The matter of making the QG team famous in the world is actually very simple, as long as it wins the championship, it can be done.

And now, as the new world champion, Zhang Mingrui has actually accomplished this goal.

But Zhang Mingrui wants more than that. What he wants is to establish a dynasty belonging to the QG team, a team that can surpass the SKT team and become a greater dynasty!

It’s actually very simple to achieve this, just win more world championships, especially S championships.

But it’s easy to say, but quite difficult to do, because there are actually two sides to the matter of “champion” from the perspective of Zhang Mingrui, who has experienced it.

The good side is that the battles all over the world know that QG is the S6 world champion. In the next year’s S7 competition, they will feel the pressure in their hearts just before fighting against the QG team.

But the bad side is for the QG team itself.

As the new world champion, the next year’s S7 is bound to be studied by many, many teams. Not only can they find out the team’s overall tactical thinking, but they can also thoroughly study each player!

Coupled with the changes in the version and the changes in the heroes of the version, it is definitely not an easy task to keep winning!

This is why in the previous life, from S1 to S10 in the League of Legends, except for the SKT team that won the triple crown, no team can win the world championship for two consecutive years!

And in fact, even when the previous SKT team won consecutive championships in S5 and S6, the team members were not the same group of people!

During S5, the SKT team consisted of top laner Marin, jungler Benji, mid laner Faker, bottom laner Bang, and support Wolf.

During the S6 period, except for the three players in the middle and bottom lanes, the top laner changed from Marin to Duke, and a unique style of Blank was added to the jungle!

In other words, in order to win the world championship for two consecutive years in the S game, in addition to the strength of the players, the team must also come up with new things for two consecutive years in order to become a team with the same name, but A team that has actually been refreshed!

At this time, the QG team also needs to face such a situation.

Currently, Zhang Mingrui can think of two solutions.

First, it is natural for the players to take the initiative to change, adapt to the new version, practice new heroes, and find new ways to win.

But there is a saying that is good, the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. Every player wants to change their personality in just one offseason and become a brand new self…

To be honest, let alone the players, Zhang Mingrui couldn’t even do it himself!

“If you want the QG team to become a dynasty, there is a long way to go.”

“I just don’t know about S7Before the start of the Spring Split, my QG team can still retain a few original players. ”

Zhang Mingrui smiled softly, because a few days ago, when the RNG team wanted to express their intention to buy Uzi, Uzi also had a slight idea of ​​leaving the team, but he did not express it clearly.

At that time, Zhang Mingrui knew that it was basically impossible for the QG team to continue to maintain the same lineup next season.

But in fact, Zhang Mingrui doesn’t care about this matter. After all, he is a card-drawing god. Even if some players leave, he can immediately find new players who are more suitable for the next season’s version!

“To be honest, the main reason why the QG team was able to win the world championship this season is because I squeezed the potential of some players.”

“Not only let them learn a lot of tactics and practice a lot of heroes, but also let them play a lot of training games, which is almost 1.5 to 2 times the normal training volume!”

“But if you want to continue to win the championship next season, you must continue to maintain this amount of training. But even though they are all children, their bodies will definitely not be able to bear it, and they will collapse sooner or later.”

“At that time, let alone the world champion, even the LPL champion, I’m afraid it will be difficult to win!”

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui frowned, feeling heavy.

Then I set my next goal!

During this winter transfer period, no matter how many players in the team leave the team, I have to find five more players to join the QG team as the new starting lineup and get a substitute!

At this moment, Zhang Mingrui’s cell phone rang again. He picked it up and saw that it was the RNG manager calling again.

“Hey, Manager Zhang, have you thought about Uzi’s transfer? We really want Uzi to join RNG!”

“Because we suffered a disastrous defeat in the S6 World Championship and didn’t even make it to the knockout round, so the two Korean aids, Mata and Looper, didn’t renew their contracts and went back to their baseball country.”

“Although we have brought up Letme from the second team, there is really a shortage of major generals in the bottom lane!”

“If Uzi can join RNG, with a good support, our RNG performance next year should not be too bad, but if there is no Uzi, we are afraid that we will be relegated!”

The RNG manager said with a sad face, his voice was very solemn.


Hearing these words, Zhang Mingrui chuckled lightly.

“You can just vomit this bitterness to others, why are you vomiting it to me?”

“Starting from S7, our LPL is going to start alliances, and it’s not like you don’t know it!”

Zhang Mingrui didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and this was why the boss of QG was willing to increase the shares from 30 to 50, because after the alliance, it was no longer an easy task to lose a lot of money in battle.

“Ahem, that’s probably what it means…”

“Manager Zhang, have you thought it through yet? The transfer fee of 50 million is really our most sincere price!”

RNG manager said eagerly.

“There are indeed many, but you have to let me ask Uzi what he thinks?”

Zhang Mingrui pouted, but to be honest, he was really moved by the transfer fee!

“Okay, manager Zhang, are you free now? Come to the xx cafe on xx road, and Uzi and I will wait for you here.”


The two guys who co-authored have already discussed it in private, and I just wait for myself to confirm it!

However, judging from this situation, Uzi’s desire to leave QG is already confirmed.

