The more this moment, the more you have to trust the puppy (please subscribe

Uzi stared blankly at the gray screen, his eyes widened


has been killed

And the person who killed him was none other than his nemesis Chen Hao

Chen Hao. It’s Chen Hao again

This wave was originally an opportunity for them to double-team and catch Chen Hao with five rng-

Under his command, five people double-team from five directions, basically it is impossible to let the opponent


But this Akali is very good at escaping, so that rng’s people can’t catch up, even if Xin Zhao touches it

Also use the Xia array to avoid.

Akali stalled for time

It took at least ten seconds

For a game, more than ten seconds is already very long

It was precisely because of the long delay in chasing Akali that 92 found an opportunity to turn around.

Other members of g2 came to support, and after the barrel saw that the rng lineup was out of touch

Resolutely take action to keep people

Both uZi and Xiaoming couldn’t react

Then there are the following things that happened.

This is very angry.

Zi gritted his teeth, his face sank, and his mood fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

I was in a relaxed mood just now, but suddenly I became unhappy again.

He thought he could kill Chen Hao this time.

But in the end, his own head was still cheaper Chen Hao

On the way to escape, the opponent took away the bloody head.

This wave was killed

it hurt too much for him

It directly interrupted his developmental rhythm.

One period of good mood, all of a sudden bad

After experiencing the treatment of the early stage of the emperor level, this time he experienced again what is called

There is no way to the sky, and no way to go to the ground.

It’s like riding a roller coaster

When both ui and Xiao Ming were killed in battle and their heads were taken away by Chen Hao

The audience is also dumbfounded

The situation is changing too fast.

Just now rng went to five packs and one to catch one Akali

After that, it was found by g2

Given the opportunity, it turned into five-on-two.

Compared with rng’s retention, g2’s offense is more direct

This g2’s support speed is too fast.

It’s hard for everyone to believe that g2’s support speed has greatly exceeded their expectations

Very fast.

Came here quickly in a short time

Chen Hao, who was originally surrounded by five people and was helpless, immediately transformed into a prey

turned into a hunter.

Take a stroll.

Don’t panic.

Feels like walking and grabbing two


What were uz and Xiao Ming doing just now?

It’s still because the barrel team was too decisive. If it weren’t for this e flash, I’m afraid the puppy and

Both of them can react and escape in time

It’s a pity that rng chased Akali just now, which messed up the formation

Both Miller and Wawa had to admit that G2’s support this time was very good.

It was too late for Xiaohu and Letemi to rescue.

Although Letemi surrendered his ultimate move to Uzi, but when facing the damage of G2. protect

The shield still can’t absorb too much damage.

Before Letemi landed, Lucian was killed.

Otherwise, maybe with the support of Cai Temi, we can delay for a while until Xiaohu arrives

This wave of uZi and Xiao Ming was killed, which is a bit hurt for rng

This is not a matter of two heads

After killing ui, g2 will definitely push in a group

They still have the Canyon Herald they took earlier

In addition, after this wave of uZi is killed, his development rhythm will also be affected.

This will definitely have a great impact on rng.

They still put the treasure on uzi in this game, and gave him all resources.

How can they win if uzi goes wrong

This wave of kills is very hurtful for rng.

I still hope that rng will stabilize first, don’t worry.

After the commentator saw that rng was killed by two people, he became anxious

They are really worried about rng.

worry about them

Not only them, but a large group of people are also worried about rng.

rng must not lose this round

This game is for rngvery important

If they lose, then they will only have one chance left in the last round, and the pressure will definitely not be great.

Not to mention in the World Championships, even in ordinary games, the example of two chasing three

rarely appear

This difficulty is too high.

But if the game is won, the two teams will be tied and return to the starting point

“Hold on, hold on, hold on

The more this moment, the more you have to believe in the puppy.

That’s what the audience believes in.

They firmly believe that rng will win the game.

