Spider Queen Elise!

Within the spider web, only the spider can be safe and sound!

The next moment, when sofm locked onto the spider, this rather domineering line was also uttered from Elise’s mouth, as if she had been bound in a spider’s cocoon for a long time, and finally she could break out of the cocoon!


“sofm actually took out a spider!”

Seeing the spider’s choice, the three commentators on the commentary stage all expressed their shock!

Although this is not an unconventional hero selection, in this BO5, the sudden appearance of the hero Spider is indeed somewhat abnormal!

Because in the bp of the first two rounds, Sofm and Little Peanut were two junglers, and only Olaf, Leopard Girl and Blind Monk were selected!

“Little Peanut chose the blind monk. First, he might feel that Olaf’s winning rate is too low, so he banned the blind monk instead of grabbing.”

“Second, in the last round, sofm used the blind monk to beat Peanut’s Olaf again, so in this round, Peanut may think that he can also use the blind monk to force sofm to choose Olaf instead, and then Find the place.”

“Third, according to the general thinking of selection, after seeing your opponent choose your own hero, you will definitely pull out his hero backhand and come to a forehand and backhand hero teaching.”

“But who would have thought that not only sofm’s thinking is confusing, but the manager’s thinking is also confusing!”

“It actually made Olaf, the t1 jungler, sit on the bench directly. Even if he was released, he wouldn’t choose it, but chose the spider instead!”

Miller exclaimed in amazement, feeling that his career as a commentator had suffered the most serious “blow” at this moment, because even from the perspective of God, he couldn’t understand what Manager Zhang wanted to do at all!

“It may be that Manager Zhang also thinks that Olaf is really not easy to fight against the blind monk. At the same time, sofm’s spider is quite powerful, so he was selected in the third game, which can be regarded as a surprisingly winning hero choice.”

“Besides, if I were Rox’s coach, seeing the erratic bp of my opponent, I’m afraid my mentality would also collapse.”

Smiling and laughing, just at this moment, the director’s camera shone on Coach Rox’s face. Although he was expressionless, the audience could still see the seriousness in his heart from his eyes.

Playwright, Jhin!

I bloom in the midst of killing, like the six thirty-seven flowers in the dawn.

Just when the commentators were shocked by Spider’s choice, Team QG’s third choice was finally determined.

Uzi took out the Jhin used in the first game again.

Although Zyra’s support lost the fixed-point control of Ashe’s ultimate move, but with Shangjin’s push speed, the two can quickly speed up the push end!

Team qg completed the first three rounds of selection, and then went to the fourth and fifth floors of ROX to select players.

Then, Coach Rox began to hesitate again.

“Manager Zhang has selected the jungler and the bottom lane in the first three moves, so only Holy Gun and Scout are left.”

“In this way, regardless of whether Rox’s third or fourth floors play the top laner first or the mid laner first, Manager Zhang can make counters in hero selection.”

“If Rox has more support for Zyra, maybe he will give the counter position of the red side to Gorilla.”

“However, in my opinion, after the female gun is banned, it is really difficult to find a support to restrain Zyra!”

“Also, even if we find it, Manager Zhang will be very happy. After all, as soon as Rox gets out of the third and fourth floors, Brother Holy Gun and Scout can complete the counter at the same time!”

While waiting for Rox to choose someone, Miller analyzed joyfully, and once again admired Manager Zhang’s bp.

Although Jhin was selected on the third floor, it seems that uzi was to resist the pressure, but the problem is, even if uzi was selected on the fourth and fifth floors, after Little Peanut had already selected Blind Monk and Pray had already selected Ashe, would he still be able to choose? Will be restricted by their big moves, need to move carefully.

Rox thought again for nearly 30 seconds, and just as the countdown was about to end, on the third floor, Kuro’s mid laner choice was finally revealed!

Clockwork Demon Orianna!


“In this round, Rox wants to play in the mid-to-late stage?!”

Seeing this choice, Wawa was surprised.

While Victor was still on the field, Kuro also chose to give up Victor, who had chosen twice in a row, and chose Clockwork to change formation, which had already sent a signal.

