The moment the card landed, a yellow card was immediately thrown, immobilizing Ephelius.

Without hesitation, the leopard girl flew out with a spear and headed straight for Ephelius.

Bhull helped withstand.

Then the lettuce reverses the group, driving to the crocodile and the troll.

Niu Coulee's nar had already grown larger, and immediately rushed up and threw a big move, fixing the front row of the two LNG against the wall.

"I suck trolls!" Iwandy found that her health was worrying, and she had no choice but to give her ultimate to the troll.

Then W and E were released, and finally took a bite of Nar, and he was the first to die.

The rest of the FPX are besieging Rollin.

Luo Lin was not in a hurry, and directly opened a stopwatch on the spot, almost full of blood, dodging a lot of damage.

Ah Le did not hesitate, the crocodile opened up, and flashed directly into the crowd is a Q, and returned a mouthful of blood.

Team battles are chaotic.

Rollin did his best card duties, kept Leopard Girl and Verus, and created an output environment for them.

The crocodile is too strong at this point in time.

In the end, LNG played a 2-for-3 game, which can only be said to be earned, but not blood-earned.

The LNG crowd then went home, and after replenishing the state, Verus went to the lower road to eat the line, and Rollin also went to deal with the line.

After waiting for Ah Le's resurrection, Kaminaka Nosuke gathered directly on the road.

Here's a small detail, and that's the canyon pioneer that Ah Le got.

The LNG crowd pulled away and occupied the wild area.

Let Ah Le have exclusive access to the Tapi and the lane.

Then the LNG crowd protected the Canyon Pioneer and crashed out of the second head, knocking the FPX's second tower on the top road to a third of the blood, and then Mei Zizi retreated.

LNG regains its advantage.

Then Light, who went down the road, was caught dead by the poisoned coin and Liu Qingsong.

Ephelius didn't even have an assist.

And while LNG is bringing the rhythm of the road, FPX will eat the refreshed fire dragon.

Each side holds a small dragon.

And the dragon soul is also confirmed, it is the wind dragon soul.

The Wind Dragon Soul is the weakest of the four Dragon Souls......

"What a nuisance. Rollin touched his nose and felt the pressure.

Maybe it's the fate in the dark that is influencing it, but it's the weakest wind dragon soul.

In this way, this game will not be able to put FPX pressure on Dragon Soul.

LNG selects a changeover.

The crocodile is in the middle lane, and the card is the lane that goes to lead the lane.

Briefly, Rollin had the experience of Wagyu Coulee on the line, and the feeling he brought was completely different from that of a poisoned coin.

The operation of Niu Coulee is also very delicate.

However, because Rollin is a long hand, he can be consumed.

How about Niuguli's Nar not being able to take cards at all.

FPX lost the upper half of the field of vision, and once again encountered that problem, and the LNG huddled to push the middle lane.

But this time, FPX solved this problem relatively easily, because Ruiz's line clearing ability is very strong, and it is not easy to push down FPX's mid-lane tower.

Probably ......

A second pioneer is needed.

Rollin was a little anxious in his heart, if he couldn't get an advantage in the early and middle of this game, then it would be difficult to play in the later game.

The most important thing is that FPX's lineup is very powerful, and the previous pioneer team is reflected, such as the anti-opening team of Ring, and the positive opening of Nar, so that FPX has the possibility of a wave of teams to fight back.

The most important thing is ......

The operator of the nar is the cow coulee.

Rollin can look down on the poison coin, or he can say that Xiaotian is in poor condition, or he can think that the duo in the lower lane is no longer brilliant.

But only Niu Coulee is different!

Niu Guli was the top laner of last year's S10 World Champion team DWG and is a very strong operation player.

The only flaw in him is that he is not proficient in Chinese, and communication will be slow.

If FPX can turn around, there is a high probability that it will be on Niu Guli.

Rollin was under a lot of pressure.

He moved his mind to catch a wave of Nar ......

No way.

The return to catch Nar is too low. No matter how many times he catches it, as long as Nar controls his anger well and makes a good opening in a team battle, he will play his due role.

"It's really feng shui in turns, ......."

Rollin thought of Kenan, who played with Ah Le in the previous game.

Mercury shoes, rocket belt, gold body.

Three-piece set.

It's all for team combat services, so it's clear that it's a team battle tool.

As long as I don't collapse in the line, it must have a role in team battles.

The current Niu Guli is Ah Le in the last game.


Unable to knock out FPX's mid lane tower, Rollin's card went to take the route again, but he didn't dare to go deeper.

The three lines are developing peacefully, waiting for the third dragon.

Three minutes later.

Good news came from the lower road, and the LNG lower road duo demolished the FPX's lower road tower.

The economic gap widened to 2000, which also allowed Iwandy's vision to be better arranged.

That's how it should ......

Iwandy was on the way to arrange the field of vision, and Liu Qingsong caught the opportunity to open it, and cooperated with the rest of FPX to kill Iwandy in seconds.

"Mine, mine. Iwandy scratched his head, he made a mistake.

Rollin was silent for a second, then said, "It's okay. The dragon was released. "

Niu Guli's nar is very good at controlling anger, and if you don't have a troll's ultimate, you may not be able to get rid of Foyego in seconds, and once you let the heavenly Foyego cut it, it will be very difficult.

Rollin realized a fact ......

That is, Iwandy is not a great supporter.

"Turning. "

Under the command of Luo Lin, LNG demolished the middle lane tower of FPX.

At the same time, FPX received a wind dragon, which can be regarded as a wave of resource exchange, which cannot be said to be a loss.

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