That shot… the world is warm and cold! (Subscribe)

Chen Hao stared at ∪Z

When everyone in RNG was focusing on Yao Ji and Xiangguo, Chen Hao suddenly jumped from his body.

pop out

UZ finds a nice spot to lose

It’s enough for Letemi to stand at the intersection, G2’s people can’t killcome here , only let me hit

Well, keep this rhythm, RNG will be able to fight this wave of team battles easily.


Green Steel Shadow

How did Hao’s Qinggang Shadow come out from here?

For this wave of team battles of RNG, the commentator did not expect to play so well, and the enthusiasm returned immediately


In such a narrow terrain, RNG’s lineup advantages came into play.

But not happy for a few seconds.

I saw Chen Hao’s Qinggang Ying coming out from behind

Appearing from this position, almost no one can defend against it, and RNG is caught off guard


Most of their energy is on Enchantress and Olaf, and then they have to cooperate with Xiangguo’s progress

With this coming and going, Chen Hao’s attention has been greatly reduced.

This is Chen Hao’s chance

He also jumped at the opportunity.

As soon as Qinggang Ying appeared, RNG’s formation was divided.

The baby raised her heart immediately.

I was not happy for a few seconds, but I became nervous again

This wave of team battles is related to the life and death of RNG. If they lose, they will lose this game.


A big move to cover up and enter the field to keep people.

The puppy was blocked by Qing Gangying’s big move.

”RNG needs to protect the puppy.”

The puppy’s blood volume drops very quickly, which is a bit dangerous.

Both Wawa and Miller were extremely worried about UZI’s safety.

If UZ dies

I’m afraid RNG’s team battle will be difficult to fight.

Just after UZ stood in a good position, he used the ejection damage of the W skill to play a very good


Even if you don’t need to touch the opponent’s back row, you can hit the opponent’s person

It was because Chen Hao’s damage was too high, and his movements were very fast.

His threat to the back row,

Worse than Yaohime

Under Chen Hao’s cutting in, UZI has nothing to do

Being approached by a green steel shadow, what else can he do.

UZI’s mood is getting worse

Chen Hao, Chen again

UZ felt that the other party disgusted him more than the enchantress.

At least the Enchantress has not been chasing him so far.

With Chen Hao here, he has been chasing him and arresting him all the time

It was the same with the push line in the middle of the previous wave. He finally went to brush a wave of line, and this person passed

Come get him.

Now this wave of big dragons, the other party has also found him.

いMing has been killed, no one can protect him for the time being

There is no control skill on Letemi

Just to stop the opponent, his skills were also used up.

The control skill is only one of Xiaohu’s confinement.

Cooperate with UZ to fight back.

Let’s see who goes down first!

UZI’s eyes sank, he first used treatment to draw some blood up, and followed Xiaohu to face

Chen Hao’s Qinggang shadow output

Gang Ying has a resurrection armor on his body.

It’s not so easy for them to kill each other, but at least they have to hit the opponent’s Resurrection Armor.

If the opponent falls first, then UZ will survive.

Watching the blood flow down

The two are now competing to see who has the finer skills and who has the bigger heart.

Both played their output to the maximum

but in the end

Chen Hao kicked UZI’s wheel mother to death before he fell down

successful kill

And Chen Hao was also beaten out of the resurrection armor.

After they finished fighting, Xiangguo’s Nightmare was also killed

RNG now only has Xiaohu and Laitemi left

It doesn’t take a second to see the situation.

Xiaohu directly released his big move, and after Leitemi came over, the two directly used the big move

Move people away.

In this wave of team battles, 1 for 3 was played again.

RNG killed the support Braum, but they lost three of them.

The disadvantage is even greater.

However, after this wave of team battles, G2’s state is not very good.

They can’t beat Baron either.

Otherwise, Xiaohu and Letemi would definitely come back again.

Xiaohu still has teleportation, after returning home to make up the state, it will definitely be different

There are lunatics on Letemi, who can always recover blood, and the state is basically full

And Xiao Ming is about to be resurrected.

So to be on the safe side, G2 is still not in a hurry to fight Baron.

Anyway, sooner or later this big dragon will be theirs too

no need to take the risk

The latter is to continue to rely on this big dragon, continue to operate, and constantly force the opponent to fight.

Every time a team fight is fought, their advantage is even bigger.

They also return to the city to replenish their status and equipment at the same time.

After this wave of team battles, the equipment has been improved.

Chen Hao’s Resurrection Armor has been temporarily destroyed, and it is still cooling down. During this time, it will take


After this wave of team battles, RNG was not hit by playing one for three. Mutually

On the contrary, they saw a glimmer of hope after the end of this wave of team battles

Their teamfights are…not completely useless.

There is no one-sided situation

On the contrary, they fought back and forth

Just like just now, if Chen Hao hadn’t cut into their back row, maybe this wave would not have


With such a big economic gap, the team battle can still be fought like this, which is pretty good.

In such a narrow terrain, Letemi is like a man in charge of the gate, with the kind of air that no one can open.


It works very well.