They still don’t feel that g2 has the strength to defeat rngo

Illusion, it’s all illusion.

ng will definitely win.

But in the wave just now, I have to mention Chen Hao’s Akali

It is really very calm to play, the planning of the escape route, the timing of the use of skills, all

Just the right grip.

If he takes a wrong step, or uses any skills too early, he can’t escape.

After taking two heads, Akali’s development became fatter.

His CS was already a lot ahead, and now his development is even better.

Yan Ran wants to become a small boss.

After killing the two opponents, q2 undoubtedly released the Canyon Herald in the middle, and then

After taking advantage of the trend….take the first tower in the middle

Then let Verus go to the top road to develop in a single line, and the rest of them go to get the dragon, earning

It’s pouring.

rng lost its rhythm and fell into a disadvantage again

The economy has been surpassed by more than 1,000 yuan

Originally they had a slight lead

Fortunately, at this point in time, an economic difference of more than 1,000 yuan is nothing, and they still have a chance.

Ng once again gave up the middle lane to uzi for development.

Right now, the middle lane is a relatively safe place.

For the development of ad, others can only make a little sacrifice

In addition, they also want uzi to push the lane to see if there is a chance to take down the opponent’s tower.

But the defense of the middle tower has always been the strictest, and it is also difficult to find opportunities.

In addition, they no longer have a tower in the middle lane behind them, and sometimes rng dare not press the line too much


ask for flowers

With two heads, Chen Hao’s development is very good, and his equipment is far ahead.

Made two big pieces.

The gap with Letemi is getting bigger and bigger

It was difficult for Letemi to resist Chen Hao’s damage online.

After Nightmare roamed, Letmi could only give up one tower.

He knows very well that even if he is under the tower, it is useless to face these two people, the other party can jump over the tower

kill him

His body can’t block the opponent’s damage.

The gap between the two sides in making up the knife is also bigger than before, reaching more than 50 knives

His journey.. is basically difficult

All hope can only be pinned on uzi

In the next period of time, there was no competition for resources for the time being, and the two sides fell into another wave.

rhythm of development

After catching a wave of Akali before, it didn’t work, and now rng is temporarily giving up

The idea of ​​catching Akali

Chen Hao played very easily in the single-lane laning

People also ate a defensive tower alone.

Letemi also gave up defending this tower.

Casa also has no rhythm at all, and can’t find a breakthrough.

A miracle is needed here, take the initiative to look for opportunities to start a group, or wait for g2 to make a mistake and go out

Falling into a disadvantage again, this made many people anxious.

They are all praying and cheering for rng analysis.

None of them wanted rng to lose the game.

I think we need to do something. “Little Tiger, who has not shown much, also published his own

own opinion

Doing nothing, fighting with g2 all the time, is like dying slowly

Their up and down routes are not good, and wild resources have been robbed.

In this game, Xiaohu didn’t play well in the laning phase because he went to help the bot lane in the early stage, and he remained invisible until now

Nothing to play, nothing to show.

To describe it in one word, it’s mixed.

Xiaohu didn’t want to either, but there was no other way.

For rng, it is at a critical juncture

They need a breakthrough.

G2’s performance also made ig in the audience pay more attention.

It’s hard for them to imagine that rng, who can overwhelm them in the league, will be able to do so in the world championship.

so hard to play g2

Is this team strong?

But it doesn’t look like either.

Except for one top laner who is very strong, the others are quite satisfactory.

But their ig is very different

g’s personal strength is very strong

Every point is strong, not just one point.

I don’t know what the result will be when theshy meets this person.

theshy is also a very strong offensive and operational player.

Such players meet, do not know what kind of sparks will be collided

In G’s heart, they still expect rng to win.

Whether it’s for myself or for lpl

They continued to watch the game to see how rng would find a breakthrough and reverse.

As g who suffered under rng’s hands, they believe that… rng will not be so easily

defeated by the opponent. pill




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