The transfer competition in the LPL division has always been well-deserved!

Although various gossips emerged in an endless stream during the entire transfer period, all the news were half-truths and half-false, and it was impossible for fans to get a definite news, unless the official bibs of each team released the final big news of the new season. list!

Although Zhang Mingrui used to hate this kind of breath-holding competition, but after becoming a manager himself, he felt that this kind of breath-holding competitionIt’s good. In addition to hiding the new lineup for the new season, it can also give the players more time to adapt.

After all, no one knows whether the players in the team will be greeted with congratulations or abuse by the fans after the announcement of the new season’s roster.

Therefore, many teams made an agreement when they signed the transfer agreement that they would announce the transfer news together when the last day of the transfer period came!

On December 18, early in the morning, Zhang Mingrui asked the team’s artists to make the official roster posters, while he continued to lead the team members for training.

However, when the training was going on normally, there was already an uproar on the Internet!

Because the RNG team was the first to sit still, they announced several transfer information, and at the same time announced the RNG team’s new season roster!

Uzi and Xiao Ming, former QG team bot duo players, after friendly discussions with QG team, joined the RNG team in the new season and started a new journey!

Immediately, the fans of the QG team were blown away. They never expected that after the QG team just won the S6 world championship, they would sell the champion duo directly!

But the things that shocked QG fans were far more than that!

After seeing the news released by the RNG team, the EDG team also quickly announced the addition of the former QG mid laner Scout, and the Snake team followed suit, announcing the addition of the former QG top laner Flandre and the jungler Sofm!

At the same time, the bib operators of the QG team also simultaneously announced the news of five players leaving the team.

Then, the QG team’s bib comment exploded!

“What?! Everyone left the team? Is QG crazy?”

“Damn, I just won the S6 world championship, and I was going to watch the five QG people continue to win the S7 world championship, but all five of them left the team directly?!”

“No, it’s not such a way to make money, is it? If you keep five world champions and win another world champion, wouldn’t you earn even more money?!”

“Is Manager Zhang crazy? I think it’s understandable to sell Holy Gun and Xiao Ming, but why did you sell Uzi, Scout and Sofm?!”

“Does the QG team think that after winning the first LPL world championship, they have obtained the right to be exempted from spraying fans? So this is why they just started playing badly?”

“The five world champions have left the team, so who are the new QG players?!”

“No matter who the new players are, I’m too disappointed in the QG team!”

“Originally, I thought that the QG team is so strong that it might be able to surpass the previous SKT team and establish a new QG dynasty.”

“It’s all right now, all five of them are gone, so what a waste of Dynasty!”

When the QG team’s official bib announced the departure of the five members, the comments and private messages immediately exploded, and they were questioned and abused tens of thousands of floors in an instant!

In fact, not only QG’s own fans, but also fans of other teams couldn’t understand.

According to the general situation of team building, if they win the championship, even if they need to update the lineup in the second season, they will just check for gaps and find a few substitutes.

But this QG team is good. They sold all five champion players directly, and they have to be demolished and rebuilt directly!

“Before the S6 Summer Split, QG had rebuilt once. I didn’t expect that S6 won the world championship, so we had to rebuild directly!”

“As a fan of RNG, I can’t understand what Manager Zhang did. He sold Uzi and Xiaoming to us. Then who will QG use to line up with Uzi and Xiaoming?”

“The fans of the Snake team are laughing like crazy! Saint Gun and Sofm, such a powerful Ueno combination, if Manager Zhang says no, he won’t!”

“Look at it, next year your RNG and our Snake team will be at least the semi-finals of the Spring Split!”

“The EDG team expressed dissatisfaction. When QG won the championship, Scout was in C, okay?”

While the QG fans were angry, the fans of RNG, EDG and the Snakes were overjoyed, feeling that they had taken advantage of it!

“So what exactly is Team QG’s roster for the new season?”

“Even if Manager Zhang is the master of drawing cards and has drawn five new players with good strength, the question is, can they really beat the current RNG and EDG teams?”

