The team battle is lost, RNG will be gone! (Subscribe)

RNG has played well in these few waves of team battles. The tank Letemi is in the front, against G2

is a big limitation.

After these few waves of team battles, people have gradually picked up the lost confidence

It seems that .RNG really stabilized the situation

RNG still has hope

This is the greatest persistence of everyone.

Haven’t let them down yet

Now G2 got the Dragon BUFF, but only three of them have the Dragon BUFF

“RNG just needs to be stable and don’t give G2 opportunities during this period of time.

We have Sivir, who has a very good ability to clear troops, and the opponent is not easy to go to the high ground, as long as G2

If the big dragon BUFF time is delayed, then everything will be fine

“RNG must not be in a hurry now, don’t rush to fight with G2.

It can be said that the commentators here are more nervous and anxious than the players.

They are afraid that RNG will make a mistake at this moment

For RNG, they no longer have the capital to make mistakes.

One mistake, they have to GG

Don’t look at these few waves of team battles, but they still have a big disadvantage

Once G2 finds an opportunity, what greets them is the result of failure.

they need to be very careful

Can’t be careless at all.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to win the team battle, they took the opportunity to hold together and push the first tower in the middle of G2

Give yourself a little economy

It’s been a while

If it weren’t for the big dragon team playing well, I’m afraid they would have lost

9 Fortunately, the most difficult time has passed, and they only need to stabilize the situation.


The big whisper has already been made, and the damage has been fully raised, hitting Olaf in the front row

it will hurt

In the next time, RNG only needs to ensure that UZ can fight.

And G2, who won the Dragon BUFF, used 131 points to push the line

It just so happens that Chen Hao, Ah P’s enchantress and the three of them have dragon buffs on them, and the three lines together


This wave of rhythm is also a test for RNG.

depends on how they defend

With the advancement of the three-way pawn line, soon the three-way pawn line is almost near the highland tower

Chen Hao started to move towards the middle, ready to strike at any time.

Try to put pressure on the other person.

But RNG plays very carefully here, it is difficult to find opportunities

Chen Hao also continued to return to the line, and continued to push the line

It is their best tactic to involve RNG in points

Constantly involved, and finally down the road to take the lead in breaking the highland defense tower.

The defense tower was still worn down by the minions.

For the top and middle lanes, the HP of these two high ground towers is not much at the moment

The middle lane is better, after all, UZ is defending

Wheel mom, the later the hero is, the stronger his ability to clear soldiers

But the road is different

In addition to clearing the soldiers, Xiaohu has to be careful of the sneak attack of the enchantress, and the blood volume of the defense tower will be reduced.

wear off slowly

This is based entirely on personal ability.

no way

Otherwise, RNG is still very dangerous to face G2.

Just at this time.

Ming did it.

Xiao Ming saw the right time and took the hook.

The hook of the Q skill only hooked a cannon car, but did not hook the G2 person.

Do you think it was Xiao Ming’s mistake?

Not really.

Xiao Ming never thought of being able to hook someone at the beginning, his goal was just a small soldier.

Soldiers, which he uses for displacement.

Then the second section Q flew over

This is Xiao Ming’s purpose.

It is clear that this player is more offensive, and his ability to seize opportunities is very strong.After using the little soldiers to move, Xiao Ming narrowed the distance with the opponent

After the second-stage Q flew over, the direct E skill pendulum of doom was connected.

Jhin is pulled toward Thresh

This wave of team battles started instantly

Bron’s reaction was also very fast. After seeing Jhin being pulled over, he also got to Jhin instantly.

In front of him, he picked up his shield and stood in front of him.

can block one is one

Olaf also turned around and killed him.

And at the moment when the first hand reached the explosion, UZ also rushed up, very forward

He just wanted to deal with the opponent’s AD as quickly as possible.

At least take out the Resurrection Armor on Jin’s body

The choice of the fifth piece of equipment is different for both sides.

Z chooses the largest possible

Whisper was chosen.

And Jhin’s side is as far as possible, and he came out of Brother Chun.

It interprets a mixed word to the extreme.

Experience the feeling of ultimate mixing

His purpose is to stay alive as much as possible in team battles, and then cooperate with his teammates as much as possible

Print the output.

