Taunting Laman! (Seek further explanation)

Aftershock’s eyes twitched slightly

This answer, definitely many people do not

When most people come to the stage to accept interviews, they will be humble.

And this one is fine, which is completely immodest.

Open your mouth but haven’t shown yet

This is definitely the king

Some spectators who were still watching the game were also attracted by Chen Hao’s words at the moment.

Some people find it interesting, some people can’t help complaining, some people

Damn, so pretentious

Is it so immodest? Haha, but it suits my taste.

There is something interesting about this person.

, traitor, get out.

What are you proud of now, let you expand a little bit, and when you meet IG later, let you

we know what regret is

Waiting for 1G’s revenge, I’ll see your jokes when the time comes

The more proud you are now, the worse you will be in the future

The live broadcast room of the game was also extremely lively because of this interview.

All kinds of bullet screens are flying, and there are all kinds of content.

I’ll go, I just didn’t watch the game for two hours, and RNG lost???

what the hell happened here? how did it get so bad

When will the game be replayed?”

There are also some people who just came back, but when they opened the live broadcast room, they found that the game was over.


In this game, RNG was brutalized by G2

Everyone in this 19-point game wants to see what’s going on in the game

How can RNG be labeled like this

Being 3:0 by someone, those who haven’t watched the game, feel incredible

With such a score, it feels like a bloodbath.

Uh, ah, I don’t know how you feel about the other top laners in this World Championship


It’s ok, not a big feeling. “Chen Hao still replied calmly.

Those who have crossed the line with Chen Hao have either been defeated by Chen Hao or suppressed

It seems to be the case.

Well. You are strong, you are right.

Then move on to the next topic.

Then what do you think is the reason why you can win against RNG this time?

Question, but many people want to know, and they all pricked up their ears to listen.

Because they are weak, not as strong as you imagined. ” Chen Hao said again.

Fuck, why do I sound like I have the urge to kill him now?

“Ma Dan, this ridicule is so full!

It’s because they won the game now, whatever they say is right, RNG and fans stand up and get beaten


It seems. I feel that people are right.

Every word that Chen Hao said made the audience hotly discuss

There is a lot of controversy

But it seems…they seem to be right.

If you lose, it means you are weak

There is nothing wrong with this reason.

If you are strong, then you should win the game.

Aunt Yu Zhen felt that she had the urge to beat Chen Hao during this interview.

hold back hold back

What people say is actually true, not exaggerated or anything

It doesn’t sound so good to their ears.

“Is RNG that weak?” But Aunt Yu Zhen couldn’t help asking

This is not convinced.

Everyone knows the strength of RNG, and the official ranking is also number one!

The favorite team to win the tournament.

They have the strongest bot lane combination in the world.

Such strength is still weak?

“That depends on where you look at it.

Chen Hao still answered without haste, controlling the rhythm.

Let the interviewer follow his rhythm instead.

From which aspect, RNG is weak

their attitude.

Simple and direct answer.

It directly stunned a group of people

their attitude

Is RNG weak because of their attitude?

Some people wanted to start scolding, but when the words came to their lips, they swallowed them back.

Then savor it carefully, it seems that there is such a reason.

Why RNG loses

Isn’t it just a matter of attitude?

They just despise their opponents, they just don’t respect them.

As for personal strength, RNG is really not bad, and their lineup configuration is already very good.


In terms of the overall strength of the team, it is also stronger than G2.

But it’s just a matter of attitude, they won’t

Especially UZ in the bottom lane, this time… it seems that there have been many low-level mistakes, many should not

The mistakes that should have occurred, all appeared on him.

Is it an attitude issue?

There is also RNG’s lineup, which has not changed for thousands of years. It is almost the same old lineup.

Not prepared before the game.

you say thisIs it another matter of attitude?

There are more and more discussions on the Internet.

Most of the people turned their attention from Chen Hao to RNG again.

Firepower..0 aimed at RNG.

Aunt Yu Zhen was also silent for a while, and then decided to skip this topic

She doesn’t even know what the interview will look like if she continues the interview

Chen Hao’s answer is unexpected every time, but you feel that he is right

Makes sense.

This is the most mysterious place

Then the next semi-final match is against IG, do you have anything to say?

This is an interesting opponent.

Let’s wait and see. “”Chen Hao also kind of wants to fight against the legendary full body IG


After defeating KT, this team reached its best state.

It is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

The current overall strength of this team may surpass that of RNG

Later, I continued to interview a few questions, and it was still the same interview as before.

ok, glad you accepted our interview

The post-match interview is over

In other words, this game with RNG is over.

The aftermath of the game has only just begun.

The drama has just begun

How can it end so soon

The results of the competition are gradually fermenting

RNG stops in the quarterfinals

The topic of RNG losing the game in an upset quickly made it to the list of hot topics

It quickly rushed to the front.

Immediately attracted more people’s attention

NG lost? Damn, when I heard someone say it just now, I thought it was someone talking to me

Just kidding, I deliberately said that G2 beat RNG 3:0.

It turns out that all this is really

I haven’t watched the game yet, the game is over so soon? I’m still waiting to join soon

Ban went back to watch the game, thinking he could see a game or two.

“RNG played really disappointing this time.

It’s so disappointing, what’s the deal?

These are pretty normal rants.

Other curses are more

Because of the last round of the game, UZ also got a nickname, picking up lanterns.

In this game, he was killed because he didn’t light the lantern in time to leave.

Many people are dissatisfied.

I think this game will lose, it is UZ who needs to take the blame

The resurrection armor that Xiangguo managed to save, but no one came to help block the gun

Mo Dan, don’t say that the incense pot is chilling, we are all chilling when we see it

I made such a big sacrifice for the team, gave up resources in various ways, but in the end, no one came to replace me

I block the gun.

You said… this 143 is heartbroken.

Anyway, there are a lot of scolding on the Internet now, and it is getting worse and worse.

Under RNG’s official blog, it has also fallen at this moment.

The official blog is almost lying flat.

In addition to posting a Weibo message that RNG regretted losing the game and stopped the quarterfinals, other

he has no sound

This Weibo exploded quickly

Within one minute, there were more than 7,000 comments and more than 30,000 forwards and likes

The popularity is exploding.

And at this moment.

Everyone in RNG who lost the game was indeed in a bad mood.

After returning to the lounge, they no longer have to look like the outside, but also need to pretend that nothing happened.

The atmosphere in the lounge dropped to freezing point.

In everyone’s heart, now they are all sighing.

The coach and others are also very helpless.

But in this game, they really played badly.

many mistakes

I’m gone, I’m going back to collect my things

The game is over, and now there is no point in saying more.

they have to go back too

After this game, they…the journey of this World Championship will come to an end

end here

Stopped in the quarterfinals.

worse than last year

At least last year’s RNG was still the top four.

Today is the top eight.

Obviously their strength this year is stronger than last year, but their results… are even worse

As for taking the blame… If you lose the game, someone will definitely take the blame.

The biggest pot this time must be UZI

There is no doubt about this.

he made too many mistakes

He made several mistakes at critical moments and sent out his own kills, making the team battle behind RNG impossible.

can’t fight again

As the core of the team, his problem must be the biggest




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