It’s a pity that Chen Hao’s Qinggang Ying killed the puppy before the resurrection armor was shot out

Otherwise, in this wave of team battles, RNG will not lose at all

The commentary is also a pity.

If the economies of both sides remain within 7,000, I am afraid that RNG’s team battle will be easier to fight.

“The next step is to hope that RNG will be more stable.

The puppy also made endless, and the team battles in the future will follow suit

This wave of team battles is over, UZ also made his own endless, and finally made a three-piece set

Damage has been increased.

Oops. If only the puppy hadn’t been killed just now.

But RNG hasn’t lost yet.

Everything will depend on the puppies in the future, I hope you can protect the puppies a little better, this team battle will be better

This wave of teamfights was pretty good.

Everyone once again has hope for RNG, and UZ!see

Before Baron is taken down by G2, they can still fight

Hold on, be sure to hold on to G2 to fight Baron.

This is what is on the minds of the people.

more to this time

more tense

The most critical moment

This big dragon is the one who decides the final outcome

If you can’t get this big dragon, it will be difficult for G2 to get to the high ground.

But as time goes by, RNG’s equipment will gradually increase, and it will not be good by then

G2 economic lead is huge

But the lineup of Wheel Mom has also experienced a 10,000 economic comeback.

The final result is hard to say.

UZl’s expression was serious.

He was fucked by Chen Hao twice in a row, and he was very upset

If it wasn’t for Chen Hao, he felt that his development would be better.

It is estimated that the previous wave of team battles would have been endless, rather than just doing it now

With Endless, UZI’s damage increases.

I have more confidence.

Can deal damage

With the ejection of W skills, he can deal high AOE damage in team battles alone

This is the power of the wheel mother.

UZI is already thinking about how he will deal with Chen Hao when he comes up again later.

leave the other side

ask for flowers

Until now, he has not killed Chen Hao once.

On the contrary, he himself was killed several times by Chen Hao.

Whether it is a solo kill or a kill in a team battle.

This is a hurdle that UZ has been struggling to overcome.

In addition, there is another difference here in RNG, Xiangguo has also made a resurrection here

After the incense pot ran out of stopwatch, almost all the economy was used to produce this


Xiangguo’s economy in this game is very poor, and almost all resources are given to teammates for development.

He only has a cloth armor shoe, a field knife and… now this resurrection armor.

It is very important to him that this resurrection A comes out.

He can use this resurrection armor to enter the field, cut the opponent’s back row, or some key


The two sides continued to stabilize. Under Chen Hao’s command, G2 still made a fuss about Dalong

They first forced a wave in the middle, pushed the RNG people back, and then went back to line up the vision.

G2 is still trying to steal the dragon after finishing the line of vision.

The AD and the jungler are stealing the dragon, and the others are ambush in the pretend wild area

But with the search field of view, this is still hard to fool.

When the search field of view appears, you can see the situation in the dragon area.

You can see that G2 is secretly fighting dragons.

Fortunately, G2’s dragon fighting speed is very slow, RNG still has time to deal with it

Immediately double-teamed the past again.

The two sides fought again.

With previous experience, this time Letemi is still at the forefront, absorbing damage.

With him around, the people in G2 on the opposite side will never touch their back row.

He is the strongest shield.

On the G2 side, Olaf was at the forefront, while the others fought and fought.

soon scuffle together

P wanted to cut RNG’s back row from the side, but was pendulumed by Xiao Ming’s E skill doom pendulum


The enchantress’ damage was not dealt out.

I can retreat temporarily.

Braum held up his shield and followed Olaf forward

Chen Hao’s Qinggang Ying was trying to find a chance to kill with one blow.

But with all five of them together, Chen Hao definitely wouldn’t just rush over in a foolish way.

His Resurrection Armor hasn’t cooled down yet, so going up like this is giving away the head.

Braum’s Ultimate

Dream Demon also released a big move

The incense pot flew directly to the half-blooded Bron, trying to kill the opponent first.

Let the opponent downsizing first, and they will fight better later.

Under Chen Hao’s command, G2 also quickly dispersed.

Their lineup can’t play well in such terrain, and they are at a disadvantage. They are suitable for wide

wide terrain; on the contrary, RNG’s lineup can play its best in this terrain

When Letemi is at the front alone, it is very difficult for G2 to meet RNG’s rear

While the opponent was playing Bron, the others quickly opened up the formation.

Then… exploded in an open place, set up a gun, and unleashed a big move.

The RNG people didn’t care about the explosion, their target was still other people in G2

If they can kill another one, no matter who they are, they can blow the horn of counterattack

first shot


not a big problem

Didn’t do much damage.

Nobody cares.

second shot

in the tiger body

Tiger still has half of his health left.

Third shot.

Everyone else seems to think that the explosive big move is not a big threat, and they have no intention of helping to block it

They are more people who want to chase G2

I want to take advantage of this wave and fight back some disadvantages.

No one came to help, so Xiangguo went to help Xiaohu block it

After this shot, he still has one-third of his health left

fourth shot





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