Rollin began to wave.

He knew that he had already handed over his petition.

Anyway, the ability I showed today is enough to play.

Rather is a good coach and he will certainly have Rollin in mind in due course.

Warrior mid laner.

In this version, it is the existence of enjoying the power of the version.

There are many versions in S11, and this is a period when mythical equipment exists, and League of Legends designers obviously can't control the strength of mythical equipment well.

This caused the warrior alliance of the spring game, the blind monk in the single, and the blind monk in the single became a hot one.

Later, it created the AD League of the Summer Tournament, and although the ADC is still crispy and can kill anyone, it can turn the tide in the hands of the top AD.

FPX's Spring and Summer Tournaments were sanctioned by RNG and EDG's orders respectively.

Gala and Viper, the two top orders, will be able to carry the team when the version suits them.

And Rollin, as a traverser, knows the World Championship version.

In the World Championship version, the League of Legends designers came with a ruthless blow, making the line power extremely important, and the mage in the middle lane appeared on the stage again.

Enchantress, cards, Silas, Ruiz, these mid-laners have become mainstream.

What I didn't expect was that the change of version directly made FPX show its original shape, and the knife sister of the poisoned coin missed E once, and I ate three ways for one person, and I was the fattest bastard.

Only then did people discover that the poison coin would not be those traditional mages at all.

Others can get their hands on Ryz, Enchantress, and cards, he takes a knife girl, takes a Galio, and sees a cerebral hemorrhage when he has no line right.

"But that's all for later......


"In this version, the warrior mid laner still enjoys dividends. "

"Only the son of the version can win...... Coaches should do the same. "

Never underestimate the version.

Last year's S10 version, many people criticized this as a wild core version, and you only need to be a dog for the jungler to win the game brainlessly.

But so what?

What about the deformed version?

Last year's SN, TES, LGD, JDG, all had great junglers...... Oh, except for the small wreaths.

They'll be able to make it to Worlds.

And teams that don't have a strong jungler can only prepare for S11 ......

Speaking of which, FPX's S10 is also outrageous, everyone knows that they want to be a dog in the jungle, FPX is still a jungler in the middle single as a dog, and the poison coin is crazy to eat resource ......

With the previous system, it is immutable, outrageous, outrageous, ......

"So what I'm going to do next is hide it a little bit. Rollin said secretly in his heart.

It's time for the performance to perform.

He has already told the coach with practical actions, you see, my tactics can make LNG win, I can also play warrior mid-laner, and I am also very hard at ranking.

Is it possible to play?


Rollin reckoned that the next time Icon wasn't in good shape, it would be time for him to play.


Back to the game.

Raven of Rollin and the Enchantress meet in a narrow way.

This so-called narrow road encounter is naturally also because of Raven's wave.

Now Luo Lin doesn't need to be stable, it's okay to be radical, just go up with an unreasonable Q, and a set of QA at the speed of light will be called.

The Enchantress was stunned.

FoFo was walking in the wild area when he suddenly killed a bunny girl, Raven. His operation is not bad, and he is also one of the few people in RA who can develop at this time, and he fights directly.

The operations of both sides are full, and you are fighting back and forth.

Eventually, ......

"LNGOverl killed RAFoFo!".

A prompt sounded, and FoFo scratched his head a little anxiously.

I didn't fight alone, I was killed alone.

At this moment, FoFo's eyes became solemn.

So far, he hasn't actually played against Rollin, and Rollin's line has basically been eaten by Lilia.

'I didn't expect the operation of this substitute mid laner to be so sharp......

I see, Icon is an experienced mid-laner in the sea of heroes. Although the ceiling is not high, it can cooperate with tactics and play steadily. ’

And his replacement, is he a young operator, very daring, and ...... very boldly'

Ordinary professional players can't do this kind of line for the jungler to eat, catch people like crazy, and then dare to ...... with the opposite C position


When the time came to 26 minutes, LNG got the Double Dragon Hui of Fire Dragon Soul + Great Dragon Buff, and directly ended this training match in one wave.

RA Club.

The atmosphere was a little dreary.

"It's okay, this one was caught off guard by the other side, and we'll be OK next time. "FoFo encourages his teammates.

Especially Cube, the kid was sitting on a chair and was about to be beaten up by Ah Le.


LNG Club.

"Comfortable~ (Korean)".

Tazan, who had killed the supergod, screamed happily.

"Uh-huh~" Light is in a good mood, this one has nothing to do with him, it's all teammates in C.

"Well played, Rollin. Assistant Iwandy laughed.

He is an assistant, he is in charge of commanding.

The coach lays out the general tactics, and the improvisation and command that goes into the game are the auxiliary things.

Generally ancillary things, but there are exceptions. For example, the command of FPX is poison coin, while the command of SN is Sofm.

In fact, this is quite outrageous, the command of SN is gone, and the newcomer On is not competent to command, so a Yue Nan man is Chinese with a Guangxi accent to command the whole team ......

I really don't dare to compliment his command.

It's no wonder that the level of SN has dropped so much.

"It's ok. Rollin smiled and interacted with his LNG teammates.

Between the invisible, the relationship is a little closer.

What is a teammate? A teammate is a game that plays together, and only after the game will there be a tacit understanding.

If you don't play a training match, then when you really play, you will only have all kinds of low-level communication mistakes.

Time passes.

The match between WE and BLG also began ......

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