“Old thief Sima? Is it not enough for QG to have Uzi?”

Hearing Zhang Mingrui’s words that followed, the OMG manager couldn’t help but ask back.

“Of course it’s not enough. Although Uzi won the championship FMVP, his hand injury and shoulder injury are already showing signs of attack. It’s only natural for me to find him a substitute.”

“Besides, you know Uzi well. Although he has moved to many teams over the years, he even won the world championship in QG.”

“But he definitely wants to return to the royal family in the end. Maybe he has already discussed with RNG at this time, and maybe he will transfer in two days.”

“So I have to make some preparations in advance to prevent Uzi from leaving the team.”

Zhang Mingrui said solemnly to the OMG manager, his tone was very sincere, and he couldn’t tell that it was half false… because what he said was actually the truth!


Hearing what Manager Zhang said, Manager OMG hesitated for a moment. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

“Eh… so you are more optimistic about the position of Sima old thief to replace Uzi?”

The manager of OMG asked a question, and Zhang Mingrui immediately shouted chicken thief in his heart!

It seems that his title of “God of Card Draw” has convinced these managers. They really think that the candidate they fancy is a player with potential and talent!

“You’re thinking too much. I really just let old thief Sima come as a substitute.”

“What’s more, I want to be optimistic about the old thief Sima. In other words, his strength is indeed not bad, but you can’t know what your OMG record was last year without me, right?”

Zhang Mingrui asked in silence.

What was OMG’s record last year?

Almost relegated record!

In the end, it was still possible to stay in the LPL in the relegation match. Otherwise, why would the mid laner leave the team without status?

And under such circumstances, no matter how strong the old thief Sima is, with the blessing of no achievements, it is outrageous to say “take over Uzi’s position” no matter how it sounds!

“Don’t scold, don’t scold, I know.”

Manager OMG immediately said in shame.

“Since Manager Zhang is interested in Old Thief Sima, I naturally agree. However, I also need to ask Old Thief Sima for his personal wishes. If he agrees, we can sign a transfer agreement.”

“In this case, Manager Zhang, let’s go in the afternoon, and I will give you an answer in the afternoon.”

After thinking about it, the OMG manager said to Zhang Mingrui again, and he immediately agreed happily.

Although the manager of OMG did not immediately finalize the matter, Zhang Mingrui knew in his heart that this transfer was already done!

“In this case, the bottom lane duo has already been finalized.”

“Sima old thief and Lu Mao, as long as they get along well, I think they can still fight Uzi and Xiao Ming!”

Zhang Mingrui said in a happy mood, and went to have lunch after hanging up the phone.

It’s just that this lunch was not very comfortable, because LGD and WE have not contacted me for a long time!

“Could it be that they disagree?”

Zhang Mingrui frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. If the two clubs disagree, then he can only find alternatives!

It’s easier to find the top laner and jungler, but for the mid laner, when it is determined that ICON can’t be bought, which mid laner to choose has really become a very serious problem.The problem!

“Could it be that we can only consider Korean aid?”

Zhang Mingrui curled his lips. Although it is not impossible to use Korean aid, Scout was just used last season. If you continue to use Korean aid this season, let alone whether the fans are willing or not. make life difficult for!

“What’s more, if TheShy can be bought from WE, then there will already be a Korean player in the team.”

“Although each team has two quotas for Korean aid, the QG team should try to keep one as much as possible, so that one more domestic player can win the championship.”

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui chuckled, thinking it was his own selfishness.

If one day, I can lead all the LPL players to win a world championship, that would be really amazing!

“Hey wait!”

“It seems that there is another person who is worth considering!”

A thought suddenly popped up in his mind, making Zhang Mingrui’s eyes widen!

“Since IG has bought Duke…”

“Then do I have a chance to buy Faker too?!”

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui immediately became ecstatic.

If it is really possible to buy Faker to LPL, then he will definitely terminate the cooperation with RNG immediately, and form a set of top laner TheShy, mid laner Faker, bottom laner Uzi, support Xiaoming, jungler and Clearlove…

At that time, such a QG team will be a real galaxy battleship!

“Boss, can you help me contact the SKT team? I want to buy Faker!”

After the idea appeared, Zhang Mingrui couldn’t sit still any longer, and directly dialed the QG boss’s phone number.


The boss of QG seemed to be eating too. After hearing Zhang Mingrui’s thoughts, he sprayed them out.

“What? Buy Faker?! How dare you think about it!”

Even the boss of QG felt that Zhang Mingrui’s idea was outrageous!

“Why don’t you dare to think about it? Although Faker was the world champion before, the world champion of S6 is our QG!”