“QG, please, can you announce it quickly? If the new lineup is okay, I will try to trust you again.”

“I don’t think there is any need to look forward to it. The previous five QG players are already the number one players in the world in each position. No matter how good the manager is at drawing cards, it is impossible for him to surpass these five players!”

Netizens commented that they had no idea what Manager Zhang had done during this transfer period.

It’s just that when everyone was waiting for the QG team to announce the roster for the new season, they seemed to have forgotten that today is the deadline for the transfer period, and suddenly there was no movement!

In fact, not only the netizens are waiting, but also the LGD and OMG teams. If QG does not announce the addition of the three players, then if they announce the departure of the three players in advance, it will be tantamount to exposing the situation of QG in advance.

“Don’t rush, don’t rush, the artist is already working hard, what’s the rush?”

Zhang Mingrui was also a little speechless when he received urging messages from the managers of two clubs in a row, but there was no rush for this matter, because he asked the artist to make posters for the big list when he was at work today.

And it’s not a simple roster poster, a picture needs to be drawn on the background to highlight the QG team’s goals for the new season!

This time, I waited for a whole day.

When the time came to more than five o’clock in the afternoon, and it was almost time to get off work, the artist sent the finished poster to Zhang Mingrui’s mobile phone.

“Not bad, not bad, this effect is what I want.”

After glancing at the content of the poster, Zhang Mingrui was very satisfied, so he quickly contacted the new media operation staff and asked them to announce it!

“The roster of the League of Legends branch of the QG club is officially announced!”

“Top order, TheShy, Jiang Chenglu!”

“Jungle, Karsa, Hong Haoxuan!”

“Mid laner, Godv, Wei Zhen!”

“Get off the road, SMLZ, Han Jin!”

“Assist, PYL, Chen Bo!”

“Team manager, MR, Zhang Mingrui!”

“Head coach, MR, Zhang Mingrui!”

“New year, new lineup, new start!”

“Although the QG team has undergone a complete rebuild in terms of lineup, the goal is the same as before!”

“The QG team will still unswervingly sprint towards the goal of the championship in the new season!”

“There will be times when the wind and the waves cleave, hang the clouds and sail straight to the sea! S7, QG is here!”

With such words, on the background picture of the QG team roster poster, there is a Wang Yang sea full of turbulent waves!

The five villains stood on a sailboat named Team QG and braved the wind and waves on the sea. In the sea full of dangers, there were faintly icons of other teams such as RNG, EDG, WE, etc.!

In addition, in the twilight sky, five huge black shadows quietly looked down at the five people on the boat, as if they were blessing them, and seemed to want to become the five people on the boat, which they would never be able to surpass. dark clouds!

After the new season’s roster was announced, without giving netizens any time to react, the operation staff immediately sent out the transfer news that had been prepared and edited, introducing the origins of the five players in detail.

The top laner TheShy was previously the top laner of the WE youth training team.

Jungle Karsa, previously a jungler for FW Flash Wolves.

The mid laner GODV and the support PYL are all from the LGD team.

Bottom lane SMLZ is from the OMG team.

After the two messages were sent out one after another, the scarf of the QG team exploded again almost a day later…


“The QG team actually completed the reorganization?”

“What does this mean? Do we need to change a group of people every season?”

“Is there something in Manager Zhang’s head? He really thinks that he is the god of drawing cards, and he can win the championship if he just finds some crooked melons and cracked dates?”

“This top laner TheShy, who was in the WE team before, was going to mention the first team as a substitute for the leg brother, but 957 is in good condition, so he has no chance to play at all. He is a rookie without any field experience!”

“If it is said that I don’t know much about TheShy, and it is not good to say that he is not good, which of the other four has the appearance of a champion?!”

“Wei Shen Hirano Ling? A reverse Q, a canyon death, after S5 won the LPL Summer Championship, it drifted directly to the present. I’m afraid it’s already at the end of its career, right? Manager Zhang was dug over?”

“If the two of them are really strong, why would LGD let them go?!”