That is, in this round, the ROX team no longer wants to be in a passive position in the early confrontation between the middle and the field!

Although in the first two rounds, Peanut’s Olaf seemed to be more active, but because he didn’t have a stable control, it was quite difficult to do things.

But now, when the blind monk’s option to add clockwork is locked, it means that as long as he reaches level six, as long as Little Peanut comes to catch the scout, he will die every time he catches it!

After all, the clockwork’s big move and the blind monk’s roundabout kick are no joke!

In addition, in the team battle stage, Peanut can also cooperate with Kuro to play “dribbling with the ball” to directly stretch the chain of control!

“This middle-field combination is still very powerful.”

“However, if the first big move of the sixth level fails to do its job, Rox’s rhythm will be very uncomfortable!”

“It seems that in the third round, Rox is really planning to fight QG!”

Miller frowned, affirming the midfield combination.

“Look at scout’s mid laner selection.”

Smile and frown, because scout’s choice will also represent qg’s attitude in the third game.

If you choose an offensive mid laner, you will have to go head-to-head with Rox.

If you choose Mom Fan, Old Time, or even a mid laner like Victor, it means that qg is going to give up attacking and put himself in a defensive position instead.

Although he didn’t say what was in his heart, what he smiled and hoped for was to see that QG could fight as fiercely as ever!

The fourth floor of the Rox team chose to support Nami, and left the counter position on the fifth floor to semb, trying to let him show his perfect personal strength again in the last game, and defeat the holy gun brother in line.

But in the QG team, after seeing Rox’s lineup selection, Zhang Mingrui let out two hearty laughter.

“They still fell for it!”

Seeing the clockwork, seeing Nami, and the last empty fifth floor, Zhang Mingrui smiled softly.

Didn’t Rox choose clockwork and blind monk because he thought this middle-field combination was very strong?

However, how could Zhang Mingrui be unprepared for this?

He has long wanted his team members to compete with Rox’s team members for a real fight!

And now, the third and final round of BO5 is an excellent opportunity for the players to prove their personal strength!

“Uzi, choose Jess.”

“Xiao Ming, choose a troll!”

The next moment, Zhang Mingrui made a serious matter and gave an order!

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation at all, the last two heroes of the qg team were all selected!

Future Guardian Jess is locked!

Feel the thunder!

Trundle, the king of trolls, is locked!

It’s time for trolls!


When the final two-handed lineup of the qg team was determined, and the entire lineup was determined at the same time, the entire audience let out an exclamation!

Because these two heroes look so conventional, yet so unconventional!

“Jess? Troll?!”

On the commentary stage, the three commentators were all dumbfounded.

If it is understandable that Sofm chose Spider instead of Olaf, then the last two candidates…

Although it’s not completely incomprehensible, it’s still too shocking!

“If I’m not mistaken, it should be the top laner of the troll, and the mid laner of Jess, right?”

The doll first asked a seemingly low-level question.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, it should be like this.”

Miller didn’t dare to give a definite answer, even if the troll mid laner looked at it, it was impossible.

But the problem is that the hero Jess was used as the top laner in yesterday’s match between SKT and SSG, as well as in the quarterfinals.

If Jess continues to play the top lane, then the troll can only play the middle lane…

“It must be Jess’s mid laner and troll’s top laner. What are you thinking?”

After thinking for a long time with a smile, he gave a definite answer.

“If the troll hits the target, can’t it be wound up to death?”

“If Jess hits the target, he will not only have long arms, but also use the acceleration effect of switching forms to jump up and hammer the clockwork. Jess’s explosion cannot be supported by a small body like clockwork.”

She smiled resolutely, but her eyes were full of shock!

“Jess mid laner?!”

“Let’s not discuss whether scout will be the hero Jess, it’s the first time that Jess’s mid laner choice has appeared in the entire World Championship!”

The reason for the shock of the smile was quickly pointed out by the doll.

“In the entire World Championship, from the group stage until now, all the mid laner hero selections are AP. Even if it is an unconventional mid laner, it is also an AP-biased support mid laner like Fan Shishi.”