Zhang Mingrui was very dissatisfied and said that although Faker was indeed powerful, he still failed to win in front of the QG team!

“That’s true, but I don’t think there is much hope. I feel that Faker is not for sale in SKT.”

“But don’t worry, I’ll help you get in touch right now, and I’ll send you their contact information later.”

The boss of QG solemnly said that although SKT is a team in the LCK division, it is still a breeze to get the contact information of the SKT manager with his own network.

After finishing this matter, Zhang Mingrui contacted Manager Niu again and asked him to contact the DS team while focusing on acquiring the NON team. He pretended to buy them, but in fact he just wanted to buy their top laner Zoom.

And just after Zhang Mingrui finished chatting with Manager Niu, he finally received a new call from the manager of Team WE!

“Manager Zhang, are you kidding me? You want to buy He Kangdi.”? ”

The WE manager’s immediate reaction was also dumbfounding.

“What’s the joke?”

Zhang Mingrui shrugged his shoulders. Although his primary goal was not Li and Kangdi, the main reason was not that he thought they were not good enough, but that it was impossible for them to sell the WE team!

“Manager Zhang, you also know that in the summer finals last year, although we lost to you 0-3 at WE, you must have seen the potential of WE’s first five players.”

“They have been working together for a year with great difficulty, and they are just about to fight for a year this year, and you want to break them up…”

“Don’t say I disagree, even the contestants themselves wouldn’t agree!”

Manager WE didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but he was very happy in his heart. After all, it had spread in the circle. As long as Manager Zhang had his eyes on someone, he would definitely be a champion!

I don’t know about the other teams, but if two members of the WE team fall into Manager Zhang’s eyes, it means that their WE can really take off in the S7 season!

“Okay… Then do you have any other top laners or junglers in WE? I want to buy them as a substitute for Saint Gun and Sofm, or to supplement the strength of the second team. I just bought a spot for the second team recently. .”

Zhang Mingrui said the same reason again.

“As long as Manager Zhang doesn’t sell the players of our first team, we will have everything!”

Manager WE is very straightforward, but not as suspicious as Manager OMG.

“I remember that your WE has a Korean player named TheShy? I heard that he is a very good newcomer, why don’t you give him to me, and I will try to cultivate him.”

Zhang Mingrui first mentioned the names of several other players of the WE team before mentioning TheShy’s name.

“TheShy? Manager Zhang, why are you also optimistic about TheShy?”

Manager WE was a little surprised.

“and also?”

Zhang Mingrui was even more surprised!

“Yeah, IG manager Su Xiaoluo contacted me in advance a few days ago and wanted to buy TheShy. I didn’t expect you to want to too. It seems that this player is indeed very good!”

“Should I stay here!”

The WE manager chuckled, but he didn’t really mean to threaten Zhang Mingrui with this.

“How about this, Manager Zhang, I’ll invite you and Su Xiaoluo together for dinner tonight, and bring TheShy with me at the same time, let’sLet’s talk about it and see where TheShy wants to go? ”

“As long as TheShy is willing, I can release him immediately. After all, he really has no chance to play in WE.”

The WE manager said calmly, and Zhang Mingrui nodded. This is also the main reason why TheShy was “buried” in WE in his previous life.

It’s not because the WE manager’s vision is bad, it’s because in the S7 season, his performance is indeed worthy of his title of “leg brother”!

And under such circumstances, let a newcomer from TheShy replace him as the starter? It can only show that the coach has a brain problem and will be sprayed to death by fans!


Zhang Mingrui readily agreed, and also felt that the deal with TheShy was a sure thing.

After all, if he rejects the championship team QG and chooses IG, a team that only entered the World Championship two years ago, it can only show that he is somewhat unwise.

The good news came one after another.

In the afternoon, Zhang Mingrui received another message from the manager of OMG, and learned that the old thief Sima agreed to join the QG team.

So Zhang Mingrui immediately ran to meet the OMG manager and old thief Sima, and also completed the first face-to-face conversation with old thief Sima.

After all, even if QG and OMG played games last season, as a coach, it is impossible for him to have the opportunity to have close contact with other team members.

“Old thief Sima, welcome to the QG team!”

Zhang Mingrui shook hands with old thief Sima while smiling.

“it’s my honour.”

The old thief Sima said shyly, it fits Zhang Mingrui’s impression of his aloof personality.

“Well, play hard in the S7 Spring Split and try to win the Spring Split Championship.”

Zhang Mingrui nodded in satisfaction, and immediately completed the detailed negotiation with the OMG manager on the transfer agreement of the old thief Sima.