“Old thief Sima in the lower lane, his personal strength may be okay, but it’s just okay. When he was in line with Uzi last season, which one didn’t he get blown up?”

“What’s more, this old thief Sima is a relegation emperor. He helped VG relegation at VG, and OMG helped OMG relegation. He came to QG this year. Does this mean he wants to help QG relegation?”

“That Wanwan jungler, Karsa, has been playing for two years. Since when did he reach the semi-finals of the S tournament? He may not even be able to make it to the semi-finals of the S tournament!”

“Such a person, what is he doing to get into QG?!”

“I’m really convinced by this Manager Zhang. Even if some of the previous five champions want to leave, they can only let one or two at most, right? Now it’s all right, all five were released, and then five garbage were found?!”

“It’s definitely impossible to win the German Cup. As for the champion in the spring competition, I think it’s even more mysterious!”

“I can even say clearly that the current QG cannot beat any of the Yusan!”

“Last year’s summer runner-up WE, top laner 957, jungler Kangdi, mid laner Xiye, bottom laner brother-in-law, and support Ben, failed to win against QG last year, but this year will definitely win against QG now!”

“For the RNG team, the top laner Letme is a rookie, but the jungler Mala Xiangguo, the mid laner Xiaohu, and the invincible duo of Uzi and Xiao Ming, it’s impossible to lose!”

“For the EDG team, the top laner Mouse is as stable as an old dog, the jungler is the factory manager, the mid laner is Scout, the bottom lane is Zet, and Meiko is supported. Although that Zer is transformed from a mid laner, he is definitely better than the old thief Sima!”

“And not to mention the Yusanjia, they can’t even beat the Snakes. After all, the Ueno combination of Holy Gun and Sofm has proved their strength last season!”

When the QG team announced the roster for the new season, the fans of the QG team were greatly disappointed. They cursed on the spot and turned off many fans.

The fans of the other teams were even more gloating and smirking endlessly!

If we say that the QG team was reorganized for the first timeAt that time, on the surface, the QG team looked like a motley crew, so the current QG team clearly recruited a bunch of “old, weak, sick and disabled” people to form a new QG team!

If the motley crew won the championship in the end, it was indeed Manager Zhang who had a good vision and selected five players with great potential and personal strength.

So the current five QG members, except for the newcomer top laner TheShy who may have potential, the other four, although they have good personal strength, but their potential has long been overdrawn, and new miracles are no longer possible !

“Old, weak, sick, disabled, new, it’s really a new team of old, weak, sick, disabled!”

“Wei Shen is old, Sima is an old thief and weak, Hirano Ling gets sick every day, Kasa is handicapped, and TheShy is a newcomer.”

“The QG team like this still wants to win the championship in the new season? It’s just a dream!”

“If they all win the championship with this lineup, those retired players from the old WE may sit up in shock and go back to the LPL to win the championship!”

Even though the team QG’s lineup for the new season has been finalized and it’s a done deal, there are still many netizens who are cursing and not optimistic about the new lineup of the QG team…

Although some netizens reminded everyone that at the beginning of the QG reorganization last year, everyone was not very optimistic about the QG team lineup, but in the end they won the world championship.

But this time, the number of fans who are willing to believe in the QG team has become even smaller.

Because the old, weak, sick, and new lineup of the QG team, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like the material to win the championship!

After seeing the new lineup of the QG team, all the commentators expressed their views one after another.

Miller: Although I’m a fan of the QG team, I’m really not particularly optimistic about the new season’s lineup, but I can be sure that Manager Zhang is still the same Manager Zhang. As for the rating of the QG team… Give it a B+, I think it is a question whether it can make it to the playoffs.

Wawa: I still want to trust Manager Zhang’s vision. After all, when Sofm and the others came last year, everyone thought that QG was no good. Just take advantage of the German Cup as a training opportunity to see the situation of the new QG.

Remember: In fact, in terms of the individual strength of the five players, except for TheShy, the other four are at least A-level, but combined… I don’t think they are too strong, so I vote with Miller and give it a B+.