Zhang Mingrui quickly met the RNG manager and Uzi who hadn’t seen him for a few days.

When he saw Zhang Mingrui again, Uzi was a little embarrassed. After all, he left the team just after winning the championship, and if he said it, he would definitely gain countless black fans.

“Manager Zhang, I really appreciate your help.”

“But you also know that when I debuted as a professional, I was in the royal family. If there was no royal family, there would be absolutely no future me.”

“Now, I have also won the world championship, and I have also won the LPL championship. It can be regarded as fulfilling the biggest wish in my life.”

“It just so happens that I have this opportunity to return to the Royal Family, so I also want to go back and see if I can fight for a few more years and see if I can also bring the Royal Family an S Championship!”

“In this way, my career is really complete!”

Uzi’s eyes widened, and he looked at Zhang Mingrui very sincerely.

“Manager Zhang, I’ve really been thinking about this matter for a long time, please help us!”

After finishing speaking, he stretched out both hands to hold Zhang Mingrui’s hand tightly, as if he and the RNG manager were Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and they couldn’t live without each other!

“Let go, let go, I didn’t say it wouldn’t be done.”

Zhang Mingrui hurriedly withdrew his hand and sighed softly, but he was also relieved.

Because if Uzi returns to the royal family, then Uzi’s own historical trajectory can be regarded as returning to the right track at this moment.

But what makes Zhang Mingrui start to worry now is that it took him a season to “reform” Uzi with great difficulty. If he goes to RNG next season, who can he find to be able to withstand the pressure of Uzi, the FMVP bottom laner? ?

“Manager Zhang, you agree?!”

Hearing Zhang Mingrui’s words, not only Uzi, but also RNG manager was overjoyed.

“Well, after all, twisted melons are not sweet. I forced Uzi to stay once last season. Obviously, you are reluctant to keep Uzi again this season.”

“NoLet me say my ugly words first, when you return to RNG, let alone the world championship, don’t think about the LPL championship, it is impossible for you to get it! ”

Zhang Mingrui said triumphantly.

“This… Let’s discuss again.”

Uzi chuckled, but he was obviously quite confident about winning the S7 world championship.

“But after Mata is gone, which one of your RNG will support Uzi?”

“If there is no good support, Uzi’s laning suppression will definitely not be able to play.”

Zhang Mingrui murmured.

At this moment, Uzi and the RNG manager looked at each other, and they both saw what the other was thinking.

“The manager… If possible, can I also buy Xiao Ming?”

“After all, the two of them are the champion bottom lane combination, so it doesn’t seem too good to break up like this…”

The RNG manager said weakly, his tone getting weaker and weaker, and he also knew that what he said was pushing an inch, so he didn’t dare to speak out loudly.


Zhang Mingrui became even more speechless. This is Xiao Ming’s first season with him, and he will definitely play for several seasons in the future, but RNG actually wants to poach the two of them together!

“Have you ever asked Xiao Ming for his opinion?”

Zhang Mingrui asked in silence.

“I…I have already asked, and he said that if I really want to go to RNG, he would also like to go with me.”

Uzi is also weak, very embarrassed.


“Okay, let’s cut it first and then play it.”

Zhang Mingrui rolled his eyes at the two of them.

But he didn’t insist on this matter, and then he looked at the RNG manager and asked directly.

“How much money is Xiao Ming going to pay?”

Hearing Zhang Mingrui’s answer, the manager of RNG was so ecstatic that he almost stood up, his eyes lit up!

“Two…oh no, thirty million!”

“Uzi and Xiaoming are the champion bottom lane combination, RNG is willing to buy them together for 80 million!”

The RNG manager spoke loudly. Although Xiao Ming’s price in their minds was actually 20 million, but because of Zhang Mingrui’s straightforwardness and the tacit understanding between Uzi and Xiao Ming, even an additional 10 million would be willing!

“Okay, deal.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled softly, and immediately agreed to the deal.

As for the follow-up contract, it will not be carried out today. After all, it will take time to draw up the contract and so on.

“Thank you, Manager Zhang!”

Uzi and RNG manager thanked in unison.

Zhang Mingrui patted Uzi on the shoulder lightly, and said earnestly.

“If you go to RNG, you have to play well.”

“However, if you meet QG’s new bot lane duo and you and Xiao Ming have never fought before, don’t cry.”

“Okay, go back to the base and pack your things, get out of here, from now on, you are no longer from QG!”

With that said, they patted Uzi hard again, and then they returned to the QG team base together.

Xiao Ming also learned the news in advance, packed his luggage early, and didn’t know what to say to Zhang Mingrui, so he kept laughing, leaving Zhang Mingrui quite speechless.

“Go to RNG and play well.”

“However, if you meet QG’s new bot lane duo and you and Uzi have never fought before, don’t cry.”

Then she said the same thing to him.

A few hours later, Zhang Mingrui and RNG finished their meal together.

When I returned to the base, I felt that this matter still needed to be discussed with the other three people, so I entered the “QG Team” chat group again and announced the news.

“Everyone, Uzi and Xiaoming have already transferred to RNG. I wish them new growth in RNG.”