“But it’s really the first time to use an ad hero to play a mid laner! Prior to this, ad mid lane heroes such as Jie and Nan Dao had never appeared, obviously because the effect was not good after being used.”

“But in the crucial third round, not only did the qg team take out the ad mid laner, it was not a regular ad, but a Jess!”

“What on earth is Manager Zhang’s understanding of the game? He reallyDo you think Jace’s mid laner can play a miraculous role? ”

The baby was really shocked. Her game understanding was originally one of the weaker among the commentators. Now, Manager Zhang is just pouring salt on her wounds!

“Theoretically, it seems possible, but I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know what the effect of Jess’s mid laner is.”

“However, I still believe that as long as it is an unconventional hero brought out by Manager Zhang, it will definitely have corresponding effects!”

Fortunately, Miller didn’t particularly understand it, but he still said it seriously.

“Manager Zhang, if I choose the troll in this round, can I only choose the hole card in the final…”

In the qg team, although Holy Gun got the offensive troll, he still seemed not very happy, and asked with a curled lip.

“Unless we lose this round, you can choose in the next round.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled softly.

“Then let’s take it in the final… This round can only be enjoyed by watching scout.”

Brother Holy Gun said enviously.

“Manager Zhang, are you biased? Four of them have hole cards, but I don’t have any. I can only choose from these regular ads.”

Uzi was the one who envied him the most. Looking at Manager Zhang, he wanted to cry without tears.

“I really can’t help it. Other ADCs will definitely lose if they are selected. Do you want to choose?”

Zhang Mingrui shrugged, feeling very helpless.

“Forget it, forget it, as long as you can win.”

Uzi had no choice but to compromise. After all, to him, choosing a hole card hero was not as important as winning the world championship!

It’s just that while the qg team was laughing and laughing, Rox once again fell into long-term thinking.

Because Coach Rox soon discovered that the counter seat on the fifth floor he reserved for Semb was useless!

When the qg team banned Rambo, Coach Rox had actually noticed that something was wrong, but he didn’t know exactly what was wrong.

But now he finally understands that Manager Zhang of the qg team seems to want to let Holy Gun 888YMdG_St! hero!

Which heroes are on the top lane in the current version?

T1, definitely Bobby and Rambo.

At t2, Ike and the troll can be selected.

At the same time, after the World Championship entered the knockout stage, with the appearance of Jess’ top laner, each team also found a fifth top laner option.

Looks like a lot?

But what about the actual situation? !

Now Rambo has been banned, the troll and Jess have all been robbed, and only Ike and Bobby are left for sembling!

But the problem is, no matter which one you choose, these two heroes are no match for trolls!

Originally, when he saw the troll, Coach Rox wanted Semb to use Jess to fight. After all, long hands beat short hands…

But who knew, this manager went so far as to play Jess in the mid laner!


Coach Rox cursed in his heart, since the start of the summer split until the World Championship, he has never been so aggrieved in BP.

But now, in front of an lpl team, he felt it.

And it was the third game that had been pushed to the brink of elimination!

“Coach, why don’t I choose heroes like Jian Ji Dao Mei?”

Semb’s face was also very solemn, knowing that the hero troll is very difficult to deal with.

“Will Sword Fairy and Sword Girl be able to beat trolls?”

But Coach Rox asked back.

“No…not necessarily…”

Semb’s tone immediately weakened. After all, as the top laner of the version, the troll naturally has a reason for his strength!

“Choose Bobby to fight the pressure. In the third game, we can no longer take any risks.”

Coach Rox said in a solemn tone.

Bobby, the hammer of the holy hammer, is locked!

Team Rox finally completed their lineup.

It’s just that this lineup, no matter how you look at it from any angle, is quite uncomfortable.

Especially Bobby in the last move. He was obviously a counter, but in the end, he was countered by Saint Gun, who was first selected as the top laner hero!

“Wonderful, Manager Zhang’s bp is really wonderful!”

“After the World Championship is over, I will go back and study Manager Zhang’s bp during the entire World Championship. It’s really scary. I feel that every hero selection is a godsend!”

