This slap is to wake myself up! (Subscribe


ng lost the second game again.

Was beaten 2:0 by g2!

This result broke everyone’s perception.

As the favorite team to win the championship, rng was beaten 2:0

It was definitely a shocking upset.

Sai Qianqian would never believe that “ng would achieve such a result.”

You said rng played g2 2:0, but everyone didn’t think it was normal.

Worst of all, that is

After all rng is so strong, from the strength analysis, the strength of rng is far greater than g2

Everyone thinks they’ll win, nobody thinks they’ll lose

But the result was the most unexpected kind.

rng was beaten 2:0 first.

this is rng

Many people were dumbfounded.

What’s going on?

How can g be marked like this?

They never figured it out

This year’s strong team is really poisonous, won’t the strong team be upset in the end?

Everyone’s worried emotions came up.

this scene is so similar

The last match between kt and g team also started like this

These two teams are still favorites to win the championship, they both start the same way, and they will not end up

Even the result will be the same, right?

Some people can’t help but worry

Is it possible that rng will also come to Waterloo, and finally stop at the quarterfinals?

Anxiety quickly spread.


This is the most dangerous moment.

One more loss, and rng will end their journey to the World Championship

stop eight

With such an ending, 113 and the others… dare not even think about it.

no one would accept such a result

Their opponent is only G2, not any other super strong team.

If you lose to a strong team like K, everyone can accept it in their hearts.

Just try harder next time

like losing to skt last year

There are too many complaints, I just feel a little regretful

but now

Obviously everyone thinks that rng is far stronger than g2, but they played like this

That would be hard for everyone to accept.

I feel like they don’t care enough and don’t try their best.

What happened to RNG today? They played so poorly that they couldn’t even win g2

Wouldn’t it be inflated?

The dog’s performance is also outrageous, even such a low-level mistake as probing the grass

Like rng didn’t eat beef noodles today, did he?

Everyone complained

Losing the game makes everyone feel angry

The feeling of hating iron but not steel.

Is it possibleReally spinach? Lost on purpose?

I feel like it’s impossible

ng’s performance is very disappointing.

Anyway, everyone was very dissatisfied with the performance of the round just now, and they couldn’t figure out why it ended


At the moment, the Internet is also very popular.

The scolding appeared

All kinds of complaints.

Seeing that the game was lost, the commentator felt uncomfortable.

They all hope that rng can win the game.

To be honest, among the three lp?I teams participating in the s competition this time, the most anticipated (bjfc) is r

The commentators also hope that rng can finally win the championship.

rng carries the hopes of too many people.

But their performance crushed everyone’s expectations bit by bit.

rng played well in the early stage, and the rhythm was also very good, but they didn’t play well in the middle stage

The middle and upper lanes were not restricted in this round, and the opponent developed too well.

If Akali and Nightmare are too fat, RNG will not be able to protect the puppies well

And the puppy himself, he also made a lot of mistakes. If that wave of team battles he has no face

The grass was killed, but stood behind to output, and they might really win this wave of team battles.

This question is certainly inescapable.

Losing the game in this game, the uzi have to bear at least half of the blame

both miller and doll felt sorry

It was hoped that this game would be a 1:1 tie, but now it has become 2:0

All of a sudden, it changed from normal mode to hell mode

Added a lot of difficulty to myself

I still hope that rng can properly adjust its own state.

Although it is 2:0 now, there is still a chance.

They still have hope for rng.

I hope rng can play well and perform well.

I hope that rng can treat the next games as bo1 games.

The most important thing is to adjust your mentality and not be affected by the previous games.

lose the game

The most uncomfortable thing is the rng people.

His eyes gradually became hollow, his heart was devoid of energy, and his face showed no expression

he lost

And it was a game he lost because of his poor performance

If he can perform better, they really don’t necessarily lose this game.

This had a great impact on him.

For two consecutive rounds, four guarantees and one were guaranteed, and Lucian, who was protecting him, gave him the best resources

But he didn’t show it

Not to mention this round, seeing the opportunity come, as long as they fight well in the team battle, they can come back

But at such a critical moment, he came up again.

Before you can operate it, you will be given a second by the opponent’s ambush

That’s what hit him the hardest.

His pot is huge.

The reason why he chose Lucian is because this hero is flexible and has broken and black cuts.

After that, with the reduced CD, you can show it off

The mid-term is also very strong, and it has combat effectiveness earlier than ordinary ad.

But in his hands, it didn’t work out

He didn’t know what the problem was.

He thought he was doing pretty well.

But it just doesn’t work

What made him even more uncomfortable was that he died in Chen Hao’s hands several times.

This person he always wanted to kill, always wanted to abuse

Already abused him several times.

He… felt his face was almost swollen by the opponent

Can’t wait to get into the ground at this moment.

His pride couldn’t take it.

No one can lose to Chen Hao.

What’s more, this is still in the quarterfinals.

Is it possible that he really wants to let him fall to the quarterfinals?

He wanted to slap himself a few times to wake himself up

What exactly are you doing?

This is not his normal performance level at all, not even half of his usual strength

What the hell am I doing?

Uzi questioned himself in his heart.

Uz, wake up! This is the venue for the World Championship

His heart was roaring, trying to make himself sober.


A sober voice sounded, causing several teammates around to look over.

They all looked at the puppy in great surprise.

The puppy just slapped itself

It was a crisp slap in the face.

Just to wake myself up.

There is also a mark on uzi’s face.

Everyone was silent.

Originally, everyone was in a bad mood because they lost the game. Before the game, they all had feelings for themselves.

High expectations, all feel that a good result can be played.

But now… instead of getting any good results, he was abused by the opponent.

This is the conclusion that I never dreamed of

They only need to lose one more game, and they have to get out.

Stopped in the quarterfinals… This result, they feel terrible when they think about it

Even they themselves can’t accept it, let alone those who have always supported them.

Can’t lose anymore.

this is what they tell themselves

They have reached the most dangerous moment.

In the next game, they will play well in every game.

Can’t afford to lose.

they can only

no way out

They also have to readjust and find a good way.

Tiger let out a breath, he is adjusting his state

Leitemi has no expression on his face. He was also tortured by Chen Hao in this round. He is also thinking about what to do

How to deal with the next game.

Jungle,…Kasa’s hands were shaking, and he felt that he hadn’t performed well.

he didn’t believe it

Ming glanced at Uzi beside him, not knowing what to say.

He feels as if he doesn’t speak at the moment, it may be more useful than speaking

Let the puppy be quiet by itself.

It’s useless for them to say too much now, it’s true only if they think clearly.

After sitting in their seats for a while, everyone went back to the lounge.

For the rng start, it was beaten 2:0

Many teams also find it incredible.

Team tl.

As a well-known dog blowing, the big brother has always felt that rng is a must win

But now the situation is reversedCome.

It shouldn’t be. “Eldest brother can’t figure it out either.

I can only hope that the puppy will adjust back to his own state and play the strength that the world’s number one ad should have

オ’s game is not his strength at all

Not even one-tenth of his strength was displayed.

I believe that uZi will definitely let everyone see his true strength in the last game.

He still has absolute confidence in uzi.

There are also kt team, gen team and other teams that are optimistic about rng, they are also very surprised at the moment

It’s too big a mistake

Uzi’s performance is not as good as usual.

It might be a bit difficult for the second to chase the third in the future. They have to ensure that they don’t lose a game.

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