Guan Zeyuan: Brothers, needless to say, believe me, not only will the QG team not make it to the playoffs in the new season, they may even be relegated!

Without going online at all, Zhang Mingrui knew that the netizens on the Internet would definitely not be optimistic about their lineup for the new season.

However, Zhang Mingrui doesn’t care about this. After all, they have experienced it once in the last season. Only when they slowly win the game, win more and more victories, and even win the championship, will they change their minds !

Of course, Zhang Mingrui’s goal for the upcoming German Cup is to train soldiers, so the doubts from netizens may last for a long time.

But it doesn’t matter, the first goal of the QG team in the new season is the spring championship, and the second goal is the MSI championship!

After determining the goals for the new season, Zhang Mingrui studied the upcoming schedule first.

Today is December 18th. After the transfer period ends, the first event to usher in is the Demacia Cup.

The German Cup will conduct online pre-selection from December 26th to 31st, and select seven teams to advance to the offline competition with the previous champion RNG team, and then in the four days from January 4th to 7th, Compete for the current German Cup champion!

Then, the more important 2017 LPL Spring Split will start on January 19th and end in late April!

The time is still relatively generous, but in fact, for the QG team, it is relatively tight.

One very important reason is that the training situation of the QG team is actually not particularly ideal.

The reason is very simple, that is, Wei Shen, the old thief Sima and Hirano Ling, in terms of some operations and thinking, because of their long careers, they are somewhat stereotyped.

Although they are willing to cooperate with Zhang Mingrui to make changes, the speed is still relatively slow, and it may take a long time before they can slowly correct themselves.

“How about this, I won’t put too much pressure on you, this German Cup will be considered a success if you reach the semi-finals.”

Zhang Mingrui said to the five people that he still has a considerable understanding of the strength of the QG team at this time.

What’s more, although the German Cup is a training opportunity for the major teams, they may not play seriously, but if they face the “world champion” QG, other teams will definitely play hard!

Even the QG team has been completely reborn, cleansing the marrow and cutting the scriptures!

And just after a long training session, on December 26, the German Cup online match finally started!

In the online stage, the QG team performed fairly well, winning consecutive battles. After all, the teams that were matched to them were not strong. Many small teams such as TF and TH came from the Urban Heroes Competition.

It wasn’t until they met OMD, the second team of OMG, that the QG team ushered in their first defeat in the German Cup online match!

That is to say… the current QG team has never even played against a team from LSPL!

Despite the follow-up online games, the QG team successfully defeated LSPL teams such as YM, FPX, and TOP, and finally successfully advanced to the offline game.

But this failure in the face of OMD still immediately became a stain on the QG team and a reason for countless fans to laugh at them!

As for the upcoming offline games, under the double-elimination format, the QG team lost to the EDG team in the first round and fell into the loser’s bracket.

Although they won against VG with a score of 2 to 1 in the follow-up match, when they met the Snake team again, they were directly taken away by 2 to 0, and finished the journey of this German Cup with the sixth place!

“What did I say, the current QG is a new team for the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled!”

“S7 Spring, if such a QG can enter the playoffs, I will not only wash my hair upside down, but also buy ten sets of champion skins of the QG team on the spot!”

In an instant, countless players started cursing again.

Even the complexion and mentality of the five players of the QG team became uneasy.

But only Zhang Mingrui knows that through this German Cup, he has discovered many problems of the players!

As long as you sprint well in the next ten days, then when you face the RNG team in the opening game of the S7 Spring Split, this brand new, “old, weak, sick and new” QG team will definitely give everyone man a huge…


(Thanks to “Her can only be heard now” boss for his 100-point reward, 100-point reminder ticket and monthly ticket support!!!)

(Thanks to “159xxxx2326” for the 100-point reward, 100-point reminder ticket and monthly ticket support!!!)

(Thanks to “136xxxx9070”, “476xxx042”, Ye Wuming, and “Invincible Star Brother” for their monthly support!!!).

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