Seeing the rapid exchange of heroes, the baby said with emotion.

“It’s useless, because you don’t know the hero pool of each hero, and which hidden heroes each player has practiced, so you can’t guess what Manager Zhang is thinking just by looking at bp.”

Unexpectedly, the baby’s smile poured cold water on her as soon as she finished speaking.

“It seems to be the same.”

Miller rounded things up with a smile.

“Scout players alone have brought out four, five, five or six unconventional mid laners, and now there is another mid laner, Jess.”

“If you hadn’t seen him now, would you have imagined before BP that a mid laner spent time practicing a top laner?”

Miller asked back, and the baby curled her lips helplessly and shook her head.

“Sure enough, Zhang’s bp still needs to be based on the strength of the players.”

“That being said, the five players of qg are really amazing. It doesn’t matter if they practice heroes very fast, and their tactical execution ability is so strong!””Why didn’t anyone discover the shining points on them before?”

The baby asked suspiciously, but neither Miller nor Xiaoxiao spoke.

Because if you continue to speak, it will definitely embarrass the managers and coaches of the major teams in front of the screen!

But the lpl audience didn’t care whether you were embarrassed or not, they all wrote the same line on the barrage.

Manager Zhang, the god of drawing cards! ! !

While audiences all over the world were shocked, the lineups of both sides were finally finalized.

The blue square qg team, the troll in the top lane, the spider in the wild, Jess in the mid lane, Jhin in the bottom lane, and Zyra in support!

The red Fangrox team has top laner Bobby, jungler Blind Monk, mid laner Clockwork, bottom laner Ashe, and support Nami!

In addition to being very good at bp, Manager Zhang, at this moment, many commentators also quickly discovered that the qg team’s lineup is even more powerful.

That is, the combination of ap and ad is quite reasonable!

Top laner ad, jungler ap, mid lane ad, bottom lane ad, support ap.

Combining two or two is mixed damage, which means that when a semb uses defensive equipment, it needs two kinds of equipment to be equipped together, which means that a lot of economy is needed!

At the same time, almost everyone has control over the qg team’s lineup!

The troll’s pillar, the spider’s cocoon, Jace’s hammer, Jhin’s deadly brilliance, Zyra’s e, and Zyra’s big move as group control!

That is to say, the qg team’s lineup is not only large for small-scale team battles but also large-scale team battles!

Of course, Team Rox’s lineup is not useless, it has everything it should have.

But the only problem is that the alignment of the three roads will be extremely difficult!

“In this round, whether Rox can win or not depends entirely on Peanut’s performance.”

“If he collapses, Team Rox’s third game will basically be declared a failure!”

Smiling loudly.

But what he didn’t know was that when he said this, Manager Zhang also gave an order to sofm.

“This round, don’t let Xiao Hua live!”

“Try every means to get him!”

“Don’t worry about invading the wild area boldly. Our three lines are all wired. If he dares to fight with you, you can beat him together.”

“In this round, if Little Peanut doesn’t die as a 0-8 super ghost, you will be sorry for your bandit title!”

Zhang Mingrui patted sofm on the shoulder vigorously, and said solemnly.

Because he knew very well in his heart that Rox’s only rhythm point in this round was on the blind monk.

If you’re pinning your hopes on clockwork, Ashe, then how about these three unstable big moves?

If you want to win, I’m afraid you have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!

“Don’t worry, Manager Zhang, I promise to complete the task!”

“If I didn’t call him a super ghost, I’ll just give him his surname and change his id to pofm!”

Sofm said swearingly, with a confident smile all over his face.

“Okay, I feel relieved with your words.”

“Others, check the talent rune summoner skills again, remember the tactical arrangement I just said, and fight hard.”

“I’ve already booked a hotel for an hour later. If I can’t make it, then I’ll just cancel it.”

Zhang Mingrui patted the players one by one, then took off his earphones, walked towards the center of the stage, and shook hands with Coach Rox for the last time in his heart!

(Thanks to “159xxxx5664”, “Black*”, “Q whoso who” for their monthly support!!!).

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