Unlike UZ, his position in the team is to maximize the possible output and help the team

To win the victory, the teammates are here to protect him, let him survive, and live to the end.

UZI’s position is too high because he wants to kill and DPS too much.

He didn’t wait for the two most critical teammates to rush over.

Especially a tank that takes damage like Letmey.

Without his one husband guarding the gate, ten thousand husbands can’t open it, and there is really no one to help block it.

After Olaf activated his big move, he was like a mad dog.

It is rushing towards UZ.

Braum released his big move at the same time, blocking Ryze coming from the road tower on the one hand, preventing him from

The time comes to output, the second is to control Xiaoming and Xiangguo who are on the other side’s line as much as possible

At the moment when the team battle started, Letemi, who was in the bottom lane, also rushed over with his ult.


Their speed was still a bit slower, and just as Tarn arrived, UZl’s wheel mother fell on the ground

in front of their foreheads

Wheel Mom was chased and beaten by Olaf, and no one could stop him.

Olaf who opened the big move is immune to damage

UZI made a big move and wanted to pull back.

The whole person runs very fast.

But he still underestimated Olaf’s movement speed, he was not slow at all

Before he could react, he was caught up and chopped to death with an axe.

As soon as UZl died, RNG’s situation exploded instantly.

Their output at this time can only rely on UZ, without UZ, what do they use to fight?

In Uzi’s hand, I will hold it till death

Now, it’s useless.

He didn’t expect Olaf to be so fierce

Give him an ax and kill him.

The situation is changing rapidly

Everyone who was happy just now

Suddenly his face froze.

dog was killed

UZ1 — death, what does it mean, everyone understands

Although before UZ died, it also let the opponent’s AD fall.

But you have to know that AD has Brother Chun, who can recover

UZ, in order to pursue the maximum output, all the equipment on his body is output, and there is no duplicate

If you die, you die.

When UZI died, it was too late for others to arrive.

They wanted to replace Olaf, but Chen Hao came in again.

The big move was given to Xiaohu

He cooperates with the enchantress, and also kills Xiaohu.


RNG became a defeated army in all directions.

Everyone’s face paled a lot at this moment.

The puppy is dead!

The mood suddenly fell from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley

Instantly icy cold.

The sun is so big, but the heart is icy.

I can’t feel any warmth.

It is even cooler than the indoor refrigerator.

Why did this wave explode all of a sudden?

Even staring blankly at the dim screen, watching the remaining battles of his teammates, watching

They were hunted down one by one.

He suddenly regretted it.

Regret that I rushed too fast.

I regret being too impatient

I regret that I didn’t hand in flash 123.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

he did make a big mistake

And more than once.

In this round of the game, he was killed several times because he failed to turn in the flash

All teammates fall

Their last chance was just lost from their hands.

Miller and Wawa were also dumbfounded.

In the last second, they were still saying that it is enough for RNG to stabilize, as long as it is delayed for a while, they

will definitely turn the tables

But I didn’t expect that in the next second, I was slapped in the face.

RNG played too anxiously in this wave of team battles

No, maybe it should not be RNG, but U

Xiao Ming’s first move is actually very good, and he has a good chance.

But UZ played too anxiously

He was standing too far forward, he didn’t pay any attention to Olaf

It was Olaf who taught him to be a man here.

tiger fell down

Ming fell down

The incense pot fell down

All fell down.

In the end, the fleshiest Laitemi was also helpless, and also fell down.

In this most critical wave of team battles, they didn’t play well.

UZI’s performance is too unsatisfactory

As the most critical point of RNG, he did not perform well

His impulsiveness led the team into the abyss

And in this game, everyone in the G2 team played brilliantly, and everyone did their best.

what you should do.

even ember

He also played the mixed characters perfectly. In this last wave of team battles, he also used the resurrection armor

Replaced UZl

this is blood money

In fact, even if there is no resurrection A, he would use his own life to replace ∪Z, it would be blood money

Because the status of the two in their respective teams is different

The positions are all different, there is no comparison at all

Ui must be C in RNG.

And Jhin is in the G2 team, so he only needs to mix.




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