire BO5!

“This combination is too strong. After the game, I will ask my friends to play together.”

“It’s really the same as what Smile said, staring at someone to death! How do you beat me?”

“No, what is Little Peanut doing? He knows that QG’s duo is powerful, but why hasn’t he ganked once? Just watch his duo keep dying?”

“Are the ROX fans upstairs in a hurry? Don’t you look at how well QG’s bot lane vision has been done in this round? Does Little Peanut have a chance to gank?”

“ROX clicked. In less than 15 minutes, the head was leading 6 to 1. It seems to be faster than the last game. Is this the strength of the No. 1 seed in the LCK?”

In the live broadcast room, the LPL audience was overjoyed.

Although before the game, they were not very optimistic that QG could defeat ROX, but the victory in the first game gave them considerable confidence!

Now, in the first 15 minutes of the second game, QG once again demonstrated their rather strong early stage ability. Even if ROX tried their best to countermeasure, there was no way.

Then, in the eyes of all LPL viewers, there is only one ending left for this round.

That is the same as the first round…failure!

However, just when everyone thought that the QG team would knock down the first tower in the middle in one go, they were not in a hurry.

After Uzi pushed a wave of pawns in the middle, he saw that the people who were there after returning home were about to reach the bottom river, so he gave the next command.

Fight the first fire dragon!

Tian Yinbo!

Sofm, who was already in the Dragon Pit, opened the dragon immediately. Uzi and Scout also came from the middle and bottom lanes one after another. As for Saint Gun and Xiao Ming, they were at the two passes in the blue zone, and it took a few seconds to arrive.

At this time, as Pray’s ez shot a precise barrage of melons and fruits across the dragon pit, the ROX team finally discovered the QG team’s intentions.


The next moment, Semb on the road was teleported directly to the eye position in the blue zone of QG. At the same time, Kuro and Peanut came from the middle road, with no intention of giving up the dragon at all!

“noWell, the equipment disadvantage is already so great, why not let the dragon? ”

On the commentary stage, he smiled and said in astonishment.

Just as he finished speaking, this wave of team battles in Xiaolongkeng had already started!

Because when Holy Gun’s Rambo arrived at the pass, Kuro’s Victor didn’t seem to realize that Holy Gun would be here at all, and was directly grilled by Rambo in the grass with Q skill, especially with E skill. Slow down, even if you hand over the sprint, you can’t run at all!

At the same time, although Little Peanut’s Olaf is right in front of Kuro, he has already started sprinting and big moves, and his IQ has dropped by 1000 in a straight line. Little Peanut, who only has eyes on the dying dragon, has no teammates exist?

So, on Kuro’s side, even though he flashed again, he was still killed by Rambo’s big move!

And this big move also affects the revived Gorilla!

Originally, he had already handed over his E skill and ultimate move to knock Rambo into the air for a while.

But standing in the hot Rambo’s big move, Zyra still couldn’t move an inch!

The next moment, Rambo landed, turned on the W skill acceleration, and caught up with Gorilla again…

QG.Flandre killed ROX.Kuro!

QG.Flandre killed ROX.Gorilla!


Poor Kuro, even though he delivered both moves, he still died. Before he died, he didn’t even press his ultimate move.

Poor Gorilla, within half a minute after leaving the house, she died back into the spring again.

At the same time as Brother Holy Gun’s 1v2, on Xiaolongkeng’s side, Sofm punished Xiaolong very steadily, and started beating Olaf with Uzi Xiaoming in the backhand.

But when Little Peanut ran away screaming, Semb, who teleported to the ground, flashed E onto Uzi’s face, trying to kill Uzi instantly!

It’s true that the blood volume drops quickly, but Uzi doesn’t fight with Semb hard steel. He directly heals the flash and joins Scout’s fan mother. After being protected by the shield, he turns around and starts to output Semb’s Ike.

Semb originally wanted to fight, but when he turned his head, Little Peanut only knew that Olaf, who was running away, was caught up by Sofm’s blind monk QQ and knocked out his health. landing position.

However, when Uzi and Xiao Ming are all in the three-speed shoes, and the location where Semb’s teleport lands is the QG wild area, how can they and Scout let Semb leave easily?

The three immediately started chasing and intercepting Semb.

At the same time, on the other side, when Sofm’s second Q skill was improved, a QRQ went up, and the head of Olaf, the residual blood, was taken away!

QG.Sofm killed ROX.Peanut!

Just after Little Peanut was killed, Semb was finally caught up by the QG trio, and then died tragically in the beating of three women.

QG.Uzi killed ROX.Semb!

This time, there was still no alert sounding about the group’s destruction as imagined.

Because when four of ROX’s five people died, Pray’s EZ just appeared in the position of their red BUFF, and the whole (Wang Haohao) process of the whole team battle only dealt damage from one big move!

And in fact, even if Pray is present, an ez who has just created a demon sect can only be wiped out by QG in a wave, and it will not be able to play any role!

The audience was ebullient, and when the name of QG was called, the three commentators on the commentary stage were equally excited!

Because at this time, although the game time is only 15 minutes and 30 seconds, the QG team’s head lead has reached a terrifying 9 to 1, which is much larger than the head lead in the first game!

“¨. No, why does this wave of ROX think he can join QG?”

“Lambo made a big mask. One big move will destroy the world!”

Wawa was the first to not understand.

“It’s Kuro!”

“The reason why ROX thinks they can take over the group in this wave is because Kuro has upgraded the third-level core and a pair of CD shoes, and his combat effectiveness is very strong.”

“But the problem is, before Kuro entered the arena, he was caught by Brother Holy Gun and killed in seconds. He even died with Gorilla!”

Miller laughed loudly. Although this was a tragedy for ROX, it was a comedy for QG!

“As soon as Kuro and Gorilla died, ROX should have withdrawn. After all, EZ was still on the high ground at that time.”

“But Little Peanut insists on robbing the dragon, and Semb also relies on his own big move to beat Uzi.”

“Then you also saw the result. None of the two ran away, and they were directly beaten by QG with a 0 for a 4!”

“Although it hasn’t been 20 minutes, I think ROX can really be ordered, because after the end of this wave, the five members of ROX have all been blown out, and there is no more to play!”

Smiling and talking loudly, looking at the record of the five ROX members, it is really appalling!

Semb Ike 0-2, Little Peanut Olaf 0-1, Kuro Victor 1-1, PrayEZ 0-1, Gorilla Zyra 0-4!

Five people, in the case that none of them has a positive record, this game, even if ROX was suspended to study himAfter an hour, it is absolutely impossible to find any way to come back!

Unless the QG team sent at least two waves of group destruction!

But the question is, is this possible?

This is absolutely impossible!

(Thanks to “Falling Leaf Turns out to be a Star”, Canglang Wang, “134xxxx0143”, “Reading at night, please recommend a good book”, “ˋxin﹑”, “Blank Space”, “Thunder III”, “You are my exception “, “136xxxx0651”, “White Night Clown” big bosses’ monthly ticket support!!!).

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