The transfer fee is 3 million, not expensive.

Although Zhang Mingrui is optimistic about the old thief Sima, he is still worthless now. Even the price of 3 million is a high friendship price!

So this transaction, both parties are very happy.

Manager OMG feels that he has made a lot of money. After all, he sees the strength of the old thief Sima, and he feels that he can’t do it anywhere.

As for Zhang Mingrui, he felt that he had earned his blood! After all, the strength of old thief Sima is definitely worthy of a champion!

“Okay, then I’ll take the old thief back first, and we’ll sign the contract after you finish it.”

The discussion quickly ended happily, and Zhang Mingrui quickly brought the old thief Sima back to the QG base.

It’s just that the surface is calm, but the mood is extremely excited. When the trembling Sima old thief walked into the lounge, looking at the empty QG training room, Sima old thief was dumbfounded on the spot.

“People, where are people?”

“Are they still on vacation?”

In such a “horrifying” scene, the old thief Sima, who forcibly cherished words like gold, forced him to say a few more words!

After all, even if you go on vacation after winning the world championship, it should be over now, and you need to prepare for the Demacia Cup in a month’s time!

“Ahem, to be honest, the current QG team…”

“only you.”

Zhang Mingrui also said in embarrassment, feeling that the current situation instantly returned to the time when only Uzi was training in the training room half a year ago.

“Just me? What do you mean?”

Old thief Sima was even more stunned, unable to understand the meaning of this sentence for a while.

“That is to say, the five members of the QG team you know have all left the team!”

“Although I told the OMG manager to ask you to be Uzi’s substitute, it’s actually not. You came directly to be the starter!”

“This matter is still a secret, you can’t tell anyone.”

Old thief Sima will know about this matter sooner or later, so Zhang Mingrui directly told old thief Sima what happened before, which made him even more shocked. He never expected that things would turn out like this!

“But, but why me?”

“Compared with Uzi, my strength is still far behind.”

“Last year in OMG, I failed to lead the team out of the relegation zone.”

After being shocked, the old thief Sima said a lot more. It was obvious that he was not confident in himself.

“Don’t worry, you’ve always heard the name of my card-drawing god?”

“Maybe you haven’t discovered the shining point in yourself, but you have to trust me, just follow my training plan and listen to my arrangements. I guarantee that you can also become a champion ad and become the world’s top ad!”

Zhang Mingrui patted old thief Sima on the shoulder heavily, not joking at all.

“Okay, I will work hard!”

The old thief Sima also said solemnly, after all, who can become a professional player, who is not the pride of heaven? The confidence that should be there must be there!

“Okay, you go to Uzi’s place to start training first, and wait until I gather all four of your teammates over before starting group training.”

Zhang Mingrui led the old thief Sima to Uzi’s computer, and after letting him take a seat, he received another call.

It’s an unfamiliar number, but it’s not from Bangguo, it’s actually from Wanwan Province!

“Wanwan’s phone number? Who is it? It can’t be fraudulent, right?”

Zhang Mingrui frowned, then hung up directly.

But immediately, the same number rang again, which made Zhang Mingrui sure that the other party should really be looking for him. After all, if it is a fraudulent call, it usually does not continue.Hit it twice.

“Hello, are you?”

Zhang Mingrui asked first.

“Hello, Manager Zhang. I’m Karsa, the jungler of the Flash Wolves team. We met in San Francisco.”

The next moment, a mandarin full of Hong Kong and Taiwan atmosphere was transmitted to Zhang Mingrui’s ears along the signal.

“Karsa? No impression.”

Zhang Mingrui chuckled in his heart. He wanted to take the initiative to find Karsa, but he didn’t expect him to contact him.

“Manager Zhang, we met in the bathroom of the quarterfinals! At that time you asked me if I was interested in coming to the LPL! Have you forgotten?”

Karsa was in a hurry and hurried to help Zhang Mingrui recall.

“Oh, I seem to have a little impression, what’s wrong?”

Zhang Mingrui pretended to be thoughtful and asked back.

“¨. Manager Zhang, I’m a free agent now. I didn’t renew my contract with Flash Wolves. I just want to develop in the LPL.”

“Do you think I can go to the QG team? It is also possible to be a substitute for the Sofm master!”

Karsa’s voice was weak, and she didn’t dare to speak loudly at all.


Zhang Mingrui’s voice sounded a bit tangled.

“It’s hard for me to say now, after all, you are only the top eight in the World Championship…”

“However, I would like to give you a trial training opportunity. If you pass, you can still stay.”

Zhang Mingrui did not directly agree to Karsa, but asked Karsa to try out.