“In addition, if a club contacts the three of you and you are also moved, please tell me in advance, I can accept it…”

Zhang Mingrui sent these two messages with a wry smile.

Although, as the god of card draw, he can really accept the players leaving the team, but when the players who have been together day and night for half a year really want to leave, it would be a lie to say that they are not sad.

He can even be sure that at least one of the remaining three will leave the team.

It’s just that I never expected that they would contact me so fast and in such a large number…

Scout was the first to send himself a private chat message.

“Manager Zhang, I originally wanted to tell you about this matter in another week… This is the chat record between me and the manager of EDG, please take a look.”

After finishing speaking, he forwarded the chat records of the two of them.

The meaning of the EDG manager is very simple, that is to say “EDG needs you” to Scout.

The reason is almost the same as that of the RNG team. Because of the loss in S6, the mid laner Pawn and the bottom laner Deft lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight in the LPL and have already left the team.

At the same time, there is another important reason for inviting Scout to return to the team, that is, Scout was actually loaned to QG by them, and it is only natural for them to return now.

“After reading it, what do you think?”

Zhang Mingrui asked Scout back.

“I also want to go back. After all, if it weren’t for the EDG team, I might still be doing youth training in SKT. At most, I would just be Faker’s substitute.”

Scout replied quickly, without even hesitating, which obviously indicated that he had made up his mind to go.

“Okay, I’ll talk to EDG in two days.””Don’t worry, I won’t embarrass them.”

I added another sentence, I closed Scout’s chat box, and opened Brother Holy Gun’s.

“Manager Zhang, Snake also wants me to go back, and I’m a little conflicted now.”

“Sofm is right next to me now, and he has also been invited by the Snakes, wanting us Ueno to go there together.”

Seeing the news about Brother Holy Gun, Zhang Mingrui was speechless for a long time.

I knew that “leaving the team” would definitely happen, but I never expected that the whole team would leave the team immediately!

Doesn’t this force Zhang Mingrui to reorganize the QG team? !

“Do you want to go?”

Zhang Mingrui asked the same question again. If the contestants are not willing and just entangled, they can still stay.

“I can do both, but Sofm wants to go…”

“Because the Snake Team has promised Sofm that as long as he passes by, they will make tactical arrangements around Sofm.”

“Although in our QG, he is often the core, but this guy wants to be the core of the core, not one of the four cores.”

Brother Holy Gun said this, obviously Sofm was too embarrassed to tell Manager Zhang these words in person.

“Okay, I see. In two days, I will talk to the manager of the snake team and try to sell you for a good price.”

After Zhang Mingrui finished speaking with a chuckle, he also closed the chat box with Brother Holy Gun.

Although Brother Holy Gun has been talking about Sofm and not about himself, but his thoughts are already beyond words, and he naturally wants to go back.

Whether it’s to “prove” himself, or to return to his old club after winning the championship like Uzi, in short…

The five players from the QG team version will all leave the team!

“It’s really sad.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled wryly, feeling a little lost in his heart.

But when I think about selling five world champions at once, the QG team can earn hundreds of millions, and I’m quite happy.

Within three days, Zhang Mingrui completed the negotiations with the remaining two clubs.

For the EDG team, although they signed a loan contract with QG at the time, in fact, Zhang Mingrui had already bought Scout at a price of 1.8 for 2 million.

It is not impossible for EDG to buy it back now, but it needs to bid 30 million!

The negotiations on the Snake team were relatively harmonious, and finally reached a transaction price of 35 million for Sofm and 30 million for Holy Gun.

In addition to the transfer fee, Zhang Mingrui also signed an additional agreement with RNG, EDG, and Snake!

That is, in this year, from all commercial contracts signed by the five players, including but not limited to advertising endorsements, live broadcasts, attendance at events, etc., the QG team will draw 5% of the contract amount!

After all, the QG team managed to cultivate five world champions, but they bought them out for just one transfer fee. This is really a loss for Zhang Mingrui!

On this agreement, the three clubs all chose to compromise. After all, Zhang Mingrui agreed to the transfer of the players, and he had already given them enough favors.

And when this favor cannot be repaid with other favors for the time being, it can only be repaid with money.

So far, Zhang Mingrui has officially sold all the members of the QG team, but because the three clubs all choose to hold their breath, the outside world will not know the news for the time being.

But in the next period of time, Zhang Mingrui will be busy.

Before the winter transfer period ends on December 18, he must rely on his ability to “draw cards” to form a new QG team!

And today’s time is November 8th, that is to say, there are only 40 full days left for Zhang Mingrui!

However, before “drawing” new players, Zhang Mingrui did something that he thought was quite important.

That is to first change the name of the former QG team chat group to “QG”.

Then, another “QG Family” chat group was established, and the same five people were pulled into it.

As for the subsequent arrival of new members of the QG team, they will have a new exclusive “QG team” chat group. At the same time, new players will also enter the “QG family” chat group, so that they can chat with the five former QG players. Former world champions exchange “feelings”.

(Thanks to Yan Qingmo, “Xiao Dafat”, and “183xxx142” for their monthly support!!!).

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