“Okay, okay, thank you, Manager Zhang, for giving me the opportunity to try out, I’ll start right away!”

Karsa repeatedly thanked her.

But listening to his humble voice, Zhang Mingrui was overjoyed.

Use various methods to hit the opponent first, and then give him sweetness. Then, when Karsa becomes a member of the QG team, it will be quite logical, so that he can no longer have any thoughts about other teams.

“I have to say, this kind of PUA’s tricks are really easy to use sometimes.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled, turned on the computer, and put a check mark behind Karsa’s name.

In this way, the three starting players of jungler, botlane, and support are completely finalized.

As for the top order, I didn’t waste too much energy.

In the evening, Zhang Mingrui quickly met WE manager and TheShy, as well as IG manager Su Xiaoluo!

“Manager Su, why is it you again?”

Without giving Su Xiaoluo a chance to speak, Zhang Mingrui took the lead in putting on an impatient expression.

“I still want to ask why it’s you again?”

Su Xiaoluo was also speechless.

“Why, the two managers have had transactions before?”

Manager WE asked curiously.

“Yeah, before I wanted to buy IG’s support Baolan and the second team’s AD, but in the end I didn’t sell them. I didn’t know how good these two players were.”

Zhang Mingrui pouted and shook his head, feeling disgusted.

“Damn, Manager Zhang, I don’t like hearing what you say. Baolan and Jackeylove have great potential!”

“Although you are the god of drawing cards and have a good eye for people, my eye is not bad either! When Jackeylove comes on the stage, even if he and Baolan play against Uzi and Xiaoming, they will definitely not be left behind! ”

Su Xiaoluo said angrily, Zhang Mingrui laughed, but didn’t go further on this topic.

After all, to be reasonable, Su Xiaoluo is the real “card-drawing god”. The so-called “card-drawing god” is only because of the existence of “God’s perspective”.

“Okay, okay, since the two managers have taken a fancy to our TheShy, it means that he must have a bright future.”

“So now you need to listen to TheShy’s thoughts and see which team he wants to go to.”

The WE manager looked at TheShy, and Zhang Mingrui and Su Xiaoluo also looked at TheShy together, which made his shy face blush.


“I wanna go……”

“QG team. (Wang Wang’s)”

“Because in QG, I feel…”

“I can win the championship!”

TheShy said awkwardly, until he said the word “champion”, his voice became vigorous and powerful!

“Okay, then congratulations to Manager Zhang, and sorry for Manager Su.”

The WE manager chuckled, and said to the two of them separately.


“Manager Zhang, although I’m very unhappy, can I also reach an agreement in advance with you?”

“During S8, he sold TheShy to our IG. I really think he has great talent and potential!”

Su Xiaoluo was very annoyed, and said to Zhang Mingrui unwillingly.

“Okay, when the time comes, just use the bottom lane duo to exchange.”

Zhang Mingrui chuckled softly. Although he didn’t know how long TheShy would stay in QG, it was a dream to get TheShy with nothing.


“All right, all right, Zhang Mingrui, just be arrogant!”

“Although TheShy has great potential, he has no strength now!”

“This season, you just wait to be hammered by Duke!”

After finishing speaking, Su Xiaoluo left the table angrily!

And when Su Xiaoluo left, Zhang Mingrui and TheShy also shook hands again.

As for the transfer fee, the manager of WE only wanted 1 million. After all, TheShy is really unknown now.

I thought that today’s good news would end here, but I never expected that I would return to the base again.When the phone rang again.

But this time, the place of belonging turned out to be Bang Country!

“It’s SKT’s call!”

Zhang Mingrui’s eyes lit up, and he immediately connected the phone. Before he could speak, a female voice rang out from the other side.

“Hello, I am the Chinese translator for the SKT team.”

“This afternoon, I heard that the QG team wanted to buy Faker player, so I made this call here, and wanted to clearly tell the QG team Manager Zhang…”

“The SKT team will not sell Faker player, he is not for sale!”

“At the same time, I’ll also relay a sentence to you for player Faker. In this year’s S6 World Championship, the SKT team failed to win against the QG team. It is true that SKT’s skills are not as good as others.”

“But next year’s S7 World Championship and the S7 Mid-Season Championship, Faker will definitely lead the new SKT team to defeat the QG team and become the world champion again!!!”

(Thanks to “Big Meow, Don’t Call Meow” for his 588 rewards and support!!!)

(Thank you “灬清风@” for your 100-point reward and support!!!)

(Thanks to “199xxxx0929”, “Smile 985”, “Mavericks Engine”, “Bastard Boy” for their monthly support!!!).

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